Bunavail for Opioid Use Disorder User Reviews
Bunavail has an average rating of 6.1 out of 10 from a total of 58 reviews for the treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. 50% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 36% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Bunavail
- Bel...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- August 20, 2017
"I have depended on opiates for 16 years. I learned to shoot up my pills after about 2 years of snorting them. I continued this IV use for the last 7 years I used. I was just about totally broke. I lost my home and everything I worked all my life to attain. I was tired of having to worry about getting dope sick. I tired of the constant search for pills or heroin. I was easily using 20 pills a day. I was going through as much as $600 every day. I thought I was too far gone to ever get back and last a normal (ish) life. I thought I'd have to stop breathing to stop using. After a failed suicide attempt, I went to rehab. Today I am 3 days away from 900 days clean. It's a miracle!"
- Duk...
- December 28, 2016
"I was on Percocets for 7 years, and then I started using Suboxone when I was ready to quit. I used Suboxone for two years. I ran out of subs one month, and one of my friends gave me 10 strips of Bunavail, and I had to take 3 strips to stop withdrawal. It didn't give me half the feeling that the Suboxone gave me, so I ended up quitting Suboxone and everything cold turkey. Very, very tough, but I did it. I relapsed 6 months later, used for a month, and decided to quit again. This time I didn't use any Suboxone, I went straight to the Bunavail. I actually cut the patch in half and took 1/2 each day for the first 5 days. After that, I just stopped just to see if I was going to have any withdrawal, but it never came. Now I'm just trying to be strong and stay clean."
Frequently asked questions
- What are the different types of buprenorphine/naloxone?
- Can Bunavail (buprenorphine/naloxone) be cut in half?
- How long does Bunavail block opiates?
- Are Bunavail and Suboxone the same thing?
- Wit...
- July 8, 2017
"Hardcore I.V. heroin/everything user saved by this drug. After 20 yrs of battling opiate/prison/whole bunch of crap, I leaned heavily on bupe. And broke a cycle that puts most people in a box for life. From Subutex to Suboxone, to Bunavail, I moved up the ladder. I give credit to this drug and packing up, moving south away from all connects. The drug aided me and opened up an opportunity to be productive. I was tired, and 3 yrs later, I sit clean, a beast job, chilling out on the beach. I read all the crying about this and that. Without this drug, I was dead, and to hear all this pampered rubbish about it rolling in your mouth, milligrams tricking you, man or woman - use it to be there for your loved ones."
- Bra...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- December 6, 2015
"Switched from Sub 24mg or so to Buna, 15mg. Just fine, a little getting used to! It only takes 15 minutes to absorb, not dissolve! I spit out the goo after at least 15 minutes! 15mg to 9mg to 6mg! I'm probably going to stay here for a while? I don't want to screw up a good thing! This is the best stuff out there for us chronic addicts! I have my life back."
Are you taking this medicine?
Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Tes...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 8, 2015
"I have been taking the 8mg Suboxone strip for a while now. My insurance doesn't cover Suboxone, so my doctor wrote a script to try Bunavail since it would be free with a voucher. Yesterday was my first day on it, and I already like it WAY more than Subs. Positive things about Bunavail: it doesn't have that nasty sub taste. It doesn't give you that feeling that you're okay for part of the day, then need to keep taking more. With Subs, I would have to keep taking pieces just to get through the day. With the Bunavail, I took 1 patch to the cheek, which is 4mg, and I haven't felt this normal in years! I actually feel great! I can go through the day with no urges. The negative is that it takes FOREVER to dissolve on your cheek. I finally feel like I'm not taking a drug."
- Lil...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 2, 2016
"This medication gave me headaches from the very first dose. They lasted 3 weeks. I volunteered to try Bunavail, so I stuck it out for 3 full months. I have to admit these have been the worst three months ever. I would sweat all day. Hot yet had the chills, I couldn't enjoy food. I forced myself to eat. I would start having withdrawals 4-5 hours after I took it. The ungodly hunk of slime that was left over after an hour would float all over my mouth. This drug sucks. Today I got put back on subs, and I kid you not I feel amazing. I am normal again, if I missed a dose or two of subs, I was fine. With this Bunavail, I had to do more than I was supposed to just to feel normal. I wouldn't recommend anyone to switch to this crap."
More FAQ
- Why was Bunavail discontinued?
- How long does Bunavail (buprenorphine/naloxone) take to dissolve?
- How long does Bunavail (buprenorphine/naloxone) last?
- Hat...
- January 25, 2017
"This medication is a joke! Stay on subs before you try this. Omg, it's horrible. I can't believe the scam these pharmaceutical companies are pushing out with this horrible medication. Feels like I'm withdrawing all over again!"
- Bel...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 21, 2015
"I was on Suboxone in rehab. Then I was put on Zubsolv. After 3 months, I was lucky enough to be invited to join a clinical trial for Bunavail. It took me a couple of weeks to get used to it. I learned that applying the patch where my cheeks meet my gums helped keep it in place and helped keep it from rolling up. I take 4 2.1 mg patches a day. This helps me cope with my chronic pain and keeps me from craving drugs. I think it works as well as other forms of buprenorphine. I will admit that Suboxone seems to give me more energy. I don't know why."
- Tam...
- July 3, 2017
"I would rather deal with the long dissolve time of Bunavail than the horrible taste, shorter effect, and headaches you get from Subs (Suboxone orange sublingual strips). In my personal experience, it takes about an hour in my cheek to get the full effect, but not dissolve completely. That effect is an all-day one versus Subs. On the Subs, I'd have to use a little more after a few hours. Plus a pounding headache if I wasn't careful. On the Bunavail, all of my withdrawal symptoms are gone, I have energy and a great mood. It does the exact same thing as the Subs do, you just have to be patient with the way it's delivered into your system. Which is apparently something half the people out there aren't capable of, judging from the comments."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- January 23, 2020
"I have been on this medication for over 4 years, and today when my doctor faxed over my prescription, the pharmacy called and told me the company has stopped making it for the time being and is on long-term back order. Anybody that has been on Subs or Bunavail knows that feeling you get inside when you are told that you can't have your medicine when you need it. So now I have to call my doctor tomorrow and see if they can prescribe me Suboxone. Disappointed because the Bunavail was a lot more convenient than Suboxone. Bunavail goes on the inside of your cheek, and you can talk and swallow your spit the whole time it's in your mouth. I'm hoping my doctor has an answer for me tomorrow. I am curious as to what is going on for the company to suddenly stop making it."
- Vol...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- September 16, 2016
"Absolutely hands down the best! I read some of the negative posts on here, and you must be taking it wrong. No nasty taste, and mine actually dissolves in like 10 minutes once I started leaving it alone after I put it in. The doctor made me watch a YouTube video that helped. Plus, it's free for me!"
- Goo...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- September 2, 2016
"I switched to Bunavail because it's a lot cheaper than Suboxone films and even the generic tablets. I have no problems with it. Yes, the gummy stuff takes a minute to get used to, but less medicine and same results. Works wonders staying on the program."
- noo...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- May 26, 2016
"I have been on Suboxone-type medications since 2002, and it is now 2016; therefore, I would consider that I have tremendous experience with buprenorphine over the years. Suboxone tablets, then film for 7-10 years, tried Zubsolve, which was an awful experience. Finally, Bunavail. I was taking 24-32 mg of Suboxone, and I've been very, very happy with Bunavail because I'm down to 12.6 mg a day. This is the only medication that I can take as prescribed and am feeling less medicated. I absolutely love it. Those who say it's terrible; maybe, but I have an inkling that he or she is just stuck and fears trying something new."
- Ter...
- January 12, 2017
"I was on Suboxone for about 5 years when I became pregnant. During my pregnancy, my doctor had me on Subutex, and then after my pregnancy, it was time to go back to Suboxone. My doctor gave me Bunavail instead. Like somebody else mentioned, it said it was 4.2 mg instead of 8, and my addict brain immediately did not like that. And when I first started it, I hated it. I would take a whole piece in my right cheek, and it barely touched my withdraws. I had to wait for it to melt, which takes forever, and then take another one. But one day I put it in my left cheek just to mix it up, and I was shocked that it worked! So well that I actually felt nauseous. Ever since, I've been using my left cheek and have had no problems, besides the time it takes to melt."
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 29, 2015
"So I've been taking Suboxone for 5 years now, and now this Bunavail came out, and big pharma convinces insurance companies that it's a better management drug when in reality, it's not even close! I see many people relapsing due to this! In my opinion, Bunavail is the worst. Nothing about it does what it claims, from the dissolving to the actual reason for using it. I'd give it a zero if possible, very disappointed!"
- MNB...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 27, 2016
"I switched to Bunavail like most people because my insurance stopped paying for my Suboxone. I have been on subs for a year. The Bunavail does what it's supposed to as far as keeping me from having cravings. The only bad thing about it, in my opinion, is I hate how long it takes to dissolve, and it tastes terrible to me. But it does what it's made to do."
- Wis...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- February 22, 2017
"Bunavail is a great alternative to Suboxone films. There is no 30-minute wait for it to dissolve, and one can carry on with normal activities while it is adhered to the cheek. It also has far better bioavailability, so less of the medicine is wasted in the digestive tract. Also, I've had fewer headaches from Bunavail than Suboxone. The only problem is getting them to properly adhere to your cheek. Sometimes they roll up like a scroll, or wad up and turn into a ball of mush. This wastes a film, and none of us have 'extra' Bunavail to use if this should happen (as the manufacturer suggests)! There are no instructions as to how long they should remain adhered, either. I love Bunavail, but this issue is beyond frustrating!"
- zor...
- May 18, 2015
"Bunavail takes forever to dissolve. I timed my last dose (by the way, I'm day 5 on Bunavail) and no kidding, it took near 3 hours to fully dissolve! It also cakes up quite a bit on gums and teeth. NOW the pros: it lasts all day from morning through night till next morning... that's a single film! It tastes wonderful, and yuck, and a burning sensation I got occasionally under my tongue with Suboxone. Now there's no dopey high like you get on subs, more like a sedative, but a happy vibe, just not high as a kite. As I said, I'm day 5 on Bunavail, and I still prefer Suboxone, but want to finish the month on it to give a fair shake."
- Opy...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 1, 2016
"I hope no one makes a decision based on other people's opinions. I didn't at first like it because, of course, 8/2 sounds like more than 4/2, so as an addict, more is always better. But all of our bodies absorb meds differently, it can depend on a lot of things. Subs do give you more energy and takes an hour to dissolve. I wake up an hour before it is time to get up and put it in, then go back to sleep for an hour so that I'm good to go when I wake up... smart, huh?"
- str...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- September 10, 2015
"Pros - if taking a single 4.2 mg film a day, you get 28 days for free with the card... you can talk at work with it in... overall better absorption, leaving you feeling overall better with fewer drugs... less constipation... no need to cut into sections as one patch lasts most of the day and through the night... Cons - don't laugh or smile real big with it in because it has a tendency to stick to your teeth if you do so... long dissolve time (45 min compared to about 15 with the tabs I was on). And for some reason, I feel in the morning after a full night's sleep like it doesn't do as well a job as the tabs. Could have something to do with absorption and it peaking at 2 hours after taken, then by morning you feel icky and need to take another."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- February 27, 2017
"Give it time to get your method of application mastered. I bend the four corners in slightly to make them stick better so they don't peel up. Also, don't put the film directly over your saliva duct on your cheek, try putting it below or in front of it. With a manufacturer coupon and BCBS, I pay $30 for #60 Bunavail 4.2/0.7 mg films. Bunavail is a tier 3 medication, the manufacturer card pays $100."
- Sam...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 4, 2018
"I give this medicine a 5 because the medicine does what it is intended for. It does block the opiate receptors, and it does keep physical withdrawals from happening. The fact that TennCare and other insurance companies pay for it rather than Suboxone is a fantastic thing. However, the method of absorption needs to be improved. I do not feel that it is as effective as Suboxone, buprenorphine, or Subutex."
- Alc...
- November 1, 2016
"This medicine initially killed the withdrawal, but after five days, I realized I was still having cravings really badly. Also, it felt like I was dragging a thirty-pound weight around with me, coupled with severe depression. Most pharmacies do not carry this medication, and most pharmacists I spoke with had not even heard of this drug. All in all, I had to hunt this med down and special order it, only to find out it sucks. And yes, I was taking it correctly, the printed side facing out towards my inner cheek lining. I am going back to the doc to ask for the one and only Suboxone."
- Thi...
- October 11, 2015
"I have been taking Suboxone for about 3 years now, and it always worked great for me. Well, since my insurance will not cover it any longer, my doc wrote me out this new script of Bunavail. I have to say this is the worst meds I have ever tried. I still feel tired throughout the day, which makes my mind start to wander into the wrong places. A huge con for me is how long it takes to dissolve, I held it in for 1 1/2 hours before I finally said screw it and dug it out. This is a pathetic excuse for a replacement. I will not be trying this again, come next week, I will be paying for my subs, I don't care how much they cost. All this medication is going to do is get people using again."
Learn more about Opioid Use Disorder
Care guides
More about Bunavail (buprenorphine / naloxone)
- Check interactions
- Compare alternatives
- Drug images
- Latest FDA alerts (2)
- Side effects
- Dosage information
- Patient tips
- During pregnancy
- FDA approval history
- Drug class: narcotic analgesic combinations
"This medication isn't worth the paper it's printed on, you guys in charge of making a generic for Suboxone failed! This was the first month in a few years I've taken Suboxone that I have tried the generic. It wears off fast, and I get antsy and restless leg syndrome all through the night and can't sleep. You need to take the generic off the market and give people a coupon to lower the price of regular Suboxone so that people who are trying to get or stay clean can afford it. People detox when they are ready, this generic version makes you feel like you're having withdrawals after a couple of hours, it's complete utter garbage. Whoever made this needs to be reprimanded severely. People on Suboxone are trying to relive their life clean and sober day to day. We don't need the government departments doing this to us, whoever is in charge of this particular area for recovering addicts needs to be removed."