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Baclofen for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder User Reviews

Brand names: Lioresal, Gablofen, Lyvispah, Fleqsuvy, Lioresal Intrathecal, Ozobax DS, Ozobax

Baclofen has an average rating of 7.0 out of 10 from a total of 8 reviews for the off-label treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. 75% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 25% reported a negative experience.

Baclofen rating summary

7.0 average rating out of 10

8 ratings from 9 user reviews.

Compare all 18 medications used in the treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder.

  • Mat...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 19, 2020

"After all the usual drugs did nothing to prevent my migraines, I did a deep dive and found baclofen, which my neurologist then prescribed. Not only did the intensity and duration of my migraines decrease, but it had great side effects. I hardly ever had to go to the chiropractor (from going once a month), and when I did, barely needed much of an adjustment, and my 25 years of moderate, constant dull pain in my TMJ got so much better that I rarely notice it and hardly ever need to medicate it. I told this to my neurologist, who has subsequently prescribed baclofen successfully to other patients for TMJ. I take 30 mg in the morning (it doesn't make me drowsy and didn't help me sleep when I took it at night)."

8 / 10
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  • Jos...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 25, 2020

"Having chronic and severe TMJ pain, tried amitriptyline, naproxen, diazepam, tramadol, oxycodone, and the list goes on. At some point, was given Neurontin, which didn't help much by itself, so my doctor also prescribed me baclofen 10 mg 3 times a day. Together, they work like magic. I still can't eat solid foods, but at least the pain isn't bad anymore. Feels like part of my life was given back. If you happen to be in the same boat, maybe try both (consult your doctor first)."

9 / 10
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33 Report
  • Tom...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 22, 2014

"I have moderate/severe TMJ, and I get a lot of relief from Baclofen. It's not indicated as a treatment for TMJ, but it works for it very well. The muscles in my face and jaw area are very tight, and the tightness causes jaw pain and tension-type headaches. Previous to trying this Baclofen, I tried Cyclobenzaprine, Orphenadrine, Tizanidine, and they all seemed to achieve their 'muscle relaxant' effects by making me tired. I take 20 mg of Baclofen at bedtime, and it relaxes my muscles very well and helps me sleep. The muscles in my face become less tight, and I do not grind my teeth as much, and my jaw feels so much better. Also, the painful muscle spasms I suffer from are reduced. The drug improves my quality of life greatly. I recommend it."

8 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Jit...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 26, 2019

"I find baclofen really helpful. My TMJ is caused by myofascial (muscle and fascia, the tissue that covers the muscles) pain and dysfunction. I also developed muscle spasms in my face, neck, and shoulder. I find baclofen short-acting. I take quite a big dose, 20 mg 3x a day, but it has been a lifesaver for me. I couldn't function at all. The spasms in my jaw spread to my eyelids, which flickered uncontrollably, leaving me unable to see. This med has really calmed everything down. I find at this dose it does cause fatigue and mild weakness in my leg muscles, but compared to the relief I get, I'm more than willing to put up with it. TMJ can be caused by problems with the muscles or the jaw joint itself. If it's a jaw joint problem, then it probably won't work, but for muscle dysfunction, it's definitely worth a try."

8 / 10
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  • DVR...
  • August 1, 2016

"I have managed TMJ for all of my adult life, but the last 2 years have been the worst. For nearly 18 months, I was maxed out on naproxen to manage pain and still taking acetaminophen in between - and all that did was take the edge off the pain. I was still severely limited in what I could eat. Steroid injections did nothing. I was then prescribed 10 mg of baclofen. That did nothing. But 20 mg was a whole different story. It has now been 2 months, and I have stopped taking all pain medication completely! I can enjoy a range of foods again and no longer suffer from chronic pain. I am still awaiting a consult for surgery, but in the meantime, baclofen has been a real game changer!!!"

10 / 10
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  • DWa...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 25, 2018

"This drug was very effective. I was despairing of finding a solution to my temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome, with my jaw locking constantly and causing pain. It took a few weeks, and I ended up splitting the dose to make the effects last longer, but it stopped the locking. I now keep a supply to hand for flare-ups. I would highly recommend it."

10 / 10
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27 Report
  • Kay...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 30, 2018

"I have extreme muscle tension of the jaw, head muscles, neck, and shoulders. I started taking 10 mg of baclofen 3x per day, it wasn’t working, so I increased my dose, and it still isn’t working. Why isn’t it working?!?"

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15 Report
  • CL ...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 7, 2021

"I seem to be the only person that baclofen has an adverse effect on. I take 20 mg 3 times a day for other issues that TMJ. Approximately 1/2 an hour after I take it, my jaw clenches extremely tightly. Switching back to a different muscle relaxer."

2 / 10
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7 Report
  • Bro...
  • September 7, 2015

"This medication was not effective as a muscle relaxant or pain relief. I was on a 10 mg dose once a day. I discontinued medication as it was not effective."

1 / 10
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