Abiraterone for Prostate Cancer User Reviews
Brand names: Zytiga, Yonsa
Abiraterone has an average rating of 8.1 out of 10 from a total of 38 reviews for the treatment of Prostate Cancer. 79% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 16% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Abiraterone
- ams...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 9, 2013
Zytiga (abiraterone) "On Zytiga for 6 months, no side effects so far. PSA went from 27 to 3, and most of all, I feel so much better than I have for the past 2 years. Now I have energy to get out and work, and I am slowly losing weight. My blood sugar has trended slightly down as well."
- Ric...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 23, 2018
Zytiga (abiraterone) "Diagnosed with Gleason 10 (90% of gland) in 2011. Recurrence after XRT/implant in 2017 with another biopsy identical to the first. Unsuccessful cryosurgery followed by rapid PSA elevation to 163 with (+) nodes found on CT scan. Started LHRH-agonist plus Zytiga. After four months, my PSA has dropped to 0.3... good stuff..."
Frequently asked questions
- JB ...
- January 21, 2018
Zytiga (abiraterone) "How do you pay for the Zytiga? My co-pays are $2,500 a month. I've tried to get help, and so has my doctor, but because my wife and I both work, we can't get any help. I have decided to go off the Zytiga and let nature take its course. I don't want to deplete our savings for a few months of additional life. Stage 4, metastasized to my bones. I had surgery 4 years ago. Age 71."
- Sam...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 11, 2019
Zytiga (abiraterone) "Fighting prostate cancer for 11 years. After prostatectomy 11 years ago and radiation two years ago, cancer won't go away. Started on Lupron shots, Zytiga, and Prednisone six weeks ago. PSA dropped a bit from 3.6 to 1.6 as of a couple of weeks ago. Only side effect is severe hot flashes, especially in the evenings. Hoping it would subside at some point."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Snu...
- February 23, 2018
Zytiga (abiraterone) "Between Zytiga and hormone injections, the spread of my cancer has slowed right down to almost no growth at all. I do have a lot of side effects with it, especially chills, hot flashes, some joint pain, and weight gain. Overall, it's worked quite well."
- Dev...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- December 19, 2019
Zytiga (abiraterone) "I was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer in March of 2017. My PSA was at 23. After taking 6 chemo treatments and hormone shots, my PSA went to .05. It gradually went up slightly to .27, and that’s when I went on Zytiga. That was in January of 2019, and my PSA immediately went to less than .03. After nearly 12 months, my PSA is holding steady at < .03. All with no side effects! It’s working for me!"
- Ken...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- April 7, 2014
Zytiga (abiraterone) "Have taken Zytiga for a year now, one pill each morning with a light breakfast since I have difficulty swallowing a pill with just water. PSA has dropped from 32 to 4 and has stayed there over the year, only side effect is slight diarrhea."
- Woo...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 25, 2020
Zytiga (abiraterone) "Diagnosed 5 months ago with prostate cancer, Stage 4, with Gleason 10, bone Mets almost everywhere. Had radiation to save femur neck and hip involvement. 10 treatments with Lupron every 3 months and daily Zytiga and prednisone since diagnosis, I went from a PSA 60 to .01. All other numbers, thankfully, good as well. Side effects have been somewhat cumulative: manageable fatigue, muscle loss, and 14 lb weight gain around my waist. Through it all, I walk about 30-35 hilly extra miles per week and lift light to medium weights 2-3 days per week. 74 yrs old. Biggest challenge is maintaining muscle strength and combating malaise. Weight work is absolutely essential for me. I try hard to stay focused and not take a nap until the afternoon. Then a cup of tea and find a chore. Helps fight depression by accomplishing some little thing. All in all, Zytiga is a miracle drug for me."
- Chr...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- October 17, 2019
Zytiga (abiraterone) "I am 69. Was diagnosed with prostate cancer 10 months ago with PSA of 68%. I had the MRI, which showed that the cancer had metastasized. Oncologist recommended Zytiga, but where I live (Hong Kong), it costs about HK$30,000 per month. Can't afford that. A medical friend suggested I try India. I did a lot of research and asked friends in India for recommendations and found a supplier at a good price for the generic. I have been taking the generic (Abiraterone - 4x250 micrograms + 2 tabs of Prednisone per day) for the last six months. Within two months, my PSA was down to 9% and was still at that level three months ago. Side effects – hot flashes, night sweating, and weight gain. Urologist suggested Clonidine for the hot flashes – worked really well. I see my doctor again in three weeks' time. He is looking into Olaparib (also called Lynparza) and Ivermectin for me."
- 78Y...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- May 31, 2015
Zytiga (abiraterone) "Began Zytiga with Prednisone 4/23/14 when considered hormone resistant. Highest PSA 4/1/14: 214. Lowest PSA 3/30/15: 6.0. Most recent PSA 5/4/15: 8.6. Added Metformin 3/3/15. Also Lupron every three months and Xgeva monthly. Very few side effects."
- Jim...
- August 1, 2020
Zytiga (abiraterone) "My 1st message on May 31, 2020. Just started taking Zytiga and Prednisone today, 5/30/2020. My prostate cancer spread to my bones. My PSA 13.6. In a month, I will have lab work and a doctor follow-up, we will see. As of today, July 31st, my PSA is down to 0.05 ml. I've been given an infusion shot to protect my bones from any fractures. I had experienced hot flashes 2 times a day, twice a week, lasting 5 seconds, for 2 weeks. Up to date, it has not happened yet. I had nausea a week ago, 2 times, and I'm taking medication to stop it, as my oncologist recommended. I am to take a lot of protein and exercise to help with taking Zytiga. I always pray it will continue to get low PSA test results, we'll see."
- Sam...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 9, 2016
Zytiga (abiraterone) "My dad is 83 years old. He's been through Casodex and Tabi... fighting prostate cancer for nearly 19 years now. Bone metastases already started 3-4 months back. 2 months ago, started Zytiga 4 tabs with Prednisone. So far, PSA is going up from 22 to 185 now. Doctor is advising to continue for another 30 days before giving up. Side effects (not sure) include frequent nausea/vomiting. However, the pain in the back has been reduced."
- Sue...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- December 12, 2020
Zytiga (abiraterone) "My husband was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer nearly 2 years ago. It had spread to his pelvis and lower back. He is on hormone injection monthly, 500 mg Zytiga, and 5 mg prednisone daily. His PSA levels dropped from 48 to 0 since starting medication to date. Main side effects are hot flashes and weight gain, which really bothers him, but medication definitely working."
- mr ...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- May 19, 2015
Zytiga (abiraterone) "I have had lots of energy and felt good until recently. My PSA initially went from 66 to 0.1, after 20 months, it has started to rise. Now it is 0.8. The medicine was easy to take. I did have a decrease in bone thickness. My bones have now shown an increase in mets."
- Hen...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 21, 2020
Zytiga (abiraterone) "Started on Xtandi with 4 pills. After 6 months, broke out into rashes and had trouble standing at the knees due to Xtandi. Now on Zytiga for 3 months. Had dry skin around neck and hands. Took skin cream which knocked down the dry skin. Starting to have knee problems again. Xtandi and Zytiga both weaken your bones. PSA dropped from 17 to 3.7. Had prostate cancer for about 13 years."
- Ano...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- September 2, 2021
Zytiga (abiraterone) "Was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer in June 2019. My PSA was 918. By the time I got a biopsy, it was 1412. After 26 months of 4x 250 mg Zytiga generic + 5 mg prednisone once daily, my PSA is 0.1. It's been 0.1 and holding for 6 mo now. It has worked better than I could have dreamed so far. Only time will tell if I become resistant or not. So far, I've had an excellent A++ response. My energy level is diminished but functional. Exercise helps greatly for stamina. No notable side effects except for the immunosuppression from the prednisone had caused me some minor skin problems I never had before."
- Ric...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 13, 2020
Zytiga (abiraterone) "Started taking 1000 mg of Zytiga almost 3 weeks ago, but having difficulty with weakness and pain in legs; it got so bad I was unable to walk. I was also extremely tired, but not sure if that is from Zytiga or morphine I need to take also. My prostate cancer found in Feb 2011, Gleason score 9/10; prostate removed May 2011; radiation in 2014, then tumor found in 2018. Started Lupron in 2019. My PSA score was never above 4.0 even prior to surgery when it was in 75% of prostate and had spread outside my prostate in several places. Hoping to switch to another medication that has fewer side effects for me. I am only 65."
- Ric...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 19, 2017
Zytiga (abiraterone) "My dad has been taking Zytiga for 6 weeks, PSA went from 31 to 37.8 in this period. I hope it will start to decrease soon! He's treating prostate cancer for 10 years, bone mets since 2013. No side effects from Zytiga so far."
- Joh...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 6, 2022
Zytiga (abiraterone) "Had PSA of 70 and Gleason score of 9, January 2021. After Lupron for 9 months, 4 tablets of Zytiga each morning for 4 months (and Prednisone), my PSA was 0.6 in December. MRI, January 3, 2022, found no evidence of metastatic disease. Seems a miracle. I also went on a rigorous anti-prostate diet since July."
- DGC...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- December 19, 2023
Zytiga (abiraterone) "On Zytiga with Orgovyx for 10+ months, started Orgovyx one month prior to Zytiga due to insurance/doctor negotiations. Then had brachytherapy in March and external beam radiation in May/June. Gleason 9, PSA 8.7, no evidence of spread (per bone/PSMA scans). My PSA has been undetectable since June. Experiencing aches/pains, skin/nail issues like dryness, fatigue, and hot flashes. Also feeling a little grumpier than before. Will end hormone/zytiga treatment in August (18 months) and hope my PSA stays low. I found that Mark Cuban Costplus online pharmacy is cheaper out of pocket (without insurance) compared to my co-pay with insurance at local pharmacies!"
- Mel...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 13, 2022
Zytiga (abiraterone) "I was on Zytiga for three months and developed heart problems. I have AFIB now and can't function as well as I used to. I had good blood pressure and pulse for years (125/85 and 65 bpm) without any medication. Now my blood pressure goes up to 170/110 and 140 bpm. The cardiologists are having a hard time getting that straight. An echocardiogram shows my heart looks good, but the electrical system has been compromised. Once my AFIB was discovered, my oncologist immediately got me off Zytiga, but the damage has been done. I wish I would never have heard of this drug. There is a 7% chance you can end up like me with cancer and a bad heart."
- Jim...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- June 3, 2024
Zytiga (abiraterone) "Diagnosed with PSA of 5.4 in 1996, age 56 years old. Had proton treatment at Loma Linda, PSA went to 0.40. In 2001, PSA was 1.0 and started occasionally taking Casodex for 2-3 weeks to keep PSA down. In 2009, PSA went as high as 28. I used various treatments at the time, but mostly still used Casodex. In 2010, I received Provenge treatment, and Casodex still worked, I only took it for short periods. By 2018, I had received Lupron and started taking Zytiga 250mg/day, with no prednisone and only for short periods to keep my PSA below 5. I also tried Xtandi which didn't work as well. In November 2022, PSA was 5.0, I had a PSMA PET scan, bone scan, and bladder scan, and no prostate cancer was found. In May 2023, my PSA was 11.24, I started Zytiga again, one 250mg/day. I'm 83 years old and having trouble doing hard yard work like I used to. I'm mostly a vegetarian, don't eat four-legged animals anymore."
- Joh...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 30, 2020
Zytiga (abiraterone) "Severe joint pain after 2 weeks so far. Moves between shoulders, elbows, hips, knees. Lasting 2 minutes per joint, then moving to the next. Tylenol 650 x3 helps, but that's over max if taken twice daily. There's got to be something better!!!"
- Joc...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 22, 2020
"Been on abiraterone for 2 months now, very sick with it. Nausea and vomiting daily. Difficulty keeping food down, diarrhea, extremely tired, in fact, it is miserable and depressing. Chemo stopped working for me, so the doctor advised the abiraterone. I cannot leave the house as I don’t know from hour to hour what the next symptom will be."
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- Drug class: miscellaneous antineoplastics
- En español
Zytiga (abiraterone) "My birthdate 17.09.1944 Diagnosed with Metastatic Prostate Cancer Stage 4 since February 2015. I started taking Zytiga 4 pills of 250 mg once a day followed by twice daily of Prednisone 5 mg. These pills are taken on an empty stomach around 10:00 AM every day. After the first four weeks, PSA dropped from 101 to 5.8 and after 8 weeks from the initial date, PSA dropped to 0.66. Today I feel very healthy exactly three years with the greatest consideration for Abiraterone Acetate. Very powerful chemo drug."