Qelbree User Reviews & Ratings
Qelbree has an average rating of 5.2 out of 10 from a total of 43 reviews on Drugs.com. 40% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 45% reported a negative experience.
Condition | Avg. Rating | Reviews | Compare |
ADHD | 43 reviews for ADHD | 44 medications |
Reviews for Qelbree
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 19, 2023
For ADHD "I have been taking Qelbree for a week and a half, and I have experienced bipolar symptoms, constant anxiety attacks, random episodes of crying, constant and persistent suicidal thoughts, constant feelings of nausea, and extreme irritability. I also have insomnia. None of these symptoms occurred before I started on Qelbree. Please don’t take this. It turned my life into a living hell."
- JoA...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 8, 2021
For ADHD "Started my son on Qelbree after my doctor recommended it. He's been on Adderall for years, but all it does is help him focus. He can't sit still - he gets bored - he paces the floor so much I can't believe there aren't holes. He is now a few weeks in at 400mg, AND WHAT A DIFFERENCE! He isn't blurting out off-color jokes or offending people. We don't have to say, 'Sorry, it's just him,' to people, and his confidence has gone WAY UP. He always says he knows some things he says are offensive, but he gets so excited he can't stop the words. He's able to function better in groups and can actually sit or relax. Thank you to the company that makes it! I hope this helps others! I'm excited to see what school is like this fall!"
Frequently asked questions
- Qelbree vs. Strattera: How do they compare?
- Qelbree vs Adderall: What's the difference between them?
- Should I take Qelbree morning or night?
- Law...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 31, 2022
For ADHD "This is a good, thorough review! So I have bipolar disorder I, and no doctor would entertain my claim of ADHD, they also said I'm fine because I'm in law school. But my first year was horrible. My doctor told me she would let me try Qelbree if I agreed to give up my as-needed Klonopin. I said yes. First day, I took it at bedtime. Slept great, slight headache the next day. Second day, I sat down and studied for five hours straight. I was so happy. I was slightly worried it would trigger mania. However, I can function manic fine and safe. I did completely lose my appetite, though, only being hungry once a day or eating edibles. Often, I didn't eat for full days. I got super constipated and had to meal prep. But my confidence skyrocketed. I clean, study, and work more efficiently. My doctor messed up my refills, and I had to go ten days without it. That was rough, I was eating a lot and moody. I just restarted, focus is back, but it feels like crack!"
- kos...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 20, 2022
For ADHD "My son started taking Qelbree about 3 months ago. He is 15, on the spectrum, and has ADHD. We have tried many meds. He had a horrible reaction to stimulants, and we used another non-stimulant medication for about 4 years that was not working long enough. Since being on Qelbree, my son has turned from failing grades into A's and B's. He wants to do well in school. He has come out of his shell and has started to enjoy being around people and even joined a sport. I'm so thankful for Qelbree. I have been paying out of pocket for it because that's how much this medicine has changed my son's life."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 17, 2023
For ADHD "Please take the black box warnings on this drug seriously. Suicidality side effects are coming back at a higher rate than any other ADHD drug within the FDA AERs database. This drug has mediocre efficacy data, and the risks are very real."
- Mic...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 2, 2022
For ADHD "I started this at 200 mg per day for 1 week. One week later, I increased the dose to 400 mg per day. A day or two later, my husband found me looking confused and watched me faint. I went to the ER and got IV fluids. They thought I was dehydrated and having GI issues and sent me home. Two days later, I was at work and feeling dizzy and awful. I left work early. I went to the ER and got more IV fluids. Again, they thought I was dehydrated and having GI issues. I saw the GI specialist who ordered some tests in two months. The third week, I started 600 mg then completely stopped it a day or two later because I felt awful. The day after I stopped it, I felt incredibly nauseous and left work early. I went to the ER. I was shaky, confused, and paranoid. I thought I was having a stroke. Head CT was normal. The doctor said I was having a bad reaction to Qelbree. I got IV fluids and Ativan. I was sent home. During the night, I started vomiting uncontrollably. I went to the ER again. This drug almost killed me. Don’t recommend!!"
- Mom...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- September 25, 2021
For ADHD "Three of my children are on Qelbree after trying at least a dozen other medications. I swear it’s like magic. It helps control one’s impulsivity, it helps another with violent tendencies, and the third with excessive talking. It’s made homeschool a dream, and they have said they feel SO much more in control of themselves! Now if they only had a cheaper copay."
- Wuh...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- March 25, 2023
For ADHD "Be aware of the withdrawal that comes with stopping this medication cold turkey. TAPER OFF. You will have an extremely bad time if you stop suddenly. Three days of projectile vomiting and skull-splitting migraines. If you are forced to go cold turkey, then seriously, go get some migraine meds and some anti-nausea stuff, because you are in for one hell of a ride. It does pass eventually, hang in there."
- ADH...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 17, 2021
For ADHD "My son has comorbid anxiety and ADHD. When we finally saw, after a year+ (granted, a Covid year, with all the variables and extra stressors), that first Concerta and then Vyvanse were very helpful at school but increased my son's anxiety and agitation to the point of physical aggression and verbal abuse, we took him off stimulants. We were so excited to try Qelbree. But by day three, we had to stop, as it made him physically and verbally violent. We almost called 911 at one point... and he is only 9 years old. Some of this likely has to do with him going off Cymbalta in order to take Qelbree because they contraindicate. We'd hoped that since Qelbree is an SNRI, it might help his anxiety, but we didn't expect Qelbree to make things (so much) worse. We got no advice from our psychiatrist re: if it would subside, so we decided to quit; everyone in our home (two parents and two siblings) was traumatized. Qelbree may not be a good fit for comorbid anxiety and ADHD... sadly, nothing is."
- Mom...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- February 27, 2023
For ADHD "I started my son on this medication a year ago, and he was doing well with just the 200 mg dosage. He is 8 years old now, and oh my God, I’ve never seen him this way. He has been sent home from school, having bad outbursts and being very moody. He has been making bad threats to students and teachers. I've been in tears, can you imagine having to take your 8-year-old to get evaluated for mental health when he doesn’t even realize what’s happening to him? I’ve had to keep him home because it’s that bad. He cries for no reason, very sensitive. I want my little boy back. I wish I would’ve read these reviews before I started him on this medication. So please, anyone that’s even thinking about trying this, don’t. And yes, when we started, it was a life changer, he was doing well, but now I feel like I have the wrong child, and it’s so hurtful to watch him go through this."
- Bel...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 8, 2023
For ADHD "I'm a 54-year-old female who has battled ADD most of my life. Given the fact that I was always very bright in school, I didn't come across as distracted. I could attend to a dozen things at once and still get my work done, although projects were always done at the last minute. If I didn't have a list/calendar, I was totally lost. When I had children, I realized that I needed help but never sought out meds: I just muddled through. I finally decided to talk to the doctor about it. The 2nd day on 200 mg Qelbree, I got up that morning and did housework for 6 hours straight, without losing focus and starting/stopping like I usually do. The 3rd day, I realized I was a lot less squirmy in church and felt very calm inside. So far, the only real side effect I've noticed is difficulty sleeping. I wake every hour or two, wide awake for 30 minutes to an hour. I have been taking the medicine in the morning but plan to start taking it in the evenings to see if that helps."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 8, 2023
For ADHD "I took 100 mg tablets as a starting dose for inattentive type ADHD. I had some issues with sleepiness in the daytime, so I switched the dosing time around a bit. I think I noticed my mood lift a tiny bit, but not a ton. When I forgot to take it for a few days, I experienced a brutal, world-ending migraine. I immediately took another pill when I got home from work, which stopped it. Towards the end of the month, I ordered more and then my insurance wouldn't cover it unless it was a higher dose. Long story short, I went cold turkey off of 100 mg and again experienced a terrible headache for about 36 hours and withdrawal symptoms from morning until evening. I couldn't keep water or food down, I was vomiting or dry heaving every 2-3 hours. After hurling, I had hot flashes and sweats. It was frankly kind of terrifying how awful going off of just 100 mg was for me. I didn't notice enough improvement to consider ever going back on this medication again if the risk of withdrawal is this bad."
- Twi...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 13, 2022
For ADHD "I started one of my daughters on Qelbree 200 mg 3 weeks ago, and everything seems great except for the fact that she is now super emotional. She cries at the drop of a hat over nothing. It has treated her ADHD symptoms, but this is hard on all of us. This medicine is the best one that she’s been on that controls her ADHD symptoms by far."
- Sca...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 6, 2023
For ADHD "Please read these reviews before taking Qelbree. I know it has worked for some people, but it seems to not work well for the majority (based on these reviews) of people. My 11-year-old son has ASD, ADHD, and anxiety. He has been on Prozac for over a year, and it has helped with his anxiety. He started Qelbree about one month ago for ADHD. Within 2 weeks, he was having fits of rage at school, saying shockingly insensitive and rude things. He is normally the sweetest little boy. Now he only feels rage. He told me he doesn't feel love for anyone anymore. He repeatedly threatened suicide at school today. I stopped the Qelbree 5 days ago, and it's not getting better yet. I am beyond terrified. We aren't sending him back to school for a while, but that's obviously not a long-term solution. Again, please think long and hard before trying this medicine, especially for children."
- Rec...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 18, 2022
For ADHD "I wished to try this med having adult ADHD after my clinician provided a sample kit when I requested a trial for non-narcotic meds; as I am participating in addiction recovery and have had detox symptoms/withdrawal issues on Adderall in the past due to my not being able to consistently obtain my medication on a regular basis. I suffer also from chronic migraines, OCD, panic/anxiety, and psychotic episodes. I’m managing them without any narcotics or controlled subs. I wanted something I could stop as needed without physically debilitating symptoms. Nausea, nightmares, insomnia, anger, dilated pupils. My pharmacy didn’t have this med on time. Once I missed a dose and felt icky all day. After that I got ill and projectile vomited for a whole night. Took med next day and was okay. The second time I missed two because it wasn’t filled. Order never came in. Three days now of vomiting, not keeping Pedialyte down, sweats, insomnia, and the worst migraine in 2+ years. Nope. Ban it."
- Lin...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 27, 2023
For ADHD "If you can get through the first few weeks of side effects, they do wear off, and the medication does work well. Expect to have about 3 weeks of sleep issues, weird anxious feelings, feeling like there is a lump in your throat, and heartburn. They all go away one by one, so don't give up in the first month. Constipation stuck around, but it does with every medication for me. It really helps with motivation, the ability to start and stay on task, and my brain is quiet enough to not be totally overwhelmed all the time. I am me again. One negative is it does not help with concentration that much. I mean, I do not hyper-focus like on stims. I do miss that part."
- Act...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 13, 2023
For ADHD "I'm a 49-year-old male and have been on ADHD meds like Adderall for years. Wanted to try a non-stimulant, so tried Qelbree. 200 mg for one week, then upped to 400 mg for the following three weeks, then had to quit. The side effects are terrible and never went away. I couldn't get more than 4-5 hours of sleep a night, no matter what I tried, even with various sleep aids. I would randomly get nauseous and have to throw up. I quit a week ago, and the side effects are still not completely gone. Insomnia, headaches, muscle stiffness, nausea, and the occasional restlessness/jitters. This medication may work for some, but I hated it."
- Mou...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 30, 2023
For ADHD "I’ve been on 200 mg of Qelbree for 5 days. I’ve been nauseous, and I can’t keep any food down. I’ve had to call out of work today and went home early yesterday because my vision kept blurring and I kept vomiting. I am having random fits of crying, and overall I just feel awful. I have never had a medication make me get this sick before. The level of nausea feels similar to the flu. I feel awful, and I can only pray that this leaves my system soon."
- Bul...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 12, 2023
For ADHD "After being on stimulants for 5+ years, I could no longer handle the extreme exhaustion on days when I skipped a dose. My psychiatrist recommended I try Qelbree and I was on it for almost 2 months. During that time, I pooped 3 times. Yes, 3 times in 5 weeks. While Qelbree did help my ADHD symptoms, the bathroom component was too large of a side effect to ignore. I was disappointed to stop taking it though. It gave me the “kick” I needed to start tasks, helped me focus, and just generally made me more productive."
- CMR...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 30, 2023
For ADHD "Doctor started me on 200 mg. For 7 days, to move up to 400 mg after a week. Been on both stimulants and non-stimulants for ADHD for about 15 years. Strattera was the first of any that ever worked for me. Took 100 mg of that. Stopped after several years because the nausea was just too much to bear. Now I take Jornay PM 100 mg in the evenings and Qelbree whenever I feel like it once daily. As a father of small children with a demanding legal profession schedule and difficulty finding work/personal balance and meeting obligations, I have found Qelbree helpful to tackle avoidance issues. Life & work are fun again. Landed in the ER twice with weird & acute sensations in my thighs/groin area when I went up to 400, which was ultimately attributed to constipation. Taking Miralax and Benefiber. Still, monitor side effects closely with the doctor and just push through if possible. I think it works better than Strattera for me and hopefully side effects will continue to subside."
- Not...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 14, 2023
For ADHD "I am a 21-year-old student that has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). I was taking this medication for two weeks, and I had vivid nightmares almost every day I was taking it, and my sleep quality was affected. I have been running off of 3-4 hours of sleep for the past two weeks, down from an average of 8-9 consistently through the night. Please do not take this medication. There are so many other ADHD drugs that will not do this to you. I was on Adderall before this, and it gave me some anxiety on the comedown, but I did sleep. The same with a few of the other stimulants I tried. Just don't take this one, folks."
- sun...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 14, 2023
For ADHD "First off, I would like to provide a disclaimer: PLEASE do not take this medication if you are prone to mania, psychotic episodes, or schizophrenic episodes. I am prone to mania, but I started on 200 mg to help me out of a really bad depression I was in. However, nothing happened, so we bumped it up to 400 mg. About 2-3 days later, I felt amazing. I was cleaning my room, organizing things, painting, and writing songs. But I was also staying awake for 2-3 nights in a row. If you haven't figured it out already, I was having a manic episode. It lasted a week and ended with me having a breakdown, crying, and freaking out. I didn't think much of it at the time, so I kept taking the medication. About 2 months after that, I started hearing voices, seeing things, having sleep paralysis, delusions, and a lot of symptoms of psychosis. This was the second manic episode I've had that was this bad. It was like I was on crack or something, like I had never-ending energy. I'm going back on the medication again, but only 300 mg. I have a good feeling about it this time."
- Hor...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 9, 2023
For ADHD "My son has been on Qelbree for 8 days. On day 2, I noticed a light chemical smell coming from him. Last night, his dose doubled to 400 mg. This afternoon, that strange smell is even stronger. I could smell it walking into his room, not just from standing near him. It's not just his breath, but smells like through his pores. He has never had an odor like this. This is not going to be helpful for peer relations in middle school."
- 9 y...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- September 13, 2022
For ADHD "We were enticed with the option of '1 pill a day' and dropping Jornay and booster doses of methylphenidate throughout the day. Our son started at 100 mg, and we could tell a dose increase was needed as it did not help with inattentiveness or impulsivity. However, he was happier than usual, slept better, and gained weight (which was a +). He increased to 200 mg just before the start of school, and within days, high anxiety, fear of school, failure, and schoolwork, cried nightly and each morning. He is academically gifted, and school is exciting and fun, never scary. This was very concerning. After 2 weeks, we are certain it is manic episodes brought on by Qelbree. Do not take if your child is sensitive in nature and prone to lows. We are reverting back to original meds that worked well, with only negative side effects being: difficulty falling asleep and gaining weight. We will retry next summer for new meds."
More about Qelbree (viloxazine)
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- Drug class: adrenergic uptake inhibitors for ADHD
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For ADHD "I’m a teacher, with two little kids, and a husband, and a house. I’ve been on Vyvanse for a while. It helped - it made me feel less overwhelmed. But I couldn’t wait for it to kick in. I couldn’t function after it stopped working. The morning and evening struggle was REAL. My doctor switched me to Qelbree - they just got approved for adults. I’m on 400mg and honestly - WHAT A GAME CHANGER. I can go to sleep at night without racing thoughts, get up and get the clan ready without losing my keys, I have much more patience with my students, and have the ability to focus on which sports event and where I need to be and when in the evening. I’m thrilled! Thanks for helping us busy, non-focused moms keep it together!"