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Venlafaxine for Panic Disorder User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Effexor, Effexor XR

Venlafaxine has an average rating of 6.5 out of 10 from a total of 80 reviews for the treatment of Panic Disorder. 55% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 28% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Venlafaxine

  • Honey...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 16, 2022

"I have been stuck in am anxiety/panic/psychosis episode since January 3 2022. I have yet to see a psychiatrist. I’m on a waiting list. My doctor advised me to up my dose of Venlafaxine XR from 75mg daily in the morning to 112.5mg’s daily in the morning. I’m only in day six. My anxiety has been quite a bit higher but I know that, that is pretty normal when upping the dose. I have been in denial about having an anxiety/panic/psychosis disorder for 11 years. Each time I have an episode as soon as I’m better I wean myself off all of the meds. This episode had made me realize that I need the medication to prevent these episodes. I’m in the worst part of taking this med. I was told to give it at least a month. It has pulled me out of a very dark place with God’s mercy as well 3 times before. I will come back and review in 2 to 3 weeks."

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  • Anonymous
  • February 21, 2016

"This medication worked wonders for me. I suffer from panic disorder for a long time. I had been under control with Paxil, having no panic attack for over 8 years. Though I was cured. Suddenly it started to hit again and it was hell. My doctor said Paxil was not working any more and tried another medication. For 2 months the attacks wouldn't stop. I thought I was going to die. She decided to change the medication again and prescribed me Effexor 75. In less than a week the attacks were gone and I was back to normal. Now I'm slowly quitting Paxil. She says it will be at least 6 months until I'm totally off of Paxil. The protocol I follow to quit Paxil is that I alternate dosages, one day I take 12,5 and the other day I take 25. Working fine."

10 / 10
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  • heart...
  • December 2, 2009

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "Effexor was given to me a few years ago for depression. The first time I took it I felt extremely anxious and panicky. I ended up going to the ER. The doctor had to give me Ativan and Clonidine. My blood pressure shot up higher than it's ever been. "

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Frequently asked questions

  • patay
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 12, 2014

"I started having disabling panic attacks 2008. Was first put on Paxil CR. Stopped after 2 yrs cause I was grazing on food and gained weight. In 2013, attacks came back with a vengeance after death of my Dad. Put on Sertaline. Love how it made me feel, so mellow but grazing one again. Gained 20 pounds in 6 months! Stop that med now on Effexor for two months. Don't feel like grazing. Mood is pretty okay. In the meantime, found out I had allergy to dairy, wheat & sugar. Eliminate them and feel marvelous combined with Effexor. Exercise, proper food, and a good drug makes all the difference. Good luck."

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  • anony...
  • February 17, 2014

"My first dose of 37.5 mg I experienced a surge of adrenaline, dizziness, nausea, sweating, jittery, shakiness. Symptoms started 2 hours after dose lasting about 2-4 hours. Each day the symptoms lessened and disappeared quicker. I have only been on this for 2 weeks but I do feel more optimistic and upbeat so far despite side effects."

7 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • TomCJR
  • March 29, 2016

"I can't take this drug anymore. I get all of the listed withdrawl symptoms while on the drug. If I go more than a few hours past the time I'm supposed to take it I get really bad vertigo and as someone else described it "Brain Zaps" seems to fit the bill. To hell with this I'm going cold turkey and would rather be a stark raving lunatic then live in the half life this drug has provided me with. I sleep endlessly and when I am awake I'm not awake. I'm numb."

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  • Bee
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 23, 2021

"When lockdown happened I developed severe agoraphobia, I'm talking unable to come out of my room, shower or eat, kind of severe. I gradually got a little better through therapy but I hit a wall and couldn't make it any further than a minute down the street for months. I started venlafaxine and I've been on it for about a month now, and the difference was almost immediate. I'm so much happier, have much more energy and I'm finally able to go places! I still have panic attacks whilst out but hopefully with staying on these meds and therapy I'll get a lot better! Side effects I got: nausea, waking up throughout the night, fatigue, dilated pupils, forgetfulness, hot flashes. All this gets better as you get used to the dose though."

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  • Bren
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 1, 2018

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "Been on this drug previously for about half of a year and it didn't work. I became manic and had thoughts of suicide after I was increased to 225mg. That first time I was introduced with a starting dose of 37.5mg for a week and then upped to 75mg and had no side effects at start. My new doctor wanted me to try it again almost 10 years later after we tried Celexa and had no change. The doctor was out of town and another doctor prescribed a starting dose of 75mg and instructions to up to 150mg in a week. Four days after starting I started having tremors, dizziness, insomnia and nausea. 7th day I started the 150mg and started vomiting and tremors were way worse. Went back to the 75mg the next day and asked doc for a new med, he said to stick it out because the doctor who prescribed started too high. I realized I was stupid to be on it again in the first place. I quit them."

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  • KSano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 7, 2019

"Tried lexapro and made me feel sooooo much worse ( numbness, no temperature control, feeling all over weird, shaky) after basically waking up everyday in a panic attack and felt like I was stuck in survival mode. Wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. My doctor gave me a doctors note to take a week off of work and start Venlafaxine and it helped me get back to feeling myself. Appetite is back, sleeping great. I am on my 4th week now. Don't be scared to take it ( I used to be completely against medicine) I take it in the morning. 37.5mg. I would recommend it."

9 / 10
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  • Roxie
  • May 15, 2013

"Been on Effexor XR/ Venlafaxine ER 75 mgs. for a number of years now to damp down the panic attacks I began having at 3 am every morning (like clockwork) some time after menopause. Very effective at stopping the panic attacks once I got up to blood level (about 8 weeks). In between took Lorazepam nightly until the Venlafaxine kicked in. Due to intense itching and some hives, as well as fatigue, on the Venlafaxine. I switch to 37.5 mgs. here and there for a day, which has helped. Killed my sex drive, however, and periodically have headaches."

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  • Mirtl...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 19, 2020

"It has been almost two months being on Venlafaxine for Panic Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder. It has completely diminished my sex drive and I have developed anorgasmia. Very upset over that. I still get panic attacks but they’re very mild now and they last for minutes instead of two hours like they used to pre-treatment. Basically I can live my life again without the severe and frightening panic attacks anymore. I’ve heard the withdrawal symptoms are horrible even if you taper off. Hopefully I won’t have to get off this and can still fix my sexual dysfunction."

7 / 10
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  • Heart...
  • July 22, 2011

"I began taking this medicine about 10 years ago. For changes in my condition, dosage has ranged for 37.5- to max 375mg daily. This medication has been extremely successful in controlling symptoms enough to seek all sorts of recommended therapy. I have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks compounded by agoraphobia. Post traumatic stress disroder was initial diagnosis the above mentioned came later. Side effects at 150mgs daily and above have been significant weight gain and lack of sex drive. Lower doses offered same side effects although manageable. Lowering dosage to discontinue caused manageable discomfort."

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  • Wren
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 16, 2019

"Okay, so I've been on Effexor for about 2 years, I started taking it for panic disorder. However, the medicine ended up making me insanely depressed and apathetic. I'm currently weaning myself off it finally, I'd rather have panic attacks compared to feeling like this all the time. I'm down to 37.5 mg XR once daily and already feel SO MUCH better. Before weaning down all I wanted to do was sleep. I had absolutely no interest in doing the things I love anymore or spending time with my family. I had no feelings anymore, good or bad. I felt like I was just barely existing and going through life asleep all the time. It was no way to live. For anyone had has anxiety or panic disorder, do not let your doctor put you on high doses of meds like this, I believe it helps with the anxiety but the side effects and other consequences of taking this make it so much worse than living with anxiety in my opinion."

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  • rafae...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 23, 2021

"I've had depression and anxiety for 12 years now. I am taking 75mg daily of venlafaxine and I feel my depression is way better. My anxiety can get better I still feel. It would be helpful if people wrote what dose they are taking. I am curious to know at what dose do the panic attacks stop. Thank you!"

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  • Happy...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • August 29, 2019

"I take alprazolam 1mg two-three X a day in addition to 50mg generic Effexor 3 x day. The Effexor has made a huge positive change. I have tried 4 other meds to go with the Xanax and they all pretty much did nothing. I guess the only drug that made me feel anything was Wellbutrin, but gosh I felt out of my dang mind on that stuff. Basically for me the Effexor is the perfect compliment to the Xanax and I don’t care if I have to take them for the rest of my life. The yucky part about the Effexor is that I felt like I had the flu for about 3 days when I started it. I also just felt off in general. But I did have that magic moment people speak of when you start to feel normal. The stuff may have saved me. I finally felt the most normal I've ever been. I suggest if your doctor is suggesting Effexor, take a few days off work when you start and Decide if it’s right for you. It definitely works different than all other Xanax add-ons that I have tried."

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  • miamia
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 12, 2015

"I first took celexa but due to bad hot flashes due to hormonal therapy for cancer, Celexa didn't really work for hot flashes but it did for anxiety it. With Venlafaxine there was no side effects I felt good from the day one, then upped the dosage to 150mg. Hot flashes are better, panicky feeling is there but it keeps it controlled. It's my 3rd week so I hope to get better as time goes by. I am 35"

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  • Loopy...
  • January 8, 2016

"Been on several antidepressants in order to cure my anxiety/depression/panic attacks over the past 4 years and none yet has given me my life back although some have improved my state to a bearable limit. I am not upping to 75mg of Venalfaxine but cautious because last time I did this - the side effects were scary. Hoping to maintain positivity and hope this works for me."

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  • gorgono
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 8, 2020

"I just was prescribed Venlafaxine 75mg to help my panic disorder. I am on day 5 and I have increased anxiety , because I am getting panic attacks every day. Thank god I have Xanax, so I take it as things go really bad, but I don't know for how much longer I can handle this."

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  • Power...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 30, 2019

"Was put on this for panic disorder. Which already makes no sense. Took the lowest dose 37.5mg for ONLY 5 days. Made me not wanna eat. Made it almost impossible to orgasm. It's been about 5-7 days after stopping and my appetite is still awful and my orgasms are dull. Like 50% of a normal orgasm. I've even orgasmed and hardly felt it. I am worried now there is a possibility my orgasms will be crappy for the rest of my life after only 5 days. I was not depressed before this medication but because of all this it has stressed me and made me depressed."

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  • Cano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 27, 2019

"Started venlafaxine 37.5mg 3 days ago. I had been on Celexa 40mg for 10 years, which worked great for my severe anxiety and panic attacks! Unfortunately the Celexa just stopped working for me. My doctor had me do a direct switch (celexa one night then start venlafaxine the next) first day was ok and day 2 & 3 have been really bad with anxiety and panic attacks. I’m hoping this will subside soon and I start getting the benefit of this medicine. Has anyone else had this as well?"

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  • Bree
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 23, 2021

"I tried Effexor after my Paroxetine quit working for me after many years. My anxiety had gotten worse so I thought I'd try an SNRI instead of SSRI. After a week or two, I found myself to be jittery and even more anxious. The worst of all, I developed night time hallucinations where I'd wake up and believe I saw someone standing over me which was terrifying. I've had to sleep with a light on ever since. I talked to a psychiatrist and told me he would have never prescribed Effexor because it's the hardest drug to get off of, with the worst side effects of all the SNRI/SSRIs. As someone who did really well on Paroxetine, I didn't do well at all on Venlafaxine."

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  • Bef
  • November 18, 2015

"I was prescribed this medication at 21 for panic disorder 8 years ago. I was previously taking Zoloft which I was given at 16... I think the zoloft did enough but also at that young of an age there wasn't much adventure I was seeking yet so my panic attacks were controlled. I did still get panic attacks and my life was still significantly altered. They switched me to Effexor 75mg & I gained 50 pounds in the first year. Panic attacks still present just less frequent. General everyday anxiety lessened. Tried few time to get off but I can't get past 37.5mg. Back on 75mg as of last week. I hate the first few weeks. Nightmares, appetite full force and generally light headed. It does calm the general anxiety down though but its still a difficult life."

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  • classic
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 2, 2020

"I had taken this venlafaxine for five days, after the forth day I was told to up the dosage so I did....worst mistake. It caused me to have the worst panic attack in my entire life. I thought I was having a heart attack so I went to the ER and was there for six hours and theN two days after I was down and unable to go to work or so anything except lay in bed in pain. Not worth it.."

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  • Andrew
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 1, 2021

"Do not touch them as 1st they do not work. 2nd I was just recently told to come of them as after getting a heart trace it showed a Long QT but Dr never explained what it was, but I googled it which I shouldn't but one of the side effects said that these meds can effect the electrical rhythm of your heart which I was not aware off nor was I ever told this from my Dr, so I am NOT very pleased. At the moment I have finally came off them and the side effect makes my anxiety and panic symptoms worse and I did come off them very slow. I am hoping when these meds are out of my system and I go back for another ECG my QT will be normal. DO NOT TOUCH ANY anxiety meds they are not safe... I stay in Scotland where NHS is free"

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  • Jane
  • January 19, 2021

"I've been using venlafaxine for 2 months now I never felt so miserable in my life. I've been not sleeping, horrible dreams, feel like my life is ending, not thinking straight etc. I thought this feeling will go away but it doesn’t and every time I miss the dose I feel much better and I sleep well. I just decided to stop before I damage my self even more. I need something better not something that makes me slowly worse - I have a toddler to look after"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.