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Suprep Bowel Prep Kit for Bowel Preparation User Reviews (Page 2)

Suprep Bowel Prep Kit has an average rating of 7.2 out of 10 from a total of 1500 reviews for the treatment of Bowel Preparation. 63% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 19% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Suprep Bowel Prep Kit

  • DonsFan
  • April 26, 2019

"I wouldn’t order it at a bar, but prep went down—chilled, without flavor enhancer, through a straw—easily in 2 oz gulps over 20 mins. Sipping water while dosing jump-starts required 32 oz of water. Take seriously need to be near the toilet. Action starts with little warning. Was on the throne for 90 mins, followed by intermittent return trips. Things calmed down within 3 hours. Second dose, as others report, was tougher to get down. Unsure why—perhaps falling asleep resets digestive machinery?—but be prepared. Action started sooner, was less intense, and lasted for 3 hrs, ending about an hour before going to endoscopy center. Bottom line: they found benign polyps that, undetected and untreated, could’ve turned cancerous. Enduring a self-induced half-day bout with the flu is a small price to pay for cancer prevention. Buck up, hold your nose, and deal with the prep."

10 / 10
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  • Jack
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 10, 2020

"Battery acid diarrhea every 3 minutes for 2+ hours after each dose. I wish I knew: --> Liberally apply Destin before the pooping starts --> Blotting, not wiping - and wet wipes --> Wear long sleeves & turn off the A/C and ceiling fan --> I followed the instructions to the letter."

7 / 10
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53 Report
  • remac
  • May 2, 2012

"I read reviews prior to my first ever colon cleanse. I chose Suprep over another brand because there is less to drink. I paid more out of pocket, but it was worth it to me. I absolutely had no problem at all. The taste is very tolerable. Some of the negative comments had me worried, but I hope that my positive experience will relieve fears of someone in the future. It is not bad at all."

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Frequently asked questions

  • Anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 30, 2018

"Going in for my 4th colonoscopy in 20 years tomorrow. I've been putting it off for over a year because of the prep process. I not only have IBS but fissures that make the prep very unpleasant. I did the Suprep today, and it was by far the easiest prep I've ever done! I mixed it with cold 7-Up instead of water and drank it through a straw. It was fine. Just a little aftertaste, but nothing bad. I followed it with the 32 oz of water, as instructed, and waited for the fireworks. Well, almost 2 hours later, let's just say that it was very gentle. No cramps, no nausea, and no explosive stuff. Just like someone else on this forum had said, it was like a gentle faucet was opened. With so little liquid and no adverse effects, this will be my prep of choice for all future scoping. After reading the horror stories and being very nervous about this prep, I felt like sharing my good experience!"

10 / 10
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  • Lin
  • February 14, 2020

"This was to be my 5th colonoscopy. I have never experienced anything like this. 6 hours in the bathroom. Uncontrollable shivering, trying not to vomit, feeling faint and not able to complete prep. My husband had to carry/drag me to bed and had to help me with everything for 4 days. I have been so weak. Needless to say, the colonoscopy had to be canceled. Just want to know why this $105 copay Suprep is given to this 103-pound woman and the same kit is given to a 200-pound man?"

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • BHano
  • January 5, 2021

"Took my first Suprep dose at 5 PM, followed by two 16 oz of water per my clinic's instructions, and 45 min later was violently projectile vomiting. I threw up the entire thing along with all the water and all the Gatorade I had drank 4 hours earlier. I decided to hang in there and try again for the second dose at 2 AM. This time I tried to drink it slower. It took 45 min to get 3/4 of the dose drank, and again, right at 45 min, I threw up everything. Some of the dosage must've actually made it to my gut because I did have a couple loose BMs, but the entire appointment had to be postponed because I didn't get enough down to clean everything out, which really sucks after you've gone an entire day without eating. The taste of this garbage is only something so awful-think salty ocean water mixed with grape Dimetapp mixed with half a large container of Morton's table salt. If tasting it the first time wasn't bad enough, imagine throwing it all back up and having to taste it again on its way back up."

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44 Report
  • Fitbr...
  • September 18, 2019

"I read a lot of the comments regarding Suprep, and this being my first colonoscopy, the comments had me nervous, especially regarding the taste! I already knew I would be having a lot of visits to the toilet with watery stool, but you guys really overhyped how bad it tasted! It wasn’t bad at all. A little salty, but not unpleasant by any stretch of the imagination. Remind me not to listen to you folks again, lol! I had my screening today, and all went perfectly. In 10 years, when I go for another screening, I’ll have not even one reservation regarding Suprep."

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55 Report
  • LeSa
  • May 29, 2019

"I have been reading all those reviews for weeks. Last night, I couldn’t sleep because I was nervous to start it today. At 6 PM, I got everything ready. I mixed my prep with Crystal Lite lemonade flavor. I was done with it within 2 minutes. It was NOT bad at all. I also was very thirsty afterwards, so drinking an additional 2x 16 oz of water was not bad either. Prep started to work within 10-15 minutes. At 7 PM, there was no color in stool. I understand that everybody is different. I have very bad gag reflex, and I was expecting to start throwing up. I did not even feel nauseated. Good luck to me tomorrow and everybody else."

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53 Report
  • Peteo
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 22, 2015

"Cannot emphasize this enough, I am a hypochondriac and love to worry so naturally I only focused on the less-than-favorable reviews. Well, let me tell you, don't worry. Tastes a LOT like BC powder chased by a cherry coke. Yucky but over quickly and, at least to me, nowhere near as bad as some described. Actually, the worst part was drinking so much water. Made me burp a bunch and feel bloated somewhat. Since I was hungry from only drinking liquids, this was not completely unwelcome. Felt chilled for a little bit but I think this was more from being so nervous. Took an hour to kick in and since then has been doing its job. No cramping, just lots of 'I gotta go'. If this is the worst, then this will be about the easiest procedure ever."

10 / 10
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81 Report
  • sarah...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 26, 2013

"I had been putting off colonoscopy for years due to fear of prep, despite the fact my mother had colon cancer when she was 48! I am 48 now and couldn't put it off any longer. I have to say Suprep was great! Follow doctor/kit instructions exactly. Works within 30-45 min after dosing. Done using bathroom within 3-3 1/2 hours. Tips: Eat lightly 2 or so days prior, eating mainly soft foods. Hydrate yourself several days prior also, making sure to get lots of extra fluids/electrolytes. Don't drink too much right before dosing so that you can get all the solution/water down comfortably. Do drink as much fluid as you can in between doses to stay hydrated. And RELAX! Positive attitude goes a long way! I would definitely use this product again."

9 / 10
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87 Report
  • Kate
  • September 2, 2020

"My colonoscopy was scheduled for a Tuesday, so the Saturday before, I ate a very bland diet. Sunday, I stuck to only liquids. Monday was my prep day, at 6 PM, I started the Suprep. I will be honest, it is the most disgusting stuff you will ever drink. I mixed mine with lemonade Crystal Light and some ice. It took me 45 minutes to get down, I took a sip and then immediately had Italian ice ready to eat. I also bit into a lemon and had hard candy nearby. I got it down, but it took 45 minutes. I also took an 8 mg Zofran an hour before, prescribed by my doctor. I started using the bathroom about an hour after I finished the Suprep and two water bottles. I did not have any side effects at all, just a bloating, full feeling. At 11 PM, I tried to drink the next dose of Suprep mixed with Crystal Light. I couldn’t get it down, I only drank 1/4 of it and one water bottle. Luckily, my bowel movements were clear, and my doctor could do the test. The actual procedure was fine, I was asleep and don’t remember anything."

7 / 10
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39 Report
  • SAM
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 24, 2020

"This is my first time having this procedure, so in fairness, I have nothing to compare my experience with. However, my frustration lies with the fact that we can put a man on the moon, but we can't make a bowel prep taste good. This has to be the worst-tasting thing I have ever had to drink. I tried the first round with cold water and the second dose the next morning mixed with Sprite. The Sprite made it taste better but harder to drink fast. I'm not sure there is anything you could drink it with that would make it taste better. I wish I had something more positive to say. Childbirth was easier."

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41 Report
  • Rose
  • August 20, 2014

"What is all the fuss about? Does it taste great? No. But it's seriously not bad at all. I used a straw and drank it right down. It started working within 5 minutes. I am now about 45 minutes into the prep and I am already passing clear liquid. No cramps, no headache. I was all worried about nothing."

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73 Report
  • just...
  • April 14, 2011

"First time user of Suprep. Taste: well, my advice is to try to drink as much of the mixture of Suprep and water as possible without stopping. That being said, unless you are accustomed to drinking large quantities of fluids, this will be difficult to accomplish. I followed each 16 oz. 'dose' with a white cranberry juice chaser. That was effective at cutting through the aftertaste. What to expect: I had very little wait time before the product took effect. 20 mins. at the most. DO NOT plan on leaving your house at any time during this cleanse process. Buy hygienic wet wipes prior to beginning the cleanse, your posterior will thank you. Hydrate yourself thoroughly for a couple days before using Suprep. Sports type drinks will help maintain your electrolyte balance. Expect to feel an overall chill during the Suprep cleanse process. No one prepped me for this and it was the most uncomfortable part of the evening."

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90 Report
  • Anony...
  • March 8, 2019

"I had no issues with the Suprep. I put it in the fridge the night before, then mixed it with cold water when I was ready to start. My 1st dose was at 6 PM. I used a straw, had Sprite and bottled water on hand. I alternated a drink of Suprep with Sprite and/or water. I got it down in 15 min, taking my time was the trick for me. It does taste like a salty fruit drink and it's clear. I had completed 1 of my waters by the time I got it down, so I had no issues getting the 2nd water down. It started working in 20 min. I stayed in the bathroom for an hour and 15 min, then that was it for the 1st round. I went to bed and woke at 4 AM for my 2nd round and took it the exact same way. This time it started acting a little sooner and I stayed in the bathroom for 45 min. I did get up about 4-5 more times before 6:30 AM. I experienced no stomach cramping. I have a very queasy stomach and never once felt nauseous."

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46 Report
  • Colonel
  • August 9, 2019

"After reading a lot of comments here about how terrible this stuff tastes and how bad the experience was, I expected it to be pretty bad. It wasn't. The taste was like a mildly flavored but extra, extra salty Gatorade. I had no problem on the first or the second day drinking the 16 oz. cup of medication plus water. I had no noteworthy nausea, chills, cramps, or other discomfort. I did feel very full/bloated after drinking such large volumes of fluid, but the intended purging started within a half-hour or so, and the feeling of significant fullness dissipated after a few trips to the bathroom. Expelling the fluid was not painful or difficult (definitely not difficult). I never felt like I wasn't going to be able to get there in time. I took the first dose as directed at 7 PM and the second at 4 AM. I am male, 75 years old, and weigh about 210 lbs. All in all, the whole thing was much less horrible than I would have expected based on many of the comments here."

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43 Report
  • Cat...
  • August 20, 2020

"After the worst experience of my life, I feel the need to express my opinion. I’m sitting here without getting my colonoscopy this morning. I’ve had two over the years, so I knew what to expect. Within fifteen minutes, I was power puking the stuff up. The next few minutes, it was both ends. After shaking and sweating, it eased, so I tried again in four hours, and it was the same results. Still sick today. Now I have to wait two weeks to do the colonoscopy with other medications. I would not recommend."

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36 Report
  • Oregon...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 24, 2019

"I read all of these comments while doing my bowel preps and had to add one of my own. First, although it wasn’t the best tasting, I was thankful to have a prep that all I had to chase it down with was water. I figured the more water I got down, the more flushing out would happen. I also realized how lucky most of us are that all we have to endure is a few hours of discomfort. Think about those who didn’t get screened and found cancer, their daily discomfort is nothing compared to this. This worked great for me. I needed the second dose to get my stool to be clear, but it worked much faster, and I was good to go by my appointment. Last, it took about 2 hours to kick in on round 1, but started working within minutes on round 2. The lemon trick between sips of Suprep was a great idea. I also stuck to the pre-diet rules with no cheating. Buck up and just get through this, remember it may save your life."

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42 Report
  • Time2...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 27, 2015

"My test is tomorrow at 3:00 pm... kinda late!! I've been on clear liquids ALL day today, and will be all day tomorrow until after the test. The hunger so far is terrible! I prepared cup 1. I refrigerated the Suprep bottles, and water in the fridge. I slugged it down in 3 good swigs, nose blocked. Not bad at all. No chills, no cramps. 10 min in, burping. 40 min in was squirt 1. Over 90 min, 4 trips to the john. Lots of Gatorade, jello, broth. This was so EASY!! I feel 'dry'. I bet tomorrow's cup of Suprep will be just as easy since it will be just liquid. Kudos to the GI industry pharmaceuticals, they finally got the picture that Golytely gallon was unbearable. My 3rd colonoscopy at 43. Prep was GOOD!!!"

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66 Report
  • Deppl...
  • July 16, 2016

"Unfortunately, I allowed other reviews to turn my opinion prior to taking Suprep. I have had the gastric sleeve and was afraid of all the fluid intake that I had to swallow. Once I started it, I took others' opinions and sucked on a lemon wedge every time I would take a drink from a straw at the back of my throat. Hardly tasted a thing. I was also worried about my small stomach when I woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning to take my second dose. Again, I had no problems with the straw and with the lemon wedge. Instead of drinking just plain water, I drank Gatorade and Hint water and had no problems keeping it down. I had a panic attack because of all the negative reviews before I started the prep. If anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to help."

9 / 10
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59 Report
  • Hating...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 21, 2019

"Choked down the first dose at 5 PM. Awful... like sugary earwax. Why they add carbonation is beyond me. I’m pretty sure the two glasses of water they make you drink after are to purge the foul taste from your mouth after drinking this. Worked within a half hour, and I was a human waterfall for the next 3 hours. Another 2 hours after that of intermittent explosive diarrhea. I just took my second dose and am on my second glass of water. My stomach is already gurgling. I’m praying it doesn’t take another 5 hours to clear everything out. You’re gonna need super soft toilet paper. Don’t wipe. Just blot. I recommend some cream before you even start. Eventually, you’ll see the bottom of the toilet bowl. This is my second go-around with Suprep and my preferred method so far after 3 colonoscopies. Less drinking. That's the only good thing about it, except leaving me squeaky clean. I swear, if someone found a better method of doing this, they’d be the wealthiest person on the planet."

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  • Jace
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 17, 2019

"Took Suprep at 4 PM. The taste was not that bad, I was able to drink it in three big gulps. Of course, I chilled it until it was just about to freeze. Within 15 minutes, my stomach started to grumble. By 4:30, the poop show began and lasted 2 hours. Also not bad. I just hung out in the bathroom with my iPad. By 7 PM, I was emptied out and chilling on the couch. Slept like a baby. Round two started at 4:30 AM, and I had a repeat performance of the night before, but this time it was just water and foam. I was done by 8 AM and left for the hospital at 9:30. Three hours later, the 'invasion' was over, and I was given a clean bill of health! No polyps, no nothing! I won't have to repeat this for 10 years!"

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  • Honest...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 8, 2019

"This is the worst tasting substance on the face of the earth. There is no excuse for creating a product that is this difficult to swallow. Each company executive should be forced to drink it at least once a week. It does have the intended effect, but otherwise there has to be something better than this."

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  • Sheila
  • September 16, 2019

"You guys. It’s totally not that bad at all. I read all these comments before starting my bowel prep and was nervous because of how extreme some people make it to be. It’s not. Yeah, there’s a mediciney aftertaste, but pair it with yellow Gatorade and it’s not bad. Yes, it’s drinkable. It does not taste like liquid death. I didn’t even use a straw, just chugged it down in under 3 minutes both times. This was also my first time doing any sort of laxative. It’s just like water pouring through you. I had zero stomach cramping and it didn’t burn. Just calmly emptying out. I had my gallon of water sitting next to me and I chilled in the bathroom for about an hour each time, playing games on my phone. Then it was over and I went on about my evening. The morning dose made me feel slightly nauseous just because it was of how long it’s been since I haven’t eaten, but it went away quickly when I emptied out. It is not the worst thing that will happen to you all week, okay? Good luck y’all!"

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  • RVUses
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 13, 2019

"Worked exactly as it said it would and what my GI said would happen. Didn’t mind the taste (just held my breath since 90% of taste is air going over taste buds). Worked after 45 minutes, and most of the action was on the first dose, which I took at 4:45 PM. 2nd dose was at 2:45 AM, and I was able to get some sleep in between bouts. Ran yellow liquid at the end (which is normal since bile is the only thing left at that point in you). Was a very clean prep according to my GI. No nausea at all. And I returned to normal the next day after I got more in me. No bloating or discomfort like I had with PEG. CRC (colorectal cancer) is the most preventable yet least prevented form of cancer. No reason to not get screened if you are eligible. You miss 100% of everything you don’t look for."

10 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.