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Portia User Reviews & Ratings (Page 4)

Portia has an average rating of 4.0 out of 10 from a total of 200 reviews on 22% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 55% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Portia

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 18, 2014

For Birth Control "I have been on it for a year now. My acne cleared up a lot! I am much more emotional over the last year and cried a lot more but I didn't think it was from the pills till I read the comments on here. I have gain some weight. My period is shorter than before, is now three days. I haven't gotten pregnant so it's working for me!"

8 / 10
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  • not...
  • October 23, 2019

For Birth Control "I've been on portia for almost 3 full months and I hate it. I’m so emotional all the time and cry over everything, and I was never emotional before!! Also I get insanely bloated. It looks like I’m 7 or 8 months pregnant and it makes me cry. Also I've noticed I’m extremely tired all the time and have lost a lot of motivation in school. And the most recent problem is dryness down there!! It will happen in the middle of sex and it’s the worst thing. So I’ll definitely be switching"

3 / 10
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  • Maya
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 21, 2019

For Birth Control "I was prescribed the pill Portia after my last miscarriage because they did not do Levora anymore at Kaiser. Portia is one of the generics of Levora so is suppose to be the same. Worst mistake of my life. Before Portia I was on the implant nothing ever happened so I love the implant. I wanted something short term after my miscarriage so I could grieve without getting pregnant in the mean time. So I asked my doctor for Levora which I used as a teen prior to the implant. She gave me Portia instead. Since then I have the worst nausea I have ever experienced. Migraines that debilitate my everyday functions. Once I was so weak from my migraines and nausea I couldn’t even drive myself home after leaving from school sick. Not to mention it’s adverse reactions to my depression medication!!! I’m officially done with this pill!!!!!"

1 / 10
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  • Kjt
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 25, 2021

For Birth Control "Literally been on it for 7 days and I want to check myself into a psych ward. I cry uncontrollably for NO REASON. And if there if anything I’d normally be slightly emotional about it’s like the worst day of my life. SE start bleeding, diarrhea, anxiety like no other I didn’t even want to be near my partner. Awful awful awful."

1 / 10
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  • Cathe...
  • April 3, 2017

For Birth Control "During the first month of Portia I was loving it. No side effects, no nothing. My only side effect was breast enlargement which was not a problem for me. But when it came to be the week before my period I noticed I was getting pimples by the daily. My face is always perfectly clear, but I literally turned into a pizza face. Not exaggerating I decided to stay on it because I knew it was because of my period. But once my period came, my cramps got so much worse than what they normally are like. I was bending over the whole entire day and it became painful to walk. Not to mention my stomach is always flat. I am always bloated now. I could eat a grain of rice and my stomach will pop back up. I've gained 10 pounds. I am not confident in myself"

2 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • shy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 9, 2021

For Birth Control "Don't ever use this. It is horrible. I've taken the pill twice, I take them at night and I make sure to drink plenty water and eat with it too but both times I have woken up super sick, I throw up to the point where I'm dry heaving and it doesn't stop, my body has a severe reaction, I get cramps like I'm PMSing and I'm not due for another couple weeks. I can't leave the bathroom because every time i do I'm back within five minutes needing the toilet or trashcan if not both, I don't know if it helps with anything else and I'm not going to find out, this is awful, please listen to these reviews it sucks and is not worth it."

1 / 10
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  • Nicky
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 14, 2019

For Birth Control "I started this pill maybe 3 years ago but I was on and off due to : lack of sexual intercourse and the side effects of the pill. Side effects included; severe lower back pain, blurry vision, depression, and extreme tiredness. This is the only birth control I've been on and I seriously would like to try different options. Not to mention, I've picked up weight using it smh"

5 / 10
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  • Sss
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 31, 2021

For Birth Control "I have taken a few different generic birth control pill options since I was 18, now almost 27. I switched to Portia in April of 2020, because I wanted to try a birth control option that I could skip my periods with. Worst decision I’ve ever made. Although I remained active throughout the pandemic (I am a Horse trainer) and didn’t make any dietary changes, I gained nearly 20 pounds in the first 6 months on it. When I went to talk to my doctor they convinced me that the pill wasn’t to blame so I continued to take it for another few months. I am up to 165 now, from consistently weighing 130-135 before taking this medication. I also experienced extreme fatigue & lack of motivation, and debilitating anxiety and depression on this medication. To add to that, it made my occasional light acne turn into regular breakouts with cystic acne. AND I had breakthrough bleeding constantly, sometimes 2 full periods a month. Listen to your body, your doctor is wrong."

1 / 10
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  • KayK
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 12, 2016

For Birth Control "I was put on this about two years ago. My periods are shorter, my anxiety is gone, not as much breast pain, no headaches EVER I can't remember the last time I had one and have not gotten pregnant. My only complain: stretch marks. I have so many stretch marks now from this birth control on my lower belly/thigh/groin/hip area. I have gained some weight (college) but my weight has always fluctuated. These stretch marks are insane. Otherwise, the medication is great."

9 / 10
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  • No...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 26, 2016

For Birth Control "I used to be incapacitated during my period due to cramps and id never remember when the blood would start. This almost eliminated my cramps, lightened the flow and shortened my period. As a plus, the pill packaging makes it super easy to remember when to break out the pads. I dont think I saw any side effects but that might be because I already had headaches and nausea."

9 / 10
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  • Mimi
  • November 23, 2015

For Birth Control "I've been on this birth control for years, with no side effects. No cramps. No weight gain. No sore breasts. No bleeding through. I haven't gotten pregnant and my acne has gone away. I highly recommend"

10 / 10
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  • Monsh...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • December 29, 2012

For Birth Control "This pill has been magic for me. I've been on it for 6 years until last month when the pharmacy switched me to Levora. Levora was not good for me, so I am switching back to Portia and NEVER taking any other pill again. Portia took away my PMS (only side effect that remained was getting a little bit bloated before my period). The horrible cramps ended, and my 6 day period was reduced to 3 or 4 days. I have bipolar disorder and it didn't affect my anti-depressant. I'm also on Lamictal. If you take Lamictal, be aware that it might reduce the effectiveness of it which means you may have to take a higher dose than if you weren't on birth control. I've had a great experience with Portia, and can't wait to get back on it tomorrow!"

10 / 10
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  • Moody
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 9, 2018

For Birth Control "This pill is a NIGHTMARE! this is my first time taking the pill, I only started taking it in the hopes of improving my very painful periods and I regret even trying it. I’ve been on it for 3 weeks now and my life has been totally ruined. I have crazy mood swings, major depression and mad rage! My face started breaking out even tho I’ve never even had issues with acne before. I have gained weight even though I’ve been working out and resisted most of the insanely strong cravings I’ve been getting. My life has gone downhill so I’m gonna stop taking this pill immediately. The sad thing is I have now lost faith in the pill and will just deal with my horrible periods."

1 / 10
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  • Beth
  • February 23, 2016

For Birth Control "I'm on day 2 of Portia-28 pack, started my period Saturday and my gynecologist told me to start the pill on Sunday, I couldn't get to pharmacy so I started on Monday. Since day 1 I have noticed a change in my period already it immediately lightened it up, usually my periods are heavy the first 2-3 days. I am also sporting a Kotex super plus or super, now I don't need a tampon and when I took my regular tampon out after it being in all day the blood was brown. I also have noticed my sex drive has spiked and so far no nasty side effects such as nausea or breast tenderness. I am sure as much as it has already shortened my period I won't be spotting throughout the month. I hope it stays this great for me for as long as I take it :)"

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • August 20, 2018

For Birth Control "When I went to my pharmacy, they told me Portia had taken the place of Levora. Well, I took this for one day and hated the reaction of it immediately. It gave me jitters and anxiety. I am going to ask my OBGYN to get me back on Levora immediately."

1 / 10
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  • Alli
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 8, 2018

For Birth Control "I had significant weight gain, constant bloating, fatigue, and nausea. This was by far the worst birth control I’ve ever been on. It was used to treat endometriosis, but I would rather have the symptoms of it than I would the birth control."

1 / 10
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  • Kkano
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 29, 2018

For Birth Control "I've been on this birth control for more than a year and I love it. The first month I had nausea, headaches, and I was very emotional. Now I'm used to it no stomach pain or anything. I take the pill at night before bedtime and wake up good."

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  • Cano
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 1, 2018

For Birth Control "I was on Portia for about 2 years. It worked miracles in the first 7 months for clearly my acne. After taking it for a month my face was basically clear but for whatever reason, my acne came back after a year and a half of using it. My sex drive was nonexistent but I didn't mind it since it cleared my skin. Also in beginning, I got nauseous every time I started a new pack but overtime that disappeared. Some pros are that it helped in getting rid of my cramps and also lightened my period. I'm now trying Yaz for my acne"

7 / 10
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  • Lex
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 15, 2018

For Birth Control "Like many others I was switched to Portia after Levora (which I loved!) was discontinued. Have to begin by saying I was skeptical of the whole gaining weight or having mood swings while on birth control stories but man did this pill mess with me. Giving it 3 stars bc it shortened & decreased my pain during menstruation immensely but it wasn’t worth the massive mood swings (namely unwarranted irritation & then extreme depression)— that just came out of nowhere about two months into taking this pill. My appetite also majorly increased & was much insatiable which was kind of a bummer. I think I gave Portia a fair shot but after about 4-5 months I’m switching to a diff pill—I understand everybody is different so this may work for some but definitely not for me."

3 / 10
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  • Dwimo...
  • April 9, 2013

For Birth Control "My experience with Portia is great. I've been taking it for about a year now, and at first I was using it for poly-cystic ovarian syndrome control, but now I'm using it as my only form of birth control. I've never been pregnant on it, and my periods always come on time and my bleeding is rather light. At first it made my skin a lot clearer, but now it's back to normal, which is the only bad thing I can say about it."

9 / 10
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  • cllove
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 12, 2018

For Birth Control "I do not recommend this pill due to my personal experiences. I was gaining weight and it was combating against all the work I was devoting to losing weight. I would get extremely bad chest pains and I thought I needed to see a cardio it was so bad. I was on Levora prior to this and I absolutely loved it and had no issues, but my pharmacy had it discontinued from their warehouse. I just got off the Portia this prior weekend and I started Altavera today and will post a review on that drug as well."

4 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 20, 2014

For Birth Control "I have had a great experience with this medication. With this pill I have some PMS, nothing out of the norm and barely any cramping (which is great because I suffer from bad cramping). I recommend this pill been on it 6 months and its great!"

9 / 10
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  • Mclar...
  • August 1, 2020

For Birth Control "Just like everyone else here, I was just recently switched from Levora, I loved Levora, and never had any side effects. Now, Portia, I have been on for a solid week now, and have already experienced extreme mood swings, and the smallest things will set me off, and send me into bawling my eyes out for no reason! My boyfriend was the first to notice it, and I looked up reviews and I have all of the same mood swing side effects as everyone else, I’ve been on multiple different pills, and this is the first one to ever give me any side effects!"

5 / 10
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  • KBano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 17, 2020

For Birth Control "Yeah... no. I got switched to this brand Portia from Chateal (which I loved), and had a bunch of weird side effects. My acne got worse, I got stretch marks galore, and had pretty common chest pain. I got brown discharge most of the time. I skipped the placebos as I had really bad periods, but the pill really only took away the symptoms of a period but kept the bleeding. I don’t recommend if you’re using this brand to skip your periods."

2 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 13, 2015

For Birth Control "I've been on Portia for a few months now. I've always had a super heavy 7 day period and terrible cramps. The cramps have reduced a lot but my period last month was 14 DAYS LONG. However it was substantially lighter. It was also very very rare for me to get sick before starting this pill and since I've been on it I have vomited out of no where 3 times. My mood swings have also been pretty bad since starting Portia causing me and my boyfriend of over a year to fight a lot more often. I'm thinking of changing this pill."

7 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.