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Capsaicin topical for Peripheral Neuropathy User Reviews

Brand names: Qutenza, Zostrix, Zostrix Neuropathy, Pain Doctor, Salonpas-Hot, Sloan's Liniment, Dolorac, Capzasin, Salonpas Gel-Patch, Capzasin-HP, Capsin, GNP Capsaicin, Capzasin Back and Body, Axsain, Aspercreme Warming Pain Relief Patch, Drs Cream, Theragen HP, Capsagel Extra Strength, Capsagel Maximum Strength, Zostrix-HP, Capzasin-HP Arthritis Formula, Menthac Arthritis Cream with Capsaicin, Salonpas Pain Patch with Capsaicin, Analgesic Balm with Capsaicin, Capsicum Oleoresin, Zostrix Sports, Castiva Warming, No Pain-HP, Capzasin-P Pain-X R-Gel Zostrix Foot Pain Zostrix Diabetic Foot Pain …show all brand names

Capsaicin topical has an average rating of 5.9 out of 10 from a total of 12 reviews for the off-label treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy. 58% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 33% reported a negative experience.

Capsaicin topical rating summary

5.9 average rating out of 10

12 ratings from 13 user reviews.

Compare all 14 medications used in the treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy.


Reviews for Capsaicin topical

  • MikeC
  • October 4, 2014

"After a spinal injury, I began to experience numbness, pain, and 'prickly' feelings in my legs and feet. My toes and bottoms of my feet near the toes were (and still are) completely numb, and I have frequent pain and burning in those areas. I bought the Capsaicin cream without a prescription at Walmart for $10. I applied it liberally to both feet and massaged the areas well. I then put on white ankle socks so I could walk on my wood floors without leaving residue. I did not experience any bad side effects—no burning, etc. The relief from my nerve pain subsided very quickly. After about 15 minutes, I removed the socks and elevated my legs. The medication definitely provided great relief. DO wash your hands thoroughly with soap."

9 / 10
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  • LUano
  • July 10, 2019

Qutenza (capsaicin) "Although I was informed about this treatment and how your body might react to it, my case spiraled out of hand. It was applied to the thorax wand. Of course, different patients react differently. The medics had to call a team to manage my situation. The pain was so much that without a shred of doubt, words simply cannot explain. The options to help me out were fentanyl or anesthesia to help me cope with the situation. Two days since the happening, I still literally ask my attendees if it was a dream."

1 / 10
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41 Report
  • Solsa
  • May 24, 2016

"Capsaicin cream works amazingly well for my sciatica. I apply it on the side of my leg, foot, lower back, or wherever I have pain. So, the version 0.1% is too strong. You should buy the 0.025% version. Look for Rugby Capsaicin 0.025%. There is also a product called Zostrix, which you can find with 0.025%. Also: use plastic gloves to apply. You are applying essence of hot peppers to your skin, and if you transfer it to your eyes, it will really burn. It stays on your skin, so after 8-12 hours, I scrub the area down with a soapy washcloth. It reheats if you sweat or take a bath. Without scrubbing, it will reactivate if your skin gets wet."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • white...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 7, 2018

Qutenza (capsaicin) "Qutenza really does work. I did have very intense burning for 15 mins for four days. You should never shower or touch the area with water for 48 hrs. The pain can be mind-blowing, but it does subside, and a cool fan helps. Don't let your pets near the area, as it will burn them. I have had multiple Qutenza treatments, and it isn't 3 months before it works. It works straight away, it lasts up to 3 months plus. Don't apply it yourselves, use a health professional, as it does burn."

10 / 10
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31 Report
  • Araluen
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 4, 2021

"I had a spinal fusion and developed severe nerve pain in my toe, foot leg and hip. Lyrica and Endone barely controlled the pain and the side effects of drowsiness and constipation were intolerable long term. Some nights the burning sensation was so bad I could not bear even a sheet to touch my foot! I also had pain in my leg and hip. A friend suggested Comfrey cream - this gave some short relief but did not really alter the frequency of the pain. The pharmacy suggested trying Zostrix and the relief was amazing once I had adjusted to the cream. It absolutely was a game changer and I no longer need Lyrica or Endone. I do think you can smear on too much and this does can cause excessive burning which subsides, however, so follow the instructions and use sparingly. Definitely do not apply immediately after having had a hot shower and don't go to sleep with the electric blanket heating the affected area."

9 / 10
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18 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Murph
  • April 26, 2017

Qutenza (capsaicin) "Well have had this treatment about 2 years ago now - I was told it was a very new treatment and only one use of it would provide permanent benefits and that it often gave back sensation to extremities in Peripheral Neuropathy - for me this was not the case it was in a sheet format a speciased Nurse was doing the treatment cutting into this single sheet by aseptic technique and extra gloves - the stinging that it cases to both my hands as in fingers and everywhere the Quitenza touched spent the next 3 days virtually in the bath as skin was burning in PAIN now Pain I can feel, unlike even touch seems out of reach - apparently it takes up to 3 months to work - oh yeh and it is made from Capsicum - [Chillies]"

1 / 10
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29 Report
  • MsSmith
  • August 12, 2016

"I have been suffering from sciatica for about 10 years now. It has gradually gotten worse. Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and naproxen no longer help to relieve the pain in my left thigh. I have found that a generic capsaicin patch placed on my lower back relieves the pain. It doesn't fully disappear, but it becomes a lot more bearable (0.025%)."

9 / 10
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28 Report
  • Jmpma...
  • December 3, 2016

"This works for nerve pain, but is waaay stronger than Bengay, Tiger Balm, and the sort. Honestly, this should have a more serious alert on the bottle. My doctor had me start nerve desensitizing-I think it's called. I have two types of nerve pain, and the pain can get real ugly. I used a brush on my hamstrings and adductors to 'desensitize.' I was still just going crazy in pain, meditated-well, tried. Prayed and am now suffering the consequences of putting Capzasin HP on my scrubbed legs...maybe 30 minutes past the scrubbing. Honestly, this pain rivals my nerve pain-awful close anyway. Good product, but BE careful with kids, pets, older folks, and especially people in crazy pain undertreated by a propaganda-driven war on pain medicine and the pain doctors."

8 / 10
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23 Report
  • Cwano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 20, 2020

"I was prescribed this capsaicin cream due to severe nerve pain after suffering from Guillian Barre. The burning nerve pain on top of my feet was unbearable. After using the cream twice a day the pain is much better. There is a slight burn after applying the cream but nothing compared the burning pain of the nerve pain. I would definitely recommend it for people dealing with the same sort of issue as I have."

8 / 10
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10 Report
  • Seano
  • May 8, 2019

"Doctor prescribed for post shingles pain, put cream on my rash and thought I was dying. My skin burned so bad, turned red for hours and I washed it off almost immediately. Pain was way worse after putting on the cream than before, would not recommend."

1 / 10
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7 Report
  • Ash
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 7, 2020

"If you have peripheral neuropathy or a small nerve fiber neuropathy, DO NOT USE capsaicin cream!!! Or use with caution! Pain was a 10 out of 10 and it only got worse over the hours.. pro tip... to neutralize, apply vinegar and then sour cream and let sit if you can.. then rinse off and apply again until you can manage with the burning. The only reason it somewhat worked is because I was in so much pain I didn’t feel my nerve or joint pain at the moment.."

1 / 10
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4 Report
  • pamta...
  • January 2, 2012

Qutenza (capsaicin) "Don't get this cream in your eyes or cuts, it will burn."

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  • Sabrina
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 26, 2023

Qutenza (capsaicin) "I got relief from my burning in my feet for only four weeks. The burning pain has returned with the same intensity that I had before the application of the patch."

4 / 10
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6 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.