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Zubsolv for Opioid Use Disorder User Reviews (Page 3)

Zubsolv has an average rating of 7.3 out of 10 from a total of 110 reviews for the treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. 64% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 20% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Zubsolv

  • Mick
  • February 15, 2018

"I started out on Suboxone strips at 12 mg a day( 4mg three a day) yes the subs worked but I absolutely hated taking them. They take forever to dissolve and tasted awful. I would almost rather go through oxy W/D than have to take a Sub. So I struggled taking subs as they were prescribed so I kept using for the majority of the time I was prescribed simply bc I thought they were that disgusting, not saying they weren't effective when I did take them. Anyways, recently I switched insurance companies and they didn't cover Suboxone so I had to switch to ZUBSOLV......WOW wish I knew about this a long time ago! I actually almost enjoy taking Zubsolv (I take 1 5.7/1.4mg pill a day) It tastes like one of those wintergreen lifesavers and dissolves waaaay quicker than Suboxone. I am extremely grateful for this medication. ZUBSOLV is a game changer."

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  • 24 Male
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 26, 2020

"I have been on Zubsolv for nearly 2 years. In terms of recovery, this has been a great help and happy to say I have been clean since I got on. Occasionally a crave comes, but that was expected. I take 5.4 mg 2x a day. My teeth are suffering. I have never had such sensitivity before, and it is causing me pain throughout the days. I am worried about what this is doing to my mouth, and will be visiting the dentist shortly. Happy with this, and praying I don’t lose my teeth before 30."

8 / 10
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  • Opiat...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 29, 2016

"1st day on Zubsolv. I have no history with Suboxone and I cant compare the two. For the last year, I was averaging 20 days of the month on 150MG of MD per day and 200MG of Hydro or Oxy for the other 10 days of the month. My source of MD went to clinic every two weeks so I always would be out of MD with 4 or 5 days remaining before this person went back to clinic. Sad but true and I accept that I am an idiot. Anyways, 24 days ago I just jumped CT. It was as bad as all you have read about MD. I was desperate and called a clinic and got on Zubsolv. Within 30 minutes all the anxiety, pain all over, lack of motivation etc. was fading. 1 hour later, I am like a different person. Based on 1 day, I am a fan."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • meano
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 22, 2019

"I switched to this medication after being on methadone 130mg for 10+ years. I had to drop the methadone down to 40mg for 5 days, then stop completely for 4 days before I could take zubsolv. I lost the weight I gained from methadone, got through the depressed feeling by using Lexapro. I'm now coming off zubsolv after 1 year of 5.7mg daily. It seems fairly easy so far, wish me luck!"

8 / 10
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  • Longb...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 14, 2017

"I've had an extensive history with Pain meds. My whole fam literally has drug prob & is addicted to alcohol. I was sober 11yrs back in 2001. I was 21. Since I married, we had a child & moved cross country. When we moved I found out I had b ca. After being dx at 36, finding out I carry the gene, an 18 hr surgery to save my life, throw a PE 3 wks later my disease took over again. I was put on Zub over 2 yrs ago. I thought this is a life saver! Now day 15 into detox I have never in my life had w/d this bad! I'm 44, healthy now. I have awful restless leg, flat affect, emotional, Fever/chills.. all for 11 Days now! I have never in my life been in w/d for this long! You think it's saving u, your switching an addiction for another one! No lie"

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Shayp...
  • December 25, 2016

"Okay. my zubsolv experience so far has been good when I actually had the medication. At this very moment I am out and the pharmacies in my area NEVER have them in stock. I switched from suboxone to zubsolv because the state insurance stopped covering suboxone and started covering Zubsolv. Now, I don't mind this, but it's a bitch to get! They need to have their pharmacies carry it or else a lot of you are going to be sick over the weekend because they have to order it and they don't receive shipments during the weekend. I'm going through this right now and tomorrow is Christmas. I called every damn pharmacy and they all told me the same thing. Other than all the issues that come with trying to get my medicine, zubsolv works well for me"

7 / 10
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  • Jonkoch
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 3, 2018

"Recovering opiate addict that I got into while in college. Came back home to a world of pain but after treatment got started on suboxone. Went fairly well then insurance wanted us to switch to zubsolv. It’s pretty much the same but DO NOT try and go cold turkey off these meds. They will send you into the worst withdrawal of your life worse than oxy 80mg a day for months kind of stuff. They have really helped me get my life back and if you play by the rules and work the system you will get better. Trust the process and want to get better. We are all with you :)"

9 / 10
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More FAQ

  • ShayBay
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 3, 2017

"I finally checked myself into a clinic after 5 years. I have chronic pain issues, but I just couldn't take it anymore, I had to be off of the 75-90mg a day Percocet habit. My doctor prescribed the Zubsolv (15 free while we wait for my PA with my insurance). He said I could take the meds at 12hrs but I was so afraid of precipitated withdrawals that I decided to wait 24hrs. My husband held my hand while I cried uncontrollably because of the shaking awful WD's I was in, and I have serious medication anxiety and I was so scared. As soon as I popped it under my tongue it began breaking down. The flavor was pleasant enough. Within just moments I felt like a new person. Highly recommend so far!!"

10 / 10
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  • Bearcan
  • December 13, 2016

"I started on Sub 1 1/2 ago. My addiction blew up after a cancer dx. Sub caused mouth sores. I should have never ever started on these medications! Once an addict always an addict! The wean process is pure hell! I feel like this must be what heroin addicts go through in jail. I hate myself for agreeing to this. Don't do it! It's so hard to get off. You think Vicodin is hard just wait. I was happy too when I first started. Soon the addict in you will take a couple more in a day. U can't be on it forever. The pain from weaning is no joke! U will abuse this & come up short I promise youI!!"

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  • Music...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 5, 2016

"About 3 months ago I switched from Suboxone 8mg x2 a day to Zubsolv 5.7 x2 a day . At first I was worried that the lower mg per dose wouldn't work as well but I have to say it works great ! They taste of Suboxone always tastes like crap but I knew soon after taking it I'd be well so after a while I didn't think about it . Zubsolv on the other hand has a pleasant mint taste kinda like toothpaste. The major issue I had with Suboxone is constipation! Always had to take laxatives. On Zubsolv I can honestly say I haven't. been constipated at all Zero constipation, which has been one factor in feeling well over all. If I had to choose an over all favorite drug after looking at all the pros and cons , Zubsolv is at the top of the list.."

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  • Tano
  • December 13, 2019

"I was first put on oxycodone 30mg 15 years ago and have had 8 back surgeries. They kept moving my medication around from 15's, 20,s and 30s. I felt like the pill was turning me into something that I didn't want to be. So I talked with my doctor about taking me off of the Oxycodone after trying going cold . So my levels were 2900 on a drug screen and I had to go 5 days before they would put me on zubsolv, well I just about didn't make it. I had to stay home and just go thru it. Once they put me on it, immediately it took all the sickness away and gave me energy like I didn't imagine the 1st few days I was like wow. I was only taking 2 a day. The 1st couple days I would have a craving come thru my mind but I would get up and clean the house and it only would happen for a few minutes. My brain was trying to reprogram itself. The only thing I dislike about the medicine is makes you sleepy, but for anyone that is having withdrawals or tired of taking oxy this is the way to go. It saved my life and it does help"

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  • bemol...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 9, 2019

"I changed from Bunavail to Zubsolv. It was a mistake for me. It was fine when first started. No problems. Problems came when I tried to wean off zubsov. I had full force panic attacks. I went emergency room 3 times. I was given hydroxyzine to counter it. That was not always helpful. That made me very sleepy. Now I am very miserable due to being afraid to take too much zubsov, anxiety and panic or not enough and feel very bad and add too much sleepy drug to function properly. I want to get totally off it."

5 / 10
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  • Nisey...
  • March 2, 2017

"I've been taking Suboxone for about 5 yrs, buying them from a friend. She tends to oversell her extras, and at least a few times per year, I end up in withdrawal when I run out. I finally went to a doctor to get my own script, but since my insurance doesn't cover Suboxone, he put me on Zubsolv. So far, I feel fine. My only issue is the pill form. I was taking 4mgs of Sub a day, half of a 8mg film. Now I'm taking half of a 5.7mg Zubsolv tablet, which means cutting the tab in half. I've accidentally crushed half, and had to scoop it up & get it under my tongue, which worries me, because I'm afraid I'm losing some of it this way. The taste is actually better, like a breath mint. I miss the strips, but I'm keeping an open mind!"

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  • Scared
  • February 8, 2020

"Been on subs for one year and have done great. My insurance will no longer cover them had to go to zubs within 3 hours I was in full blown withdrawal had all the withdrawal symptoms vomiting diarrhea shaking anxiety and suicidal ideation - it was a nightmare. Luckily I have a great dr called in the sub strips within 20 minutes I was back to normal. Please think twice before you take zubsolv."

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  • mac
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 25, 2018

"I have been on opiates for 17 years after a truck rear-ended me from a dead stop..I went to this pain doctor who is to help me get off the pain pills not to keep you on them. I started a few weeks ago, using zubsolv 5.7-12.1.4, I did my research on this drug and found it to be stronger than the subs..I must say how easy it is and was for me to adjust to them. It is a very clean drug treatment .I take three a day, still a little pain I do have, but to me this is a God send..for me this is not about getting a buzz, like I see so many do with the subs..first month, I am keeping a logged paper back book for me to write down my problems if I have any..."

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  • Zubox...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 10, 2017

"2 yrs on generic suboxone tablets (Roxanne Labs or Amneal brands only decent generics). I've tried to tapper with my Doc once but mentally wasn't ready. Dosage was 16mg/day or 2x8mg/day. Found out My insurance copay is the same on Zubsolv (name brand) as Generic Suboxone. Strange I thought since Name brand Suboxone Films AND Bunavail are still PRE-AUTH ONLY. Now, bare with me. Films have been on market for years but Zubsolv is $10 overnight? Ok. It's been about 10 days since starting Zubsolv. 5.7mgX2/day. No way this is a competitor to Suboxone. I love the under 10min dissolving time AND toothpaste flavor. Wife asked if Ive been taking my medicine. Yep. Im irritable, short tempered, VERY Lerhargic ZUBSOLV ACTS AS A REALLY IS A DIFFERENT DRUG FOR ME"

2 / 10
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  • Smurf...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 20, 2019

"I've been taking suboxone for many years now. I continue it for maintaining my pain relief. What I would like to say IS.. Generic Suboxone () is NOT THE SAME. Been having withdrawal symptoms and my anxiety has soared through the roof. Here is a copy of what the generic ZUBSOLV had to say.. "There are some preferential differences between Suboxone and Zubslov, such as taste and dosage forms. Zubsolv also has improved bioavailability, which allows the user to absorb the buprenorphine and put it to use more easily. As a result, there is a lower opioid content in a dose of Zubsolv than in a dose of Suboxone". SO THOSE WHO SAY "ITS THE SAME" rubbish, it's not."

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  • Vangogh
  • May 19, 2016

"I've been perscribed suboxone in the past & it always worked. Although I wasn't too happy when I started to feel physically reliant( & bc I was not forwarned by anyone). My new doctor wrote me a script for zubsolv. My sub dosage was 16mg daily (2 8mg strips). The first day on zubs was horrible I was in full withdrawal with no effect I even took double what was perscribed bc I thought it might be that & it was low to begin with ( just 2 5.7mg tabs per day) & with no prevail. I suffered for 3 straight days it did not work at all. Finally on day 3 I felt some relief but I'm sure it's just because I was through the worst of my detox. I would not recommend this to anyone for the sole reason it's not worth the risk. It could make you relapse."

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  • Anonymous
  • November 27, 2019

"I begin taking zubsolv back in March for my opiate addiction. The very 1st day I threw up all day long and couldn't leave the bed. It was my fault though. Make sure you let the pill completely dissolve before swallowing or you're going for a ride oh the tilt-a-hurl. Once I begin taking it correctly the urges were gone. I've put on 30lbs since then and I feel great. I am choosing to lower my dosage next month to begin the weaning process. I never thought I would be able to turn away from my drug of choice but it has been so much easier with this medicine. I didn't have insurance but I qualified for the zubsolv patient assistance program so if that's what's stopping you from getting help, there is your answer. Have your dr give you an application for them."

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  • Fardo...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 9, 2017

"I have been using oxy for over a year and half daily for the last 3 months. I knew I needed help to get off of these drugs, and so I went to seek help from a doctor. He prescribed me zubsolv ... and after 15 hours of being in withdrawal I took my first dose and went hard into precipitated withdrawal. The doctor was sure that enough time had passed using the Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS method), but maybe I have a slow metabolism?!? It was terrible for the first 24 hours. However I am now finishing up my second day on the medication taking two pills a day and my withdrawal symptoms are gone. I still feel very achey in my joints and just have been lying in bed but this medication has really given me hope that I can stay strong and off of using. Give it a chance!"

8 / 10
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  • Lady
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 15, 2019

"My insurance wanted me to switch from Suboxone strips to zubsolv. I really haven't had any problems. It is small and has a mint taste. That's better than that "orange" taste. I kinda like it better. I take 2 a day. I would like to get back to 1 a day. But over all it works fine for me."

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  • Autum...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 24, 2017

"I was addicted to pain meds after surgery at 20. Then I started doing heroin to stay out of W/D. 7 long years later on heroin I heard a news clip for Suboxone heading here from Europe. I jumped on the phone and got an appointment. It went great. I went through W/D for 72 hours dying all the way through. The doctor started with 1-8mg. Sub., then 2, then 3. Finally it worked for me (24mg.) I have been on Suboxone almost 17 happy years. One day my doctor wanted to switch me to Zubsolv cause he had 15 free sample script and wanted me to try it . At first it was amazing (11-4) 2x's a day, 4 hours later I was W/D. It's horrible for me. It does not work for everyone. I'm back on Subs and back to my life. Zubsolv can't compare to my Suboxone!"

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  • Anonymous
  • January 24, 2017

"The taste is DISGUSTING. I was on suboxone for years, now have to take this via my insurance. I now have chronic stomach pain and nausea and like others have said, it barely stays in your system. I feel sick every morning until I take it."

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  • Doug
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 2, 2018

"This medicine saved my life I was on it for 2 years just finished 3 months ago, the withdraw was mild due to how I tapered off. My only issue with it was the withdrawal symptoms seem to last slightly longer then your standard pain pill type medication. But I would highly recommend just make sure you’re ready to commit to this medicine. Any one that’s taking this or suboxone needs to tapper properly or you’ll have a really bad time."

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  • DYano
  • October 20, 2018

"I absolutely believe that this medication saved my life! The fact that I am able to fall asleep without lying awake for hours with racing thoughts is nothing short of a miracle. When I first get up I feel like looking forward to the day. I once again can function and not suffer from physical sickness!!"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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