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Budesonide for Inflammatory Bowel Disease User Reviews

Brand names: Pulmicort Flexhaler, Pulmicort Respules, Tarpeyo, Eohilia, Entocort EC Uceris

Budesonide has an average rating of 7.5 out of 10 from a total of 30 reviews for the treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. 67% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 17% reported a negative experience.

Budesonide rating summary

7.5 average rating out of 10

30 ratings from 32 user reviews.

Compare all 183 medications used in the treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease.


Reviews for Budesonide

  • Curious
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 26, 2020

"I have been on Budesonide for approximately 6 weeks as I have Microscopic Colitis. Last week, I forgot to take my dose in the morning, and after dinner that evening, my diarrhea had returned in full ugly force. It wasn't until my husband asked if I took my med that I realized I had forgotten to take that morning. This was the only time throughout the course that I missed a dose. This med has worked wonderfully so far with no side effects, however, I am concerned that in two weeks I am scheduled to stop taking it or to wean off, that it won't be successful. My understanding is long-term steroid use is harmful. Any advice?"

10 / 10
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90 Report
  • Shery...
  • December 5, 2013

Entocort EC (budesonide) "I was prescribed this for Collagenous (microscopic) Colitis, and it worked immediately with the first dose. I take three 3mg capsules at once in the morning. I've been on it for 15 months straight with no side effects, but I do have to have a bone density scan once a year. I have tried weaning off the medicine, but my symptoms return so it looks like I'm on this for life. Entocort is my miracle. It helps me live a normal life."

10 / 10
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135 Report
  • SherylR
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 8, 2014

Entocort EC (budesonide) "Microscopic Colitis: I have already given a review on this medication but I wanted to add important information. The one thing I found is the generic Budesonide (bright pink capsule) does not work well as the brand Entocort EC (gray and pink). I take whatever the pharmacy has available. This last refill was generic and while on it, all my symptoms returned. Saw my gastro and told him about it and he said he had one other patient that stated generic didn't work for them. He prescribed brand only and it works like a charm. If you find you aren't doing well on the generic, ask for brand. See if it makes a difference. It did for me."

10 / 10
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125 Report
  • Salohan
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 26, 2020

"Anyone experienced nausea, weakness, and loss of appetite from Entocort? I have been on this for a week for MC flare-up, but these side effects, along with the abdominal cramps, are intolerable. Anyone experienced these effects?"

4 / 10
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56 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 16, 2015

"Budesonide has been a blessing in my case, and other than being extremely expensive, I am pleased. I have now been on it for 2 months due to collagenous colitis and have had a bonus experience. Other than controlling my diarrhea, I also suffer from extreme arthritis pain. Within days, both the diarrhea and the pain were 95% gone. I am extremely concerned about being weaned off budesonide at 12 weeks which is the prescribed course. Also curious as to others that have possibly been on it longer and whether anyone else has experienced the bonus pain relief. I feel like I actually have my life back right now due to this stuff."

10 / 10
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98 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Not...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 7, 2021

Entocort EC (budesonide) "Was prescribed Entocort after a colon biopsy positive for microscopic colitis (and a high calprotectin level in stool tests). I experienced improvement from Day 1 and was cured by the end of the 90-day course of therapy. This felt like a miracle after being misdiagnosed with IBS for 5 years and nothing helped."

10 / 10
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41 Report
  • Kaymlt
  • February 21, 2014

"This medication was an answer to prayer. I suffered with chronic diarrhea for over a year and had tried Imodium, dietary changes, and anything else I could think of to stop it. I eventually had a colonoscopy and biopsies taken showed collagenous colitis, a form of microscopic colitis. ONE day on this med stopped my diarrhea. I haven't had any negative side effects whatsoever."

10 / 10
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84 Report
  • merocks
  • March 31, 2010

Entocort EC (budesonide) "I have been suffering with severe diarrhea due to Lymphocytic Colitis for 2 years. I have taken many different prescriptions for it with no help. Entocort was prescribed to me 10 days ago, and I feel terrific! The diarrhea and cramping have stopped. I really feel great. For the first 4 days, I did have a moderate headache, but that has gone. The only side effect I have now is some mild ache on my face. For me, Entocort has given me my life back."

9 / 10
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88 Report
  • Colitis...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 12, 2017

"I suffered from massive diarrhea and horrible incontinence that kept me hiding at home, deeply depressed and wearing a diaper. Budesonide changed my life! I travel now and go everywhere with confidence. The bad news is that the American pharma industry has jacked up the cost of GENERIC Budesonide to over $1,000 a month (without insurance). Even WITH my United Healthcare insurance, the cost is STILL $300 a month! Luckily, I found a Canadian website that sells drugs from Europe and India, so now my cost for 30 days of Budesonide is $125. Check Consumer Reports for guidelines about how to safely purchase meds from Canada. Meanwhile, tell your congressperson that the U.S. pharma industry is BLEEDING us!"

10 / 10
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51 Report
  • BBano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 22, 2020

"I have experienced diarrhea, incontinence of stool, and abdominal pain for many months. Found an MD that was actually interested in finding an answer to my symptoms, which was lymphocytic colitis, and I started the budesonide medication and have had no symptoms. Starting my second month and then will be weaning. So far, no side effects except increased appetite, but I am living a normal life."

10 / 10
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31 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 1, 2011

Entocort EC (budesonide) "This medicine changed my life. I have taken it for 2 years, but now I have no health insurance and can't afford it. I have severe cramping and constant diarrhea. Food is repulsive to me, and I am losing weight like crazy. I sure do miss it."

10 / 10
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71 Report
  • Sally
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 14, 2020

Entocort EC (budesonide) "I have microscopic colitis and was prescribed 9 mg for 30 days, 6 mg for 30 days, 3 mg for 30 days. I took this for 30 days with no relief, was also taking Imodium and cholestyramine, still with no relief. Got prescribed Lotolil, 2 pills up to 4 times a day, still no relief. So unfortunately, it has not worked for me."

1 / 10
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32 Report
  • Daltz
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 10, 2014

"Have had collagenous colitis for a couple of years. I was in agony a week ago with a flare-up, but this saved me. I'm supposed to be on it for six weeks - then off. Scared about that. This is not a cure - it's a bandaid - am on a special diet now and crossing my fingers."

10 / 10
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45 Report
  • SHERL...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 21, 2020

"I have been on budesonide (for IBD) for 11 weeks including the weaning stage. My reason for using this drug was for incontinent bowel. Second day of use of three 3mg tablets I was no longer experiencing incontinence with the bowel and things were getting back to normal. 10 weeks later after being off of medicine for 5 colon started acting up again. So am about to go on an alternating plan of 2 tablets one day and 1 the next."

8 / 10
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25 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 17, 2011

Entocort EC (budesonide) "I've been taking Entocort for almost 3 months now. My symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease are almost nonexistent. However, since taking this medicine (almost from the beginning), I now have psoriasis all over my body, including pustular psoriasis on my hands and feet, which is very painful. I believe this medicine is causing the psoriasis, I've never had this condition before."

10 / 10
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54 Report
  • 10yea...
  • September 22, 2009

Entocort EC (budesonide) "Reidcaro - Be careful. Less than 2 weeks' time is not enough time to judge the results. Don't expect a cure for IBD. Look at yourself as managing it. Realizing this at the start may avoid a letdown each time you change medicines."

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53 Report
  • reidc...
  • June 21, 2009

Entocort EC (budesonide) "I have only been taking this medicine for a week. I am being treated for inflammatory bowel disease, and nothing else has worked. So far, I think I am on the way to being cured. I am keeping my fingers crossed. After two weeks, I have to report back to my physician as to my experience with this medicine."

8 / 10
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48 Report
  • Lisa...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 1, 2021

"I have completed 2 rounds of this budesonide and when I'm on it, life is good and my IBD is controlled. Suffered for 10 years with chronic diarrhea and stomach pain, after 1st dose felt much better and progressively got better during 8 week course of treatment. My symptoms came back a couple of days after completing the medication, so doctor prescribed 2nd round. Just finished 2nd round and can feel myself reverting back, waking up with stomach pain and diarrhea again. Waiting for doctor to see what he recommends going forward, can't imagine taking a steroid for the rest of my life."

7 / 10
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15 Report
  • Sheila
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 21, 2020

"I was put on this drug budesonide 6 weeks ago, cured my diarrhea from inflammatory bowel disease, but has caused easy bruising all over my arms and legs. Started with 3 pills a day, after 6 weeks, went to 2 pills a day for 2 weeks. Now 1 pill a day for the next 2 weeks, experiencing low mood, stomach cramps, figured its withdrawal"

10 / 10
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15 Report
  • Donna
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 19, 2020

Entocort EC (budesonide) "I was diagnosed 1 and 1/2 years ago with lymphocytic colitis. I have had 3 flare ups and have been on endocort for each one. Great drug for me, unfortunately my sugars have elevated because I have type 2 diabetes. I stop the drug the end of December, very anxious to see what will happen. Lost 34 lbs since the beginning of this horrible disease and my symptoms return every 3 months after I stop taking endocort."

10 / 10
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14 Report
  • Misery
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 30, 2018

"I have been on budesonide 9 mg for nearly 2 weeks. The diarrhea slowed down after a couple of days. I have been very sick on and off this last week. Stomach pain, nausea, headache weekness, insomnia. I have read the side effects just now and realised that it is the tablet that is making me so sick. Going O/S in 2 weeks and I am extremely worried."

2 / 10
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19 Report
  • Jo-Ann
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • November 18, 2021

Entocort EC (budesonide) "I've had stomach and intestinal issues for many, many years and have sporadically been using Entocort over 10 years. I'm sensitive to most medication and don't take it daily as it has side effects (i.e. vision & bone density issues). There have times when the gastroenterologist prescribed it everyday for about 4 weeks, tapering off after that time frame. Although, I wish I didn't have to take this steroid, it is the only medication which helps, even if for short periods. I'm amazed there is no cure for these debilitating intestinal diseases."

8 / 10
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10 Report
  • Kilt
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 31, 2012

"This drug was prescribed to me by my family doctor to help with my ulcerative colitis. I think that after three years of off and on flares with colitis and prednisone usage, I am now steroid resistant. This medicine has worked very poorly for me. At the highest dose of 9 mg, my symptoms are not nearly under control."

3 / 10
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25 Report
  • mary
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 3, 2022

"I am newly diagnosed with collagenous colitis. Prescribed budesonide for two weeks, then off for two weeks, symptoms came back. Now on medication for another two weeks, works great. I'm to let the doctor know before two weeks is up how it went. A guessing game with this colon dysfunction. Question: how is it for long term maintenance? A blessing of relief!"

10 / 10
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4 Report
  • JEH
  • April 30, 2023

"I have been on this drug for 3 months. Went through a regimen and weaned off. Began to have diarrhea immediately. Went back on one budesonide 3 mg pill. I have no appetite, have weakness, and nausea. Going to get off this pill and see if I can get to feeling better. I don’t think you are supposed to stay on this steroid."

5 / 10
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2 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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