Eliquis for Pulmonary Embolism User Reviews
Eliquis has an average rating of 6.7 out of 10 from a total of 45 reviews for the treatment of Pulmonary Embolism. 53% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 20% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Eliquis
- RWilson
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 29, 2019
"I have been on Eliquis for pulmonary embolism in both lungs. I was a healthy, active 42-year-old woman, and no reason for them. I had severe headaches, muscle weakness, and fatigue for a few weeks. I started feeling a lot better and was doing well with my usual kickboxing workout until recently. I am now experiencing fatigue and severe back pain, as well as dizziness and shortness of breath. I'm hoping I can get off of the meds in March. Anyone else experience this?"
- PRano
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 4, 2019
"I wound up with PE and DVT behind right knee. I was in the hospital for 72 hours and was prescribed Eliquis twice a day. I feel like I have lost me. I am in constant leg pain, my joints and lower back hurt so bad. After two weeks, my hair started falling out and I wound up with Edema. I had sudden weight gain with no diet change. I get dizzy and light-headed and fumble to speak at times. My body itches constantly. I just want off this drug!! I feel it is poisoning me and the shortness of breath and wheezing are scaring me. Please don't take this drug. I struggle every day to walk and fight through the pain."
Frequently asked questions
- Top 6 Eliquis Side Effects: What You Need to Know in Depth
- Xarelto vs Eliquis: How do they compare?
- Switching from Eliquis to Xarelto: What do I need to know?
- How do you reverse bleeding with Xarelto?
- Lola
- July 30, 2020
"Was placed on Eliquis after a small PE. The clot was dissolved within three weeks, so while I’m grateful the Eliquis did its job, I begged my doctor to take me off it and got switched to Warfarin. Eliquis just made me feel lifeless. I had all day fatigue and weakness, feeling spacey and zoned out to the degree that it was very challenging to work at times, dizziness, heart palpitations, spells where I felt on the verge of passing out, difficulty swallowing, random weird pains in my eyes, ears, and extremities, back spasms and constant back pain, water weight gain and uncomfortable bloating and swelling, swollen feet and ankles, nausea, GI distress, stomach pains, and diarrhea, and rectal bleeding. Also had liver tests come back with abnormalities while on the med. These symptoms caused my doctor to refer me to several trips to the ER."
- Les
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 26, 2019
"I had a PE late November. Since taking Eliquis, I am having shortness of breath and a racing heart (at times in the 120s - 130s). I can't decide if I have something else going on or if it could be from the medication. My doctor is looking for other causes, and I'm trying to figure out if it could be something as simple as Eliquis causing this. HELP!"
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- Dorot...
- March 4, 2016
"I have been on Eliquis for 5 months for a saddle pulmonary embolism in November. I was unable to breathe, had chest pressure, exhaustion, and was finally treated by Eliquis. However, after three and a half months, I have been losing hair at a rapid rate. I am feeling better, however, the hair loss, swollen legs, and insomnia are extremely disheartening and scary. I hope I will get my hair back after treatment and that my legs will not swell any longer. I am hoping someone else has had the same experience and can offer me consolation. Thank you."
- ScottN
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- March 10, 2020
"Had PE events twice due to a factor 9 blood clotting disorder at age 47. Was put on Coumadin for 3 years. Regular INR checks are painful and costly. Dr. switched me to Eliquis and I've been on it for 3 years. I am male, exercise regularly, in good health other than the blood disorder. Honestly, I can't tell any side effects at all... other than not having any more PEs!"
More FAQ
- Does Feverfew interact with any drugs?
- What are biologic drugs and how do they work?
- What do you need to know about Blood Thinners?
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- November 5, 2019
"I have had 4 DVTs that each turned into a PE. Extremely lucky to be alive. It turns out that I have a blood disorder that makes clotting easier. I was on Warfarin for 20 years. I switched to Eliquis about one year ago. It has been wonderful. Eating salads every day, no monitoring, and feeling quite well. I would highly recommend Eliquis to anyone."
- Masood
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 11, 2019
"I had PE (pulmonary embolism) 8 months ago. I started Xarelto, but after six months, I still had 4 clots in my lungs. The doctor changed me to Eliquis. Now, I have been taking Eliquis for 3 months, but I am experiencing thyroid problems in my blood test because of this medicine. Tomorrow, I am going to see the doctor, they may change my medicine because now I feel swallowing dizziness and muscle pain. I'm just 35 years old. I'm in big trouble."
- Pucky
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 31, 2019
"50 years old. Grade 3 tear to knee ligament. 2 x 13 cm blood clots in lower leg resulted in PE. 2 clots broke off into lungs. Tried Xarelto, Eliquis, Pradaxa, and currently on Warfarin. All the same side effects. Shocking joint and muscle pain at night. Wake through the night all seized up. Takes 5 mins to unseize myself and sit up. Mornings are the worst. Can't walk without crutches. Have a window of 7 hrs in the day where I'm almost normal. Still seize up if I'm sitting for an hour or so. It's been 3 months now and can't get answers from anyone. Doctor says need to be on anticoagulant for 6 months. I'm at a loss :-("
- Shome
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- January 29, 2020
"Had 3 PEs in both lungs with no DVTs diagnosed as a reaction to varicose vein surgery. Was tested for hereditary clotting factors and have 2 borderline factors. No PEs returned, but Dr. wants me on this stuff for life. Have been slowly getting more and more muscle pain and weakness all over. Thought fibromyalgia was getting worse until I stopped taking Eliquis for a few days for a medical procedure, and by day 2, felt like a new person. Informed Dr. and was told to stay on it, which I will be discussing with him next visit. The way I feel, the inactivity will kill me faster than another PE will."
- Hopey
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 11, 2019
"I had an appointment with my doctor last week. I told her that something isn't right and I'm not feeling well. As I was trying to explain my symptoms, I was slurring when I talked, plus I was very confused. She ordered a bunch of blood tests and a CT scan of my head. About an hour after seeing her, my phone rang. It was my doctor telling me that I have to get to the ER right away. She told me that the blood test was positive for blood clots. While at the ER, I was given a CT scan of my lungs. The tests showed that I have a blood clot in both of my lungs. The doctor put me on Eliquis. I am not pleased with the side effects. I have been having shortness of breath and horrible heartburn. I'd advise anyone to research all of the drugs and find out all of the side effects before taking Eliquis."
- Terri
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 11, 2018
"The first two weeks I slept non-stop, had extreme vertigo, and twice had vertigo so bad that I ended up falling and hurting myself. I have had constant chest pain, palpitations, and shortness of breath. I now am having blood in my urine and have been experiencing moderate to severe back pain, as well as daily low-grade dizziness and sometimes confusion."
- djano
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 5, 2019
"I have been on this Eliquis for almost six months. I had a clot in my lungs. I tried asking my doctor to get me off, they say it depends on how bad my heart condition is, and they will see what they can do. I have nosebleeds every week, the last nosebleed was a nightmare. They did a rhinorocket up my nose, and it's been a week and I still have a little bleeding. I'm scared to blow my nose. I can't sleep and have no energy. I tried telling my doctor about this, but nothing happened."
- Shelby
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- September 27, 2020
"22-year-old female. Got pulmonary embolism (PE) in March 2020. They were everywhere. Didn't get admitted. HORRIBLE pain. Seven months later, just got into a pulmonologist & hematologist. The reason for PE was never found. Eliquis worked for me, but I've had problems since I got PEs & started taking it. I feel something in my lung, inflammation levels are high, I have burning back, side, & tummy pain. Got my GB out for this. Was not it. Nobody can figure it out. I'm told I'm fine, & that is far from true. I don't know if it is the Eliquis or not. I've literally got the worst care possible with all of this."
- KR2017
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- March 9, 2017
"I was 23 when I developed my first DVT and was instantly put on Xarelto. Being low risk, I was told to go on with normal activity. Xarelto left me feeling exhausted after minimal activity. Two days later, my DVT moved through my heart, into my lungs causing a PE. I was put on Heparin while in the hospital. Left the hospital a few days later and resumed Xarelto with the continued awful side effects. I continued to experience chest pain, shortness of breath, and extreme exhaustion. My doctor thought I was having a reaction to the medicine so they switched me to Eliquis. Since then, I have had zero side effects. I have my life back for once. Love that you don't need to have your INR checked, and foods don't counteract the drug."
- Cece
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 20, 2020
"I had a PE in August 2019. A blood clot went from my left calf to my lung. I had never had any issues related to blood clots before. While in the hospital, I was diagnosed as having Lupus Anticoagulant Disorder. I was sent home on Coumadin. I hated the side effects and how they made me feel. I had no energy and felt so lethargic. I went from having long hair past my butt to my hair being in a pixie-like cut. Coumadin made my hair fall out. And let's not even get started on the weekly to sometimes twice-weekly protime blood work. My INR was up and down and my fingers so sore and bruised from checks. Fast forward to April 2020, and the doctor finally switched me to Eliquis. I've had no side effects so far, and I'm so happy to be off Coumadin I could cry. For that, it has been a godsend. Now, as far as copay is concerned, I am on Medicaid, and it paid the full cost. I am not sure about others."
- Berks...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- March 2, 2020
"About 2 years ago, a large DVT was discovered and was immediately started on Eliquis. Started with a double dose for a short while, then 5 mg 2/day for almost a year, then dropped to 2.5 mg for about 6 months. No side effects that I can identify. At about 18 months, the hematologist decided that the DVT was 'incident related' and unlikely to recur. Off Eliquis, but continued 81 aspirin. Six months later, another clot found its way into my lungs, pulmonary embolism everywhere. The doctors declared me 'a clotter' and put me back on Eliquis at 5 mg 2/day -- this time for life. Well, they did suggest that I might cut back to 2.5 mg after a year if tests prove I'm stable. After reading other posts here, I'm thankful that all those terrible side effects have stepped aside in my case. The only effect I see is when I bash my knuckles when working on my truck, there's a little bit of extra bleeding -- probably good in the long run as it washes the wound."
- Justme
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 30, 2023
"On March 10th I went to the ER due to calf pain following a surgical procedure on March 3rd. Was informed I had no DVT but did have three small blood clots In my lungs. I was sent home on Xerelto. After a week clots were gone. The doctor switched me to Eliquis 5 mg twice daily. Two weeks in I started having horrible bloating, gastritis, horrible GERD, muscle weakness, and horrible hot flashes. I'm on a 3-month treatment. I Have been told that these side effects are not from this med. I don't believe that as I've never felt like this before. I'm fatigued every day, before this, I was an active guy. Now I'm exhausted after walking up 8 stairs. I can't wait to be done with this medication. I've been to the ER several times due to severe shortness of breath, only to be told it's GERD and that I'm fine. I'm trying to make it through until June then I'll be done."
- Mac
- December 18, 2018
"I was prescribed Xarelto initially, had no problems with the drug. After reading all the problems with the drug and all the lawsuits, I switched to Eliquis 2.5 maintenance dose. After my 3rd year, I have had minimal side effects. I have GERD, no PPIs for me, I take GDL enzymes. Eliquis has been good to me. Exercise, eat right. Try the KETO diet, especially omit SUGAR."
- Pat...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 23, 2016
"My experience with Eliquis was AMAZING! I had no side effects whatsoever. I switched to Eliquis from Xarelto. On Xarelto, after 3 weeks, I was in so much pain from head to toe, a deep arthritis-type of pain, and such severe, deep menstruation even though I had started menopause 6 months before starting on Xarelto. I'm so thankful for Eliquis!"
- Joey
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- February 12, 2020
"I was on Apixaban for a PE, and I suffered terribly with a painful, tender scalp. Finished taking them after 6 months, my scalp went back to normal. Now back on them because I’ve had another PE, and my scalp is back to really sore and tender to touch. Anyone else had this problem?"
- Eliquis...
- July 30, 2022
"I feel worse than when I was diagnosed with a PE. Awful chest pain Extreme knee, lower leg, and foot pain Feel flushed and sweaty. Mild to moderate headaches Weight gain of 15 pounds in 5 weeks with water retention. Very easy to use, but not every medication is meant for everyone. 10mg twice a day, then 5mg twice a day. It has only been 5 weeks and Dr. wants me on it for a lifetime. I would rather not wake up at all, if this is how I have to live, which I already have canceled many activities due to the wretched way I feel from this medication. Meyers Squibb need to be more open about reporting side effects instead of just pushing medications out on the market. FDA FOOLS!!!"
- Don
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- August 22, 2019
"I had a pulmonary embolism, shortness of breath and all that, traced to a clot in my left leg. Eliquis was prescribed immediately and fairly quickly stopped new clots from forming. The existing clot that was throwing off small clots disappeared over a few months. I had no side effects other than it somehow seemed easy to bruise the back of my right hand, but those would go away within a week. I discontinued the Eliquis. Then, about a year and a half later, I had right leg swelling, which turned out to be a vein problem and a blood clot again. Back on Eliquis and that has now resolved. I'm staying on Eliquis for the foreseeable future. That's fine with me as I see no side effects other than the bruising."
- Esquil
- March 19, 2020
"I had a blood clot in my leg (DVT) which caused a clot to go to my right lung (PE). Started taking the drug Eliquis at the hospital. My first prescription was filled at Walmart for $78.00 with insurance. CVS charged me $40.00 for my second prescription with insurance. I called Eliquis and did qualify for a $10.00 copay card. Yea! I've experienced nosebleeds after blowing my nose. I've had dizzy spells that feel like very low blood pressure or feel like passing out after standing. Sometimes I'm okay, but after about 20 steps, it hits me hard. I've had rashes on my hip and pectoral region of my chest. I've had to itch my arm and ended up causing a bruise. Be careful and scratch lightly. Please quit smoking if any way possible."
Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.
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- Drug class: factor Xa inhibitors
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- En español
"I have had 3 PEs over the last few years, the first 2 after an outpatient surgery and general anesthesia, then a 3rd small one after stopping Eliquis. I have been taking Eliquis and over time I have been experiencing increasingly terrible side effects, including chest tightness, shortness of breath, GERD, muscle weakness, joint pain, weight gain while eating less, and headaches. I am planning to go to aspirin. Has anyone gone from Eliquis to aspirin successfully? Don't want another PE but can't live with these side effects."