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Campral for Alcohol Use Disorder User Reviews (Page 2)

Campral has an average rating of 8.9 out of 10 from a total of 180 reviews for the treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder. 87% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 6% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Campral

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 22, 2019

"This is my third day and I am impressed. I have been a heavy drinker (1-2 bottles of wine per day) for the last 20 years. Before Campral, I was constantly having withdrawal symptoms of severe anxiety, depression, guilt of not doing anything right, and not recalling anything at all - my memory was shot! It’s only day 3, but I feel good: less anxious, not shaky. I do sweat a lot at night, but that is it. So far, it is great. I hope I can get my memory back and stay sober. Good luck to all."

9 / 10
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118 Report
  • Amy
  • July 19, 2019

"After many years in and out of AA and relapsing and huge consequences due to my drinking. I can now say I literally do not feel like having a drink. Even the thought is just passing. I’ve noticed also I’m losing weight. And not wanting to smoke as much. I feel more upbeat. I do listen to AA meetings in the evening. It disheartens me to see so many people struggling, and this is like a miracle cure to get a big chunk of sobriety in the beginning of being sober. It wouldn’t surprise me if the alcohol companies have invested in keeping this quiet. A very good modern drug. I recommend it to anyone who is struggling in early recovery."

9 / 10
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109 Report
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 31, 2015

"I wrote my first report in mid-October of 2014. I have not had any alcohol at all since that post, have reduced my dosage to 1 pill first thing in the morning. I am a very social person, and entertained a great deal. I was very worried that I would relapse if faced with the availability of alcohol. I have sailed through all my seasonal parties, early spring get-togethers and weekly 'wings and beer' with friends with not one slip. My husband and daughter are huge supporters. As I write this, I have various wines and liquors in my cabinet - serve to guests - and have no interest at all in consuming booze in any form. Again, I state that Campral saved my life."

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158 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 1, 2015

"On September 6th, 2015, I have been sober for one year. I could not have accomplished this without Campral. My GP, who is an American, is very surprised to find it not more widely in use in Canada. It has saved my life - which I have stated in my previous two reports. I am now taking Campral every other day - one tablet in the morning - and will, with the support of my GP, continue doing that for about 3 months. I want to be sure that I have no temptation to take a drink. I know that there are others who have had dependency issues who feel that they can return to 'controlled drinking', but that is not for me. I know full well that one sip of wine will take me back to where I was. I will not tempt myself and breach my success!"

10 / 10
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150 Report
  • Jake
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 11, 2015

"I had been to many rehabs, tried the whole AA thing. Nothing worked. I was drinking a slab of beer per day for many years before I realized that I need to do something. I was running a successful $300K per year company but was so busy that I just never had the time to either cut back or stop drinking. I made the extreme decision to quit my business and take time off so that I could concentrate on quitting. I just went to my GP and told him my situation, I requested Campral. I stayed on it for 8 months, 6 tablets per day and never drank once. That was 3 years ago, now I have social drinks without any issues. AA isn't for everyone, and don't be daunted by the fact you will never drink again. Controlled drinking does work if you make it work."

10 / 10
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147 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • hayle...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 13, 2015

"Well after 64 days sober, I had a relapse. Really wasn't proud of myself, now been on Campral a few days and so far so good. I found this excellent in my 64-day sobriety so I know it works for me. Now to stick to it and sort out my anxiety which triggers my drink binges. Fingers crossed guys and good luck to all of you trying to stick to sobriety."

10 / 10
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143 Report
  • Patchy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 19, 2019

"I was told Campral would take 5-8 days to start working for my alcohol issues. It took all 8 days to notice the reduction in cravings, and it was very tough that first week to white-knuckle through the drinking urges. Previously, I had started Campral but not made it a full week many times before, making a waste of the expensive attempts that only lasted 3, 4, or 5 days on previous tries. But this time I made it to 8 days, and I definitely noticed that the urge to drink has decreased and is finally manageable. I don’t quite have cravings at this point, more like longings, almost of nostalgia for the escape. But alcohol was killing me, and I am finally at a place where I can manage the desire and not give in to it. I credit Campral for that. The downsides have been the high cost (my insurance covers it partially) and the length of time until it worked for me. But previously I tried Antabuse and Naltrexone, and those ultimately failed. Campral seems like it could work. Good luck to everyone who needs this medication."

8 / 10
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90 Report

More FAQ

  • Hjg3rd
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 17, 2016

"This medication is amazing! I've battled depression & anxiety all my adult life (30 years). I used alcohol periodically to self-medicate and could & would stop in the past. I was drinking a fifth of vodka nightly for over a year & was unable to stop due to withdrawals. I reached a point where I knew I needed help. My liver enzymes were consistently elevated, I was extremely overweight, & the depression & anxiety had grown so severe that I felt suicidal. After a 3-week tapering off using Librium, I was still craving alcohol. But after the 1st day of taking Campral, I have yet to crave alcohol. It's been 2 weeks... I've walked every day and lost 12 lbs. Campral combined with counseling and support; feeling healthier and hopeful than ever!"

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121 Report
  • Retty...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 7, 2018

"I had been a heavy drinker ever since I was about 19 or 20. I would drink pretty much any alcohol - to extreme every day. In the end, I was drinking around 2 liters of port each day. Sometimes also wine, champagne, beer, and/or spirits. Anything really, to excess. I'm now 59 and have been alcohol-free for almost 2 years and no longer have any desire whatsoever to drink, thanks to Campral. It truly is easy! I didn't need to join AA or have counseling or support groups. I did it by myself with just a little encouragement from my kids every now and then. I honestly can't recommend it highly enough. I am no longer a dying alcoholic. My liver has returned from being just pre-cirrhosis and inches away from liver failure back to completely 100% healthy and normal. Good luck and I hope this helps others who are caught up in that alcohol-dependent nightmare. :) xxx"

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101 Report
  • Alice...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 3, 2015

"I was prescribed Campral after almost dying from drinking a liter of vodka a day every day and being hospitalized. It worked miracles! Made me look at alcohol like something I wouldn't want to drink. I thought I was cured, so I stopped. But it's a lifetime drug. I was sober for two years, then had a normal life, and started celebrating Halloween, drank a few beers - that turned into liters, and I was back in the hospital, worse this time. Now I've had jaundice for over a month, feeling better. Leg muscles are deteriorated from being in the hospital and needing rest for so long. I got very lucky! So if you take Campral, keep taking it, it takes time to get into your system to work - give it a month or two."

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128 Report
  • Sicki...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 25, 2020

"Campral truly is a miracle drug for me. I had 20 years sober. 12-step meetings kept me clean. However, I went through serious health issues, a bad divorce, and subsequent abusive relationship. I drank in 2018, but within a month of drinking, I ended up in the ER, which motivated me to stay sober for 2 months. I drank again almost against my will! I was prescribed Antabuse and Campral...stayed sober another few months. I stopped taking the Campral, mostly because my crappy Medicare didn't cover my monthly script, which was $100. I wasn't going to meetings either. I know Campral worked. I could walk by a liquor store and have no interest in going in. I quit again because of my health and family. The only problem is it took a week to work. I'd take Antabuse but, like with Campral, Medicare expects me to pay $90 per month. I am committed to taking Campral. It's been 5 days since I had a drink. I don't have the desire. The only side effect I had was occasional diarrhea."

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78 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 4, 2013

"Campral has saved my life! I tried rehab and AA and was drinking again right away. The cravings controlled me and I felt panicked if I did not have money for my vodka every day. I remembered a nurse in detox telling me about Campral. I was in The Orchid Recovery Center for women in Florida. I remember I was leaving recovery and I was nervous I would drink at the airport on the way home and I requested Campral, the Orchid said no, that's a cop-out, do it on your own. Well, screw them because I went back to drinking. Honestly, rehabs would go out of business because Campral works! It started working on the first pill I swallowed! Cravings are gone, I feel like me again! I drank every day before! Now I don't miss it, want it! 8 days in, no drinks! :)"

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147 Report
  • Gamer
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 30, 2016

"I've abused alcohol for over 15 years, and it was a major factor in my divorce. I drank a fifth of vodka every day. I finally realized the damage that alcoholism had done to my personal life. I tried Naltrexone, counseling, etc., but I'd relapse. After seeing my frustration, my psychiatrist prescribed Campral, my cravings diminished, then stopped within 20 minutes after my first dose. For the first time, I felt in control. I went home and poured $250 worth of vodka down the sink. This medication has changed my life dramatically, and it gets better every day. Feeling the cravings leave was absolutely amazing. I'll take this for the rest of my life if I have to."

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115 Report
  • NOTdr...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 3, 2015

"I have been in two 28-day inpatient programs within the past 20 months. And tried the whole meetings thing. I'm not saying those things are not wonderful tools, but still, after that, I found myself back in the same boat. Drunk. My Dr. Prescribed me Campral, and I bit the bullet and self-detoxed one long weekend. The following Tuesday I started taking the Campral, and since then, I haven't had the first craving. I do stay away from old drinking buddies and certain situations that might be triggers, but it's been a month. And for me, that is huge. I am a much better person without alcohol. And this pill has most definitely helped me out a lot."

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129 Report
  • New...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 6, 2015

"I am on day 5 of Campral. The first day I took it, it was like the depressed empty void inside of me (which I now know to be alcohol withdrawal) was filled, and I felt whole again. Now, day 5, I feel even better. It's like a dream to be free of cravings and withdrawal, I spent so many years drinking, and now I have my life back. It's opened my eyes to what it is to feel normal. No side effects, and I'm on four tablets a day. I tried AA/NA for 2 years but couldn't stay sober longer than 8 months. Finally, I have some peace of mind, no cravings at all, and I'm functioning like a normal person. Thank you, doc."

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127 Report
  • Still...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 8, 2013

"I was prescribed Campral 11 years ago and being the 'typical drinker,' thought it was simply another gimmick to increase the 'failed alky' guilt complex attached to the usual remarks that accompany any lapse in our plight. I'd been given 3 weeks to live due to the amount of alcohol I was consuming (9 liters of 7.5% cider, up to 8 cans of 10% strong lager, and up to a liter of whiskey per day). My gamma GT tests showed 1299, the average being between 17 & 53. I'd become jaundiced, had serious liver disease, my health was shot to bits, and I was ready to die. In fact, it would have been a blessed relief. If I drank much less than stated in a day, withdrawal, fits, and pain beyond belief set in. Campral was new and helped save my life. PRESCRIBE IT MORE, NOW, PLEASE?"

8 / 10
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150 Report
  • Captain...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 11, 2016

"I have been a functioning alcoholic for over 10 years and still don't know why I began abusing alcohol. I started taking Campral a week ago and have had absolutely no cravings or desire to drink. I asked my MD what she recommended to help and Campral was her solution. I cannot believe how effective or fast it worked. I have had no side effects at all other than a loss of appetite."

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111 Report
  • Wintyr
  • February 18, 2017

"Campral worked as prescribed for me. It gives me relief from the cravings. I didn't feel it was working until I realized that for the first time in years, I had reached two weeks without a drink. The habitual side of drinking is powerful, and every time I was triggered, it felt on par with a craving. My advice, stick with the Campral even if you feel it's not working. Give it time, let it do its thing. It will alleviate the cravings, which will give you some breathing space to work on the habit itself. My synopsis, Campral will help with half the battle. The rest needs counseling, willpower, and time. Side effects minimal for me. Campral is an excellent tool to stay on the road to recovery, one in my opinion not recommended enough."

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106 Report
  • Kiitah
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 22, 2021

"This drug has saved my life. It works! I swear you will not regret it. Do it! It's so much better than the other two. Antabuse makes you sick if you drink. Naltrexone makes you not feel it if you drink. Neither one takes away the craving to drink for me. This does. Drinking almost finished me. A stint in detox in rehab kept me sober for five months before I relapsed, went on a five-month drinking binge that landed me in the hospital. Again. I went back to detox. This time I got a substance-savvy addiction-based psychiatrist and he prescribed this, and it has worked. I'm free of the demon of craving alcohol all the time. No more feelings of perpetually swimming against the current of desire for a drink. This keeps the demons at bay. I'm six months sober and not looking back. Think of it as Chantix (the smoking cessation drug) for alcohol. Any cravings you do have are fleeting and easy to let go of. I thank the universe every day for it. I have no side effects at all."

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57 Report
  • sober...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 17, 2015

"Only one week in and this is the first time in over 20 years that I haven't had a drink. Surprisingly feeling positive but now aware of why I was drinking. Time to put the rest of my life in order and this is the first time it has felt possible. If you're sat reading thinking could it work, then I would definitely give it a try. I feel like I'm getting my life back. Just hoping this is long term."

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121 Report
  • Tiffy...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 9, 2015

"So far, so good. I have been in and out of the programs, detox & several 28-45 day programs. Since taking this med, I have had ZERO cravings for alcohol. I'm actually amazed and pray that this continues to work. I recommend it to any alcoholic."

9 / 10
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116 Report
  • Chris...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 11, 2016

"Very positive! Only 5 days into the 3 capsules per day, I have not felt myself. Since I stopped drinking 4 years ago after drinking for 20 years very heavily, I have had a relapse around every 4 months. Since taking this, I feel much less anxious and more positive about life. I feel more switched on and welcoming during phone conversations and also in person. Did I save the best for last? Yes, I have zero cravings! The feeling this gives me reminds me of my first drink but with no negative effects. Highly recommended. As other reviews here have said, I'm sure this drug has the potential to close down many rehab facilities."

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107 Report
  • COSoc...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 16, 2016

"Battled booze for 25 years and had some times of sobriety because always went back to quiet that craving - willpower was not enough. After taking my first dose of Campral, I felt better than I had in years! The craving disappeared, and the oppression in my head that kept telling me to take a shot also disappeared! I wish I had known about this drug years ago. The craving was a real thing, and I discovered the years of drinking had actually altered the chemistry of my brain. Campral fixed that. I have been sober for 3 months with NO desire to drink. I will take this as long as needed. Original price was $220 a month but now down to $53 a month."

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103 Report
  • KAN
  • May 24, 2018

"I have been reading the reviews for Campral for over a year and finally got over the embarrassment and asked my doctor. I started it four weeks ago and haven’t had a drink in three weeks. I knew there was no way I could go the recommended 5 days without alcohol because I’ve tried, and the withdrawals were debilitating. So, I started it while I was still drinking. After a couple days on it, I had no desire to have beer, wine, margarita, nothing. I was drinking an entire bottle of wine and 6-7 beers nightly. And on the weekends, I started drinking as soon as I finished my coffee and drank until blackout. Now, a month in, I self-lowered my dose to 1/3 of what I started with and still no craving or withdrawal. I may be done even taking the rest of what I have left. Now I have the willpower to even be around people drinking and just have a soda or tea. This medicine saved my life. For reference, I’m a 40-year-old female."

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82 Report
  • John_...
  • June 24, 2015

"This drug works! This is going to sound hard to believe, but from the first dose of this medicine, I have not had a single craving for alcohol. I have been drinking for some 40 years and heavily for the last 10. Needless to say, I was completely shocked at the results. That said, the side effects have been a little tough. I'm only a week in, but the diarrhea has been an issue for about an hour after each dosage. I am hoping that will end in the next day or so."

9 / 10
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107 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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