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Modafinil for Depression User Reviews

Brand names: Provigil

Modafinil has an average rating of 8.8 out of 10 from a total of 72 reviews for the off-label treatment of Depression. 82% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 6% reported a negative experience.

Modafinil rating summary

8.8 average rating out of 10

72 ratings from 75 user reviews.

Compare all 181 medications used in the treatment of Depression.


Reviews for Modafinil

  • Nope
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 5, 2019

"Modafinil helps me feel human. I have had major depression since I was 15 years old. Finally something worked. I developed severe apnea and was prescribed modafinil. Totally unintended but my depression started to subside. Unfortunately, it doesn't stay away if I stop taking modafinil. I asked my psychiatrist to prescribe it for me. He would not. My debate was this: I had taken every single drug cocktail thrown at me for years and years. I never blinked. I complied. Now I find something that works and I can't have it? Put me in a study. I'll do whatever it takes, I said. I'm telling you I have my life back. I can feel happy and hopeful again. He said No."

10 / 10
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325 Report
  • jaguiar
  • May 20, 2009

Provigil (modafinil) "This is a WONDER DRUG in the use of depression. I have suffered for years with depression and never with any relief from the mainstream anti-depressants. Either the side effects were intolerable, or the medicine just didn't work. Within 3 days of taking Provigil, I was the happiest, most productive I had been in a year. The first 2 days I was still really sleepy, and the 3rd day, a little hyper, but after that day I have felt EXCELLENT. I don't have anxiety attacks anymore and I get a full night of 'good' sleep and wake up feeling extremely refreshed and I am happy again. I was on my couch for a straight 6 months sleeping and crying until I started this medicine. It literally saved my life."

10 / 10
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471 Report
  • Joyce
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 29, 2021

"No exaggeration, modafinil saved my life. Before this medication, I was severely depressed and had tried numerous drugs with little success. I also tried ECT with no luck. I was very suicidal and hopeless. Then, my psychiatrist prescribed me modafinil 200mg, and my life has changed dramatically. I no longer spend days in bed. I am actually functional and even enjoy life. I am no longer suicidal for the first time in a decade."

10 / 10
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137 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 17, 2017

"It's only my first day on modafinil and what an impact it has made! My head is crystal clear, no confusion, no negative feelings, or procrastination. After about 3 hours of taking the medication, I had my whole day planned out and was able to complete each and every task with ease. I am 50 years old and up until today had spent most of my life unable to complete the simplest of tasks. I would just spend my time thinking about the task and waste away the time. To sum up, my life to this point has been full of promises and unfulfilled potential. But after my first day on modafinil, I feel that my life has just begun. I pray that the effects of modafinil do not diminish. I have decided to keep a video diary of my journey on YouTube."

10 / 10
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158 Report
  • Coop
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 29, 2019

"For me it's impressive! After my burnout and the following depression, it was a struggle for me that I wasn't able to bring the past performance. Lack of energy and concentration, mood swings, bad memory, and so on. With Modafinil, I am able to work focused on my dream, fight procrastination (which was a real problem), think-power from past days (I often gave up when I had to solve something complex). I don't take it every day, sometimes only 1-2 days a week, mostly when I'm working on my project or when I feel really bad. Side Effects: Headache during the effect phase (when I started, but was gone after the third intake). Insomnia (when you take it too late)."

9 / 10
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112 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • downi...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 28, 2014

"I have suffered from major depression for over 20 years. The past 2 1/2 years have been devastating. I have now treatment-resistant depression. I have been on all of the 'modern' and some 'old school' antidepressants including Lithium and MAOIs. I have had 2 rounds of ECT treatments in the past 2 years. They have knocked the suicidal ideation for a little while but this most recent round of 12 required 'Maintenance' sessions. I have had 3 maintenance ECTs then my psych doc prescribed me Provigil. I started at 100 mg for 2 weeks then upped it to 200 mg for the past 2 weeks. I have made it through the holiday season feeling the best I have in years. Now I am back to the way I was before my depression. Don't know why but it works."

10 / 10
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168 Report
  • mcwjmd
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 13, 2023

"I am a physician and have struggled with treatment-resistant depression since my teenage years. I have tried many different antidepressants, but modafinil is truly the ONLY medicine that has helped me. It is a true game-changer, and I thank God every day for it. My father was depressed most of his adult years, so mine is partly genetic. I would recommend this medication to anyone who is struggling with treatment-resistant depression."

10 / 10
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38 Report

More FAQ

  • Depre...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • June 24, 2015

"Since diagnosis, I have been on almost every medication that has been introduced. For the last five years, I have taken 300mg Bupropion, 300mg Gabapentin 3 times a day, 200mg Modafinil, and additionally, Xanax, as needed. The Bupropion alone was not helping somatic symptoms, and the Gabapentin solved that. The added Modafinil caused no noticeable side effects. It did provide increased energy, a more positive mood, emotional stability, and a feeling of cheerfulness which was foreign to me. It does not prevent a good afternoon nap when needed and has never interfered with sleep at night. As I told my physician, 'The bupropion keeps me from wanting to die and the modafinil makes me want to live.' Any minor side effects would be worth the benefits."

10 / 10
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159 Report
  • Depre...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 14, 2018

"A life-changer. I have treatment-resistant depression and have been trying different medications my whole life. My depression is characterized by fatigue and lack of motivation. If I had found modafinil when I was younger, my life would have been completely different. But I am grateful I found it now. Along with my Lexapro, it’s exactly what I’ve needed."

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102 Report
  • patty
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 9, 2019

"Modafinil is one of the best prescription drugs I have ever taken, and I have tried everything. If it were not for this medication, I could not even get up in the morning and do anything. This is the only one that works. No bad side effects at all, only problem is insurance won't pay for this, so I somehow try to come up with the money to pay for this. This is something to try if nothing else works. Also, I have taken all ADD and depression meds, I have even tried some of the new medications, this is one of the best."

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90 Report
  • sgc
  • March 9, 2012

"I read the experiences of people on Provigil before I tried it, and as I was in the midst of a very deep depression and had tried so many other antidepressants. I was suicidal and desperate for help. As most other people found, it is a miracle! I can't believe that I feel this good. I am back to my old positive self. I am taking 200 mg in the morning. The last medicine that worked was Adderall, which worked initially but wore off after a year. I still had the rapid heartbeat, but the depression continued. Thank you to everyone who posted their positive feedback as it gave me hope that the medicine might work. This is an off-label use, but it sure works for me!"

10 / 10
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152 Report
  • Modaf...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 10, 2016

"Took these for a few weeks leading up to an exam with no thought that they'd help with my depression. Having suffered from chronic depression since early adolescence which was not at all helped by the numerous anti-depressants I've tried over the years, these pills were a blessing. It's the first time I'd felt like myself in years; I had energy, drive, my thinking became more positive, and it was like this crushing weight was taken off from me and I could actually enjoy life again. Really hope this medication becomes licensed for use in treating depression in the UK, could potentially improve countless lives."

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101 Report
  • TxMom
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 10, 2021

"I have taken antidepressants for many years. They helped, but it was always my lack of motivation that was a problem. My doctor added modafinil. It works for me almost every day. It is not like taking a stimulant. It makes me feel like myself."

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50 Report
  • bette...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 25, 2019

"I have struggled with major depression since I was 13 (I'm 23 now). I have been put through the ringer of all the traditional antidepressant classes. I've tried two SSRIs, three SNRIs, several different atypical antipsychotics, Remeron, Lamictal, and Wellbutrin XL. I'm a man and have had terrible sexual side effects with antidepressants. Recently, I was diagnosed with treatment-resistant depression, and I said I need something new. My psychiatrist suggested Provigil, since it is less likely than other stimulants to worsen high blood pressure. It has been a godsend for my depression. I have energy, intense focus, and have been doing much better in my college courses. Long work shifts that used to drag on forever now seem to fly by. I am more patient and outgoing than I have ever been. Now I just take this and Wellbutrin XL. I definitely recommend it. It should be used much more frequently for refractory depression. It's not covered by insurance, but I can get it for like $40 per month."

9 / 10
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66 Report
  • hello...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 14, 2012

"Provigil was added to my meds for depression. I love it! Modafinil has made more of a difference than anything I've ever been given. I can concentrate now and actually have more get up and go than I've had in years. I take 100 mg every day. Tried 200 mg, but feel just fine with 100 mg."

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114 Report
  • Minny...
  • December 3, 2015

"Taking care of 90-year-old mother-in-law has put my life in deep dark depression. I was not able to function, my thinking, speech, and soul were leaving me more each day. Changing her diapers and watching her sit idle 12 hours a day was more than I could handle. This med has given me patience, focus, and my smile back. I am able to take care of her with a better outlook, and take care of my kids and husband again. It's a blessing, and it worked for me in 2 days. My fatigue is gone, my mood is brighter, and the gloom has gone away. I feel like I'm alive, whereas before I took it, I felt dead inside and had no hope, just wanted to stay in bed. I am grateful to have a normal feeling, it's been a miracle for me. Need to appeal insurance company as they don't want to pay."

10 / 10
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87 Report
  • Trade...
  • September 18, 2015

"I can't believe it. It is just like everybody says it is! I never respond to medications this well. After 2 days, I feel like a different person. Everything is better! I don't care if this drug took 20 years off my life, it is worth it!"

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86 Report
  • sjohn...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • November 26, 2023

"I was severely depressed and fatigued when I began to take Modafinil in 2000. It really helped turn my life around! I'm a recovering alcoholic with 26 years of sobriety. My first 3-1/2 years sober, I felt much better from not drinking, but I had this lingering depression and fatigue I couldn't shake. Modafinil made a difference right away - the first day! I've been able to have a successful career and the energy to do many things, to enjoy life! I break the 200 mg tabs in half and take them at 6:30, 8:30, and 11:30. I'm 72 now."

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13 Report
  • The...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 11, 2017

"I am currently taking Venlafaxine 225, Risperidone 0.50, and Buspirone 7.5 for OCD, depression, and social anxiety disorder. After experiencing excessive daytime sleepiness, my doctor prescribed Modafinil 300. Not only has it cured any notion of sleepiness during the day, but it has augmented my other medications two-fold! I don't know what it would or would not do as a monotherapy, but it has helped tremendously, and I am now asymptomatic. Additionally, it has increased my cognitive function - directly or indirectly - such that I scored 12 points higher than before on a standardized IQ test. I am now a member of Mensa. These are anecdotal, subjective observations to be sure, but I am convinced of its efficacy for multiple issues."

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65 Report
  • Ash
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 6, 2017

"I highly rate this medicine. It's not an antidepressant, but with depression comes a lot of sleepiness, which this is great for. Also, the antidepressants often cause sleepiness. Modafinil does what it says it does. It keeps you awake and alert and combats antidepressant-induced fatigue and tiredness. I'd question if it makes you 'smarter.' For me (83 kg, male, 27 years old) at 100 mg, it is a mild keep-me-awake. At 150 mg, it's perfect. At 200 mg, it's stimulating, alerting, and induces mild hypomania (which is okay, but I feel slightly too 'buzzed' at 200 mg). No bothersome side effects experienced, other than mild hypomania, which is sometimes pleasant and not too alarming. NOTE - I am prone to anxiety, but this did not increase anxiety levels for me. Do not take 8 hours before planning on sleeping."

9 / 10
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64 Report
  • Impro...
  • March 25, 2016

"After suffering from severe depression and PTSD and having been prescribed Luvox, Wellbutrin, Paxil, Zoloft, and combinations for over 20 years, I read about Modafinil being used off-label. The only antidepressant that had helped previously was Zoloft. After several years, it lost its effectiveness from when I first began taking it. In the meantime, I became permanently disabled due to MANY physical conditions along with my mental conditions. My doctor added Modafinil to my daily regimen of medications. I can think more clearly and don't lose my train of thought, nor become distracted as often before taking Modafinil. It has been a blessing for me, and I have not experienced any ill side effects."

9 / 10
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68 Report
  • Modal...
  • February 19, 2013

"I selected 'depression' but this medicine has been beneficial for fatigue and hypersomnia as well. Started using this medicine in 2006! Yes, and I have tried almost everything else for depression, and I cannot say the side effects or results from so-called approved depression medications were ever worth the horror they delivered. So, yes, I would recommend this for depression in the form of modafinil."

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85 Report
  • Johnny
  • March 11, 2020

"Have been taking modafinil now for a month to help my depression and just progressed from a starting dose of 100 mg/d to 200 mg. So far I have found it to be very good. I’m 65, and for the past couple of years, I had been very apathetic about whether or not I went to work. Small tasks in life, to say nothing of some of the less pleasurable tasks at work, seemed overwhelming, so I would simply not do them, but not anymore. Interactions with superiors are a lot smoother. My psychiatrist initially prescribed modafinil as a drug to help stop using cocaine, and it is working. When I saw him the other day, I said, where has this medicine been all my life? So far, all effects seem positive, at least for me. Used online coupons to get a month’s supply for ~$25. However, prices vary widely even with coupons by pharmacy, from the price I pay to several hundred dollars a month. Otherwise, my insurance wouldn’t cover it, even if my psychiatrist had listed an “on-label” need for it."

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40 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 6, 2010

Provigil (modafinil) "Provigil has been a HUGE help for me. I take nortriptyline for my depression. It works better than anything else I've tried, but it makes it impossible for me to get up in the morning. When my alarm goes off at 7 am, I feel like I'm being tortured. I take half a tablet of Provigil at bedtime (11 pm). It doesn't keep me from falling asleep, but it does help me wake up alert at 7 am. Without it, I'll sleep until at least 11:30 am. This may be an off-label use, but it makes it possible for me to take my antidepressant AND get to school/work on time."

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94 Report
  • Edith
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • March 10, 2023

"I have a smart psychiatrist who sees a lot of folks with chronic fatigue and is very used to using modafinil. I've struggled with depression since I was a teenager, on and off. I'm now 71. It doesn't flare up often anymore, but when it does, I begin low dose prozac (10 mg) and then, if that doesn't do the trick, I augment it with low dose (100mg) Provigil. I have even been known to cut the tablet into quarters and have gotten some relief from that. It's kind of amazing. I don't like to use it often as I have a hard time sleeping in general, and Provigil tends to exacerbate that particular issue. But intermittently it is a life saver. Life is too short to be feeling horrible."

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17 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.