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What foods should I avoid while taking Contrave?

Medically reviewed by Leigh Ann Anderson, PharmD. Last updated on July 2, 2024.

Official answer


You should avoid taking Contrave (bupropion and naltrexone) with a high-fat meal because it may increase drug levels in your body and cause seizures. You should also avoid or minimize alcohol use. If you drink alcohol, tell your doctor before you suddenly stop taking Contrave as this may increase your risk for seizures.

Tell your doctor if you have a history of long-term, regular alcohol use or if you are undergoing abrupt discontinuation of alcohol (alcohol detox).

Follow your doctors directions for your dose of Contrave. Do not change doses unless specifically prescribed this way by your doctor.

Contrave should NOT be used in patients with a seizure disorder, current or prior diagnosis of anorexia nervosa or bulimia, or undergoing abrupt discontinuation of alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and antiepileptic drugs. Caution should be used when prescribing this medicine to patients with a risk factor for a seizure.

Which foods are high in fat?

High-fat meals may include items such as:

  • butter or ghee, lard, margarines, and cooking oils
  • fatty cuts of meat, poultry or fish
  • fried foods like french fries or fried chicken
  • cheese
  • sour cream
  • ice cream
  • certain snack foods like chips or cookies
  • chocolate
  • cakes, pies and other pastries.

If you need advice determining which foods you should include or eliminate in your diet, speak to your primary care doctor or to a licensed dietician.

Learn more: Which foods are high in fat?

Related questions

Why is Contrave prescribed?

Contrave (bupropion and naltrexone) is a combination drug approved by the FDA for chronic weight management in addition to diet and physical activity. Contrave is used in obese adults, or in overweight adults with at least one weight-related condition such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol.

Which drugs are in Contrave?

Contrave is an extended-release form of two previously approved drugs, naltrexone (an opioid antagonist) and bupropion (an antidepressant and a dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor).

  • Naltrexone, a pure opioid antagonist, is approved to treat alcohol dependence or opioid dependence.
  • Bupropion, an aminoketone antidepressant, is approved to treat depression, seasonal affective disorder and as an aid to help quit smoking.
  • These two drugs, when combined, have been shown in clinical trials to help 36% to 48% of patients lose at least 5% of their body weight when compared to placebo (an inactive treatment).

Contrave was approved by the FDA in 2014. It is manufactured by Nalpropion Pharmaceuticals.

This is not all the information you need to know about Contrave (bupropion and naltrexone) for safe and effective use and does not take the place of your doctor’s directions. Review the full product information and discuss this information and any questions you have with your doctor or other health care provider.


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