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Lamisil for Onychomycosis, Toenail User Reviews (Page 3)

Lamisil has an average rating of 6.9 out of 10 from a total of 107 reviews for the treatment of Onychomycosis, Toenail. 60% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 26% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Lamisil

  • Sandy
  • June 30, 2018

"Fungus on all 10 toes for the last 15 years. Toenails were brown, thick, and some of them crumbly...from the matrix to the top of the toenail. Soles of feet were extremely hard, dry, and cracked. I was prescribed 3 months' worth of this medication. My doctor informed me to throw away all my shoes and socks and buy new ones. If you skip this part, your toenail fungus will continue to come back! Buy at least 2 pairs so you can alternate shoes every other day. Sanitize shoes with an antifungal or SteriShoe in between wears. Wash socks alone in boiling water with borax or bleach and dry them completely. Within 2 weeks, the hard calluses on my feet were difference in toenails at that time. By the end of 3 months, I could see a clear nail growing from the bottom up. It’s been 6 months, and my toes look amazing. Big toes are still a work in progress. I’m currently taking a 2nd dose for 30 days."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • May 14, 2010

"I am a 31-year-old female that has had toenail fungus for over 10 years. My big and little toe on the same foot. I went to the doctor about 2 months ago after my big toe became very painful (it was throbbing like a toothache). As embarrassed as I was, something had to be done! He prescribed me Lamisil. Side Effects - I had a loss of appetite that sadly only lasted a week. Twice I had a little stomach cramping, and the first week or so was a little bit more tired than usual, but have had no side effects since. I'm on my 38th day. I am extremely happy to say that I see beautiful nails now growing! They won't be perfect until my nail grows completely out, which could take 6 months, but it's working!"

9 / 10
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77 Report
  • Venus...
  • March 7, 2015

"Taking the generic brand of Lamisil. All 10 toes infected with toenail fungus for more than 8 years. Some extremely thick, others discolored, and some even cracked. The first month, discoloration was the first thing to clear up, also, any athlete's foot cleared up immediately. In the second month, the thickness in nails has started to disappear. In the third month, I have noticed the bottom half of the nails have come in clear on a few of the nails. Note: the doctor recommended, after showering, to clean out the bottom of the toenails, then let them dry fully, then file them down slightly. This has really improved the look of my toenails. My insurance covered the cost of the generic brand, which is less than five dollars a month."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Jenner
  • September 29, 2017

"It is so important to get rid of all of your shoes and socks at about the 3-month mark of taking the prescription, when you are starting to see healthy toenail growth, or it will keep coming back. Definitely worth the sacrifice!!"

9 / 10
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  • Vio
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 3, 2014

"I was on this medication for 5 months straight with no results. No bad side effects, but it caused very fast weight loss. I lost about 15 lbs without trying, so I discontinued treatment in fear of losing too much weight. It slowed the yellowing of my big toenail, but did not help eliminate it. Will have to see the doctor for other treatment."

1 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Givei...
  • September 26, 2015

"You won't see results for about 2 months after you start taking it, but be patient, it works. You might have to refill 1-3 times and go about six months between them, but it does work. It takes time. The first time it killed about 30%, then the second time about 30%, now on the third round, almost gone."

10 / 10
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52 Report
  • Jay
  • July 20, 2013

"This pill works wonders. It's been a couple of weeks, and I can definitely see significant improvement in the overall health of my nails! I would recommend this, given that liver functions are normal before taking this."

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • September 14, 2011

"I took these pills twice. The first time they did not work at all. The second time, I had my toenails removed and took Lamisil for three months, and it worked great. I recommend this pill. Just stay away from alcohol so you will not harm your liver or kidneys. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED."

10 / 10
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68 Report
  • Punkie
  • November 8, 2014

"I started in July, it's been 3 months. I have had the foot issue for years, so I suspect it will take some time to heal. I do see proper coloring showing up at the bottom of the nail, so I am hopeful. The new clear part looks good. It's too bad that it is probably going to take a year for the entire nail to show up correctly. I have had no side effects, and if I had a loss of appetite or taste, I would be incredibly happy that the medicine would solve two problems at once. Cost-wise, I think that the entire bottle will last the full time."

10 / 10
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  • WW-NJ
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 21, 2017

"Part 2) Still frustrated by toenail fungus. In June 2017, I asked a foot doctor to prescribe generic Lamisil. Less than a week after I started taking it, I started getting fevers and chills, my urine turned dark, I had a loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, and felt itchy all over. I felt terrible but hoped I could get through it by taking Advil for the fevers/chills and Benadryl for the itching. Then I got a rash on my upper body again. None of the other side effects were going away. I discontinued use. Lab work showed my liver count was high. After a few days off terbinafine, all negative side effects have stopped. I will go back for lab work again next week and expect it to show my liver function to be normal. Use caution with this drug!"

1 / 10
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42 Report
  • Mano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 29, 2018

"Lamisil cured me of an issue I have had since childhood. I was one of the lucky ones to get my toenail infected when I was just a small child, and I have lived with this embarrassing condition for 20 years, with no treatments working. My nail was completely infected and raised from the nail bed. I decided to finally try this treatment, although with little hope (I wouldn't believe my nail would start growing clear). A year later, and I have a beautiful toenail as if it was never infected. The only side effects I had were a mild allergic reaction at the beginning of the treatment. There is hope, and I couldn't be happier!"

10 / 10
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37 Report
  • Cheni...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 12, 2015

"I took the generic form for 3 months last January-March. Of four badly infected toes (the others had it too, but it wasn't super obvious), one cleared up right away during treatment, and the big toe has taken forever but is growing in normally. There is still 1/8 inch yucky nail at the top of the big toenail, but the new part looks good. This is almost a year later! My two little toenails still looked pretty bad until about a month ago, when I realized they were about 75% improved and still continue to improve. I had no side effects at all. My doctor told me to apply topical Lamisil EVERY DAY for the rest of my life to keep this from coming back and to throw out ALL footwear and replace it during treatment, so I did."

9 / 10
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  • LindaH
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 24, 2018

"Tried the newest approach to getting rid of fungus after 10 years of doing the OTC method, which didn’t work, and fungus spread to 4 other nails. I followed my doctor’s instructions to take Lamisil for 7 days straight, then stop and take again for 7 days (every other month). At the same time, I am doing laser nail treatment (Lunula Laser) once a month and applying Jublia daily. What can I say? FINALLY... I am so happy it is going away after 6 months of treatment, and I am finally seeing results."

9 / 10
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  • ChrisLM
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 3, 2017

"Took this for 2 1/2 months (generic version). Fungus improved somewhat, however, the side effects of weight gain, water retention, diarrhea, and stomach pain were not worth it. The side effects increased the longer I was on the medication. I take nothing else, and there were no other changes or health issues, so I know 100% this medication was the culprit."

4 / 10
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  • Marinoz
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 24, 2016

"Took the medication for 35 days, was onto my second script when I got loss of taste, my mouth tasted like sour milk 24/7. When eating sweet food, I couldn't taste the sweet, and anything sweet made the sour milk taste in my mouth worse. Also, eating dairy gave the same effect. Eating salted food was tasteless. Great diet pill, as everything tastes so foul, including water. Went to the doctor, says stop taking it, and the foul taste could last for several weeks. Return if still no good in six weeks. My toenail was starting to look better, but needed to complete the course. Will have to revert to natural method, tea tree oil. Also got headaches with this medication, although that could be due to lack of water as drinking water tastes sour."

2 / 10
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  • Toenail...
  • February 24, 2011

"I can tolerate most medicine side effects, but after 2-3 weeks, everything had no taste or tasted metallic. I stopped after 5 weeks; I needed to eat. Taste came back fairly fast. I tried to stick it out but couldn't. The weird loss of taste was too much."

3 / 10
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63 Report
  • rick
  • September 6, 2016

"Took for 3 months. Painless. Absolutely no side effects. At the end, the fungus appeared maybe 15-20% better. The dermatologist said the toenail had to grow out and would not renew the prescription. Will check with my family practice doctor to see if another 30-60 days is possible. Very sorry to hear the experiences of others. Completely fine for me."

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  • Anonymous
  • October 17, 2009

"I have been using it for 5 months. My doctor advises one more month of use. I had fungus on 2 nails, and my big toenail, which was 80% infected, has improved to about 15% remaining. The improvement in the nails was very slow for the first 3-4 months, but with this last month, you can see the improvement every day. Thankfully, there were no side effects other than stomach cramps for the first few days. Monthly blood draws to check liver enzymes are normal."

8 / 10
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  • starf...
  • January 12, 2016

"Have had toenail fungus for 10 years. It got so bad that the yellow nails grew upward at a depth of 1/8 inch. Pretty disgusting. Over the course of those years, I had tried every cream and topical that any doctor would give me, any store-bought method, and any old wives' tale I could find. NONE of them worked. They would never give me Lamisil in pill form, quoting all the ill side effects. Finally, a doctor who thought that was crazy, given the extent of the fungus. I am on my second month (of three) with the pills, and I file the top down with a Dremel every time I get a chance. I am seeing improvement in the rate of the growth. It has slowed down tremendously. I am very hopeful that this method will extinguish this horrid fungus."

8 / 10
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  • Kcb
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 18, 2018

"I just finished 3 months on Lamisil. The only bad thing I’ve experienced thus far is an upset stomach. It comes and goes, but right now I’ve had the runs for about 5 days. Even though it’s such an irritating side effect, I think for the benefit I’m receiving, it is worth it. So far, I have noticed a difference in my nails. I know my doctor said to wait half a year to a year, but I already see improvement. I’m going to be patient and wait, but I feel like this is going to be promising as several of my nails look better already. Again, the only downside is that I have a very upset stomach, but overall, it wasn’t too bad. I’d recommend it."

9 / 10
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32 Report
  • Just...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 18, 2015

"I have had this infection of the toenails for about 12 years. Ugh! so embarrassed to ask the doctor I have gone through the misery of not ever wearing sandals or open toed high heels. I work in an office environment and would love to wear sandals with some of my outfits. I recently went to the dr and I finally told her that I have toenail fungus and she easily wrote me a prescription for Lamisil. I started taking it about a week now and have not seen any changes but I will definately give it time and check in and give my review again in the next few weeks!"

3 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 7, 2016

"Took this drug a few years ago, and it worked great. I had fungus in 3 of my toenails initially (and had it for a few years before trying this). They all cleared up after use of Lamisil for 12 weeks. I had no side effects. But, within about a year, fungus developed again on my big toe (unless it never cured?). I'm taking Lamisil again, but I'm only 4 weeks in, and I've gotten terrible headaches and pretty bad itching. I'm not sure if I will be able to go through a second round of the stuff at my 6-week check-in. I still think I'd recommend it because it did get rid of fungus on two toenails, but I'm not sure if the side effects would be too off-putting for some."

7 / 10
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  • ACS
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 29, 2023

"I was scared to take this for many years. The leaflet that comes with it is the most terrifying thing I’ve read. I finally took it and experienced zero side effects, didn’t even know I was taking anything. Liver tests were normal, and watching all your toenails grow out healthy is an amazing feeling. I sprayed my feet and shoes with Tinactin every morning and washed my socks/sheets/towels in hot water regularly to avoid reinfection. 6 months later 8 toes are 100% cured with about 1/2 inch left to grow out on both my big toenails. It took 6 weeks after starting to see healthy nail start growing."

10 / 10
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  • Lkdj
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 26, 2015

"I found the pill very effective. Took it every day for 3 months and by the time I had completed the treatment, a new healthy nail had completely grown out. However, within weeks, the fungus returned and the nail became yellow and brittle again. Huge disappointment. At least I didn't have any bad side effects."

5 / 10
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  • boots...
  • March 12, 2009

"Used it for almost 3 months. Developed muscle pain, and the doctor pulled me off. Other than that, my toes look great after just three months. I spent 35 years treating it myself with no significant results. By summer, my wife wants me to wear sandals, something I haven't done since I was 17. My big toes are about 75% back, others are about 90%. Looking forward to barefoot beach walks."

8 / 10
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61 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.