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Propranolol for Performance Anxiety User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Inderal LA, Hemangeol, Inderal XL InnoPran XL

Propranolol has an average rating of 9.7 out of 10 from a total of 469 reviews for the off-label treatment of Performance Anxiety. 97% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 0% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Propranolol

  • Mvt
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 28, 2012

"I'll get straight to the point. If you're struggling with performance anxiety and feel helpless (like I did), stop waiting and go see your doctor immediately and get a script for propranolol; it changed my life. Ever since I enrolled in University, my fear of public speaking became heightened (because of the pressure to succeed) to the point where I had a panic attack during a presentation. It was the worst moment in my life, and I knew I needed serious help. I got a script for propranolol and took 20mg 1 hour and 1/2, and another 20mg before my presentation. I went up (I was so nervous I didn't sleep at all the night before) and absolutely killed it. I felt so comfortable in front of the stage. It changed my life."

10 / 10
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89 Report
  • Grate...
  • September 15, 2019

"I am going to name my firstborn Propranolol. I don’t even know where to begin. I developed a crippling fear of public speaking in graduate school that has plagued me for almost 4 years. I now realize that my mental illness was actually spawned from my fear of public speaking. I now plan to wean off of my SSRIs. I would go to elaborate lengths to never have to speak in class or events. Once I told my professor that a family member was in the hospital so that I didn’t have to read a summary which every student had to prepare. So that he wouldn’t reschedule me, I pretended that I wasn’t in a state to focus on anything school-related. I have suffered immensely. The thought of having to present will put me in the worst place for days. I just gave a speech which I in no way could have avoided. And holy shit. You will feel like it’s not going to work. But pop a pill, and look at your hands an hour later. They will not be shaking. That’s when you know it will work. And it does."

10 / 10
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47 Report
  • life...
  • July 25, 2015

"I could not function in my work environment without this drug. I have severe performance anxiety. I am not able to give talks, I'm not good in groups, and am very anxious when put in the spotlight. I take 40 mg of propranolol, and I am able to function. Without this medication, I would have quit my career and sink deep into depression. Without this medication, I would shake uncontrollably, feel numb with fear and embarrassment, and feel completely out of control."

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72 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • panic...
  • May 7, 2015

"I have had a panic attack recently, more to do with relationship and work issues. I went to the doctor who prescribed me with the medication, and I can honestly say within a couple of hours, I felt relaxed. I don't feel that anxiety where I feel helpless and out of control, wanting to cry myself senseless or run out of the house screaming because everything around me is suffocating me!! However, it works, it is the best thing going for me so far :)"

10 / 10
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73 Report
  • Craig...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 13, 2023

"I can't say enough about how this changed my life. Mild panic attacks used to rule any public speaking experience. Propranolol had removed that feeling entirely. Simply amazing. Wish I had known about it years before. I take 20 mg an hour before any speaking engagement."

10 / 10
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17 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Socia...
  • April 9, 2015

"This is a miracle drug for people who suffer with the physical effects of anxiety. I had a very important live TV interview coming up that I was absolutely terrified about, and the thing I was most nervous about was shaking on TV. Every experience I've had with public speaking, I have had uncontrollable tremors in my hands and head. I took 40mg of propranolol an hour before the interview, and I experienced none of the awful shaking, blushing, sweating, or the increased heart rate. It was such a relief. The drug will not stop the anxious thoughts or the feeling of terror before the performance, but it absolutely will block the physical effects, which is what most performance anxiety sufferers panic about."

10 / 10
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71 Report
  • Corry...
  • February 2, 2015

"I failed 12 attempted classes in a community college because I struggle with Panic Disorder/Social phobia. Presenting to the class was a nightmare. I couldn't get through it without shaking so bad, students thought I was having a seizure. So, I either dropped out of the class or skipped the presentation completely, receiving a zero. If I didn't have faith in God, I think over time the disorder would have caused me to not want to live anymore, which is sad. I sought professional help from a Psychiatrist and he prescribed me Propranolol. I not only graduated from community college but am now finishing with my Bachelor's at a University. Propranolol has saved my life, and that is an understatement. P.S. It is $12 without insurance."

10 / 10
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72 Report
  • Unive...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 28, 2014

"I am in full-time school in a program that requires me to give many oral presentations. I am a somewhat shy and introverted person and have always had a lot of trouble being able to do this effectively. I get very anxious, I shake, get short of breath, and feel my heart racing. I had heard about propranolol, so I consulted with my GP, and she prescribed 40mg to me. The first time taking it right before my presentation, I felt slightly anxious and was thinking that it wasn't working, however, the minute I started to present, I felt calm and relaxed and was able to present well. No shaking or pounding heart, which I now realize increased the anxiety and really interfered. This medication is a lifesaver to me, I am glad I found it!"

9 / 10
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71 Report
  • Changes...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 19, 2013

"I have always had a debilitating fear of public speaking, to the point I would worry months before I knew I was giving a presentation. In my line of work, it is an important skill to be able to give oral presentations, and I knew it was something I would have to fix. My doctor prescribed me propranolol. I was reluctant, but after reading others' reviews, I gave it a shot. It honestly is the BEST thing my doctor could have prescribed me. I am able to give a presentation without shaking and actually feel at ease. I hope over time as my confidence builds, I will be able to deliver a speech without it."

10 / 10
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76 Report
  • Propr...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 9, 2013

"I got on here just to rate this medicine, ironically, after reading about it on here. I'm a professional speaker and performer who for years was an amateur wannabe speaker and performer. I have a lot of involuntary nervousness like redness and shaking hands which would sabotage me despite my general level of comfort and quality of presentation. Take 10-40 mg 30 mins to an hour and it becomes physically impossible to get nervous. Now I'm rapidly moving up in my field thanks to my poise and confidence."

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75 Report
  • Snakle
  • March 7, 2017

"Absolutely great. I used to have a shaky voice, no independent thought, facial twitching... I used to have to down a couple shots of vodka to make it through a 5-minute presentation. Now, I take 40 mg 2 hours out, another 20 mg one hour from showtime, and it is like magic. I am engaging, comfortable, able to make eye contact, and even improvise on the fly. My presentations end with a committee firing questions in rapid succession. Propranolol has provided the ability to take them all in stride. Nothing substitutes for adequate preparation, and this will not make you shine if you don't know what you are talking about, but it is a godsend when you know your stuff yet are so uncomfortable your delivery SUCKS. Wish I discovered it sooner!!"

9 / 10
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56 Report
  • Kenny...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • December 5, 2022

"I would like to say 2 things. First I used inderal/ propranolol for years helping me at my religious services. The need to give talks was such that I used it to assist with my severe, and I mean severe panic/stage fright. Years later I was diagnosed with bipolar and found out panic is 20 % higher in bipolar people which explained a lot of what I saw in my life. Propranolol was a great help. Second, and I feel this is important. Many will fell ashamed to have help with stage fright. I guess there are people that judge us and we judge ourselves. It may appear that we need to 'snap out of it' as I was kinda told a few times. Well....stop!. Anxiety, bipolar , the fears that cause stage freight are not character flaws. We shouldn't allow anyone to turn a mental / emotional issue based on whatever is happening and has happened to you biologically, physically , emotionally and even mentally into nothing. You need, what you need. Get help in whatever form a doctor gives. Inderal helps"

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19 Report
  • go...
  • May 6, 2013

"I used to freak out during presentations. It got to the point where I would have a full-blown panic attack in front of the classroom. I would get so embarrassed, and it made me feel insecure in all aspects of my life, especially in social situations. I had a presentation today, and although I was nervous before, it completely disappeared once I started talking. My heart was still pounding, but not coming out of my chest, and I wasn't shaking. I felt so calm and confident. I think this pill is amazing."

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75 Report
  • Gulp
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 5, 2015

"I have struggled with public speaking my whole life, but it all boils down to what I call 'that thing my voice does.' When I have to speak in a large group, or even get put on the spot to tell a short anecdote with 5-6 people, I get this wave of physical anxiety and my throat feels like it closes. It's like I have to swallow uncontrollably. Recently, a switch in primary care doctor resulted in a prescription for propranolol. It is a miracle! It just works. I don't have palpitations, no crushing adrenaline rush, and my voice is calm and clear! I would pay $1,000,000 for this - no exaggeration. I read an article where a cardiologist said he went to a physician conference and at least 20% of the doctors presenting used a beta blocker."

10 / 10
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62 Report
  • njchuck
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 23, 2014

"I just tried propranolol for public speaking for the first time yesterday. I've hated public speaking my whole life. I shake and blush, and it's very embarrassing. I have a new job now where I have to speak in front of people sometimes. My doctor prescribed me 10 mg. I tried it over the weekend to see if I had any side effects, and there were none. I'm generally an anxious person, and it did make me feel calmer, but it was a subtle effect, and I was worried that 10mg wouldn't work during my speech because I see some reviews of people taking much higher doses. But it actually worked. I still felt nervous like my doctor said I would, but at least I didn't shake at all or feel the physical symptoms of my nervousness. I wish I had found this in high school and college."

10 / 10
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70 Report
  • Kayy
  • September 12, 2009

Inderal (propranolol) "Started having panic attacks with anxiety about 6 months ago. Started taking Inderal 20 mg - once in the morning. Noticed significant improvement the first day. This drug has been awesome for me! Was also given Xanax at the same time but I only feel I need it occasionally."

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90 Report
  • Miracle...
  • March 1, 2014

"Like many of you who have commented, I have a huge fear of speaking in front of large groups of people. I'm in sales and I'm great in one-on-one or small groups when making a sales call. But when I'm asked to speak or get up and talk in company sales meetings that usually consist of 50 people, I freak out - instant red face, shaky hands, trembling voice, the whole nine yards. I was at the point of making a career change from a job that I loved because I lost hope in fixing this problem. Until my doctor prescribed me propranolol, or the miracle pill! I take one 20mg pill about 1 hour before a meeting and another 10mg right before the meeting. I lose all fear - no shaky hands, no red face, my heart rate is calm, I think clearly, and speak well. Love it."

10 / 10
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69 Report
  • AC Sl...
  • March 27, 2015

"Okay, first off, my anxiety has gotten worse the past couple of years to the point where if my boss calls me into his office to talk to me one-on-one, I get sweaty palms, a quivering voice, and chest pain. Well... I came to this site, saw what you guys had to say, and I got a prescription for propranolol thinking it would help me. Guess what? It's a total GAME CHANGER. My boss called me into his office today to try to intimidate me, and I was just like, 'Hey boss, what's new? What can I do for you?' I just treated him like it was no big deal, and he wasn't intimidating me one bit. I put a bead on him and looked him directly in his eyes and was cool and calm. I could have NEVER done that before. Thanks, everyone on here. Propranolol is the real deal."

9 / 10
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64 Report
  • I...
  • May 31, 2011

Inderal (propranolol) "I have struggled with public speaking my entire life. This is truly a miracle medicine for me. I like the fact that I do not have to take it every day... only for specific events which are typically scheduled in advance. I would still prefer no medication but have been very happy with the results from Inderal."

9 / 10
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81 Report
  • Anony...
  • March 10, 2014

"Propranolol is an amazing medication that completely eliminated the physical symptoms of my speech anxiety. My cognitive ability was sharp, and the symptoms of shaking, fast heartbeat, and adrenaline rushes were gone! I highly recommend this medicine for those of you who have uncontrollable physical speech anxiety."

10 / 10
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68 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 6, 2015

"I suffer from mild social anxiety, audience anxiety, or stage fright, which, when put in the spotlight in big groups (church, ministry programs, or work-related events), resulted in me being soaking wet from sweating. I had taken myself off of caffeine and made efforts to exercise for about an hour to an hour and a half before events to practically sweat myself dry. I spoke with a doctor friend of mine, who prescribed 20 mg of propranolol three times a day. I have found that if I take it regularly as a daily maintenance drug, it is most effective. The last presentation I gave at work in front of about 75 people, I sailed through it with lots of compliments. I have noticed no side effects either."

9 / 10
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61 Report
  • Speech...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 23, 2014

"My dad always raved about how wonderful this medicine is for speech anxiety, and I am finishing up my bachelor's degree. Needless to say, I put my 'Public Speaking' course until my last semester. I took 20 mg an hour before my speech, and did I nail it! I wasn't nervous at all. And I usually feel like I'm going to puke before a presentation! This is a miracle for me, and I will definitely take it again for speeches later on! I would highly recommend it to anyone with 'stage fright' or who is fearful of talking in front of others!"

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63 Report
  • Bridg
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 10, 2013

"All I can say is WOW! This is amazing to say the least. Have always been terrified of oral presentations. Had one today, took one 10mg propranolol 1 hour prior to the presentation. Was very fearful that it wasn't going to work, but man, was I as calm as ever! It was so nice to be standing up in front of the class being able to talk (breathe) with no racing heart, no running out of air, and no being able to finish a sentence! Where has this been all my life!"

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70 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 4, 2022

"I AM ABSOLUTELY STUNNED! I never thought I’ll see the day where I don’t have a panic attack while presenting. Propranolol is a godsend for people with performance anxiety. Gave a 5 minute speech without my voice, legs , and arms trembling. Took 40mg hour before, which is double my recommended dose (bad idea). I thought I would the biggest fear of public speaking that no medication can help. Glad I’m wrong. Definitely recommend!"

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18 Report
  • Thought...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 14, 2015

"Something about being around other professionals and public speaking makes me self-conscious and extremely nervous/anxious to the point that I have a full-blown panic attack with uncontrollable shaking and the urge to cry and run out of the room. My hands shake so much that I can't even drink water. I'm 29 and a healthcare administrator in NYC with the responsibility of developing workflows and holding meetings regularly. In the last two years, with growing responsibilities, it has gotten so bad that I thought it would cost me my career. Until I discovered propranolol. I only take it if I am going to a meet and greet or I'm expected to speak in public, and it is AMAZING! I don't know what I would do without it (20 mg or 40 mg, I need it)."

9 / 10
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58 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.