Tasigna for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia User Reviews
Tasigna has an average rating of 8.0 out of 10 from a total of 27 reviews for the treatment of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. 74% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 11% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Tasigna
- jud...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- April 21, 2013
"I was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia in October of 2010. I was prescribed 600 units of Tasigna per day - 300 AM and 300 PM. I was in remission in 12 days - thank GOD. I am on Medicare and get help with my co-pay from PSI. I have mild nausea when I first take the pills, mild constipation, and some shortness of breath, but I also have COPD. I have been taking Tasigna for 2 1/2 years now and am just starting to notice my hair is thinning. I was told I have to take it for life. I thank GOD every day for this medicine and will gladly endure the minor side effects in exchange for a longer life."
- Wol...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- August 8, 2014
"Started on Gleevec in 2005, I was having a hard time with side effects. Sometime early 2007, I heard they were working with Tasigna, it was under a number at that point. I asked my doctor if I could get on the study. After some testing and paperwork, I finally got on it. Great, I had been told prior that I would never reach molecular remission. After several months on Tasigna, I received a phone call at my house late one evening. My doctor was surprised and happy to tell me there were no signs of my leukemia, and I was in a molecular remission. At that time, they still had me on 800 mg a day. I had the typical side effects with light rash, some hair loss, and some bone pain. Several years later, I was reduced to 600 mg and am on that now."
Frequently asked questions
- Gleevec vs Sprycel vs Tasigna - how do they compare?
- What happens if you take Tasigna with food?
- Is Tasigna a form of chemotherapy?
- Does Tasigna (nilotinib) cause hair loss?
- Fly...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 30, 2013
"I have been on Tasigna since being diagnosed in November 2013. Given how I felt at the point of diagnosis, I am so happy with Tasigna. I have minor side effects, and my energy level has been great. Early results are great. Time will tell."
- Mis...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- September 1, 2015
"I have been on Tasigna for just over 3 years now (300 mg x 2 times a day). Tasigna worked for me within a few weeks. I have been in remission for basically the entire 3 years. As for the side effects, I feel sick to my stomach, tired, severe leg and arm pain. I can't walk too long without needing a break. I went from working full-time to not working at all because I am so tired all the time.... but hey, I am in remission and alive, so is all the above really a problem? Nope."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Anonymous
- August 3, 2011
"I started using Tasigna after a year of non-working Gleevec. It has brought me to a remission state. I and my doctor are very happy. Yes, rose comes with thorns. It has affected my hearing, and I have redness and crusting around my head, which turn into painful pimples. But still, it is a great drug that has brought me the cure."
- ase...
- May 20, 2009
"I used this medicine for 3 months, after 6 years of using Gleevec/Glivec. Though it was effective at 3 months, it improved RBC and WBC, reduced pain side effects at rest in comparison with Glivec, I was further restricted in activity than with Glivec. I developed shortness of breath, an extra heartbeat, which turned into an ischemic problem at mid LAD."
- Anonymous
- May 13, 2011
"2 years on Gleevec with minimal positive effect and maximum side effects. 3 months on Tasigna and swelling gone, leg pain gone, nausea gone, I feel good. Tests show much improvement and my doctor is now very optimistic. Twice a day regime and eating times are small problems. My libido is back."
- Jay...
- February 15, 2016
"After Gleevec quit working after five years and no remission, Tasigna has been a wonderful medicine. Thinning hair, a little hip pain, and some blisters/itching... but so much blessing to have achieved molecular remission in 4 mos. and continued for 3 yrs. now. Doc has reduced my dose from 600 to 400 mgs to see if rashes stop and pain subsides. Hopefully, won't have to go back up. The cost is insanity... good thing I get assistance or I wouldn't be here."
- mdr...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- March 18, 2020
"Been taking Tasigna over 11 years now. Been in complete remission for almost the entire time. Worked quickly and amazingly well. No side effects to speak of. Tried going off it once, but CML returned. Went back on Tasigna and quickly was back in complete remission. A wonder drug to be sure. Started at age 41 and take one 200 mg capsule daily. I am lucky and grateful. Best of luck to all those with CML!"
- Mag...
- July 28, 2011
"The timing for eating is a pain. I have become hyperthyroid as a result of this medicine, and my hands started shaking, and I lost 40 pounds. I had been hypothyroid before! I like the weight loss, but the hyperthyroidism has caused digestive problems, and my eyes bulge a bit. Have suffered drug interactions with Cipro (heart) and maybe Lexapro (acute Achilles tendonitis). Unfortunately, my doctor was not familiar with what Tasigna could do."
- McL...
- March 25, 2010
"Effective drug. The 12-hour thing is a pain, as is the eating discipline. Must affect hemoglobin levels, as feeling tired is an issue. Any effort, i.e., walking up a slight incline, can make you feel nauseous. Can't complain because it works for me."
- sop...
- May 24, 2012
"After 18 months of taking Gleevec without having the best results, taking Tasigna was a gift as the side effects cannot be compared with those of Gleevec. Although after taking it for more than a year, my BCR ABL exams are going up and down, and I suppose I have to change my medication again."
- Dgr...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- November 14, 2018
"I take 2 (150 mg) in the morning and 2 at night 12 hours apart. So far, my side effects have been minimal. I feel bloated sometimes, but the fatigue seems to never go away. The hardest part of taking this medication is the timeframe with taking meds and eating. In the morning, it's not too bad, but in the afternoon, it's difficult because my kids and wife are all hungry, and I have to wait to eat for an hour after I take my meds. Most of the time, I just reheat and then eat earlier. The most important thing, though, is the medication is working, and my cancer is barely noticeable besides the side effects."
- Bob...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- November 9, 2019
"After a year on Sprycel, it wasn't working, so they switched me over to Tasigna. It brought my bcr/abl levels down more in 3 months than the whole year on the Sprycel. However, the 800 mg/day was too much for me, and I was neutropenic for several months and needed Neupogen injections, which was not fun. I've been able to tolerate the 600 mg dosage without any major issues beyond the standard fatigue and bone pain. Unfortunately, I've yet to reach a major molecular response, but hopefully that will happen in the next few months."
- Mou...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- January 25, 2021
"Tasigna has been a very effective medication for my CML (chronic myeloid leukemia). My BCR/ABL counts have quickly dropped and are now hovering from .3 to .06 parts per X. Fortunately for me, any side effects from the medication are not felt. I have been taking two 150 mg tablets twice daily since October 2019. I sort of wish some researcher would ask me about my life history or something to see what may have caused this kind of leukemia. Apparently, the only indications are being exposed to nuclear fallout. I was not in Nagasaki or Hiroshima, but I have visited Utah's west desert, Skull Valley, a couple of times."
- jj ...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 18, 2014
"Brought my BCR-ABL levels down where Gleevec and Sprycel didn't, at least for my specific situation. I had to waste 9 months of treatment to find out Tasigna was the right medicine for me. Lucky I worked so hard to fight for it, that is what it takes. Works great for PH refractory on other medicines before transplant."
- Ian...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 30, 2016
"Started Tasigna on Thursday morning. I'm diabetic and became severely hypoglycemic on Saturday. Stopped taking diabetes meds, and that improved, but I had a stomach ache and nausea so bad I was dry heaving for 3 solid days because I couldn't eat. Went 3 days without sleep because I was curled up around the toilet. I stopped taking it on Monday evening. My reaction to this drug felt like what I envision chemo to be. I go back to my doctor tomorrow to come up with an alternative treatment plan. I'm now scared to start another med for fear of similar reactions, and I don't want to imagine being this sick the rest of my life. Very happy and envious of all the success stories."
- Sam...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- April 15, 2020
"Started Tasigna a little over 4 years ago. Have taken a 200 mg dose twice a day ever since. Brought me from 56% cancerous white blood cells to 2% in just a few months, molecular remission within about 1 year and has kept me there. Still suffer from insomnia, bone and muscle pain, but rashes went away after a couple of years. Neuropathy in feet and toes, but I worry that peripheral artery disease is occurring also... Even with breaks (1-2 weeks), I never feel any better, so the breaks are hardly worth taking. Novartis patient assistance program took care of me for the first year and the Medicaid ever since with nothing out of pocket, thank God. TASIGNA HAS KEPT ME ALIVE..."
- JWa...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- July 25, 2020
"I was on Tasigna since first approval (2007) due to side effects of Gleevec. I had good CML results with little seen side effects. In 2017, I started having atherosclerosis, leading to heart attack and 4 stents. They said it was directly related to the medication due to never smoking, my cholesterol was good, there were no other precursors for this. After which I had 2 strokes, which the team of doctors believe was a washout of this same condition. I now have to get a pacemaker. Not sure if this has anything to do with all of the above, but would never wish this on anyone."
- CML...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 19, 2020
"Diagnosed with CML and a white count of over 750K (yes, you read that right). After 2 months, the white count fell to 5K (middle of the normal range). The two 'fasting windows' per day that are required are a hassle, but you get used to it. Light to moderate bone pain occasionally, but most days there is none. Slightly dry skin on and off, but not too bad. Insurance covers (UHC) with a STEEP co-pay (around $1300 per month!), but that makes me hit max out of pocket (MOOP) by March of every year, so in that respect, no more expensive than anything else since I'd hit MOOP anyway."
- Bre...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- September 7, 2023
"I started Tasigna in Nov. 2013. In June 2023, my doctor took me off due to blood vessels closing off. I had to have kidney stents in both kidneys in May 2021 due to 80% blockage. I get my kidneys checked every year and they were 60% blocked at my last check-up. The last 2 years, the ends of my big toes are very sore. I could live with the fatigue, hair loss, and muscle aches from Tasigna and even 9.5 years of going 3 hours without food 2 times per day to take the Tasigna, but the closing of the blood vessels is too much risk. I probably should have gotten off Tasigna 2 years ago. I just tried Sprycel and the tiredness and muscle aches are way more than before. I'm going to be starting Scemblix in a week and will see how that goes."
- Bal...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 30, 2021
"This is my third month of having Tasigna 600mg/day, felt every symptom that are mentioned but all gone. I feel nauseated from last three days and it is not going anywhere. Though I have felt it earlier but it was gone. I will get a PCR test of BCR-ABL at the end of the third. Let's see, hopefull Molecular response will be good."
- Jj ...
- February 12, 2017
"Took tasigna 2 tabs in the morning and 2 tabs in the evening. Shes having too many little poop, that made her sleepless. She feels bloated most of the time. She barely sleep .was diagnosed w cml last Jan 2017. Before that it is important. To recognize such symptoms , she is 68 years old, in good healthy eating lifestyle, taking high blood medicines since late her 40's. Does her annual check up at age 55 up to present religiously. No history of family CML except for hepatitis b her sister. She started having WBC high of feb.2016 from normal 10,000 went to 35,000. Doctors thought its just an infection took 1-3 antibiotics between , starting august with onset fatigue, hard breathing and hypoglycemia, which she never had sugar problem before"
- RLM...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- October 1, 2021
"I have been on Tasigna for several years after 1 year of Sprycel ( fluid in Lungs with Sprycel) Tasigna has kept me at 0.00 PCR test for many years.. Hardest part is the food schedule 12 hrs apart 2hrs after and 1 hr before food 2x150mg TWO times day I use sharpie to date the blister pack to help keep track of days small amount of muscle pain but easy to bear"
More about Tasigna (nilotinib)
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- Drug class: BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors
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- En español
"I was diagnosed in 2009 and started taking it while it was just a study pill. I did get joint pain pretty bad. I was in remission about a year later. The joint pain was bothersome, and I had to take it for life. Well, I stopped taking it in 02/2012. I told myself I was a lot better. Well, guess what, my leukemia is back. I need to go see my doctor again and need to get back on it. So everyone, please don't stop taking it like I did. I hope and pray that I will fight it again and win again."