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Modafinil User Reviews & Ratings

Brand names: Provigil

Modafinil has an average rating of 7.3 out of 10 from a total of 480 reviews on 64% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 18% reported a negative experience.

Condition Avg. Rating Reviews Compare
154 reviews for Narcolepsy 18 medications
Depression  Off-label
75 reviews for Depression 76 medications
Fatigue  Off-label
69 reviews for Fatigue 5 medications
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome  Off-label
57 reviews for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 2 medications
ADHD  Off-label
50 reviews for ADHD 44 medications
Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea Syndrome  
40 reviews for Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea Syndrome 3 medications
Shift Work Sleep Disorder  
27 reviews for Shift Work Sleep Disorder 2 medications
Idiopathic Hypersomnia  Off-label
8 reviews for Idiopathic Hypersomnia 3 medications
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Reviews for Modafinil

  • Nope
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 5, 2019

For Depression "Modafinil helps me feel human. I have had major depression since I was 15 years old. Finally something worked. I developed severe apnea and was prescribed modafinil. Totally unintended but my depression started to subside. Unfortunately, it doesn't stay away if I stop taking modafinil. I asked my psychiatrist to prescribe it for me. He would not. My debate was this: I had taken every single drug cocktail thrown at me for years and years. I never blinked. I complied. Now I find something that works and I can't have it? Put me in a study. I'll do whatever it takes, I said. I'm telling you I have my life back. I can feel happy and hopeful again. He said No."

10 / 10
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325 Report
  • JayR
  • May 9, 2019

For ADHD "My whole life I struggled with focus, energy, and confidence. It took great effort to pay attention, and I struggled to complete things. Teachers, family, and friends told me I was a daydreamer, an underachiever, and lazy. I felt shame that I was not good enough and must just try harder. Then I was prescribed Modafinil at age 40 and was able to focus, had energy, and social confidence. When visiting museums, I was unable to focus on exhibitions for more than 2 minutes, I now spend whole days in museums reading everything! I've been discriminated against for being forgetful, distracted, and underachieving. Now I'm succeeding in a new career, communicate effectively, and no longer feel shame. Unfortunately, here in the U.K., doctors, it is so hard to get a prescription. Shouldn't I have the right to a drug that makes me equal to my peers, able to reach my dreams, and contribute to society? My greatest fear is access to obtaining it being blocked."

10 / 10
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252 Report
  • Bullf...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • February 14, 2020

For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome "Please be very very careful taking this. My life is now in turmoil because of my addiction to this medication. As I write, I’m searching the internet to find a supplier. I’m terrified of running out in 3 days. There is an underground consensus on the physical and psychological withdrawals. The best I can do is share my experience with others to hopefully avoid terrible heartache in your life. I’ve already messed mine up. Please try and get by without this medication, it does work and works very well, hence my addiction. But again, I want to help people before they get into the situation I’m in. I know many others as well that struggle with this. Please be careful if you decide to take this."

10 / 10
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220 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • jaguiar
  • May 20, 2009

Provigil (modafinil) for Depression "This is a WONDER DRUG in the use of depression. I have suffered for years with depression and never with any relief from the mainstream anti-depressants. Either the side effects were intolerable, or the medicine just didn't work. Within 3 days of taking Provigil, I was the happiest, most productive I had been in a year. The first 2 days I was still really sleepy, and the 3rd day, a little hyper, but after that day I have felt EXCELLENT. I don't have anxiety attacks anymore and I get a full night of 'good' sleep and wake up feeling extremely refreshed and I am happy again. I was on my couch for a straight 6 months sleeping and crying until I started this medicine. It literally saved my life."

10 / 10
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471 Report
  • Joyce
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 29, 2021

For Depression "No exaggeration, modafinil saved my life. Before this medication, I was severely depressed and had tried numerous drugs with little success. I also tried ECT with no luck. I was very suicidal and hopeless. Then, my psychiatrist prescribed me modafinil 200mg, and my life has changed dramatically. I no longer spend days in bed. I am actually functional and even enjoy life. I am no longer suicidal for the first time in a decade."

10 / 10
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137 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • There...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 7, 2017

For ADHD "This medicine is literally a life changer. For so long I took Adderall to get me through the day and to sustain focus during college courses. Adderall gave me severe anxiety and depression, and I thought I had lost all hope seeing as that is 'the best' drug for ADD... WRONG! Modafinil gives you the same level of focus without ANY side effects... no anxiety, no depression, no euphoria (which is great because Adderall is very addictive) and minimal weight loss. It has improved my life to the point that my friends and family members have been commenting on how great I sound. I just wanted to share my experience (never have before, but I felt compelled to because this is an emotional topic for me) in case you're nervous about giving it a shot."

10 / 10
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204 Report
  • funse...
  • September 29, 2020

For Fatigue "I was prescribed Modafinil by my psychiatrist to help my chronic fatigue and depression (off-label). I am an addict in recovery (going on 9 months sober) and although this is not officially a stimulant, it toes the line *just enough* that it almost spun me into relapse. There's plenty of testimonials testifying how amazing this drug is and that it isn't addictive. I was more wakeful but the anxiety it gave me was not worth it the boost, plus I fantasized about upping my dose immediately. I ended up giving my medication to my boyfriend to throw away and having to tell my sobriety sponsor about it. I was on 100 mg, prescribed to take it every morning. I was on Modafinil for 2 months and quit cold turkey, and couldn't stay awake more than a couple hours for several days. I felt the need to post a review to warn anyone thinking their sobriety will stay intact with this drug because it almost threw me completely off the wagon."

1 / 10
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121 Report

More FAQ

  • LifeC...
  • October 3, 2020

Provigil (modafinil) for Narcolepsy "Provigil has changed my life! I have been taking it for 6 months. I was prescribed 200mg. I usually take half a pill, and I’m good to go for the entire workday. Before Provigil, I was in danger of losing my job. I could not get out of bed. On weekends, I would literally go to bed Friday night and not get dressed again until I forced myself out the door for work on Monday. After just a few days, I felt like a new person! I don’t suffer any terrible side effects. The only thing is I have to make sure I am not talking excessively (as it tends to speed up my speech). I now even go to the gym after work! Never ever would have dreamed of doing that previously! I am down 30 pounds (working hard at it) and I am enjoying my life! It gave me my life back!"

10 / 10
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118 Report
  • Snugg...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 27, 2019

For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome "I have got my life back. Three weeks ago, I could not even take a bath without sleeping up to ten hours after. Now I am painting and cleaning my flat. I can make my meals and eat them. And next month, I am going to Spain on holidays."

8 / 10
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150 Report
  • Willtry
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 22, 2019

For Fatigue "Doctor denied my request for a prescription. He would not prescribe it for “off-label” use. I’m blessed that another doctor suggested and gave me a sample. I have taken this for 10 years and can’t function without it. Yes, I started out with 1/2 tablet. Increased dose just to get the same effect. (For me, just making it through the day!) No superpowers for me, but I can’t function without it. I can recall the events of the days when the doctor increased my dose. Even by 1/2 tablet. It’s a miracle for me."

10 / 10
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133 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 17, 2017

For Depression "It's only my first day on modafinil and what an impact it has made! My head is crystal clear, no confusion, no negative feelings, or procrastination. After about 3 hours of taking the medication, I had my whole day planned out and was able to complete each and every task with ease. I am 50 years old and up until today had spent most of my life unable to complete the simplest of tasks. I would just spend my time thinking about the task and waste away the time. To sum up, my life to this point has been full of promises and unfulfilled potential. But after my first day on modafinil, I feel that my life has just begun. I pray that the effects of modafinil do not diminish. I have decided to keep a video diary of my journey on YouTube."

10 / 10
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158 Report
  • NYer
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 11, 2020

For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome "I've been taking modafinil for two weeks now, 100 mg in the morning and 100 mg in the afternoon. I was so wanting this to be the miracle I was waiting for. I see absolutely no improved energy. I have more headaches and same bad fatigue. I hope there's something else I can try..."

1 / 10
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109 Report
  • Coop
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 29, 2019

For Depression "For me it's impressive! After my burnout and the following depression, it was a struggle for me that I wasn't able to bring the past performance. Lack of energy and concentration, mood swings, bad memory, and so on. With Modafinil, I am able to work focused on my dream, fight procrastination (which was a real problem), think-power from past days (I often gave up when I had to solve something complex). I don't take it every day, sometimes only 1-2 days a week, mostly when I'm working on my project or when I feel really bad. Side Effects: Headache during the effect phase (when I started, but was gone after the third intake). Insomnia (when you take it too late)."

9 / 10
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112 Report
  • Patti...
  • March 13, 2013

For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome "Modafinil has been a miracle for me. I suffered with chronic fatigue syndrome for 20 or so years, usually accompanied by severe depression. My doctor called one day and said his two other Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients had remarkable success with this medicine, and he wanted me to try it. Prior to trying it, my depression had lifted, but the fatigue always remained. Within a very short time, the fatigue lifted and NEVER returned. I experienced not a single side effect, and I have developed no tolerance problems with it. As a result, I have been using it successfully now for 13 years! My depression comes and goes, and most medications have proved useless over time, but the fatigue.... it's gone!"

10 / 10
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202 Report
  • mcwjmd
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 13, 2023

For Depression "I am a physician and have struggled with treatment-resistant depression since my teenage years. I have tried many different antidepressants, but modafinil is truly the ONLY medicine that has helped me. It is a true game-changer, and I thank God every day for it. My father was depressed most of his adult years, so mine is partly genetic. I would recommend this medication to anyone who is struggling with treatment-resistant depression."

10 / 10
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38 Report
  • downi...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 28, 2014

For Depression "I have suffered from major depression for over 20 years. The past 2 1/2 years have been devastating. I have now treatment-resistant depression. I have been on all of the 'modern' and some 'old school' antidepressants including Lithium and MAOIs. I have had 2 rounds of ECT treatments in the past 2 years. They have knocked the suicidal ideation for a little while but this most recent round of 12 required 'Maintenance' sessions. I have had 3 maintenance ECTs then my psych doc prescribed me Provigil. I started at 100 mg for 2 weeks then upped it to 200 mg for the past 2 weeks. I have made it through the holiday season feeling the best I have in years. Now I am back to the way I was before my depression. Don't know why but it works."

10 / 10
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167 Report
  • Depre...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • June 24, 2015

For Depression "Since diagnosis, I have been on almost every medication that has been introduced. For the last five years, I have taken 300mg Bupropion, 300mg Gabapentin 3 times a day, 200mg Modafinil, and additionally, Xanax, as needed. The Bupropion alone was not helping somatic symptoms, and the Gabapentin solved that. The added Modafinil caused no noticeable side effects. It did provide increased energy, a more positive mood, emotional stability, and a feeling of cheerfulness which was foreign to me. It does not prevent a good afternoon nap when needed and has never interfered with sleep at night. As I told my physician, 'The bupropion keeps me from wanting to die and the modafinil makes me want to live.' Any minor side effects would be worth the benefits."

10 / 10
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159 Report
  • docto...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 22, 2019

For Fatigue "Modafinil actually WORKED! I was a privatized combat medic/ER doctor and an adrenaline junkie. I have broken so many bones that it looks like I was hit by a train. During my last injury in the Middle East, I found out that I had severe SA and RA. Now I understand why I would become so fatigued when the natural adrenaline was not pumping through me. I do not take Modafinil every day so I do not get used to it, and as a doctor, I can make adjustments myself. It has made a big difference. If the dosage is not working for you, PLEASE inform your doctor and they can help with adjusting the right amount."

10 / 10
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88 Report
  • myoman
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 14, 2013

Provigil (modafinil) for Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea Syndrome "This medication is AMAZING! After 20 years of excessive sleepiness, I can finally make it through the day at work without falling asleep. No more nodding off at the wheel, and I can enjoy the evening with my family without falling asleep. I've been in a great mood and have the energy I had when I was a kid. I just wish I found out about this many years ago. I take 100mg early morning and 100mg early afternoon. I have had no side effects at all to date."

10 / 10
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166 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 1, 2009

Provigil (modafinil) for ADHD "I've been on Provigil for 2 years now for ADD-like symptoms caused by a brain injury. After 14 years of not being able to keep my thoughts together enough to hold a job, I can now connect the dots and have been working full-time for a year and a half. I do not take Provigil to make me smarter or give me an edge. I just want to be able to balance my checkbook and hold a job. I no longer have insurance to help with the cost, so I have been trying to make what I have left last as long as possible. Lately, I've been having trouble organizing my thoughts and being able to finish the simplest of chores. Looking back, it is amazing how much this drug helps me to live a normal life."

10 / 10
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206 Report
  • ASA
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 3, 2020

For Fatigue "Reading reviews, I really expected more from this drug. I built up a tolerance to Adderall due to long work hours. I’ve been taking 50-70mg of Vyvanse, but still completely out of gas in the afternoons. Asked my doctor for Modafinil at the highest starting dose, so he gave me 200mg. This dosage did nothing for me. Overall, for me, there is a boost of energy/motivation about 2 hours after taking it (which doesn’t last long), then EXTREME fatigue in the afternoon/evening. Leaves me feeling worse and overall just kind of 'off.' I’m really bummed."

4 / 10
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76 Report
  • Depre...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 14, 2018

For Depression "A life-changer. I have treatment-resistant depression and have been trying different medications my whole life. My depression is characterized by fatigue and lack of motivation. If I had found modafinil when I was younger, my life would have been completely different. But I am grateful I found it now. Along with my Lexapro, it’s exactly what I’ve needed."

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102 Report
  • Rosie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 25, 2019

Provigil (modafinil) for Narcolepsy "I have narcolepsy with cataplexy. Adderall, Ritalin, etc. did nothing for me. I’ve only been taking this for a short amount of time but unlike Adderall or Ritalin, this not only physically keeps me awake but I don’t feel the horrible fatigue I usually do. It keeps me awake and feeling good while also easing any nervousness I have. I feel very calm while also being energized. :)"

10 / 10
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84 Report
  • ImahS...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • December 17, 2014

Provigil (modafinil) for Fatigue "Provigil (Modafinil) was an absolute miracle for me to help me control my Multiple Sclerosis related fatigue. I have taken it for nearly 14 years with no side effects whatsoever (200mg two times a day). I liked that it never made me feel edgy, jumpy or nervous, and I especially liked that I could still sleep with a 200 mg dose on board as well so it didn't absolutely control my sleep patterns. Helpful. Effective. Cost-prohibitive if unable to get insurance coverage for it. I have only recently stopped taking Modafinil due to my insurance (which I have had the same company for the last 10 years) company not covering Modafinil for off-label uses (crazily, MS Fatigue being one of them?). So far, I am not at all impressed by any of the 'substitutes'."

10 / 10
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143 Report
  • patty
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 9, 2019

For Depression "Modafinil is one of the best prescription drugs I have ever taken, and I have tried everything. If it were not for this medication, I could not even get up in the morning and do anything. This is the only one that works. No bad side effects at all, only problem is insurance won't pay for this, so I somehow try to come up with the money to pay for this. This is something to try if nothing else works. Also, I have taken all ADD and depression meds, I have even tried some of the new medications, this is one of the best."

10 / 10
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90 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.