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Versed User Reviews & Ratings

Versed has an average rating of 4.1 out of 10 from a total of 75 reviews on 32% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 63% reported a negative experience.

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Reviews for Versed

  • Con...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 4, 2020

For Light Anesthesia "Sharing for my mom because I'm curious if anyone is basically unaffected by Versed. My mom went in for cataract surgery. She's an RN and super familiar with the process. They ended up giving her 6 mg of it, and she was completely awake and unaffected. She was so unaffected by Versed that a couple of hours after her surgery, she went back to pick up her car and still needed Trazodone to fall asleep (she's prescribed this for insomnia). Thankfully, she said there was zero pain, just felt like pressure. Does anyone else have similar experiences with Versed?"

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72 Report
  • Fri...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 12, 2019

For Light Sedation "Although I have also enjoyed Versed, I'm writing this as a witness to what my friend went through. My buddy dislocated his arm for the second time. After learning about Versed and memory loss, he asked to be knocked out. The doctor refused and rather insisted on Versed with plenty of Demerol. The drugs were given, and my friend laid comfortably until it was time. The doc and helper started trying to put his arm in. That's when the screaming began! While under the drugs, my friend was communicating (yelling/crying) with the doctor, begging him to put him out. He even told the doctor, 'I'll remember this.' It was a lengthy, painful struggle, but the arm finally popped in. My friend then quickly fell asleep. Once he came to, he didn't remember a thing! Witnessing that, I've had disturbed feelings about the drug."

5 / 10
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61 Report
  • Ups...
  • December 28, 2021

For Light Sedation "I tell the nurses and Dr. each time I have a procedure that this medication does not work for me. They totally ignore me. I had a trial stimulator put in my back today after telling every nurse and Dr. they still used it. I was totally awake until they finished. Horrible experience. It was so painful. I am not happy!!!"

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39 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • MCa...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 26, 2020

For Light Sedation "My dad was given Versed during a colonoscopy at the VA, and he never recovered his memory. He was absolutely independent prior to the Versed. He was robbed of the rest of his life because of this drug."

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52 Report
  • No...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 28, 2016

For Light Anesthesia "I would like to lodge a complaint. I came in for surgery on 12-17-16. I told the anesthesiologist that I did not want memory-blocking drugs. He told me I would be given Propofol, which was fine with me; I had that before with good results. When I woke up in the recovery room, I was having issues: blurred vision, double vision, sensation of spinning, and loss of balance. My husband stated this had not happened before with Propofol. I was told I was given Versed (a memory-blocking drug). We were told the procedure went well, so I do not know why this side-effect-inducing drug was administered. I was sent home while very unsteady on my feet with a sensation of spinning and loss of balance. I do not believe it was safe to discharge me in that condition. Indeed, my husband called my son to help him get me into the house. Most of all, I feel my trust was violated, and my wishes were not followed while I was in a vulnerable position, and this greatly concerns me. Next time, do I need to request that my husband stay with me through the complete procedure for my own protection from the staff?"

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  • Bro...
  • December 1, 2017

For Light Anesthesia "I had Versed for a colonoscopy ~14 years ago. I was not told in advance I would be 'put out' and my memory be erased. After being hooked up to the IV for pain management, the nurse said, 'You don't want to remember this anyway.' I went out as the procedure started and woke up in recovery. I went home and shook for 4 hours. For the next 10 years or so, my short-term memory was impaired. I attended a service school thereafter and had a lot of trouble remembering items for tests. I normally do very well. I have recurring nightmares of the procedure (PTSD?). This is a terrible drug, it is immoral to erase one's memory without their full understanding in advance. I bear a lot of animosity towards the clinic. I will never allow its use again."

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64 Report
  • JDS...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 27, 2017

For Light Anesthesia "I blindly accepted this poison for my first cardiac catheterization and first colonoscopy. It did nothing during the procedures. I remember everything and felt everything. What it did do was make permanent changes in my ability to remember things - especially names. Since then, I'm also frequently searching for common words. I list Versed as an allergy now so it'll never be used on me again."

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49 Report
  • Ver...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 16, 2020

For Light Sedation "Had a paradoxical reaction before hernia repair - was supposed to be light sedation but instead had to be put under to finish the surgery. Had anxiety attacks for years after. Had numerous operations - before and since - with nothing but local, and they were fine. Two hand surgeries involved Fentanyl, which I have no issue with. For me, Versed is the PCP of benzodiazepines."

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32 Report
  • She...
  • March 23, 2017

For Light Anesthesia "Had Versed for cataract surgery. OK post-surgery but woke up from nap afterward with uncontrollable emotions, terrifying. It's 3 1/2 months later and I'm still having occasional flooding of anxiety and depression. Also had memory problems for 2 months. Horrific experience, I will never be given this drug again."

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46 Report
  • 199...
  • August 9, 2016

For Light Sedation "Went in to get a celiac plexus block. Was given three doses of Versed. Kept telling the docs that I was fully awake, aware, and very anxious because what they were doing hurt considerably. I have been put under for multiple procedures and know the point when you are starting to go 'out.' This never occurred. They just kept repeating that I was fine and I would 'forget everything.' To which I kept reiterating that I would not and the Versed wasn't working. They might as well have given me water in my IV. I ended up jumping off of the table and had to leave. My main doctor's office that referred me to have the procedure kept telling me that there's no way I would remember anything. Wish that was the case. Would not recommend."

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44 Report
  • wal...
  • February 3, 2016

For Light Anesthesia "I was given Versed pre-surgery for a D & C, and within minutes I was vomiting violently. The surgery had to be canceled due to my extreme reaction. I was dry heaving for 4 hours and was sick for days. I had terrible vertigo and very loud ringing in my ears. That was 5 months ago, and I'm still being treated for vertigo and tinnitus. I was told by my ENT that the drug probably caused a disconnect between my ears and my brain. I am going to therapy, and it is helping some. I could not drive for 3 months and am driving again. I'm always slightly dizzy, and the loud high-pitched sound in my head may be permanent. I was never told about the negative effects before taking this drug."

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40 Report
  • Mag...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 8, 2021

For Light Sedation "I was given Versed twice for cataract surgery. First surgery went perfectly, and I had the sensation of being asleep and then awakened in recovery. The second surgery a month later resulted in a situation where I remembered every aspect of the surgery, but had no pain, likely due to the anesthetic eye drops being used. I will not choose this drug for anesthesia again."

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21 Report
  • Mik...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 10, 2016

For Light Anesthesia "I received medazolam, commonly called Versed, for my first colonoscopies. Note, Versed is an amnesia drug they use so you 'forget' how bad they treat you and that you were in pain rather than relieve the trauma. I suffered anxiety, long-term amnesia, flashbacks, and a PTSD-type reaction to the use of this drug. Not only did I lose the ability to lay down memory properly long-term, but the patches (it kind of feels like the connections are there of the bad experience, you feel the trauma, but you can't pin it on an exact block of memory) of the trauma remain. I highly recommend the non-amnesic fentanyl instead for colonoscopies."

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36 Report
  • Ser...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 22, 2020

For Light Anesthesia "It is my goal in life to get this awful drug off the market. I was given way too much of this, and I am permanently disabled with chronic depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Do your research on Versed, and you’ll see what I mean, and always tell an anesthesiologist that you don't want it so they don’t give it to you. They also try to lie and say it’s a pain reliever, it’s not. All Versed does is remove your memory, and unfortunately, sometimes that is permanent."

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20 Report
  • Bio...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 20, 2018

For Light Anesthesia "Told the anesthesiologist not to give me Versed because it made me nauseous. I had been meditating and was very relaxed on the operating table awaiting my hip replacement. Suddenly, I became afraid, paranoid, and the last I remembered was trying to get off the table. I had prolonged amnesia, nausea, hiccups for 24 hours, and I cried and was anxious for a week afterwards. My records show I was given Versed despite telling them not to."

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29 Report
  • Bar...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 15, 2015

"Midazolam (a/k/a Versed) has no pain-relieving properties. It's given-generally without patient consent-because it reduces anxiety, makes patients compliant/obedient to orders, and causes memory loss (same effects as Rohypnol, date rape drug-they are both benzodiazepines). Great if that's what you want, and your doc has discussed this with you beforehand. However, there are many people who have been given Versed without their consent and who have been very upset about the memory loss (see VersedBusters, nomidazolam, etc.-an internet search for side effects of Versed or midazolam will yield a lot of hits). For both surgeries, I had no anxiety yet was given Versed without my consent. I question why an amnesiac drug is administered when a"

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36 Report
  • Sam...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 20, 2019

For Light Anesthesia "I had Versed (midazolam) and Fentanyl used as a sedative for my bunionectomy. The drugs worked great for me. However, about 10 days later, I got out of bed with vertigo. I was just diagnosed with BPPV [Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo]. I only have vertigo when my head changes position, such as lying down or bending my head way back. I am a 52-year-old female. Three medical professionals say it is unrelated, but I just read a website that states BPPV is a side effect of benzodiazepines."

8 / 10
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23 Report
  • Lis...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 14, 2016

For Light Sedation "I had 3 surgeries within 3 months as a teen. This drug is what the pre-op physician gave me 1-2 minutes prior to wheeling me back into surgery. It is supposed to calm nerves, but it had the opposite effect for me. I was very nervous about the surgery, so I was given a syringe of it in my hand 1-2 minutes prior to them wheeling me back. It caused instant anxiety and impending feelings of doom. I was hyperventilating, blubbering, crying, freaking out as they put me to sleep. My surgeon was in tears and was petting my head to calm me. I ask for no IV pre-sedatives now."

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31 Report
  • jse...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 30, 2023

For Light Anesthesia "Just got back from cataract surgery this morning, and I have to say the Versed IV was useless... did nothing! I felt everything, did what I was supposed to do. Wasn't too anxious to begin with, but Lord, there has to be something better than this? I felt everything, buzzing and removal of the old lens, insertion of the new one. And the burning from the array of drops could lift you off the table! Now, I just hope everything clears up... very blurry and foggy right now, but it's really dilated. I'd rather smoke a joint before having this done... LOL!"

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9 Report
  • L C...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 25, 2016

For Light Sedation "Following major jaw surgery, wires and screws were to be removed from my upper jaw, extending all the way to my eye sockets. I arrived at the center, was asked to sit in a dental chair, and had both arms strapped down. I wondered about that. Then, Versed was administered. Off to Neverland? Never. When I awoke, thinking it was all over, the doctor was quite upset with me. I had unknowingly become agitated and combative, and he was unable to begin. Versed didn't work for me. I was very embarrassed to hear how the drug caused me to behave."

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29 Report
  • No...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 1, 2017

For Light Sedation "I was given Versed during a surgery on 12-27-2066. Starting on 12-28-20016 and through the next two days, I have been having periods when my heart starts beating wildly for no reason and other periods that it seems to slow and flutter. I needed to return to the doctor's office for an EKG, but nothing was happening during the time of the test, so he saw nothing. This should pass in time, but who wants to mess with this for days to weeks after surgery? Five days after surgery, I still can't focus my eyes together properly, and my vision is still blurry, and I am a little dizzy. Close-up objects are perceived as double."

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27 Report
  • kbe...
  • July 11, 2012

For Light Sedation "I was given Versed as sedation for 3 colonoscopies. It is great. After the procedure, I have no grogginess, and it is fast-acting and doesn't linger throughout the day. My last procedure, I was given propofol. It was terrible. I was sick for 2 days. I will definitely have Versed used here on out as long as it's available."

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37 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 22, 2016

For Light Anesthesia "This drug was given to me as I'm allergic to eggs, and the other anesthesia was egg-based. I asked what was in this drug and was told, 'I don't know.' Waking up to bits and pieces of reality, trying to grab onto them, but not being successful repeatedly. Going home was double vision. When I got there, I immediately threw up. I didn't want to move. My husband got a chair on wheels to wheel me directly to the bathroom and brought me bedding and a pillow and lay on the bathroom floor. I slept all day and all night. That is one drug I will NEVER take again."

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26 Report
  • hor...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 7, 2021

For Light Sedation "Had what I swore was PTSD after a horrific experience with IV Versed for cardiac cath-could not move nor talk but knew it was taking way too long. Was uncomfortable from positioning and kept having waves of impending death. Now I need cataract surgery and allowed them to convince me that the cath experience was due to how gravely ill I was and the fact that it was a lengthy procedure. 1st eye went OK-partial amnesia, no pain, but again the feeling of impending blindness/death. Procedure only took 10 min, which I could deal with. 2nd eye, another horrific event. After the procedure, given Tylenol and ushered out the door. Sorry state of American health care. I went home and took Tramadol. PS-shame on me, I am an RN and should have known better, but in my area if you ask too many questions or complain, they throw you out of practice and supply well exceeds demand, so what can you do. No more invasive care for me EVER !!!!"

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13 Report
  • Joe...
  • June 5, 2019

For Light Anesthesia "Was given this Versed prior to a minor 30-minute procedure. I “came back” in mid-conversation, realizing my body and brain had been operating without me. Felt like a robot that had been following commands with no free will; bizarre and unsettling experience. For hours after I got home, I’d find myself somewhere in my house doing something and not know how I got there. I tried to finish a book and ended up reading the same chapter over and over again. I had noticeable memory loss for two days and then didn’t feel totally back to normal for about a week. It felt like I was slowly recovering from temporary brain damage. I had to go back for a follow-up to re-hear the results days later for what I’m told was actually the 3rd time I’d been given them. The staff and doctor were also acting awkward around me, and I had a vague feeling of dread and embarrassment. Not worth it."

3 / 10
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16 Report
Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.