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Reglan for Migraine User Reviews (Page 4)

Reglan has an average rating of 2.9 out of 10 from a total of 122 reviews for the treatment of Migraine. 17% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 75% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Reglan

  • Anonymous
  • May 8, 2017

"Jim. I've had migraines for over 60 years. Currently, they are frequent but not debilitating as in the past. I'm an anomaly, having migraines at my age (77). My doctor prescribed Reglan Pills with 6 hours between doses. Sometimes it helps, sometime not. It's not my go-to Med but I use it because I don't want the others sometimes. I suspect high doses given quickly Can cause problems some have. Maybe my doctor, a stroke specialist who also has migraines, may be better informed than those prescribing high dose quick injections. There are emergency rooms in my area that I wouldn't let someone take me even with a heart attack. Remember, 50% of docs were in the bottom 1/2 of the class. You don't know where your doc was."

8 / 10
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  • Adago
  • November 12, 2016

"I was given a cocktail of reglan and Benadryl for a migraine at the ER. Within no time the migraine was gone, but a few minutes later I got an awful panic attack. I thought was going to die. I wanted to rip the iv out of my arm. When this happened my boyfriend got the doctor and she said this happens to about 50% of people. Since I'm so small they started with only a half dose of Benadryl to make me sleep, but after I couldn't sleep because of the side effects from reglan they gave me the other half dose. I am lucky to have had my bf there to get a nurse and calm me, and I'm lucky they could give me more Benadryl. I will not take this medicine again. If you have to take reglan bring someone to help you, but I suggest not taking this at all."

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  • Tedmi...
  • January 23, 2017

"I went to E R with a Migraine I had had for about 4 days. I was given this medication. I was in so much pain. I was so Anxious. I told them I was still in pain. My blood pressure was going up and down. I will never let the give this to me again. I was there 6 hours and let with no relief. I felt like I was tortured . Reglan and Benadryl"

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  • MarkF...
  • July 26, 2019

"About a year and a half ago now, I had just had a tooth extracted that was causing a severe headache. I made the mistake of going to the ER. I was administered Benadryl and Reglan and had a horrible reaction with my heart racing. ER tried to imply me describing the negative effects of the drug was an "anxiety attack" rather than side effects from the drug."

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  • Anonymous
  • June 5, 2019

"Omg worst medicine mixture ever!!! I’ve had this terrible stuff 2 times. The first time I went to the ER for an awful migraine and they gave me compazine, Reglan and Benadryl and immediately I started feeling very tired but restless and anxious at the same time. I wanted to sleep but I couldn’t because I felt like I just wanted to run out of there and just go home! It’s the worse anxious feeling I’ve ever experienced. So the next time I had a migraine they wanted to give me that and I thought well maybe it was just a bad reaction last time or something but NOPE! I had the same feeling and they wanted to do an MRI on me because of other neurological symptoms I came in with but since I was feeling so awful I just told them nope I want to be discharged. I’m definitely going to tell them next time those medications I cannot tolerate and I refuse them."

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  • taylor
  • August 11, 2015

"The cocktail didn't do a thing. First Benadryl then Reglan. No help and it wasted precious hours that I was in pain. I've had migraines for 26 years and know what helps. I was in the ER for ~ 6 hours. Only when given Fentanyl did the pain level 27 go down to a ~4. I told them demerol and phernagan knocks it out, but the ER doctor didn't listen. (Why did you ask me then?) I was left with a dull headache for 1.5 days."

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  • Mom...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 24, 2015

"Reglan, given in a small dose in her IV takes my 16 year old daughter's migraine away. She is a chronic sufferer and has been for many years. She has been hospitalized for migraines. In an hour she is back to normal but sleepy from Reoglan, Toridol and another anti-nausea med. I'm going to see if she can take Reglan at home in pill form to save a trip to the ER."

10 / 10
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  • aster
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 27, 2023

"Went into the ER for a migraine that was bothering me and had me leave school early. They didn’t explain much about the drug but they gave it to me anyway with a combination of Benadryl. It was the worst experience I’ve ever had in my life. I was feeling anxious a few minutes after taking it but I wasn’t expecting it to become the most horrifying and insufferable experience in my life. I felt like I was coming out of my skin and wanted to rip the IV out and the skin off my body. I had a panic attack that lasted a long time and couldn’t stop freaking out. I remember looking at the nurse and asking her “what did you do to me” as extreme paranoia and panic flooded through my mind. A doctor came by and offered Ativan to help. I couldn’t trust them and declined a few times, even though I am really into pharmacology and knew it would help but my paranoia made me feel like they would give me something else and kill me. I ended up taking it and it helped."

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  • Beyon...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 23, 2023

"I went to the ER for a migraine that was lasting several weeks. They gave me Tylenol and Reglan (after having told them of my history of anxiety). Within minutes of the Reglan I started to have the worst panic attack of my life. I couldn't keep my legs still, my whole body kept jerking, I wanted to rip out my IV and RUN, I was crying loudly, and I was pulling on my hair. My husband said I looked like the exorcist. The ER doctor said that can happen if the nurse pushes the meds too quick, but the nurse denied doing that. They gave me a half dose of Benadryl which did nothing, followed by another half dose. About an hour later I was exhausted, no longer freaking out, but still occasionally twitching. Never again. I list it as a med allergy now. My anxiety is still increased 7 months later, and I don't know if this is to blame."

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  • Gena
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 26, 2019

"Doctor prescribed this for migraines. Immediately after taking the first pill within an hour, I jumped out of bed and was restless, shakes, had severe anxiety trembles and felt like I was going to die. This lasted days- I told my the next doctor this and she then told me that some people do have this reaction. I will NEVER take this again and do not recommend it."

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  • Marty
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 11, 2019

"6/10/19 I received the migraine cocktail for the first time. Dr. was very careful to push the Reglan SLOWLY into the IV. At first I felt fine, but once she left the room I got hot, sweaty, and anxious. I had full body tremors, sweat through my clothes, and felt like I needed to rip the IV out and run. My severe migraine is gone, but I would recommend NOT trying this medication if you already have anxiety or if you’re sensitive to medications."

4 / 10
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  • Eleanor...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 12, 2023

"This drug needs to be removed from the market. I experienced a concussion and was administered this medication intravenously in the emergency room for migraine and nausea. Immediately after receiving the drug, I felt dizzy and as though I was going to faint. Within minutes my heart rate skyrocketed to 190 bpm, and I had the worst panic attack I have ever experienced, and I am a combat veteran. My entire body began shaking uncontrollably, and all of my muscles clenched up tightly. This continued for around 45 minutes. The medical staff provided Benadryl to "reduce" the side effects, and the doctor informed me that "those side effects are normal." Are you kidding me? They did not even ask whether I had a history of anxiety or mental illness. Unfortunately, I suffer from anxiety disorder and PTSD, and this experience triggered a significant PTSD episode with crippling anxiety that persisted for over two months after taking this medication. If you have pre-existing anxiety, avoid this medication."

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  • Mr mi...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 27, 2019

"Well went to the ER for a massive migraine and vertigo. At first they gave 1mg of ativan, 1,000 mg of acetaminophen, and 600 mg of ibuprofen. Even though it made me feel slightly better the tightness around my head was still there and the room was still spinning, just not as bad. So they decided to give me "the cocktail" which included compazine, reglan, and imitrex. After about 15 minutes I felt so restless, like I needed to keep moving my body. I thought it was the combination of all the damn meds but then I stumbled on to this website. Now I know it was the reglan. Any way I was sent home with a prescription for reglan and was told to take with tylenol and advil for migraines. Well the first night I took it was up all night fighting against the worst anxiety attack I've ever had. It lasted all night long. Never again will I take this medicine."

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  • Migra...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 10, 2017

"Went to the hospital last night for flu like symptoms. While I was there I experienced a sudden migraine. When I told the Dr. he decided to treat me with a cocktail outside of my usual. He gave me Reglan, Toradol, and Benadryl. As soon as the nurse began to push the meds in my IV I felt the worse burning sensation ever! After all 3 meds were in I began to feel closed in, constricted and overall worse. The nurse ran and got the dr and this is when he decided to reveal that the Reglan can make you feel very anxious, he said it should go away in 10 mins or so, and it did but I will never allow them to give me this medication again. I literately tried to rip the IV out of my arm because of it."

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  • bowling...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 23, 2017

"I have had a migraine for a week and went to the ER. They gave me IV benadryl and reglan. After about an hour they came in to check on me. I don't remember this but they said I said the headache was gone. Now 5 weeks later I still have the headache and I'm afraid to go back. Do not let them give you this cocktail as I don't remember anything. Who knows what could have been done to me while I was out of it. I will never let them give me this medication again."

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  • Laraaa
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 25, 2016

"I was inpatient in the hospital for a 5 day migraine. I was given Reglan and benadryl thru IV several times over a 4 day hospital stay and it helped the migraines in mins. I want you to understand how miserable I was. I had to have the curtains always drawn, couldn't watch TV or listen to music, and the room always felt like it was spinning. l noticed that when they administer the benadryl, it burns when given thru IV. I had competent nurses who administered it slowly to prevent intense burning. I also noticed after both were administered, I felt like I needed to move around, so my fingers and legs twitched a little, but not too much. It helped more than anything, and I'm really happy it was there as an option."

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  • Siggy...
  • October 10, 2016

"Yesterday I went to the emergency room with severe vertigo that I had for three days prior and a migraine had started two days after the vertigo and it was painful it was the first time I ever went to an emergency room for a head ache. They were very worried I could not walk due to the severe vertigo so they decided to give me mezacline and Reglan in an IV drip and something for nausea and within 10 minutes of the IV I began shaking uncontrollably all over and my muscles were twitching my stomach was burning horribly and I literally felt a panic so severe I thought I was dying and finally it became so bad the doctor gave me a Valium and within 10 minutes I felt back to normal .Reglan was the problem and I NEVER want that feeling again!"

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  • Moani...
  • November 8, 2018

"The urgent care center gave me a shot of reglan & toradol in my backside & benadryl. The meds burned going in, but within 20 mins, my migraine had subsided. Went home, slept. Next morning, woke up got ready feeling groggy, my chest was tight. I went to work and felt jittery, nauseous, dizzy then later I get very hot, cold & sweaty. Then I turned white as a sheet and got full body tremors. I had to be picked up from work & brought back to urgent care. Got to urgent care and they gave me ativan and said I had an anxiety attack. The only thing that was different in my body/life was the fact that my migraine was now gone & was treated with those drugs. I'm not totally discounting the fact that I had an anxiety attack. In fact, it makes total sense the way I was feeling , but I definitely believe this drug triggered something unholy and TERRIFYING to happen in my body. It did get rid of my migraine (which was the reason I needed it) I am grateful for that, but I was not aware of any adverse effects."

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  • Boogsie
  • January 8, 2018

"Twice now I've been given the "cocktail" in the ER for migraines. The first time, I was ready to get the hell out of the hospital as soon as the headache was gone, I was so ready to go. Yesterday, I flipped out SO bad! I was screaming begging for someone to help me, that I was losing my mind. My Mom had to climb onto the bed and hold me while I freaked out. They finally gave me some atarax to calm me down. Atarax in itself is a whole new story."

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  • Caity...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 24, 2019

"CAUTION: HORRIBLE REACTION. I was hospitilized for severing migraine. They gave me the "migraine cocktail" which Reglan. Wow! Where to begin? 15 or 20 minutes later, maybe, I started sweating, ripped my sweater off in front of my fiance and the doctor, then I immediately had to go to the restroom and got diarrhea. I wanted to jump out of my skin, I felt so anxious, irritated, it was absolutely terrifying! I forgot what to say to the doctor about my symptoms and cried to my fiance that I wanted to leave immediately but couldn't. I will NEVER take Reglan again. I am so bewildered that this happened to me and other patients. DO NOT TAKE!"

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  • Noss
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 19, 2019

"My son has Hemiplegic Migraines. We just had our 3rd ER visit. First time getting Reglan in the cocktail. He began shaking uncontrollably with chills and had almost muscle spasm jerks. We had no warning of possible side effects, so obviously he was scared, increasing the side effects. Nurse said it is a mild, common, allergic reaction to the drug. He was treated with an additional IV dose of Benadryl and began to settle fairly quickly. KNOW THAT THIS REACTION IS A SIDE EFFECT"

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  • Joan
  • October 17, 2022

"Horrible, it’s been over 2 years and I swear I have PTSD from it. I had it twice. The second time the nurse told me it was probably injected in the IV too quickly that’s why it caused panic. She did it slow and within seconds the same thing happened, panic, anxiety, like my body was going to go nuts but my head hurt so bad and I felt sleepy so it was this crazy internal battle. I’m afraid to take any medication now or go to the hospital with severe migraines so I just suffer. How can these even be allowed to be administered to people. Worst experiences of my life."

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  • Hil
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 24, 2019

"I went to the hospital for a migraine and vomiting. Within seconds of administering the IV of Reglan, I sat straight up, couldn't stop rocking back and forth, felt like I was losing my mind and wanted to run out of there until my legs fell off. I was begging for help. It really does feel like you are being tortured. I remember looking over at the clock and it was 2:00 in the morning, thinking "why didn't I just stay home and suck it up", but at least now I know. I had a similar experience with Compazine (also used for nausea)."

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  • Stacey
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 9, 2022

"I was given with part of my Migraine cocktail in the ER via IV. They said it would make me anxious but the IV Benadryl would help counteract it. LET ME TELL YOU IT DID NOT!! I am a RN and have given this med IV push, I had no idea it could make you feel like this!! I wanted to crawl out my skin I could not breath , anxiety is an understatement. I even had residual anxiety days later and and still feel anxious thinking about it now. I had shakes so bad."

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  • Anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 1, 2015

"Dr ordered me IV w Reglan and Benadryl last night at ER. After over 48 hrs of misery I immediately got relief. I don't understand people who are saying they felt like they were coming out of their skin- I passed out almost immediately (which was great because I have only been able to sleep about 3 hours over the 48 hour period before ER). Guess we are all different. I will say that I got a solid 8 hours of pain relief and finally sleep but now it's back :( We are having lots of winter storms here so maybe something to do with the air pressure or something? IDK but this sucks."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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