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Aftera User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

Aftera has an average rating of 7.0 out of 10 from a total of 245 reviews on 64% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 24% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Aftera

  • T0t0r0
  • May 17, 2016

For Emergency Contraception "Me and my boyfriend always have safe sex, but this time the condom seemed to come off inside of me and we didn't notice until after he finished. I took Aftera about 1 hour after it happened. IT REALLY WORKS. My ovulation window was around that time and I was freaking out. My period comes every 30 days and I got it on time! (two weeks after taking the pill). I'm on my third day of having my period and it is lighter than usual, but not to a big degree. The only symptoms I got from the pill were dizziness, nausea, and fatigue. This was my first time taking Aftera and it was very effective. The sooner you take it, the better it works."

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  • Anonymous
  • September 9, 2019

For Emergency Contraception "IT WORKS! Okay, so I’ve used both Aftera and Plan B (Aftera more times than Plan B) and I’m mainly posting this comment because of something I was incredibly worried about. Apparently, if you are over 160 pounds (I can’t remember the exact weight), levonorgestrel is less likely to work as an emergency pill. Or so that’s what the internet says. This made me feel crazy worried. I thought for sure I was going to end up pregnant. I had unprotected sex where my boyfriend finished inside of me twice within a couple of hours and I haven’t been on any type of birth control in 5 years including condoms. I took the Aftera pill almost exactly 12 hours later. I had some spotting, and then started my period on the 28th day almost like clockwork. This pill has worked in my experience."

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  • Guest
  • August 24, 2015

For Emergency Contraception "I know it's hard not freaking out, but guys try to calm down and wait for the effect of the pill. On august 6th my condom broke and I came inside my girl without notice it. After the accident in an hour and a half she took the pill (Aftera), and all we could do was waiting. It were the longest days of my life because we just meet, and also she has a very irregular periods, not having even menstrual cycle over the last three months. However, after ten days and some moderate side effects she got her period. That really relieved me, and I am pretty sure the pill worked its job. I found this site during my anxious time, and reading these reviews helped me not to get out of my mind. Always use condom!"

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Frequently asked questions

  • Learn...
  • October 12, 2018

For Emergency Contraception "I took Aftera about 12 hours after unprotected sex on the day I was ovulating. I opted for Aftera because Plan B wasn't available where I was. I have taken Plans B, ella and other emergency contraceptives before. All very effective with little to no noticeable side effects. Other then throwing off your periods schedule. With Aftera I didn't have any side affection until about 7 days after I took the pill.  An extreme  amount of bloating, cramps extremely sore breasts and a tightening feeling in the stomach . Which for me made me feel as if I were pregnant. Being that with both of my pregnancy's the tightening of the stomach was my most noticeable change in my body. I wasn't due for my period until 13 days after I had sex, and wasn't initially worried but with all of the side affects and having unprotected sex when ovulating it had me feeling as if I was pregnant. Day 11 arrived and the side effects were soo  strong, but period started. NOT pregnant!"

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 29, 2016

For Emergency Contraception "Sunday I had unprotected sex, wasn't sure if the guy finished in me. Yes, this sounds irresponsible but I'm human. We all make mistakes. Anyways I took the pill after the following Monday. (24 hrs) I was scared to take the pill. Side affects were laziness & hungry every min. I had bought pregnancy tests bc I was starting to think I was preggo since I would get hungry a lot. Never in my life was I so scared. This morning I felt bloated, I went to the restroom and turns out I got my period. I couldn't be more happier. Ladies, don't doubt yourself or overthink. Mistakes happen. Lesson learned and always have a condom!! #ThankyouAftera!!"

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Worri...
  • May 17, 2017

For Emergency Contraception "I had sex with my boyfriend days before my period was predicted to start. To make a long story short, the condom we were using broke without is noticing and he came inside of me. I was super concerned because I am not on birth control. 30 minutes later I took Aftera and went on about my night. I didn't end up getting pregnant. The pill just made my period come 4 days late."

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  • notpr...
  • November 18, 2019

For Emergency Contraception "Aftera worked for me! Me and my bf had sex Friday Nov 8... turns out it was a day before ovulation took the pill 24 hrs after having sex, I was terrified it wasn’t going to work but I got my period 1 week and half earlier than expected!!!"

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More FAQ

  • Squir...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 18, 2020

For Emergency Contraception "Aftera worked, They didn’t have Plan B at CVS so I got this instead. I took it an hour after the event. Didn’t have sex but we were very close enough to the area if you know what I mean and took it to be extra safe. Also I took it the day before I was supposed to get my period. Only side effects I felt were tiredness the first day. My period was 13 days late so scary lol!! I’m not sure how true the weight thing is bc I read about how if you’re on the heavier side it might not work, I’m 160 ish and it still worked. Finally got it today and it feels like normal."

8 / 10
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  • Britchk
  • June 2, 2016

For Emergency Contraception "I don't think this is as effective as they state. Took it 24 hours after unprotected sex and a few weeks later im 4 weeks pregnant! Took as directed and had zero side effects. Didn't work for me now onto having to deal with an unwanted pregnancy. Buyer beware!!!"

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  • Storm...
  • June 6, 2015

For Emergency Contraception "Hey gals! In a 'the heat of the moment' situation, my boyfriend and I ended up having sex on May 25. He pulled out and wasn't in for long since it was both of our first times & we're both in high school, but I was still freaking out. I took the morning after pill less than 12 hours afterwards. Then we ended up having a repeat of this situation May 30. So again, I took the pill. This time it was about 12 hours later though. I waited anxiously, but reading these reviews really helped me. I was sure I was pregnant. My periods irregular, so I wasn't sure when to expect it. I experienced cramps, moodiness, frequent urination, nausea, and fatigues. Now it's June 6th and I just got my period. Don't stress ladies, just let the pill do its job! :)"

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  • Conce...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 21, 2021

For Emergency Contraception "It worked for me im 300lbs plus woman !! My period was delayed almost 2 months!!! I promised I would share my experience once my period FINALLY came! So my last period was July 17th & we had unprotected sex on July 23rd I took Aftera (take action) on July 24th. I was stressing so bad when I missed my August period and all my pregnancy tests were negative. My period FINALLY came September 19th thank you GOD!! I was driving myself crazy reading reviews about missed periods and no one seemed to have the experience I had being a plus size woman and period almost TWO MONTHS late but this pill really does work so hang in there!! If you took the pill too late you can look into buying the ru486 pill from planned parenthood its a few hundred bucks but just weigh your options and make sure you keep track of the weeks if you decide to terminate preg. My side effects I had terrible mood swings migraines & dizziness for almost 4 weeks straight"

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  • Natal...
  • May 1, 2016

For Emergency Contraception "I know your here Reading this to see if it really works and YES it WORKS Well it was my birthday and me and my friend went off messing around and well then this happened that he finished in me and I well am not ready at all to be a mom neither him to be a dad so we went to a pharmacy 5hours after the happening and yes it's pretty expensive but it's worth it at the end. So anyways I took it five hours after the accident it was really nerve wrecking so then the next day I felt nauseous and well major headaches through out but nothing unbearable you'll get cramps here and their it's been exactly a week from the deed and I got my period finally and well never been anymore happy for my period"

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  • avano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 18, 2021

For Emergency Contraception "I’ve taken Plan B multiple times and always got my next period on time or early. I took aftera because I thought I’d save 10 dollars because I didn’t think I needed it as much, but now I’ve missed my period for the next month after taking it. I’ve had PMS but no period. Pregnancy test came back negative but still no period. If you need to take, I recommend plan B over aftera!!"

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  • Anonymous
  • July 16, 2021

For Emergency Contraception "I took one dose after an hour of unprotected sex where he came in and out of me and read online that if you’re over 175lbs, one dose won’t be as effective. So I took a second dose within 72hrs of one another. My period ended up coming a week earlier than expected and was very light. I ended up bleeding during my ovulation week too but that was very light and it went away. It’s now a month later and I just got my full on period! I know that stressing is not good because it’ll make your period come later, but also don’t stress yourself over being stressed. It’s more than normal to feel worried. Take the pill, take care of you and trust the process. It’s not the end of the world! It’ll be okay!! You got this!"

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  • Jackie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 28, 2015

For Emergency Contraception "I've taken Plan B more times than I am willing to admit, but I have had 100% effectiveness with this pill. While I highly, highly recommend regular birth control, sometimes the use of this pill is necessary. I used it three weeks ago after having sex. The condom broke at the last second and he came inside of me. I was so nervous because my ovulation window had fallen right around the same time (like the last few days of the window) and I was seriously praying for the pill to work. I had all of the side effects from the morning-after pill all week long. I'm happy to say, though, the pill WORKED and I have my period now. Do NOT freak out, I can tell you that using this pill, although it wreaks havoc on your body, is effective!"

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  • Vanessa
  • August 19, 2017

For Emergency Contraception "Before I begin I want to explain that I am 18 and I have NEVER had unprotected sex (until this time) and never used a contraception pill. I had unprotected sex on August 29 and again on August 30, he did not cum in me but I was very scared about precum and skeptical whether or not he might of pulled out on time and some of it might of gotten in me. He told me he was 80% sure he didn't, but that wasn't enough for me. On August 30, I took Aftera about 3hrs after having intercouse. The symptoms were crazy, I had cramps, dizziness, nausea and I began spotting which scared the heck out of me about 3 days before I got my period. But I got my period on Sep 18 on time!"

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  • Smc
  • July 30, 2015

For Emergency Contraception "Listen this may put some minds at ease but if there is anything I have learned.. It's use condoms and get on the goddam pill as backup. Anyway I had to share my experience with "Aftera" which I guess is basically the same as plan B one step. I had sex June 12 with my partner. He pulled out but I started freaking out when I looked at my period tracker and realized that day was my most fertile day. Within 2 hours I went to the store... All the had was Aftera so I bought that. The next 2 weeks I had pregnancy symptoms. Nausea , head/back aches.. Fatigue, weight gain, cramps, and very TEnder boo sand nipples. I was nervous it wouldn't work since I am 340lbs. Severely over the weight limit.. But I finally got my period 3 days late. good luck all"

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  • anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 27, 2021

For Emergency Contraception "I promised myself I would post a review if this pill worked for me, so here I am! I took Aftera less than 12 hours after unprotected sex, and experienced no side effects immediately. I then got my period almost 2 days later, so I thought I was in the clear. However, for the next 5 weeks I started having some weird cramping, nausea, and watery discharge. Of course, Google told me these were all pregnancy symptoms so I spent the month panicking and taking pregnancy tests, all of which came back negative. After I missed my next period I got a blood pregnancy test, which also came back negative. Eventually my period did come 2 weeks late! Undoubtedly the most stressful month and a half of my life, but the pill did work. So ladies, please try to breathe and stay calm- the pill may really mess with your body but try and trust the process."

8 / 10
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  • Anony...
  • October 3, 2019

For Emergency Contraception "I’m never the type to write reviews but I felt the need because I haven’t read about anyone who had my experience?? I took the pill a day after I had unprotected sex (July 29) just to be safe and my period actually skipped the whole month of August (my last period was July 18) and I got scared thinking I was pregnant but I took 2 different pregnancy tests in that month of August and and they came out negative. On September 13th I got light spotting for about 6-7 days but not enough to fill up a pad which also scared me because it was only spotting and I took another pregnancy test which came out negative. It is now October 2nd and I finally got a normal period with a flow. The pill works but it really messes up your cycle & I was paranoid for like 2 whole months!"

6 / 10
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  • The...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 12, 2017

For Emergency Contraception "Condom came off inside of me and he finished inside of me. This happened during my ovulation. Took the pill December 22 and on December 29 one week later I did start to bleed out a light period which I wasn't due for until January 7ish. I didn't have another normal period until March 3. I took several pregnancy tell just to confirm and all were negative. This pill did make me fatigued. This was my first time ever using emergency contraception."

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  • Just...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 15, 2017

For Emergency Contraception "Just about two weeks ago my boyfriend and I had sex and we realized that there was an accidental outcome inside the condom, which wasn't torn or anything, we just wanted extra reassurance (We are both too young for me to become pregnant). The morning after, we drove to CVS and he picked up Aftera since there was no plan B so it was the next best option. I took it about 12 hours after sex, and for a week and a half after I had a few symptoms including dizziness, nausea, etc. Fast forward today, I started my period almost a week early, but at least I know now that it worked. The symptoms from the Aftera pill I did not like at all, but it was better than having a higher risk of pregnancy. Take this pill ASAP and breathe, it'll be okay xx"

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  • Faano
  • May 19, 2019

For Emergency Contraception "Well girls I will tell you my experience, I had unprotected sex, a moment of uncontrol. After that lack of control I had the most stressful week of my life, I took the pill 4 hours after the act. It was the first time I took a medication for this, as the days passed my level of stress and anxiety increased. I did not have any kind of side effect. This caused my stress to be increased. But already on the 7th day I had some cramping and sensitivity in the breasts and I was happy with my pains. Then my period was quite normal a little pain and heavy bleeding (but sometimes that is normal in my regular cycles). In my life I had never been so happy for the arrival of my period. So the pill worked. But after that period my next period is 25 days late and I'm getting stressed again, since my cycles are very punctual. I have no idea what to do ... as I read often happens when taking this medication out of control your next menstrual cycles. I have no idea what to do."

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  • Thebee
  • March 9, 2017

For Emergency Contraception "My boyfriend and I had a drunkem night of sex (oops) and I took this as soon as I got up and out of the house in the morning. My period did not come immediately, but it did!!! And a very painful one. Aftera works like a charm! Same active ingredients as plan b."

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  • Sohap...
  • April 13, 2016

For Emergency Contraception "So I'm doing this because when it all first happened to me I was so scared and probably like a lot of y'all reading this now. LONGEST 6 days of my life. My period wasn't supposed to come until 4/28 so I was so happy and shocked when it came 4/12 (6 days after the pill) I took the pill before 2 hours of protected sex (contom ripped in half) Just stay calm and be positive, it's going to be okay!!"

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  • Lilo
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 13, 2019

For Emergency Contraception "My partner & I had unprotected sex on December 3rd 2018. We were in the heat of the moment and had ran out of condoms.. So we ended up having sex anyway. He used the “pull out” method but the next day we were kind of nervous only to find out I was ovulating so he went to cvs and bought aftera. I’ve used plan b before and these side affects that I had with aftera were way different. I’ve never experienced this in my life. I don’t ever cramp and this abdominal pain was the worst I can take pain but this was the worst pain ever!! I told myself I would never use this again! I ended up getting the period it makes you get which was on December 22nd 2018 it lasted 4days. Which is normal for me but it now February 13th 2019 and I still have yet to get my period again since taking the pill.. I don’t know what’s going on but I’m kind of nervous that it really messed with my menstrual cycle.. I’m not pregnant for a fact. But I would not recommend!!"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.