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Soolantra for Rosacea User Reviews (Page 2)

Soolantra has an average rating of 7.7 out of 10 from a total of 272 reviews for the treatment of Rosacea. 71% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 15% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Soolantra

  • Rich
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 8, 2018

"Have had rosacea for years and had been to several dermatologists and been given dozens of scripts and treatments, yet NOTHING ever worked until NOW. This is the first drug treatment to actually clear up my face totally, within 2 weeks, and has kept it away. Been using this wonder-drug for 4 months now and NO rosacea breakouts or flare-ups. I'm 68 years old and finally an answer to this chronic disease. It's a bit expensive, though."

10 / 10
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50 Report
  • Steevee
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 28, 2019

"My wife has been suffering with this condition for about 3 years. Dr. prescribed antibiotics with little effect, tried various creams, some improvement. She used Soolantra for 2 months, and her face is completely clear. Wonderful stuff, she can wear makeup again, perhaps not for everyone, but worked for her. We're from the UK, so £38 here."

10 / 10
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45 Report
  • Edano
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 10, 2019

"Me again! The last time I wrote here was after being on Soolantra for 3 months, and my skin was perfect! Because of that, I thought I could stop using it, however, I wish I never had because now my perioral dermatitis is back with a vengeance and ten times worse than before! I’ve been on Soolantra again for just over a month, and it’s not getting any better. I have huge pustules, redness, and scaly skin on my chin and lots of papules. It’s even spread to my forehead this time. It’s really upsetting as I’m only 20, and all through my teenage years, I had perfect skin, and now it looks as though I’ll never have that again, or at least I’ll be forever dependent on a cream to get there. I will continue to use Soolantra for the recommended 3 months again and update you all in due course."

9 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Sbee
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 11, 2020

"Just wanted to share my experience because these reviews have helped me so much. I'm on day 13, and my skin is clearing so well. The first few days (until day 10-11) were terrible!! I mean awful! Bumps everywhere, and redness and itching. I was also using Finacea gel during the day, and I believe that was making my skin worse. I stopped using that during the day and started using sodium sulfacetamide (Klaron), and my skin has made a turn for the better. I had some redness (butterfly rash) and tons of papules. They seem to be clearing up, and my skin is crazy soft. I'm using Neutrogena ultra-gentle wash in the morning and night, Paula's Choice 2 percent clear exfoliant everywhere except my cheeks day and night, the Klaron topical antibiotic in the day, then Vani Cream Lite in the day, and then Soolantra in the evening, no cream on top of it. Please try this routine if you are struggling!! I will update when it's been a month (:"

10 / 10
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  • dubby
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 24, 2017

"Please use this if you have papules and pustules. I covered and spackled my face with makeup for years, then after 6 weeks of daily use my skin completely cleared up. I used it for the full 12 weeks and can now go without a shred of concealer or makeup. Yes, it goes through ups and downs during the treatment, but hang on and you will be rewarded. When I say it's life-changing, I mean it. For those reviewers who gave up too early, go back and stick with it!"

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • GanXie
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 11, 2023

"Thank you so much to everyone who has left messages here - you guys got me through the rough patch when dealing with the intense side effects. I went through all the side effects listed in the Soolantra instructions, and they were like the deluxe edition. I was genuinely scared, my mind filled with all sorts of doubts and worries: Did I make a mistake? Is this medication really working for me? Can I bounce back from these terrifying side effects? I remember reading every single comment on the forum over and over again. That was my source of mental strength at the time. Here is my experience: My face was all red, swollen, and feeling like it was on fire, covered in more tiny pustules during the 7-10 days... the worsening stops in about two weeks. My skin started peeling, and the swelling went down. After 1 month, my skin returns to a soft and smooth state. Yes, the red marks from inflammation were still there. Be patient - it takes about 6 months for them to fade."

9 / 10
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11 Report
  • Thank...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 16, 2019

"I’ve had moderate to sometimes severe rosacea for about 15 years (46 years old now). I’ve tried every cream, lotion, pill, and laser by my dermatologist to help me, but nothing has worked as great as this. I apply the Soolantra once a day at night before bed and wait about 10-15 minutes before I apply my moisturizer, and now my skin is back to the skin I had in my 20s, and that is not an exaggeration - I have no flushing, no bumps, and no more flaky skin! Truly the miracle us in the world of rosacea we’re needing and hoping for."

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Dina
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 6, 2017

"I have had rosacea for about three years. My face progressively got redder and bumpier as the years have progressed. I have been so frustrated trying Metro gel and various other topical treatments with no results. I've tried changing my diet as well as not drinking alcohol and avoiding overexerting myself because I would be embarrassed of my face. Soolantra has literally made almost all of my symptoms go away. I have an occasional day where my face will look a tinge red, but it's a 90 percent improvement from what it was. At first, it made my face very dry and it almost seemed to make my rosacea worse. After a month, things progressively got better. It's been 4 months and I can honestly say it's amazing. Don't give up!"

9 / 10
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56 Report
  • Edano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 14, 2019

"UPDATE: I last wrote on here 2/25/19! It has now been a month for me using Soolantra for my rosacea, and wow, my skin hasn’t looked this great in ages! My skin is smooth, not as itchy, no longer red, and I have just one tiny red bump left! I occasionally get a random small pustule, but come morning it is already gone! Hoping that I am near the end, however, I know there are highs and lows! Fingers crossed for everyone!"

9 / 10
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41 Report
  • Nik
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 3, 2019

"Been a while since my last update around week 7 (2019-06-29). Back then, I thought it didn’t work. Now I have been using it for almost three months. Conclusion: it works. But it is no cure. I have the pap/pust rosacea, and I still get them, only now - they are minuscule and hardly noticeable. A friendly advice: apply just a tiny, tiny amount of Soolantra on your problem areas. Then spray hypochlorous acid just to moisten your face. Then you gently smudge the Soolantra so that it covers the desired areas. It will save you a lot of money, and it works very well. Also, English is not my native tongue, if anyone thinks I express myself like a 5-year-old :) Cheers."

10 / 10
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35 Report
  • Becky...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 10, 2023

"I was prescribed Soolantra after having mild-moderate pustules which turned out to be rosacea. This review is to tell anyone who has started to keep going … it works!!! But it gets so much worse before it gets better. During week 1 I didn’t see much of a difference in my skin at all. by day 10 - 14 my bumps and skin texture were 1000 times worse than it was before Soolantra. I cried nearly every day but kept reading reviews and powered through. By day 15 they basically disappeared overnight and my skin is looking amazing. They are nearly completely gone! Please please please keep going. It is true that it gets a lot worse before it gets better but so worth it."

9 / 10
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13 Report
  • Denver
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 26, 2019

"I am a 42-year-old female, with fair, sensitive skin. I am 105 lbs and about 5'2'. Increased skin symptoms over the last year. I started getting what I thought was hormonal acne on my jowls. I thought the acne-like symptoms were due to hormone fluctuations; my skin would clear during specific points in my cycle. Foods would trigger it. In addition to acne-like red bumps, pustules, redness, slight itchiness, swelling, etc., I also started to get these small, pink raised patches on my cheeks, up closer to my eyes. These were itchy; I thought it might be eczema. The acne-like symptoms spread to my jawline, then cheeks. I went to my derm and found it was Demodex. I was in disbelief that this could be causing my symptoms, as I am incredibly clean. Rx: oral Ivermectin (4 tablets 1x/week for 4 weeks) and Soolantra (nightly). Days 1 and 2 were okay. Days 3-5, my face got worse. My face was probably reacting to Demodex dying. By day 7, my face was completely clear and has been since (4 wk Tx completed)."

10 / 10
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  • mcc
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 14, 2018

"I used Soolantra for a month. I had read that it got worse before it got better, so wasn’t surprised when my condition worsened. My skin improved after ten days. After 14 days, however, my skin significantly worsened, and I had hundreds of tiny bumps on my cheeks, nose, and forehead (areas that I never had issues with). My face felt like sandpaper. I was prepared for this, but it never got better over the next 16 days; it got progressively worse. I finally had enough and went to see my derm to make sure that this was normal. As soon as he saw me, he told me that this was absolutely not normal. I haven’t used Soolantra in two days, and my skin is definitely improving but still nowhere near how it looked when I first started treatment. I know that worsening is expected, but I am writing this to let people know that all worsening is not necessarily normal. I wish that I had trusted my gut and hadn’t kept going, but I am hopeful that my skin will clear up in a few days' time."

2 / 10
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  • Nose
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 12, 2018

"I’ve left feedback recently when the rosacea flared and got worse after 4 to 5 days of using Soolantra. Well, here I am on week 3 and the spots and redness are nearly gone. It tries to return, but it disappears quickly. This cream is so good, and it’s so nice to wake up and have my skin relatively clear. My advice to anyone starting this cream: persevere, as it really does work."

10 / 10
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  • Atlanta
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 10, 2019

"I am one of the few African Americans suffering from rosacea, subtype 2. For the last 7 years, I have been on and off antibiotics and have tried almost every topical on the market. My skin would clear up and then almost immediately rebound back to the bumps and redness. I finally decided to try a new dermatologist, who convinced me to take another round of antibiotics, but this time add Soolantra to my nighttime regimen. I took 3 weeks of antibiotics and applied the Soolantra each night. Within a few days, I noticed a huge improvement, as many others have said, I had a couple of flare-ups along the way, but they were mild and didn't last long. I have been using it for 3 months, and there are no pustules, and the redness is 90% gone. My skin seems to get clearer each day. I know Soolantra is the reason for this."

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  • MKano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 12, 2019

"I started using this cream a month ago. For the last 5 years, my cheeks have been red and covered with whiteheads popping up every now and then. My doctor prescribed me Soolantra a month ago, and after reading these reviews, I was very, very, very hopeful that my skin would finally look good again. I was prepared to see that my condition would get worse before it got better, like almost every review here is saying. Unfortunately, my skin started to look very bad after a week of long use. Instead of consulting my doctor, I was assuming that this is the 'worst part' that everyone is talking about. Four weeks into this, and my skin is worse than ever, with pimples appearing in areas on my face where I have never had them before. After speaking with my doctor, she advised me to stop immediately, as this is not how it should be. I am happy this cream has helped so many others, but if you see that it's not getting better, please consult with your doctor, not with the reviews."

4 / 10
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  • Julz
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 13, 2019

"I had been having bumps for about 8 months and was at my wit's end as I had always had really nice skin. Rosacea for me mainly meant random flushing, which was mainly under control with doxycycline unless I was hot or drank alcohol, and then all bets were off! The bumps started and got worse and worse with no rhyme or reason. Made me so upset! I've been using Soolantra for a few weeks now, and my skin is perfect. It's a miracle! I've had no ill effects at all, and friends have commented on how plump and pretty my skin looks. I am a believer in this wonderful product!"

10 / 10
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  • Tm0311
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 15, 2018

"At first, I wanted to throw it through a window, but I read some other reviews and stuck with it. So happy I did-my face is totally clear!! First time in over 20 years, sad to say. It was rough going at first. It will cause you to break out worse before it gets better. I don't think I wanted to leave my house for about 3 weeks. But it finally started to clear up at around week 5, and my face was clear by week 7. I know, I know it sounds like a long time, but I won't go without it now. A little goes a long way, don't overuse it because it's not needed, and this stuff is expensive!! Now that my face is clear, I use it only a few nights a week and not every night. I have to say STICK WITH IT."

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  • Fingers...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 25, 2020

"I posted October 24th, 2019. Update - No further outbreaks. I’ve continued to apply Soolantra daily, and my skin has never been better. On rare occasions, if a spot starts to develop, it's gone the following day. I’m now on my second tube and will definitely contact my GP when I start running low. I feel I can truly say this cream has worked for me, and I hope it works for you too. As I said previously, it could worsen before it gets better (mine did). I might start applying once every two days and see what happens. Good luck, everyone."

10 / 10
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30 Report
  • laura...
  • August 1, 2017

"I've had rosacea for 24 yrs, had topical cream and antibiotics, which I didn't want to take because of all the side effects. Have been on Soolantra for 6 weeks and have unbelievable skin. I don't even have to wear makeup. What a blessing. But my skin did get worse in the beginning of using. I guess it had to get rid of all those mites. UGH!! So happy something works."

10 / 10
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40 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 13, 2019

"Never put this garbage on your face if you have papules and pustules. You will break out with hundreds more. My dermatologist said it would take 12 weeks clear. Who the heck can hide in their house for 12 weeks? I'm afraid I'll be arrested and quarantined for measles if I go outside!!!! This is the worst medication on Earth!"

1 / 10
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  • Jamie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 20, 2019

"I read so many good things about Soolantra that I asked the doctor to give me a script. Since day 1, my bumps have gotten progressively worse, and after 8 weeks, it is the worst it has ever been. After 2 months invested, I hate to give up, but I don’t want to even leave the house with my face looking like this. Very depressing. I’m conflicted on my decision to continue with this."

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  • Luke
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 15, 2021

"Posting this because I read the reviews and needed them to make my own decision. I’ve struggled with rosacea for about 8 months. I tried azaelic acid and then metro gel. Neither really did it for me. I tried this and started breaking out within the first week. I’m about one week in and the break outs are going away and even while the break outs were happening I could see the redness going down. I expect the breakouts to stop as my skin gets used to the new medication and for the redness to remain down. Definitely recommend and make sure you stick with it because it may get worse before it gets better, but I can already see it getting better. I hope someone who was in my shoes sees this. It felt like nothing would help, but this stuff actually did."

9 / 10
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24 Report
  • Jezzie
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 12, 2019

"This cream has changed my life. I have suffered dry, bumpy, sandy skin with my rosacea for many years, it became so bad I was reluctant to leave the house. It is a slow-working treatment that may take many weeks to see a difference, often becoming worse during that time, which I experienced. It took around 6 weeks for me. One day I woke up and felt my face, it was as smooth as silk, it was like magic. The redness was so much better. A tube lasted for a couple of months at the cost of $60. I applied it nightly to a clean face and left it at least 30 minutes before applying my night cream. So if you persist, it can work."

10 / 10
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  • Edano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 17, 2019

"I have been using Soolantra for my perioral dermatitis for 4 days now, and so far, so good. Immediately after night 1, my skin was less red and bumps lessened. However, I know that it gets worse in weeks 1-3 before it gets better, and I could already see by day 3 I had a few more papules than usual! I am going to stick with it for the recommended three months, and I will keep everybody updated over time! Also, I can't believe how expensive it is for you Americans, that's awful and so unfair! In England, it only costs £9!"

5 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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