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Hydroxyprogesterone for Premature Labor User Reviews (Page 2)

Hydroxyprogesterone has an average rating of 6.8 out of 10 from a total of 143 reviews for the treatment of Premature Labor. 55% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 23% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Hydroxyprogesterone

  • Bened...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 24, 2019

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "My 4th child (son) is 2.5yrs and he has been displaying autistic symptoms. I am now wondering if this is due to Makena. As much as we are grateful to have him in our lives, people need to know of the inherent dangers."

3 / 10
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  • Vue
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 28, 2016

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I was told that many women have taken this and it works. It was my first trying it at 18 weeks. My ob told me it helps to make you stay pregnant longer. I took it Monday. The following Monday came, I ended up in the hospital with a rupture membrane. I lost my baby Tuesday. There really isn't any data backing it up, but please make sure you check your cervix before taking the shot. It sad to say but it was my only one shot. I regret it."

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23 Report
  • JBano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 20, 2019

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "My doctor recommended we take this medication due to a history of pre-term labor with our son. I had him at 35 weeks. After significant research I found that there are some new studies that have indicated this medication does not work to prevent pre-term labor. Do a computer search for this study "17-alpha Hydroxyprogesterone caproate did not reduce the rate of recurrent preterm birth in a prospective cohort study" It also talks about the price concerns this is a quote out of the article "Once a confirmatory study was underway and 10% of the total sample size had been recruited from US sites, the FDA gave temporary approval to KV Pharmaceutical on 11 February 2011 to market 17-OHPC under the brand name Makena®. This approval was granted under the agency’s accelerated approval regulations. On 15 February 2011, KV Pharmaceutical announced the price of Makena® to be $1500 per injection." Where 17-alpha hydroxyprogesterone caproate = 17-OHPC "

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  • Terrie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 28, 2019

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I started my injections at 19/20 weeks and I got my last shot last week @ 35w6d I rotated arms each week at first they were making my arms feel heavy and itchy but I think my arms got use to it because they eventually stopped but I became really emotional taking the shots. Also I’ve had shooting pains in my vagina almost daily and I’ve looked it up, total not related to the injections but I was hoping at my 36w6d check up I’d be more then 1cm dilated ... nope I’m not. And today I’m 37w1d and impatiently waiting to meet this little guy."

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  • Jess
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 19, 2020

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "My first baby my son I gave birth to him at 35 &5 he was 5 pounds & 11ounces, supposed to be due in March but came in February he had to stay in the NICU for 2 weeks. I am currently pregnant now with a girl and I started to get my shots done at 21-22 weeks because my insurance took forever to get back but when I got them in my buttocks, yes it hurt a little and it did sting a little but I think any shot you get is gonna do that, after a while I was lumps, no bruising, no pain. I reached 36 weeks with no problems my daughter is moving all around and she is right where she's supposed to be on weight, and size. My last appointment my doctor checked my cervix and it wasn't dilated yet but my cervix was soft, I have a appointment coming up this Thursday to see if she's head down still and if there is any change in my cervix, we are waiting for labor and can't be more excited."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Jessica
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 8, 2019

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I had 3 premature births all between 32 and 34 weeks so when I recently got pregnant with my 4th child which was a boy my doctor advised me to start the makena injections without telling me the pros or cons. Well at 21 weeks I went into the hospital and had a still born baby and honestly believe it from the injections to many hormones being injected into my body. If I would have known more about these shots I would have never started them, they left me sore and crampy. It might work for some women but not all."

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  • Anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 27, 2019

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I went into labor with my first child at 32 weeks for no obvious reason. Took Makena with the second starting at 16 weeks through 36 weeks. Went into labor about 3 days after stopping the medication. Those injections were IM given in the hip- they were not that bad, little sting but no big deal. With my third started the Makena auto injector given SC in the arm. Hands down the worst shot I have ever had. Feels like a wasp sting and burns for 10-15 minutes afterward and my arm is sore for days later. I’m a nurse and I don’t mind shots but these are horrible. Also incredibly expensive- $650/month compared to $100/month the last time I took them. I tried to switch but now they say insurance won’t cover the IM anymore. I will continue with them but really wish I could go back to the IM injections."

6 / 10
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  • Sblount
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 1, 2017

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I'm I gave birth to my daughter at 34 weeks for completely unknown reasons. The drs where so set on me agreeing to take makena that when I asked about possible side effects I was told their really aren't side effects. I was scheduled for a shot today but am completely refusing to allow my drs to continue with this treatment. The side effects are terrible! The shots are painful and you'll be tender for days. I also had a ton of fatigue while taking them, but the worst is the moodiness and depression. After just a few short weeks of taking makena my emotional state has become so poor that it is safer and healthier for both myself and my baby to not continue Makena. I would recommend for expecting mothers to steer clear of Makena."

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19 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 26, 2019

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "My doctor recommended Makena at the beginning of my pregnancy since I had my last baby at 35wks. He asked me to do my research on it and then decide. I did go and research but everything I would read was that they were not sure if the shot made a difference or not, basically not guaranteed and the shot was very pricey. I opted for no shot and now I am 34 wks and thankfully no signs of labor yet. I honestly feel like my last baby came because she was ready or my body just could not take her, she was 6lbs 15oz and ready to go home, which was another reason why I decided for no shot. I am waiting to see my baby, one more week and I can have the peace of mind that baby will be ready to make her appearance!!!"

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  • Moe
  • October 19, 2019

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I've been taking the Makena shot for about 6 or 7 weeks now. At first I couldn't breathe the first week if getting it, I had shortness of breath. Then in the spot where the doc injected me at itched like crazy and I had a lump. Now my hip is so sore I can barely lift my leg or walk to the bathroom. I don't see why I'm getting the shot. I had my 1st child at 36wks and my 2nd at 37wks. You would think they would've gave me the shot when I was pregnant the 2nd time around. I really don't recommend this shot to any one."

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  • Marie
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 22, 2019

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I had my first daughter at 35 weeks and she had to stay in the NICU for 3 weeks. My doctor suggested Makena shots for my current pregnancy. I started them at 16 weeks, and I will continue to get them until I'm 36 weeks. I'm currently 33weeks! I receive the shot in the back of my upper arm. It itches, stings, and causes lumps but all of that is bearable. It isn't bad at all. My cervix has remained long and closed, and I haven't had any issues so far!"

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  • Celin...
  • June 8, 2016

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "Well my 1st pregnancy i went into preterm labor at 31 weeks. I had my baby at 32 weeks. I had a placenta abruption. Im pregnant again been taking the shots since 16 weeks and im 35 weeks today with one more shot to go. Makena has helped me. I never had contraction. And guess what im still not dilated. So glad i wont have another baby fighting for there life."

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20 Report
  • Things...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 4, 2019

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "Was reading the other comments about the SQ injection (back of arm) and I know everyone is saying how horrible it is. But for me it's NOT that bad, certainty I am not worried by it. The medication is thick so yes it KINDA burns and stings sort of for a few days but that it for me"

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13 Report
  • Downb...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 5, 2018

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "Who knows if it works or not? I am leery of the lack of studies, especially following up on children in the years after they are born. There is so much pressure to receive these shots, but go with your gut. They HURT. I have had both the auto injector (in the arm) and the regular (in the muscle of your butt). Both caused side effects. I had one in my arm and it itched and hurt for over a month after I received it. I had several in my butt that hurt for days at the injection site, sometimes pain down my leg, and I would develop a hard lump under the skin at injection site. I have never felt more depressed and it makes your urine smell something awful. Keeping the hope that the benefits are real and are worth the damage I may be doing to my body or my unborn baby. Who knows what will develop in the future from injecting ourselves with synthetic materials."

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  • mface
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 21, 2016

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I was pretty much forced into trying this injection because I have history of premature labor. I did it every week same day of the week for 6 months and I still went into labor at 36weeks same as my son without the injection. It made my bones hurt like I had arthritis and I felt weak. I wouldn't suggest this for anyone. It did nothing for me. And I was worried what it did do to my baby if it didn't help at all."

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  • Bbano
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 21, 2019

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "Last year I had a still born when I was close to 6 months due to stress. This time my doctors advised the makena shot to keep me from having a preterm labor. On top of everything else I was taking all precautions to have a safe pregnancy. Now I'm 34 weeks and 3 days the makena has been helping tremendously. I receive my shots in the back of my arms, when its injected it does feel like alcohol on an open wound. In the beginning the shots did itch and swell a lot but the trick is if you don't scratch it will go away. As you get further in the itchiness is a lot tough to deal with but I apply aveeno anti itch creams to the back of my arms after I bathe and I honestly don't feel the itching anymore"

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12 Report
  • Boy...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 3, 2018

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I had two children born early. One at 32 weeks and one at 34 weeks, not sure why. Now with my 3rd child they started me at 16 weeks on the Makena shot. The injection spot is in my arm and we trade from left to right each week. After a couple shots the spot started to get itchy and hurt even more. Each injection is very painful, but I feel it’s worth my child to stay in there longer. I didn’t go through my insurance I just went through an insurance that helps you pay for the shots, it is CVS pharmacy and I paid $50 a month for all 4 shots. I got my last shot at 36 weeks, they checked me and I was dilated to 3 cm with 70% effaced. I am currently 37 weeks and 2 days, having mild contractions on and off. I also lost my mucus plug, so I am hoping any day now."

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  • Mahon...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 30, 2016

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I went into labor at 24 weeks with my first child and she was born at 27 weeks. I started taking Makena when I was 16 weeks pregnant with my second child. My last injection was at 36 weeks and I thought for sure he would be born soon after because of my history. He was 3 days overdue, and probably would have stayed put a few days longer if my doctor hadn't broke my water. I'm currently taking Makena again for my third child and am 31 weeks. Braxton Hicks seem intense this time around, but I'm still confident I've got some time left... and we've already made it a month longer than my first :)"

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  • Joano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 20, 2019

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I had my 1st baby at 33 weeks. With my 2nd they recommended the shots. I started getting the shorts early on about 16 weeks. I went into labor at 29 weeks after receiving the shots, thankfully they stopped it and continued the shots and other meds to stop labor and then went back into labor at 35 weeks and nothing was stopped at that point. I am now pregnant again with my 3rd and I am 15 weeks and just found out how expensive it will be to get the shots again (that did not work for me in past). I think I am going to pass this time since it did not work for me previously and have faith that this one will stay in until at least 36 weeks. I am being monitored this time for the length of my cervix so I will just hope everything stays long and closed :)"

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11 Report
  • Monte...
  • June 24, 2018

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "My first child was born at 25 weeks 4 days due to premature labor. The doctors didn't know how to stop my contractions and didn't believe me that my contractions were getting worse until they checked my cervix. I had to have an emergency c-section moments later and my daughter was immediately life flighted to another hospital that had a NICU. She spent 96 days in the hospital. This was in April 2015. I am now pregnant with my second child and see a new OB/GYN who recommended these injections. I started them at 16 weeks and am now 30 weeks 3 days and only have 5 more shots to go. Besides some injection site itchiness and a lump (similar to a mosquito bite) I would recommend this shot to anyone who has went through premature labor. I cannot wait to see what this shot has in store for me over these next few weeks."

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  • Lrab
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 20, 2019

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I had my first child at 34 weeks with no complications. When my doctor mentioned the shot to me while I was pregnant with my daughter, I was skeptical. I was never big on medicines or anything being injected into my body. I decided to get the shot anyway. My OB was very kind to give me info on having a nurse from an outside agency come to my house each week to give the shot. Other than itching for the first few weeks, I did not experience any other side effects. I went 39 weeks and had a very healthy baby girl."

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  • kee
  • November 10, 2016

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "Delivered my first child at 28weeks n 4 days...she lived 2 b 7weeks n died after that....2nd pregnancy Dr recommend shots from 16weeks up 2 36weeks well I'm proud 2 say I made it 2 36weeks moral of the story is shots may be painful but it works.....thank god I get 2 take this 1 hm"

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  • Jenn
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 24, 2019

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "My first I had at 29 weeks so my last 2 I was on this. That's when would give a shot in the butt. No problems. Now for this one I'm getting the injections in my arm. Omg. It hurt and burned for days, then itched. Week later and I still have a red round bump. They worked though for me. Once stop at 36 weeks I'd go into labor 2-3 days after."

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  • ASano
  • August 19, 2020

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "The cost is outrageous. I have paid so much for this drug and it used to be available for way cheaper. I don't know how drug companies are able to keep doing this to people. It's also very hard to navigate insurance with some of the specialty pharmacies, I have spent many afternoons on the phone trying to sort it all out. Besides all of that, I dealt with burning, lumping and a rash at the injection site for 14 weeks. I decided to stop after 31 weeks because I was becoming very depressed and dealing with a lot of anxiety. I was also admitted for preterm labor at 28 weeks and have had to be on procardia. I have had daily contractions since 22 weeks and I do believe the Makena has helped my cervix ripen slower. I just can't do it anymore. I even have scarring from the rashes. The shot takes up to 17 days to wear off (depending on source), so I will be good through 33 weeks and my baby has already had steroid shots. I would not do these again. I would rather do vaginal suppositories."

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9 Report
  • Mom
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 18, 2017

Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "My oldest was born at 24 weeks due to unexplained preterm labor. We spent 112 days in the NICU with him and he is wonderfully thriving - now. When discussing a sibling, we reviewed all the risks with our doctor. She recommended Makena. We were lucky to have my insurance approve the cost without a fight. Guess they weighed the cost of a lengthy NICU stay to the cost of the shots. We started Makena at 16 weeks and continued them to 36 weeks. The shots themselves stung a bit, but was easily managed. My only real side effects were headaches the day of, a little nausea, and some back pain the day after. My pregnancy went to 39 weeks and I was induced due to my advanced maternal age."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.