Hydroxyprogesterone for Premature Labor User Reviews
Hydroxyprogesterone has an average rating of 6.8 out of 10 from a total of 143 reviews for the treatment of Premature Labor. 55% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 23% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Hydroxyprogesterone
- Mom...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 22, 2019
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I am 37 weeks pregnant with my fourth child. All of my children were born premature, each born earlier than the last. This is the longest I've ever been pregnant, and I believe Makena is to thank for that. I got weekly arm injections, last week being my last. It took some fighting, but my insurance pays for it 100%. Even if I did experience side effects, other than at the injection site, the fact that my cervix has not yet dilated, and I am for the first time going to give birth to a healthy, full-term baby would make me choose this life over my comfort. This is just my experience and feelings."
- Kay...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 30, 2020
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "For the first pregnancy, I had a pre-term labor. I started taking progesterone vaginal pills. This time around, I decided to go with the Makena shots. I was super scared of how much it would hurt. I had my first shot today. The shot itself wasn’t so bad, but the after hurts. It’s almost like a pulsing pain that comes and goes every couple of minutes. I noticed when air hit my arm, it hurts more. It’s been about an hour since my shot, and I still have bad pain. Hopefully, this helps someone like me that was curious about the pain of the shot itself."
- Luc...
- February 27, 2020
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "After two pregnancies that ended in loss at 24 weeks, my doctor did a cerclage at 12 weeks and started me on Makena injection at 16 weeks. I got it in the hip, and if it is done right and injected slowly, the pain is not as bad as when it isn't. I seriously cried on some of those because the pain was so bad. I finally remembered which nurses were the best and requested them. The pregnancy that I had the cerclage and injections lasted until almost 36 weeks before I ended up with preeclampsia. I'm pregnant with my final baby and have had a cerclage placed again, and my Makena shots just arrived today. They are the auto-injection ones, though, and quite intimidating. I start them next week. I don't really care if they say it is effective or not, there have been millions of women who have taken this shot, and it prolonged their pregnancy. This is a shot to help prolong pregnancy, not cure premature birth altogether, and sometimes, your body has other plans regardless of what you try to do."
- DRo...
- March 28, 2018
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "Don’t listen to ignorant people who swear against the shot and warn people not to use it. It’s okay to say it didn’t work for you, but to tell others to risk the health of their baby based on the fact it fails for some is infuriating. I had my 1st at 26 weeks. When I got pregnant with my 2nd, it was recommended to take the shot. While doing research and asking appropriate questions, you will know that the shot isn't 100% effective to stop preterm labor. There are so many other reasons and complications that could have occurred to make you go into labor early. It will not help anyone who has an incompetent cervix, etc. I'm 30 weeks with my 2nd pregnancy and have no complications. I get itchy lumps and bruises, but the chance of giving birth early and risking lifelong complications based on being sad, crying all day is so pathetic. You can suck it up if you're more concerned with having a healthy baby. Don’t make your decision based on people who are more concerned with a bruise than they are with the chance of having a healthy baby."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Lys...
- February 20, 2020
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "My first pregnancy was with my daughter, who was born at 25 weeks, weighing 1 lb 12 oz with a brain bleed, MRSA, and a yeast infection. She is a healthy, happy 8-year-old now (I thank God every day). My son was born at 32 weeks, weighing 3 lb 15 oz. He was perfectly healthy, though in the NICU for 3 weeks, which was amazing compared to his sister, who spent 4 months. I started the injections at 19 weeks, I am at 23 weeks now. I know I can make it to 32 weeks without the injections, just praying I can make it to 36 weeks. I get the injections in my hip (I am a little lady), so far, my cervix is measuring perfectly, unlike the other two. I do not get the bumps, itchiness, burning, etc., symptoms like most people I have read. My hip is sore for a couple of days, that’s it. I soak in a warm bath, then have hubby rub my hip very lightly to get the fluid moving around. That seems to help tremendously!!! Good luck and sending prayers for you other mommas out there in the same boat and for healthy babies!!!!"
- Sta...
- May 16, 2019
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I was 16 weeks when I started my Makena generic shot. Four days later, my water broke, and I lost my baby. Doctors have no clue to why my water broke so fast, even after I took the shot. Has anyone else experienced this? I miss my baby boy. I lost him on May 14, 2019."
- Lia...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 8, 2019
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "This shot is by far the worst pain you will ever feel, it wasn’t so bad when it went in your buttocks, but behind your arm is painful, and it stays sore for days. I don’t know if I can do this every week, it was really painful!!!"
- Mam...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 21, 2019
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I had my first child at 28w 5d. Baby stayed in NICU for almost 3 months but perfectly healthy now and 4 years old! This pregnancy, I started Makena at 16w 3d, and I got my last shot of Makena at 35w 3d (arm injections), and I’m now 37 weeks and 50% effaced and not dilated. Been having contractions like crazy but still no baby, hoping to have her soon. I’ve never been this far along, and I am miserable. Hope baby comes soon but set to be induced in two weeks. Makena has worked great for me, no problems. The shot burns a little, and the site itches a week later but worth not having a baby in NICU. Looking forward to a better experience in the hospital this time and getting to hold my baby immediately and have her in the room with me and go home when I do :)"
- Kay...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 8, 2019
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "Thinking about stopping Makena shots. Started them 4 weeks ago and haven’t felt the same way ever since, I believe my doctor thinks I’m being dramatic and doesn’t listen to me. I’ve told him my side effects, how every single day I’m feeling dizzy, extremely fatigued, lightheaded, and my body feels so weak I can barely walk for more than ten minutes. He tells me to wait it out, but I can no longer deal with it, it’s giving me extreme anxiety. I’m only 6 months pregnant. I had my first baby at 36 1/2 weeks, and she was beautifully healthy, 5 pounds, and she’s still amazing. Tomorrow I have an appointment and I'm going to ask him to stop giving me the shots because I can’t feel like this every single day."
- OCM...
- May 29, 2020
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "My OBGYN recommended taking Makena. Starting at 16 weeks, I started my Makena shots. I had an adverse reaction to the injections, as many stated: site injection, itching, burning, and swelling that lasted about a week, on top of drowsiness and next-day pelvic pain that caused me an inability to walk. I continued to take the injections for a total of 4 injections, after each injection, I would have the same reaction, sleeping almost the entire day and experiencing pelvic pain, unable to walk the next day. At 18 weeks, I was hospitalized for severe pain, but the fetus was growing normally. At 19 weeks, I spoke to my OB about the side effects, and she said she had never heard of this complaint yet. I called their customer service line and Amax Pharmaceuticals, and they also had never heard of these reported side effects. So I will no longer be taking Makena, as it is causing my body more harm than good."
- haf...
- June 28, 2016
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "Four years ago, my first pregnancy, I went into preterm labor at 26 weeks. This year, I have been on Makena since 17 weeks, I'm now 37 weeks with no shots left. I've made it! I was worried at first but have nothing negative to say, and if your doctor recommends this for you, I say do it and don't forget prayers."
- Mat...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 6, 2019
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I started the hip injections of this at 16 weeks. I’ve had 3 so far. They are super painful. And a few hours after the shot, I get strong contractions, pelvic pressure, and cervical pain. It feels like the start of labor. After every single shot, this has happened and is on and off for a few days and wasn’t happening before I got the shots and didn’t happen with my daughter, who was my preemie. It goes away, then I get my next shot, and it starts up again. It’s very unsettling."
- reb...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 29, 2014
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "This is an awesome medicine. I am so happy to have been able to use it in pregnancy. I was on it from 20 weeks to 36. They say 12 days after you stop the shot you go into labor, that was true for me as well. This is the only medication that helped me complete a pregnancy. It's awesome! Yes, the shot in the butt hurts, and you stay sore for about 4 days. But it was totally worth it."
- Mam...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 12, 2017
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I had my son 3 months early and almost lost him and was on pills every 3 hours to stop preterm labor, lost a son at 20 weeks pregnant due to him being too small to make it when my water broke, sat in the hospital for 3 months taking those pills every 3 hours with one daughter and a constant drip of magnesium to have her at almost term. Then when my husband and I got pregnant again, we were concerned. They mentioned the Makena injection, but it would go in the upper buttocks every 7 days. I tried it in hopes it would work, and sure enough, I had her on my scheduled due date without one complication or preterm labor symptoms. Now pregnant with our last child, which I again did the Makena and am at 39 weeks without complications! Love Makena!"
- Anonymous
- July 29, 2019
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I would 100% recommend the Makena shot! I had my first son at 33.6 weeks. I started getting the Makena shot at 17 weeks until 35 weeks. I am currently 37 weeks and still pregnant and not dilated at all. The shot is pretty painful at first, but after the first few, you get used to soreness/itchiness. But is it worth having a healthy baby? YES."
- Lex...
- September 19, 2019
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "After having my first child at 27 weeks, my doctors suggested I use the Makena injection to prevent going into premature labor again. I was nervous at first but decided it was worth the chance if I could avoid having a premature baby again. I had the shots once a week in my thigh (a lot less painful than hip), rotating legs every week. I didn’t have any bad side effects other than the injection site sometimes itching. I stopped taking the shots at 36 weeks, and we had our beautiful baby girl at 37 weeks. She was early but nowhere near as early as our son was. She didn’t have to spend any time in the NICU at all, unlike our son did. She is a very happy and healthy baby. I truly believe I have the Makena shots to thank for that. Thankfully, my insurance completely covered the cost of the shots. I have heard from others the injections are very expensive, but they have ways to help lower your payments. It is so worth it to be able to hold your healthy baby after birth."
- Hat...
- July 14, 2016
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I work at an OB/GYN office and take care of all the Makena referrals! This company is so slow! The FDA really screwed up when they took compounded 17OHP off the market! It takes at least 6 weeks from start to finish to complete this process. Multiple phone calls to Makena, Specialty Pharm, the patient's insurance, and the patient take place during this time along with multiple faxes and notes in the chart. It's to the point where our office needs to hire someone to just do this all day. Makena needs to be started at 16 weeks, but it is well after 22 weeks before our patients are getting injections. By this time, most of our patients have already delivered their previous babies, which was not a good outcome."
- Jac...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 10, 2020
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I started the Makena auto injector at 18 weeks. I get it in my hip and alternate sides weekly. My husband administers the shots because I couldn't go to the office every week for this long. Placement is key with getting it not to burn like heck. If it's more than an inch or so off, it burns so bad! I do have lots of lumps at the injection sites, and they itch even 2-3 weeks after getting it. I had my first baby at 39 weeks, and my 2nd was IUGR, and I had her at 36 weeks and 2 days, so this time around, my OB prescribed the Makena injections. Today marks 36 weeks and 2 days into this pregnancy, and as of yesterday, I am 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced, and the baby is at 0 station, which means his head is VERY low. I definitely think the progesterone has helped with keeping him cooking as long as he has been."
- Yoy...
- December 19, 2019
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I had a premature baby at 24 weeks old. He survived. Now I am currently stopping Makena last week. I am currently 37 weeks and 4 days. I believe Makena really does work. The only side effect I had was my urine was very strong for a couple of days, and the shots do sting and hurt for a couple of hours. I had the shots from 16 to 36 weeks. I highly recommend the Makena shots."
- Kri...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 5, 2020
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "So far, so great. When I was pregnant with my first son, I went in at 24 weeks to find out my cervix was opening. They said I had an incompetent cervix. So, I ended up in the hospital for a month, then at 28 weeks they sent me home because nothing changed. At 30 weeks, I went back in with contractions and was 3 cm dilated. I ended up in the hospital for another month and finally gave birth to my son at 36 weeks. When I got pregnant again, I was so worried. My doctor put me on the Makena injections at 16 weeks and began doing cervical length ultrasounds every 2 weeks. I am now at 28 weeks...my cervix is the picture of perfection, and I'm so happy!!!!! I get the injections above my butt, and they do hurt like anything. And the shot site itches a lot. But it's honestly worth it if I can stay pregnant for at least 10 more weeks. So...fingers crossed."
- Tay...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 28, 2019
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "The Makena new way to administer the auto-injection is HORRIBLE. It was extremely painful in my arm, and the pain doesn't subside until after about 10 minutes, and even after that, you still feel soreness. My first shot, 10 minutes later walking out of the doctor's office, I got extremely hot, dizzy, and couldn't walk straight, I almost passed out. They had to lay me down and cool me off. They are discussing the old way to inject into the hip or buttocks. With my second child (3 years ago), I had no side effects with the shot at all...a little burn, but that's it. This new auto-injectable is horrible. I had my first daughter at 34 weeks, and preterm runs in the family. I started the shot at 16 weeks in my last pregnancy and made it to 39 weeks, so the Makena worked to prevent preterm delivery. My doctor is having me do it again with this pregnancy, and of course, I'd rather be on the safe side...baby first. But this way is horrible."
- Swe...
- June 18, 2015
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "My first baby was born at 31 weeks due to placental abruption. My doctor recommended Makena injections with my second pregnancy. I took the injections until 36 weeks. My only side effect was pain and itching at the injection site for several days after the shot. I had contractions at 34 weeks but did not dilate. Started having signs of labor a week after my last shot and delivered at 37 1/2 weeks."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 9, 2019
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I had my daughter at 35 weeks, so with this pregnancy, it was suggested I start the shots at 16 weeks until 36 weeks. I get them in my butt cheek, and they do not hurt! If you have a nurse who administers them correctly and doesn’t hit your nerve, it just feels like a pinch. I haven’t had any noticeable side effects. As others mentioned, I sometimes get an itchy lump, but it goes away in a few days. I’ve never had pain in or around the injection area after the initial shot. I am now 36 weeks and due for my last shot, so for me, it’s worked, and the experience hasn’t been bad at all."
- Reg...
- August 24, 2015
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I started Makena at week 16 after my doctor recommended it due to my history of preterm labor at 33 and 35 weeks, where my water would break for unknown reasons. I am a healthy woman, I do not drink or smoke. I took this injection for 19 weeks and experienced headaches and pain/bruising/itching at the injection site. I made it to 34 weeks, and my water broke in the morning while I was getting ready for work. 19 weeks of dealing with this pain, and not to mention the hefty price tag, and my baby is still in the NICU. Makena did not work for me!!"
More about hydroxyprogesterone
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- During pregnancy
- Drug class: progestins
- En español
Patient resources
- Hydroxyprogesterone injection drug information
- Hydroxyprogesterone (Advanced Reading)
- Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate Injection
- Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate Injection (Makena)
Makena (hydroxyprogesterone) "I had my baby at 34 weeks and 6 days. I was told to take Makena with baby number 2, due April 2, 2020. I started taking them with bumps, redness, and now itchiness. It hurts, but contractions hurt more ;) Anything for the safety of my baby boy. I went in for my 20-week ultrasound today, and my hi-risk OB said a new study came out 2 weeks ago stating that Makena does not work and those not taking it shouldn't. I've only had 3 shots so far, and they recommended I stay away from it because of the discomfort. If the study finds that it does not reduce premature labor, there is no point in me taking them. I'll follow up with a post-baby post to share when he actually came vs. with my daughter for those still questioning. Google 'FDA Advisory Board Votes to Recommend Withdrawing Progesterone Therapy for Preterm Birth' to find the article."