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Emgality User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Emgality has an average rating of 5.1 out of 10 from a total of 476 reviews on 36% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 45% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Emgality

  • Saints...
  • July 15, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "Worst medicine ever. This injection has made my migraines worse. It has given me serious heart palpitations and only increased my migraines even more. This medicine has really ruined my life, and I will be pleased when it is out of my system."

1 / 10
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36 Report
  • NDano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 20, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "Life changing! I have suffered from migraines since 12 years old, now 45, and they have been terrible. I ended up in the ER in August. I cried to my neurologist that I couldn’t take it anymore. I have a husband, 2 kids, and a job, and I was so sick of feeling like garbage every day. She gave me my loading doses that day and two shots to take home. I am on the 2nd month, and I can’t tell you how awesome I feel!! Everyone around me is noticing how I don’t complain of migraines anymore. I get slight headaches but not bad at all. I feel like I have my life back!!"

10 / 10
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35 Report
  • Patty
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 31, 2020

For Migraine Prevention "I had a terrible experience with Emgality. The first month was good, lowered my migraines and few side effects. The second month was horrific! Right after the second dose (1/2 hour), it was like a wave of pain overcame me. I had an 8-day migraine with high pain throughout. Then other side effects kicked in, like stomach aches and nausea, shooting burning pain throughout my body. A confused and fatigued state, I had to deal with for approximately a month. I will not do the injections again."

2 / 10
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33 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Missy...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 23, 2021

For Migraine Prevention "This medication has been an absolute nightmare for me. The day after my second dose I started experiencing severe nausea, dizziness, joint pain, depression, ears ringing, teeth pain, intense-worst migraine I have ever had, and really bad insomnia. I have been in the ER 5 times and urgent care twice. I’m 31 days past due date for my second dose (did not take again) and I’m just now able to get out of my bed. I am still very nauseous, bad migraine, ears ringing, extremely depressed, and the insomnia is SO hard to deal with. I’m averaging 1-2 hours a night but very broken up. I’m a stay at home mom to two boys ages three and one and this has been impossible to care for them. I just want this nightmare to end."

1 / 10
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26 Report
  • Cjano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 10, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "I ended up in urgent care because I was worried about throat, tongue, and face swelling and breathing, just days after receiving the first shots. Later the same week, I ended up in the ER, I felt so sick, as if having a stroke. My legs are heavy and dead from the knees down, and it's hard to walk. I am shaking and experience a rapid heartbeat, and my throat feels like I have been hit with a brick. I would give anything to get this drug out of my system. Horrific side effects."

1 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Dawn
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 3, 2021

For Migraine Prevention "This Emgality injection HURTS! Anyone that tells you that it feels like a bee sting is crazy, it feels more like a steroid-crazed giant hornet with acid for venom (and I have a very significant pain tolerance). I did not see any reduction of headaches with the Emgality, and my neuropathy actually increased (it started with taking Aimovig, and we added another two meds to try to fix it, but I have yet to see THAT resolve). I also gained 12 lbs in three months. I have been irritable, depressed, and so fatigued I can barely function. I can't sleep because of the neuropathy, and end up taking just as much Imitrex as I would normally. Would not recommend to anyone."

1 / 10
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27 Report
  • Freddy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 19, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "I hesitated taking this medication, but the persistent pain and suffering caused by my left-sided trigeminal migraine left me no choice, as all other treatments (dozens) didn’t work. It’s been 2 weeks now, and no migraines. I would like to mention a notable point that all symptoms related to my migraine-stiff neck, stiff jaw, taste of metal, phantom smells, feeling of irritated trigeminal nerve to the touch, sensitive vision, anxiety, and difficulties with speech (I want to say a word, but another one comes out, or visualizing a word but being unable to vocalize it)-those symptoms still persist. I am so thankful the pain seems to be gone, and any symptoms stated above are quite manageable. I wonder if anyone else is experiencing similar results?"

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Gmom
  • August 24, 2020

For Migraine Prevention "Suffered migraines for years, used naratriptan, but didn’t like the side effects. Migraines increased to about 15 a month. Dr. recommended Emgality. Using it for 8 months now. Injection can burn a bit but worth it. Down to maybe 1 headache a month and not a painful one. Side effects, I do get mild constipation with some weird mild pains, not usual pains I would get if I were constipated and not on this medication. I have a couple of other side effects, but since this is all happening in the middle of COVID-19, it could just be the stress of that. I have some hair loss, I am female. And maybe some depression and moodiness. However, it is a lifesaver if you suffer and worth trying."

7 / 10
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29 Report
  • brown...
  • August 9, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "I've had 15 days a month of migraines for 20 years, and my doc recommended this after my insurance hiked up the price of my slightly effective Botox. To date, I've taken the loading dose and then three more injections after that, so I've been on a little over three months. I can say that my 15 days a month has now dropped to 1. And that 1 only lasts a few hours, then I'm back to feeling good. The not so good? My normal blood pressure is now 160/90, and I'm constipated. Then there's the terrible anxiety. I've noticed for a week to 10 days after I inject the shot, I'm unbelievably nervous, anxious, and can barely hold a thought. Normally, I'm super laid back, and stressful work situations don't bother me. Now I feel like I'm going to explode from the anxiousness. So after learning how to live and work with chronic migraines, those are almost gone, but now I have to deal with crippling anxiety? Again, from a person who NEVER stresses or worries about things and can handle huge workloads?"

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34 Report
  • CaliS...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 8, 2022

For Migraine Prevention "I have never submitted a drug review online. In November of 2020 I took two injections of Emgality for chronic migraine that I've suffered with for over 8 years. The past three months have been very difficult for me and the only new thing I've done was taken the injection. My symptoms started a few days after Emgality. I am not anti-science, or conspiratorial. I work in biotech and am pro science and pro vaccine. The past few months I've had horrible vertigo, panic attacks, depression and anxiety. The constant dizziness and panic was COMPLETELY new for me. I'm missing work and my relationships are suffering. I'm seeing a new neuro and was put on some different drugs for migraine/ now vestibular migraine that are supposed to target these specific symptoms. I'm praying that as this drug clears out so will my new disabling symptoms. More research needs to be done about this new class of drugs."

1 / 10
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21 Report
  • Alisha
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 24, 2020

For Cluster Headaches "I've been having cluster headaches for 15 years, with episodes getting closer and closer together. I am now a year free of them, and I am nothing but grateful for Emgality. I take three 100 mg shots a month, and it is a total Godsend."

10 / 10
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28 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 18, 2022

For Migraine Prevention "It's been very interesting to read everyone else's experiences with Emgality. I too found it helped with my migraines but unfortunately, I also developed unexpected side effects. Fortunately, I accidentally came across a medical study that explained what I was experiencing so I could take it to my neurologist. I developed increasing tingling in my hands and feet which were also relentlessly cold, even when it was hot out. And my fingernails changed. Turns out, CGRP antagonists 'may lead to exacerbation of microvascular disease in susceptible patients, such as patients with Raynaud phenomenon (RP).' ( So I'm off it, though my neurologist wanted me to continue with another Rx to dilate my blood vessels. Having read the other reviews here, I realize the Emgality was also probably responsible for my difficulty finding words and possibly for my achiness at night. It's long past time Lilly updated its side effects list!"

4 / 10
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18 Report
  • NICOL...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 2, 2020

For Migraine Prevention "I've had migraines since I was 15. I'm 46, a teacher, a mother of 2 kids under 12. There was a point in my life when I had more days with a headache than without. Sometimes, I'd lose vision in my peripheral and feel numb down the side of my face. I'd be nauseous. Light would cause great pain. I was on drugs and vitamins to prevent. I tracked my diet and made changes. I had three levels of migraine meds, with the last two being so strong I hated taking them. This was my life. Then my doctor suggested Emgality. I've taken it now for 8 months. Not one migraine. I do notice that about 1 week before I need the shot, I have a dull, annoying headache every day. Light sensitive sometimes then. No other symptoms. I've talked to my doctor about stopping my other meds: Gabapentin and Topiramate. It is wonderful for me. I'm so sorry for the others this didn't work on, but I think it's worth a try. I wish I'd been able to stop them years ago."

9 / 10
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29 Report
  • Mom
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 24, 2020

For Migraine Prevention "Started with loading dose July 13. Have had more migraines while on this than before, 13 per month , previously 9. I do believe it caused feelings of intense sadness, and had a bad spell this week of chest heaviness and difficult to take a breath. Lasted about 5 minutes, then left almost as suddenly as it came. Also had all over trembling. So I took the injections for 3 months, but will not be taking any more. Mostly because it has not been effective for me."

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26 Report
  • Batty
  • January 30, 2021

For Migraine Prevention "Due to developing severe bleeding duodenal ulcers from years of overuse of NSAIDS. I was put on Emgality. First of all, when a nurse tells you an injection will hurt, she means business. It was the most painful injection I have ever had. I have done 2 full months (3 injections total). The first two weeks after my first loading dose, I did notice a decline in headaches and I was hopeful! But, a week into month 2, it got icky. I’ve gained 15 pounds in 2 months. I’m sweating profusely. My anxiety is heightened. My irritability and lack of patience has snowballed. The fatigue is no joke, I’m going to bed at 7:30 pm (I’m in my 30’s). I have also developed severe, blinding breast pain and my hormones are completely out of whack. I canceled my appointment for my next dose and was heartbroken to hear it takes 5-6 months for it to leave my system. It’s awful. Also, my decline in migraines stopped in the second month."

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24 Report
  • Skept...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 19, 2022

For Migraine Prevention "I took emgality for 18 months and only had a couple migraines, down from 10-15/month. Wonderful news right!? We'll not so fast, what they don’t tell you is there are reports of GCRP inhibitors causing severe, crippling joint pain. I began having random migratory pain in July 2022. I did not connect this to Emgality bc I had been taking it as long as I had with no side effects. After my August injection I was nearly bedridden for several days. I still hadn’t connected this to emgality and my PCP referred me to a rheumatologist. The rheum decided though my blood work was fine I had non typical, seronegative RA and wanted to put me on methotrexate. After researching this drug something clicked and I looked for Emgality user reviews and I found hundreds of people complaining about severe crippling joint pain. And this stays in your system for more than 5 months! I’m miserable and wish I’d never heard of Emgality, I just pray this pain stops after my 5 months are up."

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15 Report
  • Gah
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 19, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "Before Emgality, I was having some daily headaches and all of a sudden vertigo and tingling. My brain MRI was negative, so my neuro prescribed Emgality, and tingling has increased tremendously to the point where I am now getting tested for MS. I’m also experiencing tinnitus since yesterday, and that was a new symptom. I feel helpless."

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30 Report
  • ucme
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 7, 2020

For Migraine Prevention "Since using Emgality, I have noticed less severe migraines, but the frequency is the same. Side effects: I have noticed I have no energy and am always fatigued. I have also noticed joint pain, and I'm always hot, not a hot flash type hot, just always hot. Summer's coming, and I'm not sure how I'm gonna survive summer if this continues. I have also noticed weight gain, it has increased my appetite."

6 / 10
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27 Report
  • Debate
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 6, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "I've had severe, debilitating migraines for 20+ years. I took the loading dose of Emgality at the beginning of October 2019. Not one single migraine for 27 days! My mood also improved, along with my energy, complexion, and even my sex drive. However, 2 weeks after the injection, I started having some cramps and severe bloating. Then my period came about a week early. Also, on day 28, I had a severe migraine. Took Imitrex and ibuprofen (like I did before starting shots), and the migraine let up but didn't go away for another day (not the usual for me). I also started to have horrible thoughts and bouts of crying. I've had heart palpitations, but I've had these for years and not sure if these are from Emgality or if the shot is worsening symptoms. Will be trying a second dose this Friday. I thought maybe the migraine and depression were a withdrawal from Emgality, but supposedly it stays in your system for 5 months? So, I don't know. Will post again after the next round."

6 / 10
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28 Report
  • Val
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 3, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "I’m on my 3rd dose of Emgality, 1st month everything seemed fine, then I started noticing lots of heartburn, heart palpitations, extreme, extreme constipation that makes me feel sick all over!! I didn’t think anything at first, but now I’m sure it’s the shot. I’m not planning on taking Emgality anymore."

3 / 10
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28 Report
  • Sec
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 28, 2023

For Migraine Prevention "My neurologist told me that the only side effect of Emgality was constipation and some weight gain. When I was having other symptoms, I started researching and finally found the reviews on this site. My first two injections were in March 2023. I am shocked that the many other common symptoms are not being shared with patients, before starting this medication. I have been suffering from daily migraines for years. The first notable symptom after the injections was joint pain. My shoulders were so painful and I kept wondering what I had done to have caused this. I was also fatigued and had generalized joint pain. I have IBS so now I am having 6-7 constipated stools a day. I have had weight gain in my abdominal area, which is above the waist, since starting Emgality. My migraines have continued on a daily basis, but several with auras that I have not had for years. I now am having flu symptoms, so decided not to get the next injection."

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11 Report
  • Calig...
  • January 9, 2020

For Migraine Prevention "This has eliminated my migraines . I have tried all kinds of different approaches over the last 25 years ... this worked for me. What I don’t enjoy is the bloating in my stomach from constipation. The weight gain has been crazy . This is my third month... may have to stop if this weight gain does not stop."

9 / 10
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  • kBear
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 11, 2020

For Migraine Prevention "Since I provided a comment just after my first dose, I want to submit an update now that I have been on the medication for a few months. I have had such a positive experience. Since my initial injection three months ago, I’ve had ZERO migraine headaches. This medication has been a life-changer for me. I have not gone a week without a migraine since I was a kid - nearly forty years with chronic, debilitating migraines prior to being introduced to Emgality. As I mentioned in my previous post, I experienced mental fatigue to such an extent I didn’t think it was going to be worth the side effects, but that has mostly subsided."

9 / 10
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  • Marie
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 31, 2020

For Migraine Prevention "I have been taking emgality for 8 months now and it saved my life. My migraines were so bad and came on so fast I lost my job and my way of life. Then I found emgality it took my migraines down to once or sometimes twice a month I was so happy - until I started to gain weight like crazy and 30 extra pounds later I started getting more headaches. Far as joint pain goes I have RA so I have joint pain all the time but it is possible it got worse while on Emgality. But again Emgality saved my life!"

4 / 10
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25 Report
  • Color...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 17, 2020

For Migraine Prevention "I have not had a migraine since I started injections in May. Have not noticed any of the side effects with the exception of a rash up to 4 -5 days following the shot at the injection site. Sorry others have not had the same impact. Watching for long term impacts since reading these reviews."

9 / 10
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26 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.