Uloric for Gout User Reviews
Uloric has an average rating of 8.1 out of 10 from a total of 40 reviews for the treatment of Gout. 73% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 10% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Uloric
- Dav...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- March 26, 2014
"I rarely had gout flare-ups despite having high levels for 10 years. I couldn't take the allopurinol, and when I started having small, more frequent flare-ups, my doctor urged me to try Uloric, warning me that I was damaging my joints even if I wasn't having flare-ups. The first 4 months on it, I probably had 7 flare-ups, more than I had ever had before, but my levels were low. Finally, after 6 months, they stopped, and I have had zero issues for months. I think that what happens is that you build up crystals in your joints over the years if you don't treat your gout. Then when you go on this medicine, your levels drop so fast that the crystals dissolve and fall out into your joints. Stick with it, it's worth it. Not sure what it costs."
- Red...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- October 23, 2013
"I have had Gout since I was 23. I am now 48. I tried everything, and nothing seemed to work. My body would not accept Allopurinol no matter how long I stayed on it, it caused bad flare-ups. Uloric has been a godsend! I almost forgot what it was like not to be in excruciating pain every day. My uric acid level is now below 6, and I take 40 mg of Uloric daily. I recommend Uloric to anyone who has gout. A truly great medicine that is priceless to me."
- RED...
- August 13, 2013
"I have had gout since I was 26, am now 73. I took allopurinol 300 mg for many years (it worked). My doctor has changed me to Uloric 40 for about 6 months and have had no side effects, my blood tests are well in range. I am very pleased with this."
- Fra...
- February 15, 2014
"I donated a kidney in 2004 and was diagnosed with my first gout attack in January 2014. My doctor advised me of all the possible medications I am able to take for the attacks and for long-term maintenance. The only long-term medicines I can take because of the kidney donation was Uloric. I've been taking it for about a month with a low dosage of colchicine (unsure of spelling). It has been working, and I personally have not experienced any side effects at all. With major diet adjustments and the medication, my uric acid level dropped 5 points during that month. I am trying my best to continue taking what is my only option, but the cost is very high even with my benefits. Looking for some answers as to options. Much appreciate the help."
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- October 30, 2009
"My mother has severe gout and has reactions to both allopurinol and colchicine. She had to take prednisone since she couldn't take the other medications. Since she started taking Uloric, it has controlled her gout without any side effects. It seems very effective and safe."
- tbo...
- July 8, 2010
"I have been using Uloric 40 mg 1x a day for just about 3 months. It has been working very well, but I was off it for two days, and the pain started up quickly again in my toe and hand joints. I went back on it, and it is working again. Colchicine works, but the diarrhea is terrible. Also, my uric acid level was just above 7.0 at the start, but now it is very low and normal."
- hjr...
- October 24, 2009
"I started using Uloric (40 mg) on 8/18/09. My uric acid was 12.8. Blood work done on 10/19 showed it was down to 6.9! However, I developed a rash on one side of my face; I am cutting back to 40 mg every other day and using an ointment to see if the rash improves. I couldn't tolerate any of the other medicines available for gout."
- dje...
- November 18, 2011
"I have taken Uloric for about 2 years now and have done very well at controlling my gout. I originally started with the 40 mg pills but still had minor attacks about once a month. My doctor increased my dosage to the 80 mg, and I no longer have attacks. The price is way too high."
- Sha...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- June 2, 2016
"Was diagnosed with chronic gout in early 2013 after over a decade of periodic attacks. Suffered for 3 straight months when prescribed Uloric. As one should be 'gout free' for some weeks before taking, having chronic gout wasn't possible, so started off along with colchicine. Over 2 years later, have never had another gout attack, and best of all, I can eat/drink whatever I want again (even shrimp and beer that were the worst causes for attacks). My doctor commented he has never seen such a dramatic drop in uric acid levels in my blood tests (although not many patients he has uses it due to the cost - not all insurance companies may cover). No side effects that seem apparent. Life-changing for the better!"
- Mci...
- August 16, 2015
"Suffered for 10 years. Uloric is a life-changing drug. No flares for the last 5 years. One 40 mg tab allows me to eat and drink anything I want. Blessed with Cadillac health coverage, a 90-day supply is only $15.00. Would gladly pay anything for this type of relief. Tophi buildups completely dissolved."
- Q4a...
- May 8, 2016
"First time I got gout I was 14, then never had it again till I turned 40. 1 attack a year led to 2, then 3 and 4. The pain got worse every attack. I went on allopurinol 3 years ago, and it brought my uric acid down to below 3, but the side effects were starting to bother me. I went off it for a year, and the attacks started up again. I went on Uloric 80 mg a day 2 months ago, and it's a life-changing solution. No side effects and no attacks. What more can I say."
- Bev...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- December 27, 2017
"This is a miracle drug! I've been suffering with gout for 10 years now. The last 3-4 years, however, have been hell. Anyone who does not suffer from gout, count your blessings every day! For the past 3-4 years, an attack would last for 4-5 months! I was taking Tylenol 3 for pain and naproxen. I also took Allopurinol for 6 months, and it didn't work. My friend who suffers from gout recommended Uloric. After my last attack ended, I went to the doctor. I've been on Uloric for a year and a half now, with NO attacks and NO swelling. I eat and drink as I please with NO side effects. If anyone is reading this, please talk to your doctor ASAP."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 30, 2012
"I started 80 mg Uloric about 4 weeks ago just to lower my uric acid level, which was over 10. I had no symptoms - within two weeks, my uric acid level was around 5.5, which is great, however, I had a flare-up, and it has not gone away for the past two weeks. I am on Indomethacin and Prednisone, it helps (but I was just told not to take them together) - but the Indomethacin is hard on the stomach. It is expensive, but the makers of Uloric do have a coupon that helps with the cost."
- Lot...
- February 26, 2014
"Uloric has been awesome for me since it came out in Feb 2009. Started with 40 mg and had small attacks like every two months or so. Went to 80 mg and have had no attacks. I did run a gout fever, cold/sweat/shakes, which my doctor gave me a shot for. I might have a light rash on my lower leg from Uloric, but it's well worth it, I can bowl in league and have no worries of an attack popping up the next day."
- Anonymous
- February 26, 2015
"Worked well, had attacks 4-6 times a year, bad ones. Haven't had an attack in 2 years, but really messed with my mind. My dreams became so vivid and colorful, fall asleep too quickly now. Hard to wake up. Starting to worry about memory loss, so am going to switch out for a while. (Doctor agreed)"
- Gar...
- January 7, 2015
"Expensive but worth it! My uric acid was in the 9-10 range, and I was having several severe gout attacks every year. I tried allopurinol, but it didn't work, so I started on Uloric 40 mg about 6 months ago. Had a few minor attacks during the first 5 months, but since then I can eat or drink anything, and it doesn't cause any flashes. The doctor's office just called, and the uric acid level was 4.8."
- Rid...
- March 6, 2015
"Suffered for a few years with painful gout attacks. Tried a few different things, but nothing really worked for me. A doctor had a trial bottle of Uloric 80 mg, and it changed my life. It did take a couple of months before it brought my uric acid levels down, and the attacks stopped. In fact, it was probably worse for the first month. But I stuck with it and turned the corner. I can now enjoy all the foods I used to eat without the consequence."
- Med...
- May 15, 2016
"I was taking Uloric for a little over a year, with excellent results. The downside was the co-pay was around $70 a month to start. In a little over a year, the co-pay was increased several times; today, the co-pay is over $300! I discontinued taking Uloric simply because I could no longer afford the out-of-pocket co-pay. By the way, I have an excellent supplemental insurance plan that covers only drugs. Having had a kidney transplant six months ago, I'll be taking two immunosuppressant drugs (Cellcept and Prograf) for the rest of my life. The co-payment for these two drugs is not cheap, but even combined, their co-pays are much less than for Uloric. This is just another example of how pharmaceutical companies gouge consumers."
- BB ...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- May 15, 2013
"I've been on Uloric for about 3 years now. Have NOT had 1 flare-up since, and it's also lowered my uric acid level in my blood. I've been on the A & C meds for gout, and they did nothing to help. Uloric is a miracle in my opinion. Very happy with it. They also have a discount coupon for it, which will lower what you pay for it."
- Gou...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- June 6, 2017
"My doctor told me for a few years that I would have to take a pill every day for the rest of my life to avoid it. I refused and fought it off with the regular pills when it flared up. After struggling with gout for several years, it had reached a chronic condition, leaving me on crutches every other week. It had become so bad I thought bones were breaking. Turns out it was just even more intense gout attacks. Finally, I raised the white flag of surrender and agreed to take a pill every day for the rest of my life. After some research, I decided on Uloric. I have been taking one pill a day every day for the past 3 years, and I have not had a single gout flare-up."
- Taz...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- June 27, 2019
"Uloric has been the best thing to happen to me for my gout. I became allergic to Allopurinol and had to manage my gout by dietary restrictions; really strict. During that period, Uloric was in its research phase. About 1 year or so later, it came onto the market and life has been gout-free...unless I go seafood crazy. I have no side effects, so weight gain; nothing. For over 10-12 years...no problems at all. Good luck for those searching for their miracle."
- Bik...
- October 26, 2019
"Been on Uloric for about 6 months. It dropped my level fast. But hey... what's sudden death from a heart attack as long as you die with low uric acid? Seriously, I'm asking my doc to change this med due to this risk."
- Doc...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 30, 2016
"I've had gout and now tophus gout for 13 years. My UA is normally 10.8. With Uloric, Probenecid, and Colcrys - the combination of all three meds brings the UA down to 4.8 - great for getting rid of the tophi. Having a lot of insurance problems as they will not approve Uloric. They keep saying that they have not received the doctor's faxes - though we have proof that they have received them, etc. so much for coverage of the elderly."
- Wes...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- July 12, 2015
"Started taking Uloric after allopurinol gave me neuropathy in my feet and kept me up at night. First drug to get uric acid below 6...so happy, doctor. I'm 65 and have only had 2 major gout attacks and never want to experience that again. The expense has driven my drug costs into the 'donut hole' and can't use the discount card due to the many restrictions. Way too expensive but don't want gout again."
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- Drug class: antihyperuricemic agents
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"I started taking Uloric 5 weeks ago. It seems to be working alright. I have tried several medicines for this ailment: allopurinol, colchicine, steroids, Vicodin. It took me a week to get off those, had bad reactions on allopurinol i.e. rashes, swelling of the stomach, and lips. Colchicine caused diarrhea so bad I couldn't work. Anyway, Uloric has been pretty effective so far. I have also tried apple cider vinegar, baking soda, and herbal remedies, none as effective as Uloric. The only drawback is I don't have insurance, and Uloric is $200.00 for a 30-day supply."