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Aimovig User Reviews & Ratings (Page 2)

Aimovig has an average rating of 5.1 out of 10 from a total of 623 reviews on 37% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 44% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Aimovig

  • Gluten...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 30, 2018

For Migraine Prevention "I have chronic migraines every day, for almost three years now. So I tried Aimovig. The first day, I didn't get a migraine and thought my world was changing! Then the next day I resumed my daily migraine pattern. Sad sigh. To me, it's not worth taking it again as long-term effects haven't been studied and it just didn't work. There could be hope though! For those who consume gluten, there's a very high link between migraines and gluten consumption. I've gone gluten-free, no wheat, barley, rye, and dairy-free. Amazingly, I've had a couple of migraine-free nights since starting gluten-free. So for me, going gluten-free worked better than the Aimovig! I still get migraines, but I'm working on eliminating my symptom of gluten and am very careful about cross-contamination with gluten. I'm hoping that those reading this may find that going gluten-free and dairy-free may be the migraine-free miracle they are searching for! God bless."

1 / 10
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86 Report
  • Artem...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 4, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "I’ve been suffering migraines with aura since I am 13 years old. I injected Aimovig 2 times. 1st month got 3 migraines with aura. 2nd injection so far no migraines. The bad side: flu like symptoms, pain everywhere like I have rheumatoid arthritis, shortness of breath, severe constipation cannot go for 8-10 days, extreme hair loss, depression and anxiety, palpitations, extreme fatigue. I will never take this again. So sad it was stopping the migraine but it is intolerable. My interferon for my blood cancer is better tolerable than this drug it is awful and I am a tough person who do not complaints easily."

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72 Report
  • Kris
  • September 18, 2018

For Migraine Prevention "Terrible! I have more migraines now on a level 10 pain scale than I had before. Every single day. The side effects are horrible. I’m not the only one experiencing these either. Losing hair, increased migraines and intensity, extreme fatigue but unable to sleep, severe constipation, joint pain, extreme photophobia (I had to buy special glasses to be able to go to work), and brain fog. There was ONE side effect listed but obviously someone lied. These are the same side effects I’m seeing all over Facebook, so I’m not the only one."

1 / 10
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81 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Nene
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 18, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "I was given the Aimovig injection less than a month ago. Since then, I have had daily panic attacks, rapid heartbeats, trouble remembering what I was saying, tremors, and blurred vision. I was told that the only side effect I had to worry about was constipation."

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67 Report
  • KVano
  • November 14, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "Helped with migraines, but the day after my 5th injection, everything went haywire. Racing heart, shortness of breath, tingling and weakness in my legs, and tremors in my hands and chest. The episodes would last for over 12 hours and would come back day after day for weeks. I had to go to the ER, had an MRI, EMG test, all sorts of blood tests, EKG, and echocardiogram, all to rule out any other causes. I’m 10 weeks out from my last dose, but since the medication has a long half-life, I still have symptoms. Mostly high heart rate and chest tremors, but not as extreme as the first. I hope they will completely dissipate when the drug is completely out of my system. I have filed a complaint with the FDA, and my neurologist is in contact with Amgen. Think before you start. You’ll be saddled with any side effects for months. The devastation this situation has caused is much worse than the effects of the migraines I was suffering from before."

1 / 10
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67 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Sharla
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 30, 2020

For Migraine Prevention "My neurologist gave me Aimovig to try to control severe migraines. A week later, IC of the bladder flared enough to go to a urologist for 6 weeks of treatments and a year of diet modifications. It had been in remission for 9 years. A week after that, I was at my GP for severe joint pain, dry mouth, extremely dry eyes and skin, and sores in my mouth. I was having to use spray in my mouth and special toothpaste, long-lasting lotion, and 3 types of eye drops. I couldn’t wear contacts, my eyes were so dry. I had Sjögren’s syndrome. These two autoimmune diseases were brought on by the Aimovig, a CRGP. A neurologist in CA studies and publishes how the CRGPs cause autoimmune diseases in some people who are prone. It’s taken a year, multiple specialists, herbalists and herbs, supplements, a special diet, and lots of migraines that got way worse, and one year later, I’m 75% better from the autoimmune disease it caused."

1 / 10
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56 Report
  • Dyna
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 2, 2018

For Migraine Prevention "Took first Aimovig shot today. I have had migraines for 40 years and daily chronic headaches, along with medication overuse migraines. I'm hoping for the best and prepared for the worst. I've been looking for something for years. I have a migraine every day of the week. They never go away unless I use Imitrex or Zomig. Tired of that drunk feeling. Want to be medication-free. Let's all keep in touch."

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More FAQ

  • Life...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 17, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "I'm young, never had heart issues, but after a few months on Aimovig, I developed chest pain, shortness of breath, and my heart will start racing out of nowhere. I've been off it for a few months, but I'm so weak I can't even go to school and had to withdraw from college this semester. Just doing this review is hard, I'm so weak. Ugh, when will it ever go away? DO NOT TAKE AIMOVIG! I FEEL LIKE I'M ABOUT TO DIE!"

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62 Report
  • Mimi
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 8, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "I started taking Aimovig 70 mg in July 2018 and continued until May 2019. I believe it has reduced my migraine episodes to fewer migraine days, but it also has numerous side effects that have not been reported. I believe this medication has caused me to have significant cognitive dysfunction/impairment, along with significant fatigue, dizziness, lightheadedness, brain fog, confusion, loss of appetite, depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, neck, and shoulder pain. I feel as if I’m in a constant dream-like, more like nightmare-like state all the time. I will see my neurologist soon, but I cannot continue to take this medication. I pray it has not caused permanent damage. I’m happy for those of you who have had success, but I caution you to be aware of your symptoms. At first, I thought this was a lifesaver. Now I’m wondering if I’ll make it through to the next day. Consult your doctors as soon as possible should you experience anything similar or FDA. They all need to hear from us."

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64 Report
  • chase...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 14, 2020

For Migraine Prevention "I started Aimovig literally 2 days after the FDA approved it, and it started working within a week. I have chronic daily migraines and was shocked a medication finally worked, and I had no side effects. Was on it for a year and had to go off it because I lost my job. I started taking it again in Dec 2019 with great results again. At the end of Oct 2020, I started getting daily migraines again, with severe inflammation in my neck and lower half of my arms. Then my blood pressure, which was already high, was even higher, heart beating so fast, rapid weight gain, inflammation in my knees, half my hair fell out, tinnitus, and clogged ears. Did 2 rounds of steroids, which didn't help. About 2 weeks ago, the daily migraines stopped, but I still have all the other symptoms. I've read biologics can do this after using them this long. And Aimovig can cause lupus, which will eventually resolve after being off it for 5 months. It was good until it wasn't."

5 / 10
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49 Report
  • Grace
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 26, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "The first shot I took was 140 mg. It seemed to help. The second shot was 70 mg, had similar results but I started having anxiety and depression. I'm 65 and never had an issue before. I thought I was just going through a rough time in life because of life events. I took a 3rd dose of 70 mg. Things got worse. I became afraid to cross bridges, saw shadows of things, had 3 minor car accidents (had a perfect driving record for 35 years). I just literally didn't see the cars and objects. I stopped the drug. It's been one year, and I have never been back the same as before. I was extremely high functioning, now my mind can't focus. Something happened and I fear it's permanent, it's now a new way of life. It's not a proven drug, long-term side effects are still unknown. I'd do anything to get my old life back."

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57 Report
  • Lag
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 14, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "The initial monthly 70 mg injections gave me relief. I went from daily migraines to weekly, to occasional within a couple of months. But by the 3rd injection, I began feeling off. It wasn't until this week, and I'd already taken my 9th injection, that we were able to figure out why. The constipation, bowel blockage, bloating, burning pain in my back, confusion, deep, horrible depression, dark thoughts, almost acting on dark thoughts more than once, stomach pains, vertigo, chills, night sweats, fatigue, joint pain, muscle aches, numbness in my face, headaches, sinus infections, high liver tests, being sent to an oncologist because my doctor thought I might have cancer, EGD, colonoscopy, MRIs, CTs, MRCP, X-rays, etc., are not worth the relief. This drug needs more research. We spent thousands of dollars thinking something else was wrong only to circle back to Aimovig. I couldn't believe there are several patients whose symptoms mirror mine on this site as well. Ugh."

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61 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 28, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "Horrible stomach pain, bloating, and nausea. For those with similar symptoms after taking Aimovig, how long does this take to resolve? I am 3 months post injection. Never would have taken this if I had known about this side effect."

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57 Report
  • TKano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 23, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "Started this injection last month, and I can't wait for it to get out of my system. I was absolutely manic the first week: high energy, couldn't slow down, and insomnia! Also have had shortness of breath, chest pains, weight gain, stomach is bloated, SEVERE constipation (have been on stool softeners, laxatives with no results, and fiber, nothing helps), headaches are still there, swelling, and body aches. I have more side effects I'm sure, but I will NOT take this med again."

1 / 10
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57 Report
  • Frust...
  • May 2, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "If you are on Aimovig and you get the body aches side effect, you need to see your neurologist or primary care provider and be tested for rhabdomyolysis. Symptoms: muscle pain in shoulders, thighs, or low back, trouble moving arms/legs, stiffness, and dark urine. If you have this, it could lead to kidney damage - you need to be treated! Take this from someone who knows firsthand."

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60 Report
  • Littl...
  • February 20, 2020

For Migraine Prevention "I just had Aimovig on 2/12/20 and didn’t notice much until a few days ago when I realized I had not had my usual two bowel movements each day. Then I noticed I was very gassy and felt an extreme urge to pee. The migraine started as a much broader area and much, much, much more intense, sharp, unbearable pain. I’ve had migraines since I was 10, I’m 33, female. I’ve used Zomig, Fiorinal, sumatriptans, tramadol, Zofran, Phenergan, and nothing is even touching the pain. I’ve struggled with chronic yeast infections in the past but have had them managed and now have terrible flares again. I’m very dizzy, especially when I lay down. My heart races to 220. I cannot sleep, though I’m very fatigued. I’m afraid I’ll have to go to the hospital, which insurance won’t cover. After only one week, I can’t bear it. Reading these stories is horrid, and being told there are no side effects just makes me want to scream."

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53 Report
  • bree
  • November 16, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "I have been on Aimovig for 3 months. On the 1st dose, I knew something wasn't quite right; my digestive system almost completely shut down with severe constipation. I did not see the comments from other people having this problem until it was happening to me. I have been eating laxatives and other things just to go to the bathroom. I would not begin this medication if you read the reviews. It paralyzes your digestive system; it is horrible. I would rather have my migraines back and go back to taking all of the medication I was on. If you read this and continue to take these meds with CGRP blockers in them, I can only hope the best for you. One last word: all of the migraine shots currently on the market have CGRP blockers in them, which has the same effect. For my last dose, I switched to Ajovy; SAME results. Best of luck; just waiting for this to get out of my system."

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55 Report
  • Lyrab...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 22, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "I had one initial injection and became so constipated I had to start taking senna tablets to get things moving because no amount of water would do the trick. It got rid of my headaches for about five days, and then they came back. It’s now been six weeks since the initial injection, and I do not plan to take it again because I am still having digestive issues and an outbreak of chronic mouth ulcers and canker sores, the worst case I’ve ever had. It actually feels like this drug destroyed the lining in my mouth. I have read that it takes five months to get it out of my system, and I hope I am rid of this problem well before then. Do not underestimate the side effects of this drug in spite of the fact that they say constipation is primarily the only drawback. Trust your instincts."

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56 Report
  • Rock
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 30, 2020

For Migraine Prevention "I am commenting as a bystander to what I have experienced with my partner taking this drug. She has fewer migraines but has stomach weight gain, weight gain, bloating, foggy thinking, memory loss, extreme irritability, mood swings, irrationality, sleep issues, and facial changes like you experience with steroids. The last few times, she has had almost steroid rage for several days after the injection. Refuses to talk to her doctor about the side effects. I have been there by her side, being supportive of her chronic migraines for over 10 years and have seen the effects and the side effects of meds, but Aimovig is not worth it. Save yourself and save your relationship and stay away from it."

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50 Report
  • Rando...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 8, 2020

For Migraine Prevention "I've read all the horror stories on here about Aimovig and was a bit skeptical of taking it, but nothing else has worked over the past decade, so I went and tried it. For me, I still have regular nausea and the occasional constipation, but my migraine days have dropped by a crazy amount and everything is a lot less foggy than pre-erenumab/Aimovig. Obviously, it isn't going to work for everyone, but for me, it has changed my life."

10 / 10
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49 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 21, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "I have been on Aimovig for approximately 10 months. Been a migraine sufferer for 35 years and have tried everything. Although it works for me, I have a severe migraine for the entire week after I give myself the injection. The other side effect I have had is weight gain, approximately 10 lbs in 8 months. I have also been sick twice in 8 months, once with bronchitis and once with pneumonia. Please take note if you have been more susceptible to catching colds, etc. My physician informed me that this drug could make your system weaker, therefore, you will get sick more. Not the drug for me, being I am in the medical field. I will have to go back on Topamax. Good luck, everyone!"

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54 Report
  • Aisha
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 14, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "I’m 35 years old. I have taken only 1 Aimovig shot so far of the 70 mg dose. It worked slightly to reduce the number of migraines, but I have to deal with side effects of loss of balance, pain in the ears, constant pressure in the ears, feeling that I will fall at any given moment, loss of energy, chest tightness, chest pain, and feeling of nausea is also terrible. A couple of times I felt like I was going to die from the side effects this has caused. No more Aimovig for me. I will stick with my pills. I just wish this would flush out of my system quickly so I don’t have to deal with all these extra and scary side effects. Aimovig needs more research in my opinion."

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54 Report
  • bdm
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 27, 2019

For Migraine Prevention "I started out a few months ago taking 70 mg injections and noticed my number of migraines per month dropped about 40%. I have had migraines for over 30 years, and this was the first medication that has helped as far as prevention. Two months ago, I moved up to 140 mg injections, and it’s been 4 weeks since my last migraine. So I went from 8-10 per month down to 5-6, and at least for this month down to 0. I keep waiting for one to hit, and I have had days when it felt like one was coming, but they just went away. I am days away from my next injection, so I am hoping this streak continues. Until I started Aimovig, I had never gone more than 2 weeks without a migraine, and that was very rare. Needless to say, it’s been a great medication for me."

10 / 10
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52 Report
  • Rae
  • January 28, 2020

For Migraine Prevention "Been on Aimovig since February 2019. 18 plus migraines a month, down to ZERO! Definitely been a life changer. September 2019, I got strep and an ear infection. Three days later, the flu. Within a week, I had pneumonia, which lasted for 7 weeks, many trips to the doctor, and a lot of medicine. Week 8, I was diagnosed with Flu A. Two weeks later, shingles. Almost completely over shingles, and another rash shows up. Laying in bed one Friday night (injection taken earlier that day), I completely lost my vision, BP was high, as well as heart rate. Ended up in the ER, where they wanted to admit me, but I refused. Three days later, still no vision in the right eye, back to family doctor, have the flu AGAIN, emergency eye doctor visit with no answers. I’ve always been healthy. Never really thought about it being the shot until this episode. Since September, I’ve been so sick, it’s crazy. Can’t work an 8-hour shift without being exhausted. I won’t be taking the injection anymore."

7 / 10
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50 Report
  • Charlie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 15, 2020

For Migraine Prevention "My brain felt foggy, confused, and not able to focus on necessary thoughts. I am familiar with chronic constipation, but this constipation was life-altering. I had the sensation that my body was made of a hard substance like cement. Laxatives had no effect whatsoever. After 3 months of injection, I felt it was obvious that I should discontinue use. My prescribing doctor did not bother to return my phone call or text. Very, very scary. Those symptoms remained but started to subside. At that point, however, I was struck with vertigo for the first time. Had to go to the ER by ambulance. Since this, I have had an episode where I woke from a nap with altered speech. I also have ongoing full body and back pain. Multiple neurologists and rheumatologists have been called on to help me recover. Whether this latest episode was a vertiginous migraine or a stroke is yet to be determined. I will never again use a 'new' RX. I feel like a lab rat. People beware."

10 / 10
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49 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.