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Pimtrea User Reviews & Ratings

Pimtrea has an average rating of 7.1 out of 10 from a total of 12 reviews on 64% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 27% reported a negative experience.

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Birth Control
12 reviews for Birth Control 353 medications

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Reviews for Pimtrea

  • sku...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 2, 2015

For Birth Control "I had never taken birth control before. I am 27 years old and have always suffered from severe PMDD. The PMDD was ruining my quality of life, it was so terrible. My doctor recommended Pimtrea. The first week was awful! Horrible bloating, sick to my stomach, vomiting, dizzy. I called my doctor three times that week and told him I could not do this. He assured me the symptoms would go away. Sure enough, the following week I only had bloating. I am onto my second pack of pills and cannot believe that I, for the first time since I was 13, no longer am experiencing the terrible PMDD symptoms. This pill has almost totally taken away all symptoms, except for a little drowsiness. Pimtrea has saved my life and my marriage. I should have taken it sooner."

10 / 10
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8 Report
  • har...
  • April 4, 2016

For Birth Control "Out of the 15 years I have taken birth control, this one has been my favorite. It made me have regular, light periods and toned down my mood swings. Didn't gain any weight and never got any pimples. I'm extremely sad my new insurance doesn't cover it anymore, and I am devastated. I am now on the hunt for a new bc and have had no luck with one that responds well with my body."

10 / 10
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5 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 21, 2016

For Birth Control "I started taking this in August of this year, and the first period I had after starting this BC was excruciating. I had severe cramping, swollen and painful breasts, and bloating like crazy. I stuck it out because I know with BC you have to give it a few months to let your body adjust. My periods leveled out, but I only made it 4 months before I had to go back and request something else. My anxiety was exacerbated, depression came back, was extremely emotional, constantly hungry (gained weight because of that), went up 2 cup sizes due to swelling and weight gain, and was bloated all the time. It was a nightmare. It did prevent pregnancy, though, so there's that. I've felt totally normal since switching to the mini pill. This just wasn't for me."

4 / 10
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4 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 2, 2017

For Birth Control "Worst experience was given as generic for viorele . Headache nausea vomiting lightheadiness in 2nd week . First week increased acne like acne I've never had before in my life . Had to stop . Also increased my mood swings . Must of been an inactive ingredient because had no problem with viorele except wearing contacts and they have same active ingredients. Worst experience to date with birth control ."

1 / 10
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3 Report
  • Bea...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 9, 2017

For Birth Control "This birth control was horrible. I gained 20 pounds in the first 2 months and could not lose it. I told my OB several times it was due to the birth control and she told me birth control cannot make me gain weight. (LIES). 6 months in I started to suffer from anxiety and depression. Another 6 months later I started bleeding through super tampons in less than an hour and had cramping so bad I could not even move. It felt like back labor every time I had my period. I told my doctor and they told me it could not be the birth control, it must be endometriosis and wanted to treat me with some shot and open me up to look. I said enough and switched BCs. Lost 10 lbs in 6 days, depression was gone, and no more heavy cramping and bleeding. never again."

1 / 10
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  • Bri...
  • August 27, 2018

For Birth Control "I started using Pimtrea about a year ago. The first couple months I had a bit of acne and some spotting about two weeks after my period. After this everything cleared up and it was great. Best bc I’ve ever had."

10 / 10
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2 Report
  • shk...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 11, 2021

For Birth Control "Overall, this birth control is pretty good. I used to be on Larin Fe and it affected my mental health, I became very depressed. I switched to Pimtrea about a year ago and it has been good. I haven't experienced any serious side effects. I would say that it affected my sex drive a little bit, but I think that happens with most birth controls for me. I also think it may have affected my hair, which used to be pretty curly and is now relatively straight."

9 / 10
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  • Ano...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 16, 2021

For Birth Control "I have only been taking this birth control Pimtrea for a very short amount of time. However, so far I have had a WONDERFUL experience! I have not had any side effects accept increased hunger. My doctor recommended this to me and prescribed it for my irregular/painful/heavy periods which has been great because I no longer feel sick, nauseated, have pelvic pain, lethargic, or fatigued anymore all of the time even when I am not on my cycle. However, please go and see a Physician before being put on or taking birth control and don't try being or ask to be put on one kind of birth control just because it works for someone else. Everyone is going to have a different experience."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 7, 2019

For Birth Control "Hi. This was was my first time being on birth control. Nothing really hit me until near the end of my first pack. I had some nausea and lost my appetite a lot. I stuck with it and I’m so glad I did! This pill is amazing. I went from throwing up on my period from the cramps being SO bad to mild cramping. I know exactly when I’m going to get my period. My boobs grew a little but the con is that they are constantly tender and hurt if you touch them too hard. I’m very good at taking this pill at the same time every night. I used to make sure I ate food along with the pill to ease any nausea but now I don’t and it doesn’t seem to affect me. I don’t think my mood has changed much, some swings but I was moody long before I got on the pill. It has cleared up my acne so much, I just get an occasional pimple here and there. My advice is to just give it time. Everyone’s body will react differently to this pill, but I never had any major concerns with it."

10 / 10
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  • Lau...
  • August 4, 2017

For Birth Control "I started this in April 2017 and I had a little place that looked like a tiny spider bite (nothing real serious) then it began to look like a ringworm well by the time I planned a dr appointment like a week later because I was at the beach I had red spots all over my arms so I went to the dermatologist and had THREE biopsys done, and blood work to find out I had Lupus. My OB said that we would switch and that it was this birth control that caused it. I DO NOT recommend."

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  • Ste...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 16, 2024

For Birth Control "I’ve been taking this for about 5 years and never once have I had a bad experience. I’ve tried different brands like Kariva and none of them work as well. I found that while on Pimtrea, it didn’t cause mood swings, I wouldn’t break out (or at least nearly as much as I was on Kariva). The only negative side effect is having a weird period cycle, which only happens if you miss a pill. Overall, I LOVE Pimtrea and plan on taking this birth control until I plan on having kids!! Love it!! I didn’t gain weight, get acne, or really have any negative side effects!! 10/10"

10 / 10
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  • emi...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 8, 2023

For Birth Control "Been on this one for almost 2 years now. It helps me with my periods as they used to be 10 days and now they’re 5. But I never had cramps and now I do. I constantly feel sick, I’ve gained 20 pounds, went from a C cup to a double D. I don't like it but I don’t know what to switch to…"

3 / 10
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