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Veltin for Acne User Reviews

Veltin has an average rating of 7.4 out of 10 from a total of 42 reviews for the treatment of Acne. 69% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 17% reported a negative experience.

Veltin rating summary

7.4 average rating out of 10

42 ratings from 42 user reviews.

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Reviews for Veltin

  • Poo...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 1, 2018

"I have only been using this product for a few days, and I haven't seen much improvement. But after reading these reviews, I wanted to share what my dermatologist recommended. She told me not to follow the directions in the box, rather, keep your face damp (wet, but not dripping wet) after washing it and then apply a pea-sized amount of the product to the entire face. So essentially, you are working the product into your face with the water to help reduce dryness. This is a great tip because I have pretty sensitive skin, and my skin has barely gotten dry in the few days that I have been using this. If you're experiencing extreme dryness or any textural problems, I recommend you try this tip out! Hope that this helps someone out there."

8 / 10
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75 Report
  • Mh9...
  • November 16, 2016

"I was applying it nightly at first and realized it was causing my skin to peel a lot. Switched to using it every 3-4 nights and exfoliated my skin every morning. After about a month, I was able to put it on every night with no peeling issues. I also started only putting it on my problem areas (acne scars) rather than my whole face. Flash forward 3 months later from my first night using it, and my skin looks GREAT. You have to be patient and find a regime that works for you. Yes, your skin will peel at first, but you can also use it sparingly so your skin gets used to it. You don't have to torture yourself and use it every night at first. Start slow but keep a schedule. I put it on once a week now. I'm happy I stuck with it!"

10 / 10
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35 Report
  • Dec...
  • December 3, 2014

"I started using Veltin about a month ago for acne on my body, and all I can say is THANK THE LORD! After years of trying benzoyl peroxide products and other ineffective topical treatments, I finally found the right medication! Pros - reduces blemish size, lightens scarring and pigmentation a lot, pretty fast acting. For me, it only took a month for incredible results and still getting even better because I'm still not totally clear yet, but I'd give it 2 more weeks to be all clear. Cons - causes itchiness, peeling, and redness, but subsides after a few weeks. My tip is don't be lazy or impatient when it comes to this product because the whole purpose is to bring up the new skin that is healthy and shed the damaged skin and acne."

10 / 10
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39 Report
  • Red...
  • January 18, 2017

"The first week, my skin got very dry and patchy. It peeled a good bit. The second week, my skin broke out worse than it ever has, and I started getting really discouraged that it wasn't working, and I felt like it had made my skin worse. I am now about to finish up my third week, and my skin is really clearing up well. I would say be patient with this product and give it one full month, and you will begin to see results. The method I use is washing my face, patting it dry, putting on a moisturizer, waiting about 10-15 minutes, then applying the Veltin only on the acne spots. This has seemed to work best for me."

8 / 10
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27 Report
  • Nic...
  • January 11, 2019

"This product works amazingly well. I've been using it for just a few weeks. I had strange oily cysts growing from underneath my skin and erupting at the surface. This gel stopped it in about 1-2 days, which allowed my skin to finally heal from that trauma caused by the cysts. It's a powerful medication, so common sense is needed when using it. Think of it as an exfoliant on steroids. A normal exfoliant helps you to shed dead skin at a slow rate. This gel, however, will cause massive peeling after about 1 week's use. My dermatologist recommended this regimen: wash with Cetaphil, pat dry, apply the gel, and follow up with the Cetaphil moisturizer. Only apply the gel at night since exposure to the sun is to be avoided when you have it on. When the peeling becomes too excessive for me, I stop and only apply the gel to the areas that were affected. If I do not, it will literally burn my skin on other areas of the face which looked just fine. So you have to use common sense."

10 / 10
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19 Report

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  • lon...
  • May 12, 2015

"This gel will make you break out like crazy in the first few weeks. I never broke out that much to begin with, it got me so worried. I kept using it, and weeks passed by. It's over a month, it cleared up my skin and my scars. I am so happy my face is clear, it works really well. Anyone who is using Veltin should give it a chance, be patient with it, it will clear up."

10 / 10
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23 Report
  • Chi...
  • May 7, 2019

"This medicine, Veltin, is incredible. I am 39 and still get acne if my skin is left untreated. It became particularly bad following a very stressful month at work - I mean, so bad it was embarrassing, with big red zits, some I could pop, others wouldn’t pop and just festered away for ages - just gross. I went on Veltin, and six months later, I feel like a skin model. I can’t believe how good my skin looks. Zero acne. Nothing but a few blackheads around my nose from time to time that can easily be extracted. Plus, this medicine has retinols in it, which are the best thing for anti-aging. So this is my anti-aging and anti-acne super weapon rolled into one powerful gel. You have to be patient with this medicine, however. At first, your face may be very dry. I apply once per day at night and moisturize immediately after with a CeraVe moisturizing cream, which is cheap, over the counter, and doesn’t cause breakouts. That helps tremendously."

10 / 10
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14 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 9, 2010

"Using Veltin gel every night for about a week now. I put on CeraVe lotion first, then apply a small amount. So far, it has been working great. All the smaller bumps disappeared, and the larger ones decreased dramatically. I have even had comments that my skin is looking great. I'm excited to see the long-term results, but so far, so good."

8 / 10
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23 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 18, 2012

"Started using Veltin in August. Started seeing results (less cystic breakouts), but didn't see consistent results until December. All I can say is stick with it! I now regularly go 2-3 weeks without any breakouts, 100% clear. Prior to Veltin, breakouts happened every 1-2 days. Major con is it dries out skin (not just where it just feels dry, but actual peeling). The dry skin rubs off in the shower. Pro is since it is a retinoid product, new skin feels and looks healthier."

10 / 10
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21 Report
  • Mac...
  • September 25, 2016

"I had many obnoxious but small bumps on my forehead this past summer. Along with that, the occasional large zit. I got put on Veltin by my dermatologist and began using it on August 3rd. At first, I used it every other night on my whole face except my cheeks and experienced a bit of dryness around my mouth and overall redness. That subsided fairly quickly, and I began to use it once a day at night, at least a half hour after showering and moisturizing to minimize stinging. Today is September 24, and my skin has been perfectly clear for two weeks! I have adjusted to the dryness, and my skin is very happy!"

9 / 10
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14 Report
  • nas...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 8, 2017

"I have been using Veltin for a few months for acne, layers of skin, and ingrown hairs. It is the best topical treatment I've ever used. Anyone serious about their skin has to go through the time of having ugly cystic acne come out. The reason some people don't give it 10 stars is that you break out initially, but if you are educated about skin, then you know you have to break out first for your skin to get better. I have been very depressed because my face got so bad I looked like a different person and still do, but Veltin is helping me get my face back."

10 / 10
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12 Report
  • Mom...
  • November 14, 2016

"After 3 failed acne Rx's (epiduo, sulfur face wash, minocycline), my 13-year-old daughter was prescribed this in conjunction with amoxicillin by a dermatologist (first 3 were from a pediatrician). It has worked very well and finally cleared her acne up. Her acne was moderate when we started with the Rx's, but then I'd say 2 months of minocycline got it in the severe range. Now her face is pretty much all clear after 2 months on this product and amoxicillin. She had/has some occasional dryness and peeling, especially with her lips, but it was minor and much better than dealing with acne. I like this product."

9 / 10
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13 Report
  • Sum...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 6, 2017

"I am in my 30s and have hormonal acne. I have issues with my thyroid and produce too much androgen. Thank goodness for this stuff!!! It took a month or so to work, but I'm so thankful not to have cystic chin acne. I have suffered on and off since my teens. Usually, I always have a few cystic bulbs on my chin, cheeks, or neck. I was supposed to use this RX along with oral antibiotics, but they made me too sick, so I didn't use them. This topical RX did the job for me. I've tried so many things."

10 / 10
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12 Report
  • Fir...
  • August 24, 2017

"I've been using this for about 2 and a half weeks now. I initially broke out significantly, but now that has calmed down along with my acne in general. I do still get some small zits here and there, but they quickly subside or stay very small. My skin also peeled a lot and has dried up, but I can see that gradually improving as well. The scarring has gotten slightly better, but I'm liking what I'm seeing so far overall."

8 / 10
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11 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 15, 2016

"I've used Veltin for about 3-5 months, but I get lazy, so I'll say like 2 months. I've gotten compliments about that it got better since last year, people will rate me a 7 or 8. If I used it more often, like every night, I know it would be much clearer, and you can really see the changes about a week or two, but you have to be patient."

8 / 10
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12 Report
  • tak...
  • November 27, 2011

"I have been using Veltin gel for a week now. I haven't had any of the side effects. I use Veltin at night after washing with Cetaphil daily facial wash. I also take 50 mg of doxycycline hyclate twice a day. As a former Proactiv user, this is wonderful. I will not waste any more money on Proactiv or any other over-the-counter acne medication."

10 / 10
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16 Report
  • Gra...
  • February 9, 2018

"I’m 34. I have very dry skin, but I also constantly have hormonal acne around my chin and cheeks. Like every week, I had a new, huge zit on my cheek to cover. It was so humiliating! I first tried this and stopped using it because it dried my face out way too much. Then, out of disgust and desperation, I realized, ok, I have to try to clear this skin. Do NOT apply it to your whole face! Only to your problem zones and then only every other night if you're sensitive! And I sometimes do every two nights. Also, the key to me is to use your moisturizer, then apply this Veltin over that to the acne areas. Now, scarring has faded, and I have actually felt smooth cheeks and no zits popping up every other week! I feel hopeful that over time my skin will adapt even more to the product."

8 / 10
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9 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 16, 2013

"I'm 15 and started using this around January 2013. I had mostly acne on my forehead, nowhere else. It cleared it up really well, and I had clear skin for about 3 months. Then summer started, and my hormones started acting up, and I broke out a ton on my cheeks and sort of on my forehead. I know it's not Veltin's fault, but I am taking minocycline pills with the Veltin now. All I have to say is Veltin is great, don't stop using it. It also cleared up my back acne."

7 / 10
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13 Report
  • Snu...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 25, 2018

"I was continually breaking out, big ones, small ones, and everything in between. The first night I used the Veltin gel, I woke up with clearer skin and only one blemish. The second night, same results the following morning. Now, after four nights of using it, my skin looks great, no pimples at all, my pores are smaller and's the skin I've always wished I had. I did take a break from using it last night because I noticed some dryness starting, but so far everything's still fine. I love it!"

10 / 10
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8 Report
  • Gia...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 25, 2018

"I have light acne, just many little ones on my forehead, and this clears up my skin within a week every time it breaks out again. It seems to dry out the pimples and make your skin quite dry and flaky, but if you use a moisturizer after, you’ll be fine. Absolutely love this and recommend!!"

10 / 10
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7 Report
  • bur...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 5, 2018

"The medication had severely dried up my skin. It is constantly peeling. Everything I do to it burns it so bad I want to cry. I can’t even touch around my under eyes. If helped clear up my acne decently fast. I’m going to keep using, but I hope the side effects go away SOON."

4 / 10
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6 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 19, 2019

"This stuff saved my life. It took a super long time to help my acne and may have actually made it worse, but I had been dealing with cystic acne and redness for a few months, so I was desperate. After three months of using Veltin, I completely stopped breaking out, and now for the past six months I’ve been acne-free. Just be very careful-a little goes a long way, and if you overuse it, your skin will peel like you’re molting."

10 / 10
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6 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 26, 2011

"I have been using this for about a month and a half. It dries my skin out and I need to moisturize about 5 times a day opposed to twice. My face will get clear and then break out again. I'm still waiting on results."

6 / 10
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11 Report
  • Jam...
  • June 24, 2017

"Veltin is great for my mild/moderate acne. I have had acne for many years, trying numerous products to help. I was on Accutane, and that cleared me up, but about a year ago it started to come back. Eventually, I went to the dermatologist, and they gave me Veltin. I had amazing improvements within a day. Now, a few weeks using it, my skin is very smooth and now has the chance to heal from previous breakouts. It does not irritate my skin, and I only had minor peeling. Others' results might vary."

10 / 10
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7 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 10, 2010

"I have been using Veltin for about two months now. It works. I use a scrub every morning, moisturizer, then at night I wash with a foaming wash better than previous acne washes I've been using-then the Veltin. Wait an hour and then my moisturizer. Great routine. I got the flu and had to stop my routine because I was too sick and tired, acne returned worse after 2 days. Back on my routine and it is getting better."

9 / 10
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11 Report
Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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