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Bupropion / naltrexone for Weight Loss (Obesity/Overweight) User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Contrave

Bupropion / naltrexone has an average rating of 6.6 out of 10 from a total of 1802 reviews for the treatment of Weight Loss (Obesity/Overweight). 56% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 25% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Bupropion / naltrexone

  • Hac
  • December 17, 2018

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "I started Contrave last January at 223 pounds and a size 3X. I could barely walk and had severe sleep apnea, hypertension, and my cholesterol and lipid levels were sky-high! I’m now at 145 pounds and a size 8-10. My sleep apnea has really resolved along with my shortness of breath. My blood pressure, while still a little high (genetics), is improved. I had no side effects at all. It changed my life!"

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132 Report
  • Karaken
  • December 12, 2016

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "I started Contrave in October of 2015. I followed a 1200-1500 calorie diet and walked for activity. I lost 60 pounds by July of 2016. I was taken off the medicine slowly and have since maintained the weight loss. I did suffer through some illness in the beginning, but I used Bonine for the nausea. After two to three weeks, I felt fine. Contrave was a success for me!"

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165 Report
  • Pearl
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 14, 2020

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "I have been on Contrave for about 6 weeks, and I have lost 17 lbs. I'm just starting to feel nauseated during the day and during workouts. I'll continue for another week and see what happens. I think I'm going to go back to 2 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon."

8 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Jas
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 30, 2019

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "I started Contrave back in February 2019. I have been taking it ever since. I did, at first, get bad headaches when I first started taking the full dose so I backed off and took the smaller dose a week longer, which helped a ton. I eat smaller portions now since taking Contrave, and I do get full faster. My cravings are less, but I do get them occasionally, not bad though. I rarely snack. It's October now, so I've been taking it for over 8 months, and I have lost 50 lbs so far. I'm sure if I would stick to a strict diet and exercise, it probably would have come off faster, but my calorie intake is a lot less so it's coming off just fine for me. For me, it's working great."

10 / 10
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116 Report
  • Toron...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 10, 2024

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "Love it! Totally took away obsessive food thoughts, I no longer feel excited about all foods I used to pig out on and can easily pass by them in the store without a compulsion to buy or eat them. The pleasure centers are calm and do not respond to food as if it were a hard drug - food addiction is under control now. I also feel full much sooner and by smaller volumes of food, albeit it is not a formal indication. I am a fan, what can I say? The only side effects that I am experiencing are constipation and, if I happen to take it after 5 PM, I end up not being able to fall asleep until midnight, which is a bummer for me because I am an early riser. Watching that I take it before 5 PM solves the latter issue. I am still figuring out how to manage constipation without drugs. Despite these, I absolutely love how Contrave manages my compulsive eating and oversized portions."

10 / 10
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7 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Lola...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 12, 2024

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "I started Contrave on September 2 and am down 29 lbs in 4 months. Start weight was 192 and am now 163. My goal was at least 25 lbs and now I have decided to try getting to 35 lbs. I wish I would have taken measurements prior to starting because I am now down 2-3 pant sizes. I cannot begin to say how happy I am with the medication. Yes, I will not lie - the first week or so were brutal. The day I took my first pill, I threw up 3 hours later. 'Foggy-headed' for several days, intense headaches on and off for the first two weeks. On day 3, I was questioning if I could even continue, but I convinced myself these effects were temporary and I needed to push through! I did have some crazy dreams the first few weeks. All of that subsided several weeks in and I could not be happier. I would recommend this to anyone struggling with weight. I now have FOUR coworkers taking it. Two started and two will be receiving their medication in the next few days. Best of luck to all!"

9 / 10
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26 Report
  • Jimy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 1, 2021

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "I had the Gastric bypass in December of 01. I was a KFC biscuit short of 400 lbs. The lowest I became was around 240, and my weight fluctuated between that and 260. I was asked by my VA dietitian if I would like to try something to take off some additional weight. I was placed on the Contrave Medication. When I started (Sep 2020), I was 255. I weighed in this morning (NO JOKE) 225. I am actually the same weight I was at when I was playing college ball in the Midwest. To be honest, if we did not have the stupid restrictions about going to a gym (CA), I feel I can get down to my army wrestling weight of 220. Normally, a person will consume food when the body says 'Oh, That Looks good.' Contrave allows me to keep on a steady eating regiment. I noticed that I can eat the things I like to eat, yet not have that binge button go off in my head. So!!! It worked for me, if you are disciplined enough, it will work for you! One side effect! It will plug you up, so drink lots of water!"

10 / 10
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86 Report
  • Latasha
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 29, 2023

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "I left a previous review in July of 23 and at that point lost 20 lbs. I have lost an additional 25 lbs up to date today. I started at 218 and now am at a healthy 176. I have been able to control my eating. I don't feel starved or deprived, and to be honest, I do work out frequently, but I have not changed much about my diet. I still eat foods I enjoy, just only in moderation. The medicine will not allow you to overeat. I feel so full, so fast. I can't eat half of what I used to consume in one sitting, and I am still taking Contrave right now. I do not have any other side effects besides constipation, and you can take OTC fixes for that. If you decide to drink, just prepare for a killer hangover... gosh, it's the worst, but I do drink in moderation sometimes with little to no effect. It also treats depression, which I suffer from as well. I am getting double effect from Contrave. I love it and would recommend this if everything else has failed. This is the longest I have kept the weight off."

10 / 10
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29 Report
  • CAR
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 16, 2019

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "I have been on Contrave since the middle of May. In 2 months, I have lost 28 lbs and going strong. I no longer snack between meals and I am able to step away from the dinner table after one plate of food. I am not just taking the pills alone, I am also walking on a daily basis up to 15,000 steps and pushing myself twice a week to 25,000 steps. I have no issue with this medication and would recommend it with a balanced diet and exercise."

9 / 10
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116 Report
  • Harlin
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 14, 2020

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "I am a 50-year-old male. I started Contrave 4 weeks ago and have lost 10 kg. It causes some side effects, like a fuzzy head and a funny taste in your mouth initially. Sometimes I have a funny frontal headache. It has improved my mood and made me able to walk past food without stopping. I take snacks to eat during the day but usually don’t even touch them. I have been able to drop my cals to 1600-1800/day. It’s also had an incredible effect on my libido and performance. My wife is loving it. It is not a miracle drug. You still have to work hard but it certainly helps a lot."

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97 Report
  • One...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 20, 2023

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "I’m 45 and either just don’t have the metabolism anymore or my hormonal changes are hindering weight loss. I exercise, diet, fast, and still my weight steadily creeps up or remains at a standstill each month. I’ve been on Contrave for just over a month now. I took it exactly as prescribed, and I’m now on two pills morning and night. The first couple of weeks I didn’t really have many side effects, initially, the dry mouth was a nuisance but tolerable. Once I reached the full dose, I would say the nausea is worse. Initially, it was random, but now it’s almost all day. I’m not vomiting and can eat, but I just feel sick throughout the day. Keeping busy and working helps deter the awareness of it, but it’s there. Happily, I have lost nearly 15 pounds. It does reduce cravings and generally feeling hungry, but right now the nausea is enough to make me not eat! I’ll stick with it for now…"

7 / 10
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43 Report
  • jerry
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 8, 2024

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "So I started Contrave on March 2nd, and today it is June 8th. I have gone from 250 lbs to 210 lbs. Contrave gave me more energy and less of an appetite. I walked on a treadmill at an average of 3.2 for 45 min, 5 days a week, so I am very happy with the results."

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13 Report
  • Addy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 24, 2021

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "So far so good! Started on July 21st, 2021. Three days in, no side effects. I already am feeling my appetite becoming less. Had a challenge tonight going out for supper with a large group and had amazing control with appetizers - could stop at one taste of pizza bread, potato skin, and one grab at nachos. I also ordered a starter Caesar salad and could only eat half. I have never had this much control when eating out and seriously wasn’t hungry but was still satisfied. This is with one morning dose. I didn’t expect it to kick in so soon as many reviews said week 2. Will write in again when I hit week one and weight loss…fingers crossed with peri-menopause I struggle to drop weight even when eating clean. This will definitely support my eating habits if this continues!"

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77 Report
  • shanta...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 18, 2014

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "I am on my second month of Contrave and I am down 18 lbs. I follow a lower carb diet and exercise about 2-3 times a week. First medicine that has helped me lose. I normally lose and gain back due to hormone issues, but this actually works! I would recommend to anyone."

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178 Report
  • txtw
  • April 26, 2017

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "This is an update to my previous review. I have now been on Contrave for three months, and in that time I have lost 35 lbs (goal is 130 lbs total). The first two weeks were horrible, then the side effects subsided. When I consciously watch my diet, I lose very steadily. Even if I don't, I usually lose 2 lbs a week. My life before Contrave was constantly thinking about food, snacking, and looking for the next 'fix.' Now I get hungry, but not famished. I can eat when I am hungry and rely on my body to give me cues- before, that was a foreign concept to me. For once, I feel like I am in control and that I can see this through to the end, and get to a healthy weight, which I have never been able to do. If you are obese, consider it."

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135 Report
  • Lydia
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 22, 2020

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "Started Contrave a week ago - 1 tablet in the morning. Only side effect was got a bit of a headache for the first two days, doubled my water consumption to approximately 4-5 liters a day and no more headaches. Prior to Contrave, I was addicted to all sweets, especially chocolate, drank sugary drinks, was a constant snacker and overeater. I do not crave these things anymore which feels amazing. Within a week, I have more energy, feel better about myself, and have gained the confidence to beat my food addictions. Week 2 starts tomorrow. My starting weight is 95 kg with a BMI of 37. Haven’t weighed in yet, however, can feel a slight difference in the tightness of my clothes."

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84 Report
  • Elsie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 21, 2023

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "Absolutely fantastic. I have been on this for about 3 1/2 months. I've lost 30 pounds, and with virtually no side effects. I did have insomnia when I first bumped up to 4 pills a day, but I cut back to 3 and more gradually increased to 4. It makes my food obsession and cravings disappear. I just can't believe how great it is. I must admit that I am a bit worried about what happens when I meet my goal weight. Will it all come back on?"

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35 Report
  • Latasha...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 6, 2023

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "I was very scared to try this medication. I had tried Adipex and had success on it, but I gained a lot of it back once I came off of it. My doctor recommended we try Contrave. I am not going to say you won't experience many of the normal reported side effects, but the most I experienced was intense tiredness for two weeks and sometimes headaches. I can say that I have lost 20 lbs in about 6 weeks. The side effects have gone away (except for a headache here and there), and I really like how it suppressed my appetite so I don't feel like I'm starving myself. I only dislike that you can't enjoy an occasional cocktail, but I'm willing to not drink so I can dump this extra weight. So far so good, I am going to continue until I drop another 20 lbs and hopefully keep it off this time. Good luck everyone!"

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34 Report
  • Sam
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 16, 2019

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "Contrave is not a magic weight loss pill. It is a tool to help you lose weight, but you have to commit to a different lifestyle, which includes some kind of exercise and dietary changes. When I first went on Contrave, I was a little nauseous and my appetite was greatly diminished. I lost a few pounds at first, but it wasn't until I started moving that the weight came off. I started by just walking a few blocks and over 4 months built up to full workouts at the gym. I also ate better and less. I have now been on Contrave 1 1/2 years and I have lost a little more than 50 pounds. I went from 211 lbs to 158 lbs, and I have kept it off. I worry that I might gain weight if I stop taking it, but with all of the changes I have made to live a healthy lifestyle, I shouldn't gain much. Nonetheless, I will stay on the medication as long as it is safe to do so. Contrave didn't make me lose weight. It gave me the jumpstart I needed to begin a weight loss regime."

9 / 10
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102 Report
  • T Lamb
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 7, 2017

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "My Dr prescribed Contrave for me in October 2016. I waited about a week to start them as I was a little nervous about the side effects, and the cost was very high. Anyway, I began a week later, and as of now, a little over two months later, I have lost 20 lbs. So far, it's working, and my side effects were minimal. Hopefully, it will continue this way."

8 / 10
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130 Report
  • Emma...
  • February 1, 2015

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "I've been taking Contrave for a week now. I'm down 6 lbs. My appetite is curbed, and I only crave water. I have put together a workout plan I do every day to help. Yesterday, I didn't drink enough water during the day, and I was sick to my stomach. As long as you stay hydrated, it's great."

6 / 10
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154 Report
  • Bucke...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 19, 2019

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "I have now been using it for almost 6 months and it definitely works! I lost 15 lbs in the first couple of months without dieting or exercising. I haven't felt motivated to go into diet mode, so I can lose more, but Contrave has helped tremendously with overeating. I am pretty much eating whatever I want, but I feel full very quickly. I have not put any weight back on, and it's likely because I finally have portion control. Here is my advice to any newbies beginning this med based on my experience: The first few days I felt incredibly nauseous. Don't try to eat your normal diet and typical portion sizes. Doing that will probably make you feel very sick! Eat very light meals and very small portions. Although you're supposed to increase the dose until eventually you're taking 4 pills a day, I never took that many. I've found that if I take my first dose with a morning snack and a second dose late in the afternoon, that pretty much keeps my appetite at bay all day."

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94 Report
  • Mich
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 29, 2024

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "Absolutely love this medication. I've had zero side effects during my first week, taking 1 pill. My evening cravings have totally disappeared. I typically had no control with late-night eating and was out of control, and taking this medication is like flipping a switch off in my brain — I have no urge to eat late anymore. Exactly what I was hoping for! I waited till 3 pm to take in week 1, so it wasn't the first thing in the morning. I also drink a ton of water before taking and after. Again, zero side effects. I feel bad for all the reviewers that had unpleasant results, and frankly, I was afraid to try, but so glad I did. Also, gives you a ton of energy. I feel great. Hoping week 2 and adding another pill to the routine has the same positive effects."

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16 Report
  • Truet...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 14, 2019

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "I am an emotional eater and in the past three years, I had gained over 60 pounds. My doctor put me on Adipex first, and it really didn't do anything except give me the jitters. She then put me on Contrave, and I have not looked back! Contrave has depleted the urge to constantly eat. I have been on it for about a month, and the urge for fast food, alcohol, and other unhealthy addictions disappeared. I eat healthy and mainly drink bubbly water. My skin has cleared up, my terrible acid reflux is gone, the stress in my face is gone, I am losing weight, and it is starting to be noticeable to everyone! The only side effect I have is a slight headache every once in a while and hot flashes. Unfortunately, my insurance doesn't cover it, but the $100 is less than what I would pay for antacids and fast food every month, so it is a win-win!"

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98 Report
  • SMTay...
  • September 11, 2017

Contrave (bupropion / naltrexone) "I started Contrave twice. First time was April 2016. I had a lot going on in my life at that time with deaths and job losses, so had some horrible effects, which I thought was from the drug so I stopped. The next March I met with my endocrinologist again, who put me on the drug. I told him what happened, and he said it wasn't the Contrave and encouraged me to start again. So in March 2017, I started. I weighed 258 lbs. I won't lie, the first week was rough. Nausea, feeling out of sorts, but after reading reviews on this site I took others' advice. I started taking Dramamine with the pills. Also took my time with the pill increase. I took 1 pill for a month, then added on 2 pills for a month, then 3. I weaned off the Dramamine and am feeling fine. I met with my endocrinologist in June, down 31 lbs. He was ecstatic! It was the best Dr. visit of my life. He said to keep doing what I have been. As of today - Sept 11, 2017, I have been on the drug 6 months, I am down 40 lbs. I still only take 3 pills a day as that seems to be working. If I hit a plateau I will add the 4th. I want to encourage you - the first week is tough - but hang in there. It gets better!"

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116 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.