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Macrobid for Bladder Infection User Reviews (Page 4)

Macrobid has an average rating of 4.9 out of 10 from a total of 205 reviews for the treatment of Bladder Infection. 33% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 45% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Macrobid

  • LPas
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 5, 2016

"I cannot overstate how much I despise this medication. It may be effective in getting rid of bladder infections, but I never got that far. I used this medication twice (I gave it a second go, thinking my previous experience might've been an anomaly). Wrong. Within 2 days, each time, I had severe flu-like symptoms. They included: chills, mild fever, muscle aches all over, sharp pains in my stomach, severe nausea, vomiting, pounding headache, and extreme fatigue. I was told to take with a meal and drink lots of water. I felt like I was drinking 2 gallons a day...until I couldn't drink or eat anything without throwing it up. I stopped taking it the second time, after 3 pills, and it took 2 full days (and lots of Tylenol) for my symptoms to subside."

1 / 10
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  • Sterl...
  • May 22, 2016

"I took this twice a day for 5 days. Cleared my infection but made me tired, hot, and had shortness of breath the whole time. Had nausea the first two days, but that went away. Allergic to sulfa and several other drugs, so this was prescribed. While it worked, I don't think I would ask for this again."

6 / 10
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  • Becky...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 10, 2016

"I've taken Macrobid in the past, but I never noticed any side effects. This time, I felt very ill about two days into a seven-day regimen. I had no idea what was wrong with me. My tongue felt numb, I got very lightheaded, and I felt like my life was draining out of me. I thought maybe I was developing a kidney infection, but I only had a low-grade fever. I called my doctor, but she told me to only come in if my fever went over 100.5. I decided to see if Macrobid could have caused these symptoms, and I stumbled across these reviews. Wow! What an eye-opener! I'm glad to know that it was the medicine and not some life-threatening illness. I'm glad the UTI is better, but it was scary when I thought I was about to die, lol."

6 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • 1Grace
  • January 9, 2016

"I took macrobid for two and half days felt sick. Plus I'm scared of anything that poses a risk of side effects that are mile and half long. Macrobid made me so sick that I ended up at the ER with swollen lymph nodes ,stiff neck, nausea migraine that caused eye pain, vomiting, chill I felt poisoned . My sister wanted to stay with us because she was so worried about me. I was sick for three days in bed . Never , ever again I'm only seeing nautropathic doctors and chinese medicine doc unless it is life or death"

2 / 10
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  • Ihate...
  • August 1, 2015

"I have had on and off UTIs for about a year now. I am familiar with all kinds of drugs used to treat them. In my experience, Macrobid sucks as an antibiotic. This time I was prescribed it for 10 days. I'm on day 5 and still very uncomfortable. Not to mention I have now started to get a yeast infection from this antibiotic. There goes more money. I don't get any side effects on this at all aside from neon pee. My last experience with Macrobid was much the same. I don't want to be uncomfortable for weeks, this sucks. Never getting it again."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Ren
  • January 5, 2019

"Mild UTI so given Macrobid twice a day for 5 days. Followed instructions to the letter. 1st 2 very slight queasiness for an hour or so. Also felt odd-kind of out of it/drowsy but only for a few hours. Day 3 adjusted-both stomach and brain were fine. Then came the pain-pelvic, groin and abdominal-moving around. Sharp stabs AND dull throbbing waves. Then in my neck/under jaw and by ears (like stinging gland pain-if you’ve ever had the mumps you’ll know what I mean). I finished meds and let 2 days go hoping I’d feel better but no - I went back to Dr and my urine tested clear. Kidney test - no pain resulting. No fever. Abdomen fine on palpating-yet all these migrating (moving) pain keeps at me. I “feel” fine except for the widespread pain. I never know where it’s going to stab next. I don't know if its something the antibiotic did but this is very coincidental. I was in good health until this. Be careful with this medication!"

3 / 10
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22 Report
  • Jill
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 21, 2024

"Over the last decade, I've had about 10 UTIs treated successfully with this drug. I was really happy with it and usually experienced very few side effects. But just a few days ago, I took my first dose, and one hour later, experienced a scary allergic reaction. It started with the palms of my hands slowly becoming itchy. Then the bottoms of my feet itched. Then the itchiness became unbearable, and I was scratching frantically. My hands were red and felt as itchy as the worst mosquito bite you've ever had. Shortly after that, I noticed a rash on my neck and chest, and I felt a pain, like heartburn, inside my chest. I quickly took two antihistamines and told my husband to watch me for further signs and be ready to call an ambulance. Fortunately, the antihistamines kicked in after about an hour, and my reaction slowly subsided. Please just be aware that even if you have taken this drug successfully in the past, you can develop an allergic reaction to it at any point."

5 / 10
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  • Momoc...
  • October 20, 2016

"I had a pretty terrible UTI for 10 days and counting, the burning was only getting worse. The day i was going to take a trip to the clinic was the day that I woke up with a high fever and aches and pains in both sides of my body. I haven't experienced anything like it. My brother and sister decided to drive me to emergency in case it was an issue with my kidney. I was prescribed macrobid 100mg take 1 twice a day with a meal. Lots LOTS of water. I have never felt so cold and delirious in my life. I have a pounding headache, body is so achy (neck, chest, everything), my stomach has stabbing pains in all sides and upper abdomen. Most alarming, my breathing is feeling tight like from when I used to have asthma. The burning is gone though."

6 / 10
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  • wanda...
  • August 31, 2016

"I usually get 2 UTIs per year. I started a week ago noticing a smell to my urine and some cramping, but no pain while urinating. A few days after that, the familiar sting appeared when I would stop the flow of urine. I knew right away what was happening, so I went straight to get a culture done, and they put me on Macrobid. I started it on a Saturday morning and was able to sleep peacefully and uninterrupted by that night. It is 5 days later, and I don't feel 100%, but close to it. I have not had any negative side effects from the drug at all. The first few days, my bowel movements looked a funny color, but so far nothing as terrible as others seem to have experienced. In the past, I have also taken Cipro, and that seems to work about the same."

9 / 10
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  • i...
  • December 19, 2016

"The side effects. Today I went to the Dr with symptoms of cloudy urine and frequent urination. I was diagnosed with a bladder infection and I was prescribed Macrobid, 2x po daily for 5 days. I've taken this medication before for a UTI and I was fine, but for some reason, I took this pill 2 hours ago and already I feel the sensation to gag every time a breathe in. This kind of nausea feels detestable. I'm so uncomfortable. I also got severe back pain and tight chest out of nowhere. I can't believe this."

2 / 10
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27 Report
  • Jai
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 25, 2019

"Macrobid definitely works. I had a terrible bladder infection that I noticed began to clear up within a few days of taking this antibiotic. In my personal experience though, I had terrible side effects. Nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, and hot + cold sweats. Although the week felt so hard to get through, please don’t be scared to try the medication. If you’re worried about side effects, make sure you are staying very hydrated and taking it with food. I would recommend having some gravol ready as well just in case. Good luck."

7 / 10
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  • Amy...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 3, 2016

"Lower back pain gone after 1st day of this medicine. Nausea is horrible - taking Phenergan to offset nausea. I'm lethargic and resting. This stuff must be strong - but I'd take bed rest and nausea over a knife in my back anyway! I'm on 2X daily with food for 5 days. I'm on day 3."

7 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • August 1, 2010

"My mother, grandmother, and I all get frequent urinary tract infections. I felt a terrible one coming and took Macrobid. The discomfort was almost immediately gone. I took it with 2 pieces of toast and had no side effects whatsoever, and I am the type of person that usually does."

10 / 10
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  • Jor...
  • April 17, 2016

"This medication was prescribed to me for a bladder infection. After I took the second dose, I woke in the middle of the night with the worst headache I've ever had in my whole life! I literally thought I might have to go in to see the doctor. After it subsided, I read all the reviews I could about this medication and its side effects. It seemed as though it was starting to work for my bladder infection, but the terrible side effects were not worth it. I called my doctor, and they prescribed Cipro instead. It took care of my infection with no side effects."

3 / 10
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  • Lauren
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 21, 2018

"Omg...I have been so sick since I started this medicine. I have been lying in bed for two days straight with a headache, fever, chills, sweats, throwing up, can't eat anything. I am a mother of two and I literally don't know what I'm going to do if this doesn't go away..there dad goes back to work tomorrow. Ughh prey for me! Just ask your doc for something else because this is garbage."

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21 Report
  • Be ca...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 24, 2017

"After having six UTIs in about 5 months, my urogyn put me on 100 mg. of Macrobid (one every night). After ten solid months of it, I spent 2-1/2 days in the hospital: thought I was having a heart attack! Turned out it was a pulmonary problem. Heavy pressure in the chest, shortness of breath and tingling around the lips. Going back and researching Macrobid, I found out that indeed, long term usage can cause pulmonary problems. I do think if works for short term usage."

3 / 10
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  • Patty
  • April 15, 2018

"I'm 13 weeks pregnant and got my first UTI I have a medication phobia so I tried to cure it on my own big mistake after many break downs I finally took the first pill within 8 hours of taking it I was feeling so much better I'm on day 3 and all my UTI symptoms are gone I have not had one side effect yet to this medicine I wish I would have taken it sooner instead of suffering for a week I have multiple mediation allergies so to find one I can take was a miracle"

10 / 10
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  • Autumn
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 20, 2018

"I normally get all the bad side effects you can get with medications so I was very hesitant to try this. I have been on it for several days now and the only side effect I have encountered is extreme drowsiness following each dose. I have been able to sleep when I get tired, so this has not been an issue. In fact it’s been nice after suffering sleep deprivation with intense UTI symptoms. Within 6 hours after taking my first dose I saw significant improvement in symptoms, and after 2 doses, felt pretty much back to normal. I have had many UTI's in the past and this is the best med I’ve ever had. I’m truly in love!! If you haven’t tried it, I’d recommend at least giving it a chance!"

9 / 10
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  • Sandi...
  • September 10, 2015

"I was prescribed this medicine for a bladder infection and would never recommend anyone to take it. Obviously it depends on your body type but I usually have a high tolerance. I'm needing to head to the doctors now because I've been experiencing painful headaches everyday, sharp stomach aches, muscle pain, chills (hot to brutally cold:fever type symptoms), tingling, light headed, nauseous, eye aches, my urine went from neon green to dark brown, and as gross as it is, I haven't been able to take a proper poo but every time I pass gas on the toilet watery diarrhea like stuff comes out and I've seen some blood when I whipped. This medicine definitely didn't go well with me and is a painful experience!"

1 / 10
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  • Anicka
  • October 20, 2016

"The first time I used this medication it was great. Just now I was prescribed Macrobid again. It took care of the bladder infection symptoms in two days. Next day fever was l04, headache, Fever high only one day. nausea, fatigue, high pulse (100), stomach pain, neck pain. muscle pain, lack of appetite. Stopped taking this med after 8 days and will never take it again."

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  • Anonymous
  • August 14, 2010

"Took for a bladder infection. Felt better after a day or so, but got extremely nauseated, even taking it with a snack. It also makes me so tired, all I want to do is sleep. I have stopped taking it, and it feels like I am getting the same symptoms back. I am allergic to sulfa drugs, and this is what the doctor gave me."

4 / 10
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36 Report
  • SuzeR
  • November 21, 2015

"I have been on macrobid twice for bladder infections. It cleared them up, but the side effects knocked me off my feet for days. Fever of 101 - 102 and flu-like achiness and wicked headaches or the entire time I was on the medication. The first time I took it the doctor said I must have had the flu too. The second time I called him after three days and had him switch me to another antibiotic."

4 / 10
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  • CGano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 16, 2019

"For everyone that think the drug doesn’t work, make sure you have had a urine culture done! It is not for all bacteria. Because I had an indwelling catheter, & signs of a UTI, the dr had me give a urine sample, but it takes 72 hours for the cultures to grow. Then he put me on Macrobid twice a day. By the time the culture got back, they realized that it was not going to work on the type of bacteria that I had (group b strep). So I was switched to Keflex. When I was done with that, I was put back on Macrobid to prevent an infection, because I am now catheterizing intermittently. So, make sure you are getting cultures done before blaming the doctor or the drug on not working well for you. Also, Azo (Pyrideum) can be bought over the counter to help with bladder spasms and pain. As for side effects, I have had an incident of dizziness and low blood pressure and racing pulse, but I am not sure if that could have just been attributed to the infection and the fact that I was post operative."

6 / 10
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  • Tracy
  • May 17, 2009

"I have a urinary tract infection and was prescribed this medication along with phenazopyridine, which takes the burn out of urination. They warned me that Macrobid might cause slight stomach upset, but I threw up four times in a row last night and feel nauseous all the time (regardless of how much I eat). I had a UTI a few years ago and was prescribed a pill that caused no stomach upset. Why are they prescribing Macrobid now?"

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  • 816Lucy
  • August 14, 2016

"Was prescribed this antibiotic for a bladder infection at emergency care Dr. said there were few side effects when I asked -was hesitant to take it because im very sensitive to Antibiotics but was assured this was the best medicine for me with the least side effects Wrong! By day 2 I was totally lethargic feeling very irritable and running a low-grade fever on and off. Thought temp was from bladder infection. Finished 6 day course went to my doctor for a urine recheck & since my culture appeared clean was told I could stop day earlier. Two days off the medicine and I'm still feeling like crap extremely tired and lethargic with a low-grade fever or of 100.5 feel like I have a minor case of the flu but since reading other articles I believe it's from the antibiotic never again will I take this"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.