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Clonazepam for Seizure Prevention User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Klonopin

Clonazepam has an average rating of 8.5 out of 10 from a total of 56 reviews for the treatment of Seizure Prevention. 82% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 9% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Clonazepam

  • Tango
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • October 24, 2019

"I was prescribed the 0.5 mg Clonazepam disintegrating tablets as my rescue med on an as needed basis after I had a grand mal on a plane about 6 years ago. It has given me freedom as I carry it everywhere and have it is by my bed and in my bathroom in case I have an aura - I usually have time to grab this medicine and it will help me relax and stop a seizure before coming on. I use it about 5 times a year at this time - no addiction issues."

10 / 10
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14 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 10, 2017

"My epileptoligist prescribed this (the generic wafer) .5 mg as my rescue medicine after my last grand mal 4 years ago on a plane - I couldn't be happier that I have this option. I take my regular seizure medicine - generic topomax that I've been on for a long time - but this medicine has saved me from any more trips so far to the ER or seizures either grand mal or partial. Whenever I get an aura I know that I have something with me that has been successful. I've only used it about once a month or so usually if I'm really tired, traveling or stressed - the last one was during a dental procedure and I had tools in my mouth at the time but it was quick to dissolve in my mouth and quick to take effect. Smooth sailing after that."

10 / 10
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19 Report
  • bellson
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 29, 2015

Klonopin (clonazepam) "During the time I have been on Klonopin, I was asked by my insurance to try the generic but was never able to tolerate it. Last October 2014 the brand was unavailable "Not in Stock" and I had to go on the generic. I was on it totally for several months and had some severe side effects. I became aware that brand was available in early June and was able to get back on brand. Having difficulty getting the exact same dosage I've been on for about 18 months to regulate. I'm having a problem sleeping thru the night and feeling anxious when I wake up. It doesn't feel like the same drug. I don't know why it was stopped. I wonder if anyone else has had the same experience with taking the "new brand" since it is available again."

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Frequently asked questions

  • batista
  • June 11, 2010

"I was prescribed 2 mg Klonopin 4 times daily since October 09. It has worked wonders for controlling my anxiety, and as a bonus, I've had no seizures since being on the medication. I take Tegretol for seizures, which helped cut down the frequency but not stop. Since I combined taking the Klonopin with Tegretol, I've been seizure-free for 8 months. The longest period since 2002 and also am completely anxiety-free. Thanks."

10 / 10
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30 Report
  • Scarr
  • October 29, 2019

Klonopin (clonazepam) "Klonopin was great for my seizures until it wasn’t. I have seizures in my sleep. I started with 1.5 mgs. then went up to 4 mgs. I have been on Klonopin ,Clonazepam for 32 years! I noticed it stopped working but I had to take it or no sleep at all. I finally went to a specialist for sleep. I got off of it but too fast 4 weeks went thru withdrawals went back on. Was getting used to Gabapentin. I decided to trick my body into not missing it. I taper down but I take 5-7 weeks in between dropping the dose. It has taken me 6 months to get below the halfway mark but a made a mistake this drop and 6 weeks later still feeling it. I only took 35 days....and I now know I should have lowered the amount I am dropping. I was dropping .5. Klonopin has a long half-life it takes about 3-4 days before the body registers it and about 2 - weeks to adjust depending on dosage and time. I might feel this for up to 2 years after last dose. I am hoping a slow taper will help lessen that."

1 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Travel...
  • April 17, 2016

"I've been taking it 0.5 mg before sleep for almost 3 months now and no epileptic seizures and I sleep well also , but sometimes I feel I would have a seizure so I take 1 mg instead of 0.5 because I only have seizures when I'm sleeping, I wish it stay working and I have no seizures till the end of my life because they are the most terrifying thing for me"

8 / 10
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19 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 6, 2015

"I highly reccomend this. Whenever I feel something coming on, if I take this in time, it will take all symptoms away. Besides leaving me a little tired, it is totally worth it. Gives a sense of ease and reliability"

10 / 10
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20 Report
  • jan
  • July 15, 2019

"Hi. I suffered for several years with what doctors called RLS (restless leg syndrome). None of the traditional RLS meds worked for me and my symptoms only worsened. Finally, I ditched my old doctor and went to a new doctor. I explained what was happening to me in detail and she quickly said "that's not RLS, those are myoclonic seizures" related to a right temporal lobe brain tumor I had several years ago". She called a neurologist and he said to try me on clonazepam or valproic acid. I started on Clonazepam and it was like a miracle. I haven't had any more myoclonic seizures since starting on clonazepam 1 mg daily."

10 / 10
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13 Report
  • Tarrie
  • September 2, 2016

"Amazing. That's all that needs said. I take one at night which makes me tired and I have a great night sleep and wake up feeling brilliant. I feel as though I'm 'cured'. Recommend to anyone. Especially myoclonic and absence seizures."

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15 Report
  • Guinea...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 3, 2013

"I am on 4 different seizure medications (now 5 with this) and suffer from Startle Seizures which come on from any frights (horns, bangs, example. music) and anxiety is a big trigger of this as to be as calm as possible really helps. Since being put on Clonazepam my anxiety is so much better therefore so are my seizures. I can also vary small amounts when needed for example if travelling. Now aiming to drop slowly some of the other."

5 / 10
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19 Report
  • Headi...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 5, 2020

"I have been suffering from uncontrollable hypnotic jerks at the point of falling asleep, triggered by the use of antibiotics. The first time this happened in 2012, I went through a few inappropriate psychoactive drugs before hitting on clonazepam - which worked straight away. I started at closed to 2mg, and used it for 3 years before coming off it completely. A month ago my GP gave me a different class of antibiotics for tonsillitis, and the same thing happened, to my dismay. I used my leftover clonazepam to stop the sleep jerks, which is a kind of seizure. This time round I started at 0.5mg and over a week had to increase to 1mg. It’s just about working.... but I may have to increase to 1.5mg. I take it once a day half an hour before bed time. It’s not a drug doctors like to prescribe but for me, what works, WORKS. And, with time, planning and determination, you can slowly come off it."

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9 Report
  • Yohan...
  • October 3, 2010

"Excellent. Haven't had one seizure since I was switched to Klonopin(Clonazepam). It helps with my car accident injuries which I did not expect and not only with the broken bones but almost as an antidepressant, better than Paxil, that I was given and didn't make me fell more relaxed. I sleep well again because I don't take pain medicines even though the doctors prescribe it. Highly worked for me. Start out at a low and comfortable dose if you can't afford to be drowsy at work, etc. Tell your doctor and slowly he will bump your dosage up until you are comfortable."

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17 Report
  • chips
  • November 20, 2009

"I have used Clonazepam for about a year now. I am more relaxed and can concentrate better, with better sleep patterns. The only side effect I have had has been waking up in the morning feeling "stiff" (as if I slept too soundly). This disappears once I get up and move around. Note: I am a multi-tasker and find it hard to lay down at night and "shut everything OFF". I hope this helps someone."

9 / 10
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17 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 24, 2015

"My Daughter was,dignosed yrs ago before hurricane Katrena we tried depocote Dilantin etc. nothing work my husband and I worried she was having 20 seizures a day and more. Her Grandfather had Eepilepsy, and I have it as well .I have had grand mal seizures. recently the Lsu Doctor's Dr.Ryan Smith cut us both off Kloipin . and my Daughter may not make it she is Seizureing night and Day. God forgive there soul."

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11 Report
  • Seizure...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 9, 2022

"I have been taking clonazepam for 23 year's for misfiring in my brain stem. I spent two year's trying to get help and finally Mayo in Arizona put me on clonazepam and everything became normal no seizures. From my misfires. 3 year's ago a doctor decided that it was bad to take Benzoyl. He cut my dose down to 2mg and I had a misfire and seizure and went down. I crushed my elbow and broke 2 bones in my arm.I hit my head and had a lump on it black eye and bruising on my neck. I spent a week in the hospital and had major surgery on my elbow and arm and now have a plate in my arm. I was put back on clonazepam. Everything was fine and then in January this different neurologist decided to take me off of clonazepam again. I have tried so many different seizure medications and they are horrible. The side effects won't stop and I am so awful and confused. I have been on several seizure meds and they screw up my brain. Why do they get to take what has been working and mess me up when I was fine?"

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4 Report
  • Becky...
  • June 18, 2016

"I have been taking Clonazepam for nearly 30 years. Started at 15 years of age and went from approximately 300 mild absent spells (i call them mind blanks) to 5. Huge impact on my life. I am on the original dose of 1mg but on my tired days i take an extra 1mg in the afternoon or evening. In the last 6 years or so I've suffered terrible insomnia which has me some nights not sleeping at all. So not sure if thats related..especially given this drug is used for insomnia and anxiety. I may have side effects but have been taking it so long i dont really notice. Also took this through 3 pregnancies and have 3 healthy children. Wish i could come off but too busy with work and kids."

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10 Report
  • Loola...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • May 7, 2019

"I am from the UK & I was prescribed clonazepam 2mg X 2 daily for approximately 7-8years but was quickly taken off them when I changed doctors (GP). I am now on Lamotrigine 125mg twice daily, I haven't been fully diagnosed but I believe I have "Temporal Lobe Epilepsy" & Tonic Clonic (Grand-mal) seizures, due to what I have read on different types of Epilepsy. My neurologist says I have some kind of discharge leaking from the left side of my brain & he is yet to fully know why & what it is, unfortunately I missed my appointment for a EEG with a neurologist specialising in Epilepsy. I am now on Lamotrigine only, but I found that clonazepam & Lamotrigine works better if taken together (that's my personal opinion as I cannot speak for anybody else) it was / I found it extremely helpful on muscle spasm's from epilepsy & helps sleep pattern's"

8 / 10
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7 Report
  • Ghost
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 11, 2022

Klonopin (clonazepam) "This medicine is for short term use,not long term. Around 2016 a black box label was placed on this medication. In the past I went through withdrawals because I did not have the proper doctor. I live with protracted withdrawals.aka PAWS. I went through being depersonalization. & It was & still is a living nightmare. Want the truth about Klonopin I would suggest that before anyone starts taking this medication read the Ashton Manuel. You can find it on line and can read all about how this medication has negative side effects. I wish I would have known what I know now years ago. People don't have any idea what this medication can do to . I had a seziure.And came close to death. Having a doctor is very important. One that will work with you. Let me make this clear. All of my medicine was written by a professional doctor. PAWS effects can last forever. Depending on how long you have been on this medication. Research.Is the key word."

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3 Report
  • jlholt
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • June 14, 2018

"This is the only med that helps with my stomach aura. I have Left Temporal Lobe seizures and when the aura kicks in, I am done for. I am still confused if these auras are a type of seizure or leading to a seizure. My Dr. has cut back on the number of pills he will prescribe (20/month). I take only as needed, and often will cut in 1/2. I have a script for .1 mg. Since this is now considered a "controlled drug" (?) I have to request a script monthly. Appreciate other thoughts on this. The Depakote ER has been affective in that I have had no seizure for over two years now. Any other combination or mixture of meds knocks me out and I can not function or stay awake"

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7 Report
  • Misdi...
  • September 6, 2015

"I started out taking 1/2 mg 1 time a day. With in about 2 years I was taking 2 mg 3 times a day. It didn't work for me. I had been misdiagnosed by county mental health. I had PTSD NOT bipolar anxiety or borderline personality. I became severely addicted and was from about 2009 to 2014. I became very violent. And often got in legal trouble . I blacked out often. If I could go back and redo I would never take it. I would have done counselling. First. So many behaviours can be corrected with intense therapy. Medication only masked the real issue for me. It cost me many relationships, many nights in jail and much money I could have spent on my son. I pray for anyone who takes this DRUG..."

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9 Report
  • sam
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 15, 2019

"Klonopin will destroy your lives if you take it too long. You will increase the dosage and dependence comes on rapidly. This is one heck of a serious drug that will ruin your lives, jobs and family. I have been on it for 22 years and getting off of it is horrific. Started at .5 and am at 3. I am scared to death..... just google "America’s Most Dangerous Pill? Klonopin.""

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6 Report
  • Rx2009
  • October 27, 2009

"Clonazapam (1-3 mg daily, mainly at bedtime) benefits me in many ways. Since it was added to my daily medicines 5 years ago, it has helped to completely eliminate my noctural Grand Mal seizures, anxiety and panic disorders, bipolar and ADHD (with an emphasis on the Hyper). I have not developed a tolerance (although I can see how that could happen), have no withdrawal symptoms when I miss doses. It provides subtle yet effective relief with no noticeable side effects. Thanks to Clonazapam I fall sleep without fear of seizures."

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13 Report
  • Ghost
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 11, 2022

Klonopin (clonazepam) "This medicine is for short term use, not long term. Around 2016 a black box label was placed on this medication. In the past I went through withdrawals because I did not have the proper doctor. I live with protracted withdrawals. aka PAWS. I went through being depersonalization & it was & still is a living nightmare. Want the truth about Klonopin I would suggest that before anyone starts taking this medication read the Ashton Manuel. You can find it on line and can read all about how this medication has negative side effects. I wish I would have known what I know now years ago. People don't have any idea what this medication can do to you . I had a seziure and came close to death. Having a doctor is very important. One that will work with you. Let me make this clear. All of my medicine was written by a professional doctor. PAWS effects can last forever. Depending on how long you have been on this medication. Research.Is the key word."

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2 Report
  • July 15, 2016

"I ve been taking this drug since June, 11, 2016. started .5 a day because of lack of supply. now i take 3 to 4 .5 mg a day and still have seizures, Black outs, Mass confusion. the other day I blacked out hit my head and have no memory of the "fall" just the goose egg oh my head to prove it. Definitely helps with my anxiety, but Im still in pain every day. seeing doctor on tuesday july 19, 2016 hoping for better answers. The type of seizures i am having are abdominal based but spreads to full blown seize. is the abdominal pain my aura telling me HEY SEIZURE.??"

4 / 10
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4 Report
  • Seizure...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • August 4, 2019

Klonopin (clonazepam) "Good seizure prevention/rescue drug, and the only benzodiazepine whose primary indication is an anticonvulsant. I've been at 2 mg three times a day for over 10 years with no problems whatsoever."

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34 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.