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Linco-Spectin 100 Soluble Powder (Canada)

This treatment applies to the following species:
Company: Zoetis

lincomycin hydrochloride and spectinomycin sulfate soluble powder

Veterinary Use Only


DIN 00813818

Medicinal Ingredients

Lincomycin (as lincomycin hydrochloride), 33.3 g and Spectinomycin (as spectinomycin sulfate), 66.7 g per 150 g.

Linco-Spectin 100 Soluble Powder Indications

As an aid in the prevention and treatment of Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD, Airsacculitis) associated with Mycoplasma and coliform infections in growing chickens, and for the treatment of swine dysentery (bloody scours) associated with Brachyspira (Serpulina) hyodysenteriae.

Linco-Spectin 100 Soluble Powder Dosage And Administration

To reduce the development of antimicrobial resistance and maintain effectiveness, use this antibiotic prudently.


Add the contents of this bottle to 120 litres of drinking water (provides 833 mg antibiotic activity per litre). For automatic medicators, set to deliver 7.8 mL of stock solution per litre of drinking water (1 oz. per US gal); prepare stock solution by dissolving contents of this bottle in 0.9 litres of water.

Prevention - Administer at the above dosage for the first 3 to 5 days of life and again for one or two days at about 4 weeks of age. The longer period (5 days) of initial administration is recommended if disease has been a problem in the past on the premises.

Treatment - At the first sign of the disease, administer at the above dosage as the sole source of drinking water for 5 to 7 days.


Add the contents of this bottle to 1500 litres of drinking water (provides 67 mg antibiotic activity per litre). For automatic medicators set to deliver 7.8 mL of stock solution per litre (1 oz. per US gal); prepare stock solution by dissolving the contents of this package in 11.7 litres of water.

Treatment - at the first sign of the disease, administer at the above dosage as the sole source of drinking water for 4 to 7 days.

Important - Fresh medicated drinking water should be provided daily. Store stock solutions in closed glass containers in a cool place and discard after 7 days.


Treated animals must not be slaughtered for use in food for at least 72 hours for chickens and 5 days for swine after the latest treatment with this drug. This product must not be used in laying drug.

Do not use in laying birds. When handling the product, avoid inhalation, oral exposure and direct contact with skin or eyes.


CAUTIONS: (1) Treated pigs may develop some stool softening or mild diarrhea within 18 to 36 hours. Signs of mild irritation and swelling of the anus and/or vulva may be associated with the stool changes. These side effects are transient and are self-correcting by the fifth to seventh day of treatment. Should these reactions be more severe than described above, discontinue the use of the drug. If no improvement in disease condition is noted after 3 to 5 days of treatment, re-determine the diagnosis. (2) Do not allow rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, horses, dairy cattle, or other ruminants access to feeds and/or drinking water containing lincomycin. Ingestion by these species may result in severe gastrointestinal effects or metabolic disorders (i.e. Ketosis in dairy cattle). (3) For oral use only.


Store between 15 and 25 °C.

PRESENTATION: Linco-Spectin 100 soluble powder is available in 150 g bottles.

Zoetis is a trademark and Linco-Spectin is a registered trademark of Zoetis or its licensors, used under license by Zoetis Canada Inc.

Zoetis Canada Inc., Kirkland QC H9H 4M7





CPN: 1198294.6

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Technical Services USA:   800-366-5288
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