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Kelamycin Intrauterine Suspension (Canada)

This treatment applies to the following species:
Company: P.V.L.

Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride





KELAMYCIN INTRAUTERINE SUSPENSION is a yellow, homogeneous, stable suspension of oxytetracycline hydrochloride for intrauterine infusion. Each mL contains 50 mg of oxytetracycline base in propylene glycol and water. This preparation will not freeze at temperatures as low as -34°C and in addition, under normal storage conditions (room temperature), there is very little settling observed. This preparation may darken on standing but the potency remains unaffected.


Treated animals must not be slaughtered for use in food for at least 18 days after the latest treatment with this drug.

Milk taken from treated animals during treatment and within 24 hours after the latest treatment must not be used in food.

When handling the product, avoid oral exposure and direct contact with skin or eyes.

Keep out of reach of children.


For intrauterine infusion only. Not for intramuscular or intravenous use.

Reconfirm diagnosis in case of severe uterine infection and fertility problems.

Kelamycin Intrauterine Suspension Indications

KELAMYCIN INTRAUTERINE SUSPENSION is indicated for the treatment of metritis in beef and dairy cows caused by organisms such as E. coli, Streptococci, Bacilli, Staphylococci, Proteus, and Clostridia, when these organisms are susceptible to oxytetracycline. It is extremely important that an accurate diagnosis is made in order to determine an adequate course of treatment. Metritis may be diagnosed by rectal palpation following uterine discharges of abnormal colors, e.g. red, brown, black, or discharges of abnormal viscosities - thick or watery.


Directions For Use

To reduce the development of antimicrobial resistance and maintain effectiveness, use this antibiotic prudently.

The technique for infusion of antibiotics into the uterus of cattle is essentially the same method used for artificial insemination. This is performed by the operator inserting one hand and arm (encased in a rubber or plastic sleeve) into the rectum and grasping the cervix. The vulva and vulvar lips are carefully wiped or, if necessary, washed and then wiped dry with a paper towel. Precautions should be taken to make certain that no feces are wiped between the vulvar lips. An insemination pipette is inserted through the vulva and vagina and into the external os of the cervix. If folds of the vaginal wall interfere, the cervix is pulled or pushed forward to straighten the lumen of the vagina. If the external os is hard to locate, the cervix may be held by the fingers and thumb placed over the external os. The pipette is manipulated to strike the thumb and then into the cervix. By a combination of gently inserting the pipette and working the cervix over the pipette, it is usually readily passed through the cervix and into the body of the uterus. Antibiotics can then be infused through the pipette and into the uterus.



600 lb (272.2 kg)

21 to 24 mL

800 lb (362.9 kg)

28 to 32 mL

1000 lb (453.6 kg)

35 to 40 mL

1200 lb (544.3 kg)

42 to 48 mL

1500 lb (680.4 kg)

53 to 60 mL

When properly used in the treatment of metritis caused by oxytetracycline susceptible organisms, most animals that have been treated with KELAMYCIN INTRAUTERINE SUSPENSION show a noticeable improvement within 24 to 48 hours. If improvement does not occur within this period of time, the diagnosis and course of treatment should be reevaluated. Since many diseases look alike but require different types of treatment, the use of professional veterinary and laboratory services can reduce treatment time, costs and needless losses. Good housing, sanitation and nutrition are important in the maintenance of healthy animals and are essential in the treatment of disease.

The infusion of KELAMYCIN INTRAUTERINE SUSPENSION must be carried out under aseptic conditions to avoid inserting pathogenic organisms into the uterus. Improper administration techniques will subject the patient to dangers of severe magnitude, e.g. uterine rupture, peritonitis, etc. The administration of KELAMYCIN INTRAUTERINE SUSPENSION following inaccurate diagnosis may cause an overgrowth of non-susceptible oxytetracycline organisms. This could result in a metritis infection which would be resistant to this preparation. Pregnant animals may abort following inappropriate treatment with this drug.


1) To avoid contamination of other animals, use only one infusion pipette per animal. Do not reuse a pipette for infusion into another cow. Dispose of used pipette properly.

2) For ease of administration, KELAMYCIN INTRAUTERINE SUSPENSION should be warmed to body temperature (37°C).

3) If during administration an accidental spillage occurs, the patient may show signs of straining and distress. This may also occur if the drug is improperly placed into the vagina instead of into the uterus. When properly administered, no signs of discomfort will be observed. Also, care should be taken to avoid deposition of the drug on the outside wall of the insemination pipette prior to administration.


Store at room temperature (15-30°C). Do not refrigerate or freeze.


KELAMYCIN INTRAUTERINE SUSPENSION is packaged in 250 mL bottles and is available for professional veterinary use only. It is not for use in humans.

DIN 00439339

Patented in Canada 1978

Manufactured By: WENDT LABORATORIES OF CANADA LTD., Winnipeg, Canada

Distributed by Professional Veterinary Laboratories, 1199 Sanford Street - Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 3A1

1-800-465-7122 -

CPN: 1203023.3

Telephone:   204-589-7361
Fax:   204-943-9612
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