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Be Green Doktor Doom Premium Fresh Water Diatomaceous Earth Insect Killer (Commercial) (Canada)

This treatment applies to the following species:
Company: UltraSol


KILLS: Ants, Asian Lady Beetle, Bed Bugs, Black Carpet Beetles, Boxelder Bugs, Cheese Mites, Cigarette Beetles, Clover Mites, Cluster Flies, Cockroaches, Confused Flour Beetles, Crickets, Darkling Beetles, Drugstore Beetles, Earwigs, Elm Leaf Beetles, Firebrats, Fleas, Fruit Flies, Furniture Carpet Beetles, Grain Mites, Ground Beetles, Hide Beetles, House Flies, Indian Meal Moths (accessible stages only), Lesser Grain Borers, Merchant Grain Beetles, Millipedes, Mites, Phorid Flies, Pillbugs, Red Flour Beetles, Rice Weevils, Rusty Grain Beetles, Sawtoothed Grain Beetles, Silverfish, Sowbugs, Spider Beetles, Spiders, Varied Carpet Beetles, Warehouse Beetles, Webbing Clothes Moths (accessible stages only)


Silicone Dioxide
present as freshwater source diatomaceous earth


REG. NO. 31917 P.C.P. ACT




Be Green Doktor Doom Premium Fresh Water Diatomaceous Earth Insect Killer (Commercial) Caution

Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking, and chewing gum or chewing tobacco. Use adequate ventilation and avoid breathing dust. Wear a suitable dust mask/respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA when handling. When using a dust blower, wear a fullface NIOSH approved respirator during mixing, loading and application. May cause irritation and soreness in throat and nose in cases of extreme exposure. Wear appropriate eye-wear when handling, during application and clean-up activities.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE:BE GREEN DOKTOR DOOM PREMIUM FRESH WATER DIATOMACEOUS EARTH INSECT KILLER is a ready-for-use insecticide dust, which has given effective knockdown and kill of the pests listed. This product is for use in and around apartments , homes , other residential buildings , hospitals*, nursing homes*, daycare centers**, schools**, transportation equipment , other commercial and industrial facilities, warehouses, restaurants, and food/feed handling establishments, and their immediate surroundings.

BE GREEN DOKTOR DOOM PREMIUM FRESH WATER DIATOMACEOUS EARTH INSECT KILLER is intended for application with hand or power dusters, or by other suitable means, to cracks & crevices, voids, hiding and runway areas and those places where pests are found. In living areas, make applications in such a manner as to avoid deposits on exposed surfaces or introducing the material into the air. Treat small area of surface to be treated for staining or other adverse reaction before making regular application.

To apply insecticide directly into cracks and crevices, use a bulbous duster or other suitable equipment.

Apply lightly and uniformly to infested areas. Pay particular attention to cracks and crevices and voids where insects may be harboring, traveling, breeding or entering the structure. Examples of these areas are service ducts; false floors and ceilings; wall voids; around electrical and telephone fittings and equipment; around water and sewer pipes; under and behind cabinets, refrigerators and sinks; around window and doorframes; along baseboards; in attics, crawl spaces, landscape and mulch areas. The amount to be applied will vary with the site but should usually be in the range of 4.5 to 18 grams of BE GREEN DOKTOR DOOM PREMIUM FRESH WATER DIATOMACEOUS EARTH INSECT KILLER per square metre. Repeat treatments as necessary to maintain adequate control.

As this product is not registered for the control of pests in aquatic systems, DO NOT use to control aquatic pests. DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.

* Remove patients before using.

** Do not apply to classrooms when in use. Do not apply to institutions (including daycare centers, libraries, sport facilities, etc.) in the immediate area when occupants are present.

In the home, exposed food, food processing and utensils in the treatment area should be covered, cleaned or removed.

Do not apply in aircraft cabins.


CRAWLING INSECTS: Apply to cracks and crevices and voids where listed insects may be harboring, traveling, breeding or entering the structure, around sinks and storage areas, behind baseboards, around doors and windows, behind and under refrigerators, cabinets and desks, sinks and stoves and attics and crawl spaces. In commercial areas apply to cracks and crevices and voids, office areas, stainless steel equipment, shelving, machinery, pallets and other areas where these insects are harboring, traveling or entering the structure.

FLEAS: Apply dust to infested areas such as pet beds and resting quarters, nearby cracks and crevices under the edges of rugs, carpets and floor coverings, cracks, crevices, voids and under upholstered furniture, and other areas where these pests may be present. Treat small area first on furniture and rugs to check for staining before treating a larger area. Do not treat animals with this product.

BED BUGS: Apply to cracks, crevices and voids associated with the mattresses, boxsprings, bedframe and other furniture where these insect may harbor, travel, breed or enter the room. Treat mattresses, especially tufts, folds and edges. Cover with clean bedding before using. Bed bugs may also harbor in areas of the room away from the bed or furniture. Apply to wall voids, behind wall hangings, floor molding, window casings, carpet edge, popcorn ceilings and other cracks and crevices or voids.

CARPET BEETLES (Black, Furniture and Varied), Webbing Clothes Moths (accessible stages only) and SPIDERS: Apply where these insects may be harboring, traveling, breeding or entering the structure. For example: on and under edges of floor coverings, under rugs and furniture, closets, and associated wall voids. Treat small area first on furniture and rugs to check for staining before treating a larger area.

PHORID & FRUIT FLIES AND HOUSE FLIES: Apply where these insects harbor, travel, breed or enter the structure. For example under cabinets or shelving, behind or under equipment, drains, protected exterior areas like eaves, trash corrals and dumpsters and other areas where organic debris may accumulate.

ASIAN LADY BEETLES, BOXELDER BUGS, CLOVER MITES, CLUSTER FLIES AND ELM LEAF BEETLES: Apply where these insects may be harboring, traveling, breeding or entering the structure.

GRAIN AND CHEESE MITES: Apply where these mites may be harboring, traveling, breeding, in the structure, on pallets, shelving or racks. Treatment of the exterior of storage bags by lightly applying this product is permitted.

FOOD AREAS OF FOOD/FEED HANDLING ESTABLISHMENTS: Food/feed handling establishments are places other than private residences in which food/feed is held, processed, prepared or served. In food handling areas, or areas where food or feed products are prepared or stored, apply as a crack and crevice or spot treatment. As a crack and crevice treatment, apply sparingly into cracks and crevices using equipment designed to place powder into specific locations. Limit spot treatments to walls or floors where pests are suspected of hiding. No individual spot treatments should exceed 0.1858 square meters. Remove or cover all food or feed items in the treatment area before applying product. Treat open spaces below floors, above ceilings, within walls, under stairs, underneath and behind equipment or appliances, around pipes and sinks, in utility closets and around garbage and waste cans. For best results, apply to dry areas. Repeat treatment on dry surfaces as needed to maintain control of problem pests.

BARNS, STABLES, PIGGERIES, DAIRIES: Kills Ants, Earwigs, Beetles, Fleas, Lice, Mites and other crawling insects. Lightly coat the areas where insects are found and may hide such as cracks and crevices, around pipes and drainage systems, window frames, floorboards and entrance ways. Apply BE GREEN Doktor Doom Premium Fresh Water Diatomaceous Earth Insect Killer at a rate of 500 g/100 m2 with a manual dust applicator. Hit insects directly where possible. Repeat treatment if pests reappear or after cleaning. In treating barns, do not contaminate milk or milking equipment. Remove animals from treatment area during application and return them after any dust has settled. Do not use as a general space spray.

POULTRY HOUSES: For control of house flies and darkling beetles in poultry housing. After manure clean-out of a caged poultry house, apply BE GREEN Doktor Doom Premium Fresh Water Diatomaceous Earth Insect Killer to the entire surface area of accumulating manure.

Application rate: Use 35 kg of BE GREEN Doktor Doom Premium Fresh Water Diatomaceous Earth Insect Killer per 100 square metres on a weekly basis.

APPLICATION METHOD: For larger surface areas (greater than 100 sq. m.) apply BE GREEN Doktor Doom Premium Fresh Water Diatomaceous Earth Insect Killer with an applicator designed for applying fine granular material to a large surface area (e.g. drop-style fertilizer spreader, or small tractor seeder or spreader). For smaller surface areas (less than 100 m2) apply this product using an applicator designed for applying a fine granular material to a small area or by hand (e.g. by shaking a pail with holes).

HOUSE FLIES: For effective control of house flies in operations where manure accumulation occurs, treatment should be combined with good manure management practices (e.g., aeration via proper placement of fans and intake vents, maintenance of watering system equipment). BE GREEN Doktor Doom Premium Fresh Water Diatomaceous Earth Insect Killer controls house flies in layer poultry operations by reducing the number of fly larvae occurring in the accumulating manure 5 to 6 weeks after weekly application.

OUTDOOR USE: Perimeter Treatment: Apply as a residual treatment around and in cracks and crevices or voids associated with windows and doors, porches, screens, eaves, patios, garages, under stairways, around foundations, sewers, animal burrows, mulch areas, manure or compost piles and in crawl spaces and other areas where listed pests may be harboring, traveling, breeding or entering structure.

STORAGE AND SPILL PROCEDURES: Store in original container in dry location. In case of spill, vacuum or dampen with water and sweep up. Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal.

DISPOSAL: Container: Do not reuse this container. This is a recyclable container, to be disposed of at a container collection site. Contact your local distributor/dealer or municipality for the location of the nearest collection site. Before taking the container to the collection site:

Make the empty, rinsed container unsuitable for further use.

If there is no container collection site in your area, dispose of the container in accordance with provincial requirements.

Product: For information on disposal of unused, unwanted product, contact the manufacturer or the provincial regulatory agency. Contact the manufacturer and the provincial regulatory agency in case of a spill, and for clean-up of spills.


FIRST AID: If swallowed: Call a poison control centre or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a poison control centre or doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If on skin or clothing: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15 - 20 minutes. Call a poison control centre or doctor for treatment advice. If inhaled: Move person to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration, preferably by mouth-to-mouth, if possible. Call a poison control centre or doctor for further treatment advice. If in eyes: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15 - 20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. Call a poison control centre or doctor for treatment advice. Take container, label or product name and Pest Control Product Registration Number with you when seeking medical attention.


NOTICE TO USER: This pest control product is to be used only in accordance with the directions on the label. It is an offence under the Pest Control Products Act to use this product in a way that is inconsistent with the directions on the label. The user assumes the risk to persons or property that arises from any such use of this product.




753146 AB Ltd. o/a Ultrasol Industries, 10755-69 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6H 2C9

(780) 478-6646

CPN: 1338020.0

10755-69 AVE NW, EDMONTON, AB, T6H 2C9
Telephone:   780-432-6535
Toll-Free:   1-800-452-0023
THIS SERVICE AND DATA ARE PROVIDED "AS IS". Animalytix assumes no liability, and each user assumes full risk, responsibility, and liability, related to its use of the Animalytix service and data. See the Terms of Use for further details.


Copyright © 2025 Animalytix LLC. Updated: 2024-11-27