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Valtrex for Herpes Simplex, Suppression User Reviews (Page 4)

Valtrex has an average rating of 7.8 out of 10 from a total of 90 reviews for the treatment of Herpes Simplex, Suppression. 72% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 18% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Valtrex

  • itsco...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 16, 2016

"I've had HSV-1 (Cold Sores) for the past 10 years with a flare-up, in what seems, every 3-4 years so daily prevention was never a big deal to me. At first I'd just hit it with some Abreva and toss a bandaid to cover the unsightliness and in a about 3 weeks, it would go away. My last flare-up, I went to the medic who got me some Acyclovir. Honestly, taking acyclovir did seem to shorten the duration but my sores still lasted 2 weeks. This recent flare-up my doc prescribed me 1 gram of Valtrex, & the blisters appear to be healing after day 3, not week 3. Awesome stuff."

8 / 10
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20 Report
  • crazy...
  • January 21, 2016

"As soon as you get your first outbreak you need to start taking this immediately. The outbreak will only get worse without it and last for weeks. My first outbreak was heart wrenching. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. But once I started taking the medicine my symptoms rapidly improved. I probably get less than one outbreak a year but when I do have one I take this immediately and it knocks it right out."

10 / 10
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21 Report
  • Emily...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 10, 2012

"For more than one year I%u2019m taking Valtrex, a 500 mg dose a day. I had a newborn daughter so I decided to take care of her against herpes, as you know, this virus can kill a kid younger than 3 months. I didn%u2019t have an outbreak all this period of time, it%u2019s wonderful. "

10 / 10
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27 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Franco...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 31, 2021

"I have been using Valtrex 1mg since the third hsv 2 outbreak, however it does not improve the healing time, despite taking on the first symptomatic day, also the outbreak comes back one week later unlike the natural healing which allows suppression for 3 to 6 months. Further, I am on valtrex for 1 mg suppression for 1 year and whenever I catch cold or flu, the out breaks keep coming in new areas different than the first outbreaks, e.g., shaft and testicals, besides it keeps coming for longer periods at multiple location. It is so annoying this expensive medicine which does not improve anything and will start taking L-lysine after finishing one year on valtrex supressive. Note: I am not immunocopromised."

1 / 10
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7 Report
  • Shannon
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 22, 2023

"I have been living with herpes for almost 15 years, which I contracted from my boyfriend who cheated on me when I was 20. I hardly ever have an outbreak, maybe once every two years. Whenever I do have an outbreak, I take 1g twice a day for three days, and it clears up. Recently, I discovered a website called DrB on Google, which has been a lifesaver for me. I can now get my prescription online for simple things like herpes, thanks to the pandemic. I no longer have to go for a doctor's visit and feel embarrassed. There were times in the past when I didn't medicate because I was too ashamed to visit the doctor. I hope this information helps you. The medication I take helps to speed up the recovery process, and if taken as soon as you feel the tingling, it can even prevent an outbreak from occurring. I highly recommend it."

10 / 10
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4 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 1, 2016

"I am 44. Had a 1st outbreak (genital) after having an UTI. It was a minor outbreak. Sm patch of raw skin and looked like one lesion. It never spread or got worse. I had never had any sort of outbreak ever oral or genital. So, I don't know if I already had it or my partner if 1.5yrs triggered an outbrk or whether it was dormant all this time and getting sick brought it out. I got blood & cult done for hsv 1 and 2 -3wks later but the patch was about 90% healed already w/ no meds but was still prescribed (the generic Valtrex) 1000mg 2x a day for 5 days. Ive been off the meds for 2 days now. I need to see if I get another outbreak B4 just taking meds daily. I had no side effects as I drank water like crazy as it said to do. I'm hoping for the best"

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15 Report
  • mariezy
  • February 5, 2016

"This is my first outbreak. I've been on it for 2 days now and I have no relief. The blisters down in my vagina are awful. I scared go drink anything, because I'm scared to go to the bathroom.. I hope I get some relief soon. When outbreak is gone I hope to do supressive treatment."

1 / 10
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14 Report
  • Zande...
  • January 7, 2016

"I found out I had herpes simplex type 2 last year and never had a breakout until I got pregnant, my first breakout started about a week ago and my ob just prescribed me valtrex yesterday! I've started my dose and I'm praying it works because this is horrible !!"

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13 Report
  • Jimmy...
  • February 2, 2016

"So woke up sunday morning with a little blister. Instantly took 4x500mg Valtrex. Unlike the rest of the users on the previous reviews, mine did get bigger and did multiply. It is now Tuesday. It didn't get as big as it would get without the valtrex but still up there and not scabbing yet. So its either I'm not lucky like the rest of the users or they are making it up."

4 / 10
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11 Report
  • Phrr
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 19, 2022

"First time I used after 2 days of HSV 3rd outbreak, I got swollen lymph nodes at my groin. Then outbreaks become very frequent that comes few days after finishing the course of treatment, e.g., 1gm/day for 5 days. I tried during prodrome, which made prodromal stage even worse and as long as a week, as I got multiple-location sharp pain at my groin area, this pain lasts for days and impacted my lifestyle. When tried as suppressive therapy, I got a very painful urination for subsequent months. After finishing 6 months of suppressive therapy outbreak comes in 2 days as painful as the primary, extended suppressive therapy for another 6 months and outbreak comes after 3 months. This drug is completely useless for me and local lidocaine is more effective for treatment along with rest."

1 / 10
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3 Report
  • Ashton
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 13, 2021

"It does work without a doubt but made me pretty sick in the process. It made me extremely dizzy and nauseous and I just had to quit taking it. I felt so out of it for days and unbalanced. Yes I would use it again if the sores popped back up but wouldn’t take the whole course"

6 / 10
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4 Report
  • body...
  • April 8, 2023

"Valtrex has been effective at times and less effective at others. The body is a constantly evolving organism so in some ways, I’m not surprised that my specific condition and array of genes means I won’t match every experience documented here or on other trials. Fortunately I’ve had no side effects from taking valtrex. I’m considering taking Lysine as a preventative measure as I’m noticing outbreaks for my HSV-1 are occurring more randomly and frequently than in previous years. Maybe due to shifting hormones as I enter into perimenopause. Dismantling your own internalized stigma around having either form of herpes is key. Yes, there’s physical pain, a need to insulate exposure to others, unsightly wounds, I get it. Reminder, it’s passed congenitally as much as through intimacy with partners. People can carry for years without knowing or be asymptomatic. Know you’re very much not alone and you’ll find a manageable treatment with some trial and error."

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2 Report
  • Andre
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • February 4, 2021

"I have been using Valtrex daily since I was 19, now I am 36. It has been a life saver. I only breakout a couple times a year. Once a day and good healthy diet will really help with reducing your outbreaks and most importantly take it as proven to protect 50% to giving to your partner."

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  • Girl
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 30, 2022

"I am 21 now, I got diagnosed with herpes when I was 17 (got cheated on)- I carry the hsv1 strain but my outbreaks are vaginal. My first outbreak I’ll never forget, I could barely walk and it was horrible. I started suppressive therapy a few months later at 500mg daily when I started having outbreaks more frequently. Which actually worked for a while… for a few years actually. I had very little outbreaks, if any. About a year ago I began noticing more frequent outbreaks after having that nice break :( and so my doctor began prescribing me 1g daily. It definitely helped for a while but then I was back at having frequent outbreaks and when I seen her about a month ago she told me the virus should have been suppressed by now with the dosage I’ve been taking and I really shouldn’t be having any outbreaks… nothing is working for me and so she recommended I see an infectious disease specialist bc she suspects resistance and doesn’t really know how else to help me."

5 / 10
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2 Report
  • grate...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • December 25, 2021

"I have been suffering from cold sores since I was a young child. I remember going to school incredibly embarrassed because I had giant cold sores that covered part of my lip and chin. In sixth grade, I went to a dentist appointment with a cold sore and my dentist actually prescribed me valtrex to take whenever I felt that familiar burning and itching sensation on my lips. It worked like a dream. In adulthood, I started getting more frequent outbreaks. I got a cold sore once a month that corresponded with my hormones. I started taking valtrex daily and only get about one cold sore a year now. I just got a small cold sore on the corner of my mouth so I started taking the valtrex every 12 hours. I woke up today and the thing is almost healed, just from doubling my dosage for one day. This medicine is a life saver. My quality of life is so much better after taking valtrex and I would recommend anyone who suffers from herpes to take it."

10 / 10
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  • Trilby
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 22, 2023

"I was prescribed Valtrex to treat a "massive infection" in one eye. Valtrex worked wonderfully to clear up my eye, but I've had weird side effects in my vagina: strange new odor, thick sticky substance in and around, and also sometimes a very watery discharge, watery as in running down my leg when I get up out of bed. My doctor recommended I stay on it since herpes never goes away once you've had it, but I'm very unhappy about the side effects, listed above. I've been off Valtrex for two months, and I'm still not close to "back to normal.""

6 / 10
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  • Just...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 11, 2022

"I don’t remember what year I was diagnosed I usually try to do the natural route but this last outbreak really caused me some real pain and distress . I usually take Lysine and just ride it out. Not this outbreak I took ibuprofen my genital area and my legs are hurting I feel like my left leg is so Itchy and it’s taking so long to feel better So I started valtrex today I hope I feel better soon"

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  • Thank...
  • November 3, 2016

"I typically don't write reviews. But almost a year of taking and not any outbreaks. Great med. And gave me my life back."

10 / 10
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119 Report
  • Lonnie
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 12, 2019

"I have taken Valtrex for 14 years. One pill daily."

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41 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 8, 2012

"Completely changed my life. Not a single outbreak while on Valtrex. Went off it just to see how I would do without & have had 2 very painful outbreaks."

10 / 10
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77 Report
  • 525i
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 1, 2016

"Have been on Valtrex for about a year on suppressive therapy. Works like a charm. No outbreaks. No side effects. I feel so much better about this."

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 9, 2008

"I take Valtrex every day, no sign of breakout whatsoever. It's awesome."

10 / 10
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75 Report
  • Regina
  • February 10, 2014

"I was diagnosed with HSV-2 three years ago. I've never had an outbreak, but my gyno prescribed Valtrex as suppressive therapy."

10 / 10
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51 Report
  • TonyT
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 21, 2015

"It has been a great suppressive medicine for herpes 2. Would recommend highly. Hoping for a vaccine, but until then, this is the next best thing."

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39 Report
  • Naano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 27, 2018

"Started the 1000 mg twice daily for ten days. Within the first day in, felt dizzy, headache, body aches, stuffy nose, cough, etc. I took the day off work and called the doc."

1 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.