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Inderal for Migraine Prevention User Reviews

Inderal has an average rating of 7.6 out of 10 from a total of 33 reviews for the treatment of Migraine Prevention. 67% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 15% reported a negative experience.

Inderal rating summary

7.6 average rating out of 10

33 ratings from 34 user reviews.

Compare all 49 medications used in the treatment of Migraine Prevention.


Reviews for Inderal

  • Daw...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • October 10, 2019

"Started getting severe migraines regularly at about age 27. By 35, it was debilitating, and I would not have been able to hold down a job. Several bad migraines each month. Imitrex would help, and I could function if I caught it early enough, but sometimes would wake up with them. Tried a lot of things, and finally at about age 45, started on Inderal. Changed my life, and now practically never get them, although I do think that menopause might have helped as it did for my mother. Highly recommend this drug and just wish I had started on it earlier. My kids would have had a more fun and reliable Mom."

10 / 10
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86 Report
  • Rtr...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • October 25, 2019

"Inderal is my miracle medication - No migraine headaches, no tremors, no feelings of anxiety. It's an 'old school' drug that's been around for many years. Even my doctor uses it! It's been proven to be relatively safe. Give it a try."

10 / 10
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77 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 13, 2010

"My neurologist had me try many different medications for migraines including Amitriptyline, Topamax, and Cymbalta. I was not comfortable with taking medications that are meant to help individuals with seizure disorders and depression. In addition, these medications did not stop the migraines and I experienced many side effects including nausea and decreased appetite. Then I tried Inderal, a low-dose medication used to lower blood pressure, paired with B2. My migraines are now fewer and less severe. I still keep Imitrex with me wherever I go to tackle a migraine, but I have found that Inderal was the most successful medication that I have tried. Just be sure to take it as recommended. I hope that it helps other migraine sufferers."

9 / 10
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126 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Mis...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 12, 2013

"I started taking Inderal to help with migraines. I still get headaches almost daily, but they aren't migraine-quality and can be managed with Ibuprofen. Negatives: sleep disturbances, feet are ALWAYS freezing, and I'm experiencing frequent orthostatic hypotension. I had normal-to-low blood pressure when starting this med, so I don't think it's the right med for my body, since it lowers BP. I like not having migraines, but can't exercise or live life if I'm always dizzy and weak."

7 / 10
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88 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 10, 2009

"After suffering with migraines for 30 years, Inderal gave me a pain-free life! It was the best I've ever felt! However, after several wonderful months, I began to get so dehydrated that it caused intense migraines and ER visits for rehydration. I had to stop taking it because of the dehydration side effect. Beware of dehydration while taking this drug."

8 / 10
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108 Report

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  • Try...
  • May 29, 2014

"I found immense relief with Inderal, on just 10 mg every morning and night... It was like a miracle as preventative, and I also have found it dulls a migraine if one happens to break through by taking an extra one. I had been waking up with a bad headache/migraine every day, which lasted all day. Codeine was my only vague relief in mega doses. My only complaint is that since commencing Inderal, I have gained 10 kg, and no dieting seems to help! All this in only 12 months. The other side effects have been an increase in my allergy intolerance to certain foods, i.e., chocolate, and a heightened problem with low blood sugar. So, the doctor has just commenced me on Topamax instead, 25 mg every morning and night. Will report how this compares!"

7 / 10
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73 Report
  • Ran...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 1, 2013

"I have been suffering from migraine-tension headaches for more than two years now. I tried paracetamol and NSAIDs, but all were not effective until my doctor prescribed me beta blockers 'propranolol' Inderal 20 mg twice a day, and my headaches really improved after 2-3 months. Thanks!"

9 / 10
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65 Report
  • Jil...
  • January 29, 2015

"Have been taking for over 20 years. Works good for getting less migraines, and even better, helps my tremors. However, when I switched to try the generic, it did neither. Now my insurance wants to make me pay a fee for not being able to use the generic, a fee that equals the list price of the medicine without insurance. I cannot afford to go from $100.00 copay for a 3-month supply to $1,300.00 for the same amount."

10 / 10
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51 Report
  • Dan...
  • January 14, 2014

"I have been on this at least a year on 10 mg 2x a day. I've had unexplained weight gain, and my headaches haven't gotten better. I've been to a nutrition specialist and am stepping up the exercise and trying to eat better, but no matter what I do, I still gain weight, and my doctors keep telling me that I'm not taking anything that would cause weight gain! Now they have doubled my dosage."

1 / 10
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53 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 31, 2009

"This medicine has helped my migraines significantly. I had been having 4-5 migraine attacks per week and now am down to 1 or 2 every few weeks. Some weeks I don't have any. A huge relief. I had migraines for years. I missed work, severe pain, and this medicine is a huge relief. I do feel tired and sluggish, and it may be related to this medicine, but I don't know for sure. I will take that side effect over the pain of a migraine any day."

9 / 10
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64 Report
  • Rob...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 28, 2013

"I was prescribed Inderal to help with primary orthostatic tremors. I did not get any relief with this medication for that condition. However, I discovered that whenever I stop taking Inderal, I end up with a migraine headache. I take 20 mg at bedtime. It makes me sleepy and gives me nightmares, which continue to this day. However, the side effects are tolerable and well worth putting up with to prevent getting migraines. I highly recommend this medication for preventing migraines."

10 / 10
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53 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 5, 2009

"This drug changed my life. Before Inderal, I had headaches of some degree almost daily. Severe migraines 3-4 times monthly. I have been on a daily dosage of 2 capsules of 160 mg for about 4 years. No more migraines. I never had any side effects. It has truly given me my life back. My doctor started me on a lesser dosage initially, always monitoring blood pressure, any side effects, number/severity of headaches while gradually finding the correct dosage that worked for me."

10 / 10
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55 Report
  • cop...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 27, 2015

"I can't begin to describe to you the kinds of nightmares that this medication gave me. Believe me. You don't want to know about them. It did, however, prevent a migraine that would have most certainly occurred. (It rained one day, and weather changes are my biggest trigger.) Yes, this medicine worked for me in the sense that it prevented a migraine. But!!! I would rather treat an existing migraine than have these terrifying dreams every night."

3 / 10
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36 Report
  • izi...
  • April 12, 2010

"I have had classic migraines for 25 years. For the last 15, I have been using Inderal as a preventative. For the first 10 years, it reduced the number and severity of my migraines significantly, from 1 or 2, 2-day-long attacks to a cluster once or twice a year. Over the last few years, more frequent migraine-like headaches have been developing, as often as 3 or 4 a fortnight (without aura or vomiting), leading me to seek new prevention options. However, I'm fearful of discontinuing Propranolol in case the more severe classic migraines return and disrupt my work even more than the headaches do. I think every migraine sufferer who can use it should give Inderal a go. I haven't had any problems with side effects in all these years."

9 / 10
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45 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 4, 2011

"Inderal has definitely helped with my migraine prevention. I started getting migraines when I was 13. Now, in my late 20s, I am finally migraine-free besides the odd one I get due to hormones or when really stressed out! I reduced to taking 40 mg in the morning rather than 40 mg morning and night and have found the migraines still stay away. The only side effects I've had were nightmares initially, that soon went away after a couple of months. I get very cold hands and feet, sometimes in warm weather, my feet are still cold! I also feel slightly more tired/sleepy, but it's worth it compared to the regular migraines I was experiencing beforehand."

9 / 10
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40 Report
  • woo...
  • August 7, 2016

"I put on 40 kg over the course of 12 years of this medication, but I don't have migraines. The generic ones don't work at all, except Derralin (can no longer get Inderal in Australia). I would recommend anyone with life-altering migraines to try it for 3 months. It just might be the cure you are waiting for."

10 / 10
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21 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 24, 2009

"I have taken Inderal now for a few months. I have noticed that my migraines are down to 2-4 a month. I was 5-6 a week. I was using the max dosage of Imitrex and still not getting any relief. Don't get me wrong. I love my Imitrex and can't live without it. Inderal has improved a lot of my headaches. At first, I hated Inderal because I hated the idea of feeling slow and tired all the time. Now, if I forget to take it, my coworkers notice immediately! I get very agitated and nauseous when I have a headache to begin with, and I slur my words. I want candies loaded with dyes, and I get a manic-like hyperactive speech. I feel better now than I did in May. I still feel the migraines, I don't feel their attacks."

7 / 10
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32 Report
  • CC...
  • October 23, 2015

"I took this med once a day for 1 year. Before being prescribed this med, I was having migraines 25 out of 30/31 days per month. Birth control pills made the migraines worse. Could not tolerate prescription pain medication, severe vomiting. Lights and sound were not to be tolerated. Emergency Room shots then available would not stop the migraine; still had to go to bed. Blood pressure would soar during an attack. Had to have suppositories for the vomiting. Could not keep pills down. I don't remember about weight gain; however, I discontinued this medication because I developed numbness all over my body: arms, legs, stomach, hips, and private places. I worked a physical job and had many contact bruises where I didn't notice pain on item contact."

10 / 10
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20 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 29, 2011

"I initially used Inderal to assist with 'stage fright' for large work presentations (it lowers heart rhythm and so reduces the signs of nervousness). I noticed while taking it that I had fewer headaches and migraines, so my doctor recommended I continue with it. I have now been using a low dose of Inderal for around 4-5 years. It has reduced the frequency of migraines from around an 8-10 a year to 3-4 a year. Headaches have been reduced from several a week to one every couple of weeks. I have experimented with reducing the dose and frequency, however, that has resulted in a return of migraines. The main side effect I have noticed is colder extremities (hands and feet). I assume this is due to the poorer circulation caused by Inderal."

8 / 10
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26 Report
  • Cai...
  • November 13, 2016

"Migraines started at age 50. Just about every day at 3 PM. They were severe, but only lasted 2-3 hours. My eye area, cheek, and ear were always sensitive to touch. Inderal was a lifesaver. 10 mg twice a day. Sometimes I would feel slight pain behind my eye, but never needed a pain reliever. The nightmares were something else, 3-4 times a month. I was actually afraid I would give my husband a heart attack when I would wake up screaming and thrashing at night. When I hadn't felt that pain behind my eye for about a year, I gradually went off Inderal (around 60 years old)."

10 / 10
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18 Report
  • 996...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • January 22, 2023

"I was prescribed Inderal around 7-8 years ago due to a persistent migraine aura following an allergic reaction treated with steroids. Recently, I was guided by a medical professional to wean off it about three months ago. In hindsight, I regret starting the medication in the first place. I believe that taking Inderal triggered asthma symptoms that have worsened over the years, which my healthcare provider didn't realize was not suitable for someone with asthma. Additionally, it disrupted my sleep and caused insomnia, leading me to take medication for years. I became weak, tired, and short of breath while running, which was a favorite activity of mine, and I eventually had to stop running altogether. Now, after being off Inderal, I have developed hypertension that has persisted for three months despite not having a history of it in my family. I believe this medication should not be prescribed for migraines or anxiety due to the long-term effects I've experienced."

4 / 10
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5 Report
  • mrh...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 20, 2016

"I'm a 61-year-old man. I took Inderal LA 60 mg for a year. For about 8 months, it worked well, migraines would start and then go away after 5 to 10 minutes. It caused me to gain 15 pounds even with dieting and exercise. It also causes ED, but I was able to fix that with 5 mg Cialis. In the last 2 months, it has stopped preventing the migraines and causes problems with fatigue and, at times, shortness of breath, and the Cialis is no longer working (a big problem as far as I am concerned and my girlfriend too). It never stopped migraines caused by food triggers, of which I have many."

3 / 10
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13 Report
  • jay...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 29, 2021

"From the age of 21, I started having about 4 migraine attacks a month. By 23, I was having about 3 migraine attacks a week! So, around 15 a month. It was incredibly disabling and hard to hide. I had used up all my sick leave at work, and my manager was beginning to notice. It was affecting my daily life massively, and I started to get really depressed, which made it worse. I have been on this medication for just over 7 months now. My neurologist told me to take 40 mg a day (4 tablets). I'm not a fan of medications, especially because I don't have any high blood pressure. So I started taking only 1 tablet (10 mg) every night before bed. I didn't have side effects, only mild lightheadedness 1 time, and that's it. Almost immediately, my migraines got less severe slowly as the months went by. After 2 months, my attacks were 70% gone in frequency. Now I am 7 months into the medication, still taking 1 tablet daily, and I now only have 2-3 migraines a month. They are now less severe and less frequent!"

9 / 10
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6 Report
  • mon...
  • March 29, 2016

"I had migraines from age 10 to age 26 when my doctor prescribed Inderal 10 mg in the morning and evening. No migraines since. Now I am 72, whenever I feel there is a trigger, I swallow Inderal as well. Works great for migraines. It has terrible side effects too. I started getting nightmares after the first month of starting Inderal. To this day, the nightmares continue. I feel sleepy the whole day and gained weight, which went out of control. I can tolerate the side effects, but I'm happy no more migraines."

6 / 10
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12 Report
  • Pet...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 4, 2021

"It's helping me a lot, no more headaches. Even my stress and anxiety are numbed. I always wondered what drug people were on who always seemed to remain unnaturally calm and now I know! I think it makes you more fatigue tho and causes nightmares which the anti histamine I'm taking already does so together they cause severe nightmares, but the good effects outweigh the bad effects for me."

9 / 10
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2 Report
Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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