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Qsymia for Weight Loss (Obesity/Overweight) User Reviews (Page 3)

Qsymia has an average rating of 7.7 out of 10 from a total of 512 reviews for the treatment of Weight Loss (Obesity/Overweight). 71% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 15% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Qsymia

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 26, 2016

"Started taking 7/15, I had terrible side effects, racing heart, dizziness, insomnia, speech and memory. When I told my doctor I was coming off it, she basically told me to suck it up and push through the side effects. She also recommended that I take one pill every other day. I am glad I listened to her, I am down 53 pounds. This was all done on the 7.5 dose."

9 / 10
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94 Report
  • Lex
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 12, 2019

"On month three of Qsymia. Pop tastes flat so that sucks but honestly it’s a good habit to kick anyway. I’m 5 ft 2, 27 years old, started at 205 lbs and after month 1 weighed in at 188 lbs! I eat enough (1200 cal), am vegetarian. I just cut out sugary foods and stopped eating after 8 pm. I have so much more energy. I’m currently at 166 lbs. Goal weight by end of the year is 127 lbs. I do get the tingly feet and hands if I’m not drinking enough. BUBBLY sparkling water still tastes good to me if it is ice-cold, so that makes me happy :). No other side effects."

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70 Report
  • LooMi
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 5, 2014

"I started taking Qsymia in November 2012. I tipped the beams at 264 lbs. By July, I was down to 199 lbs and had a heart attack! Don't be alarmed, the doctors all said it had nothing to do with the medication. It was a blockage due to all the crap I had ingested over the years. I'm still currently taking Qsymia and I'm at 200 lbs. I'm not exercising like I was, and I can eat anything I like in moderation. I feel great, dropped 4 pant sizes and 2 shirt sizes. With no side effects after the first couple of weeks. So, does it work? YES... But it's expensive!"

9 / 10
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109 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Guy...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 12, 2023

"I started Qsymia (7.5) on May 15 ('23) at 320 pounds. I'm a 6'5" male. It's now August 12 (3 months) and I just weighed in at 280 (40 pounds lost). I've lost 5 inches on my waist. My goal weight is 220. Seems realistic now, which I couldn't have imagined three months ago. I'm exercising more, but not crazy. The first few weeks on the med I was a bit 'hazy'. Sort of felt just a little off. But that cleared up. I was worried about increased heart rate, but I haven't experienced any of that. I'm drinking a LOT of water. Dry mouth is a bit of an issue, but not terrible. This drug seems to remove the 'food noise'. I just don't think about food that much. I don't snack, and I eat MUCH smaller portions at meals. I'm not tracking calories, but I know it's a massive reduction. It's completely changed my mental relationship to food. My experience has been amazing so far."

10 / 10
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21 Report
  • Nojello
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 17, 2016

"Wow! This is a weight loss medicine that has really saved me! At the end of December, I went to my doctor, fed up and disgusted with my weight. I was a 48-year-old female, 5'1'', and weighed 226 lbs. I was just miserable. I had to do something... Well, my doctor prescribed Qsymia. Since I tried to type out my story, and I was limited... Here is the short story. Qsymia made my Diet Coke addiction stop COLD TURKEY (it changes the taste of it completely - flat & metallically). As of the point I type this.. I am now at 164 lbs. That's 62 lbs! This pill works! Take it!"

10 / 10
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91 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 17, 2015

"I started taking the medication five months ago at a starting weight of about 325 and have lost a little over 70 pounds since then. Only significant side effects have been dry mouth and increased thirst, which I count as beneficial because they have caused me to significantly increase my water intake. Weight loss was very rapid at first (probably water weight) and then leveled off to 2-3.5 pounds per week. Qsymia definitely helps control hunger, but it does not eliminate your ability to eat a lot if you choose to. It just gives you the choice. So you have to do your part by making diet changes (limiting portion sizes, eliminating sodas, limiting sweets and fast foods, etc.) and exercising to the extent you are able to get results."

9 / 10
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103 Report
  • AmyHS
  • August 16, 2014

"I've been on the medicine for 3 weeks and lost 8 pounds. I would love to continue. However, possible side effects of this medication are depression, mental confusion, suicidal thoughts, etc. I have struggled in the past with depression. This medicine has ignited a fire in my brain. I am at the point where I seriously think I'm going crazy. I urge you to disclose fully to your doctor if you suffer from chronic depression and urge you to reconsider taking this medicine. I begged my husband to commit me yesterday, that was my mental state. I'm seeing my doctor Monday to figure out a different course of action now."

2 / 10
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107 Report
  • Phoen...
  • April 4, 2017

"I started Qsymia in December 2016 and had the finger and toe numbness, trouble sleeping, and anxiety but that only lasted the first 10 days or so. In the past year, I've lost 50 lbs, and that's without a ton of changes. I noticed a huge change in my appetite. I wasn't someone that overate to begin with, which was why my weight was frustrating, but now I notice I have to make an effort to eat meals because I'm rarely hungry. I have plenty of energy to do everything I need to do. I am at my initial goal weight but now looking to go an extra 10 lbs lighter. If I add moderate exercise, the weight comes off quick which was impossible before Qsymia. I highly recommend this! It's tough the first 2 weeks but past that, it's been super easy for me."

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84 Report
  • Match...
  • January 23, 2016

"I began treatment on Qsymia under my physician's care in March 2014 at 249 lbs. and followed simple steps towards changing my eating habits and amping up my exercise regimen. It was not an overnight result. I had ups and downs; definitely more positive than negative. Today I weigh 138 lbs. I am a 56-year-old grandmother and feel better and more youthful than I did 15 or more years ago! My eating is a lifestyle, not a diet. My exercise is my therapy that makes me happy. The two combined give me a healthy body and Qsymia jump-started it all. Going into it with the right frame of mind and determination will make all the difference. Qsymia is the tool that worked for me and I love what it did for me!"

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94 Report
  • missbee
  • November 20, 2014

"I started taking Qsymia one year ago in October, and I have lost a total of 80 lbs. (29 lbs. to goal). I'm a 28-year-old female, 5'6 with a starting weight of 269 lbs. I suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome, so weight loss has been a difficult journey for me, and my doctor and I decided to try this medication. I have to say that I am thrilled with the results. This allows me to stick to a strict 1500 calorie a day meal plan (set by my doctor for my specific needs). I also work out for 30-45 minutes a day for 4 to 5 days a week. I add that, to say that you do have to put in some work in order to get the best benefits from this medicine. I haven't experienced any negative side effects. I see my doctor for monthly weigh-ins and vital checks just to make sure."

10 / 10
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103 Report
  • Dch
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 15, 2014

"Started out great on the lowest dosage. I lost 20 pounds in the first 6 weeks. Moved up to the next dosage and did not lose a pound. Still no side effects so they moved me up to the highest dosage. The first 2 days were great and then I thought I was going to die! The chest pains were horrific! I couldn't chance the way I felt and it got me really thinking as to what I was putting in my body! I stopped taking it!"

3 / 10
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105 Report
  • KD32
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 14, 2014

"I've been on it for 11 days so far and I've lost 22 lbs. I started out at 301 lbs and now I'm 279 lbs. That's just with the free starter dose. I completely cut out carbs, sweets, and soda. I went for a weigh-in today, and my doctor almost didn't recognize me. Most people lose an average of 5-7 lbs their first 2 weeks, but my 2 weeks isn't up until Monday. I haven't exercised at all due to my 10-15 hour work days. I told my doctor I think I lost it this fast because I have no desire to eat. All I do is drink water. I try and force myself to eat, but all I get in is a few bites of a protein bar all day. I have severe dry mouth. I'm going to try the next strength up next week and see how that goes. My goal is 199 lbs."

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102 Report
  • Happy...
  • October 4, 2014

"59-year-old female, 5'6, 195lbs. Been taking Qsymia for 10 weeks, down 26 lbs. Feel fantastic! Minimal side effects. Kicked a long-standing Diet Coke habit due to the metallic taste. Making healthy choices and very satisfying to work at weight loss and see progress. This has been a wonderful experience!"

10 / 10
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103 Report
  • fitfa...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 3, 2016

"I have been on Qsymia for about 20 days, and I have lost 12 lbs. (I'm 5'11, 200 lbs to start, now at 188 lbs). I have played sports my entire life and recently quit, so the fact that I am still losing weight without as much exercise is amazing. Waitressing and housecleaning in college keep me active. I normally wouldn't take the time to write a review like this, but I am so surprised by the results. My appetite is gone. I don't even realize that I haven't eaten since breakfast until I find myself wanting a nap around 4 pm; then I'll remember I forgot to grab lunch! This NEVER happened before Qsymia. Long story short, I would recommend this 100%. Feel free to ask any questions!"

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86 Report
  • Tired...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 5, 2014

"I began taking Qsymia about 3 weeks ago and I am down a little over 10 lbs already, which is awesome! I am 5'5'' and weighed 184 when I began taking it. Had my 3rd child about a year ago and needed some help losing the weight this time. Diet soda definitely tastes flat and gross now, and I used to love it. I have also noticed that I seem to space out and forget things a lot more than I used to. I do work full-time and have an infant that doesn't sleep well to take care of, but I (and my husband) definitely notice a change since I've been on it. I also get dry mouth, but usually only notice it in the mornings when I wake up since I make sure to drink plenty of fluids during the day. Really not hungry at all - love it!"

9 / 10
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100 Report
  • jenli...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 21, 2012

"I have only been taking Qsymia low dose for 4 days but so far, my cravings for food in general have significantly dropped. I am 40 years old, 5'5' and weigh 208 lbs. I have struggled to lose weight for the past ten years. But food is my emotional crutch so it's been hard to maintain any sort of healthy diet. I was a smoker, and when I decided to quit, I used Chantix, and it helped stop the cravings and made quitting smoking very easy to do. I have been smoke-free for over 3 years. When I heard about this, I was excited because it sounded like it worked similarly to how Chantix worked. It suppresses a part of the brain. What part, not sure, but in the past four days, my desire to eat has decreased tremendously."

8 / 10
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114 Report
  • LondonG
  • October 9, 2013

"I'm going through perimenopause at 46 and have put on 25 lbs over the past few years. No amount of diet or exercise could help me lose this extra weight. I exercise each day just to not gain any more weight. Seeing that I was struggling with this issue, my Dr. prescribed Qsymia. First few weeks, I did feel a little tired and foggy, but got through it. On 7.5 mg now and have lost 9 lbs in 19 days. My appetite has been squashed like I never expected! When I eat a meal, I cannot finish all on my plate because I feel full very quickly. I still have a half glass of red wine at night though. No desire for sweets or carbs."

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107 Report
  • Bagoly
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 10, 2014

"Started Qsymia in Sept. 2013 weighing 198 lbs. I'm 52 yo, 5'5'' female with 3 kids, have lost 45 lbs to date. Only side effects were tingling in toes occasionally, but not anymore. I'm very active around the house and yard but do not exercise, keeping daily calorie count below 1200 with healthy foods and plenty of fluids. This was my last attempt at losing weight - AND IT WORKED!! And it does NOT make me crazy and wound up like other meds did in the past. Have been spreading the word to friends and family since first seeing the results!"

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102 Report
  • CA1967
  • May 9, 2013

"I have been taking Qsymia for 6 months now, on the highest dose at this point. I have been taking it exactly how it is supposed to be taken per my doctor. I have physical limitations (bad knees) that keep me from being able to exercise much. Walking is about all I am able to do. I did not change my diet radically, the Qsymia changed it for me, making me want to eat healthier because the junk food had negative effects on me and/or tasted bad. Becoming soda-free was the best thing that ever happened to me. To date, I have lost 83 pounds and have 57 more to go and know I will lose it with the help of this. Would I recommend this to people? Absolutely!! Is it worth the tingling in the feet? The dry mouth? YES!"

9 / 10
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109 Report
  • MindyCH
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 18, 2014

"Another update - Today I have lost 20 lbs. and been on Qsymia since March 9, 2014 (3 months, 9 days). I went four weeks with no loss, then lost a few more. It's slow and steady, but it does work. It's not a miracle pill, you have to do your part! It does help with cravings and appetite control. I also have to stay very consistent with Miralax and stool softeners because it does cause constipation. You have to drink a lot of water with this medication, too, as it will cause you to be thirsty. It's good to get into the habit of drinking lots of water anyway!"

9 / 10
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100 Report
  • getti...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 26, 2014

"I wanted to give an update on my progress with Qsymia. I started on 02/18/2014. As of today, I have lost 25 pounds. I do light exercise 3-4 times a week (about 20 to 30 mins). I love these pills and will continue until I have reached my goal. I go to the doctor on 08/02/2014. I will come back with another update then. In the beginning, my insurance did not pay, but now they do, and I only have to pay a copay of $40."

8 / 10
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100 Report
  • sheis...
  • September 5, 2014

"I have only taken the 14-day supply, two pills left and I have lost a total of 12 lbs so far. This is without exercise, but I do plan on incorporating this now that the lightheadedness is gone. I drink plenty of water with this pill. I started this on Aug 25th, so I say they work for me. So imagine when I work out, wow."

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98 Report
  • Amelia
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 15, 2019

"I am a 43-year-old woman. At 5'4", I used Qsymia last year and went from 177 pounds down to 145 pounds (which was my goal weight) in 5 months. It was amazing! The only side effects I noticed were dry mouth (which had an upside because it kept me drinking water all day long), and I also experienced finger and toe tingling/numbness. Food still tasted about the same to me, but I had very little interest in eating. I have no cravings at all, and I was full of energy. I couldn't believe how quick and easy it was for me to drop the pounds. Unfortunately, now one year later, I have returned to unhealthy habits and gained the weight back. I just had a visit with my doctor today, and we decided that I should try Qsymia again. I am very excited to get back on this medication because I know it works for me."

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59 Report
  • Yello...
  • October 10, 2013

"I've been on this for close to 30 days. I've lost 13 lbs, started at 225 lbs. I haven't had many of the side effects that others have experienced. I see a common theme that no one mentions whether or not they take vitamins/multivitamins to help curb the side effects. That was the very first thing my doctor told me, and to drink plenty of water."

7 / 10
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104 Report
  • No Mo...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 24, 2013

"I started Qsymia on 02/08/2013. 237 lbs. No self-control. No motivation. Insulin-dependent diabetic, cholesterol, high blood pressure. Felt hopeless. Started Qsymia as a last resort. Dropped 14 pounds the first month. Slowly started feeling better, getting motivation, taking control. Started cardio, eating right. To date, 55 pounds gone. I FOUND ME again. It is slow, but this medicine saved my life. Side effects: dry mouth, all sweets taste horrible - which is a bonus, no appetite, can't sleep. Nothing I can't handle."

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106 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.