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Aftera for Emergency Contraception User Reviews (Page 2)

Aftera has an average rating of 7.0 out of 10 from a total of 219 reviews for the treatment of Emergency Contraception. 63% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 24% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Aftera

  • rlwaldr
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 12, 2018

"It worked. My girlfriend took the pill on July 9th within 18 hrs of unprotected sex after the condom broke. 8 days later she had a light period for 4 days. A month later around the first week of August she had extremely sore boobs. On August 20, she had another period that was extremely heavy. I sweated about this the whole time and read every review on this site and others. Just wanted give some hope to the next person whom reads this!"

10 / 10
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  • Irres...
  • July 26, 2019

"Do yourself a favor and stop reading online reviews as they will literally drive you insane. I convinced myself I was in fact preggers (somehow developed ALL the magical my head of course). With that being said, things happened with my significant other and needless to say we were both a little tipsy so I needed to take this pill. It worked for me, side effects weren't too great but it got the job done. Plan B has failed me once, this did not and it's only second time taking an emergency contraception. I downloaded a fertility app "Glow" which gives you a more accurate time frame of when you would be ovulating just for a peace of mind. I should mention that I am over the recommended weight limit as some reviews suggested (in case you're not a perfect size 2 yourself and are worried). Just relax, buy a pregnancy test (as I did, just in case) and hope for the best."

10 / 10
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  • Ecano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 27, 2021

"I still don't know if this pill works. I'm late a few days, my breast feel like they're going to explode and I get these light to moderate cramping every single day. I didn't feel symptoms right away, it actually started like a week after and it's been two weeks already. I took Aftera after ovulation so I hope it doesn't fail me."

3 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Private
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 9, 2022

"I wanted to write a review because reading reviews was the only thing that helped me relax while waiting for my period. I took Aftera 15 days ago after having unprotected sex. He completed finished inside of me twice and this was 2-3 days before ovulation. I waited 40 hours before I took the pill because I had a big work day the day after the incident and I remember that I always have had terrible side effects with morning after pills. But I wouldn’t suggest that! Take the pill right away!! And man o man the side effects are terrible for me. I swore I was pregnant. I was dizzy off and on with nausea for the past two weeks. My boobs were huge and I had cramping pretty much since I took the pill. The cramping was not like normal period cramps which made me nervous because I was worried for implantation cramping. Part of me was so worried I was pregnant. But my period came one day before it was supposed to and I feel so relieved. Try to hang in there! Let’s try n practice safe sex!"

8 / 10
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  • Nobab...
  • February 13, 2017

"So I had a crazy college night where there was no condom used, I'm not on birth control, and this relentless boy literally came all over my area. I was freaking out. He bought me aftera the next day and I took it immediately probably like 6 hours after having sex. I read the reviews and started panicking because so many people claimed they got pregnant. Anyways a week later I got my period (YAY!) so if you use it when you should you'll be fine! Something to keep in mind is that most people that write reviews are people that have SUPER STRONG experiences with products. You're more likely to write a negative review if you're frustrated w/ a product rather then satisfied bc it did what it was supposed to so don't panic! (:"

10 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • LGano
  • June 15, 2019

"I had unprotected sex on June 1st. The condom broke and I was in my fertile days. I have been on birth control pills for like 5 years but the last couple months I had not been taking them responsibly. I was pretty worried so I took Aftera. 1) Aftera is the SAME as plan B, it is the generic version. 2) Once I took Aftera, I had the worst nausea of my life. I stayed in bed all day and I had abdominal cramping for 2 weeks. 3) Aftera WORKS. I went to my doctor on June 14th for a blood pregnancy test (they are more accurate) because I couldn't wait any longer to know. It came back negative. After convincing myself I was pregnant for 2 very long stressful weeks, I found out I wasn't and Aftera did its job. I have taken Aftera before and did not have any side effects, but this time I had pretty bad ones. Spotting (the week before my period which made me think it was implantation bleeding) headaches, bad cramping, nausea, etc. All in all, like everyone says on here, trust the pill."

10 / 10
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  • andii...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 16, 2016

"I'm Doing this because I was in the same position as many other people who have accidents while having case was the broken condom. I had sex on July 7 and took the Aftera pill after 25hrs from having sex. My only symptom from the pill was a late period. I was supposed top get my period on July12, and it didn't arrive, I was beginning to worry. I have it a wait, and here I am 4 days later, cramping and with my period(: don't worry too much, just let the pill do it's work. You will be okay(:"

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Joan
  • August 10, 2019

"This pill did not work for me. I took it the day after I had unprotected sex. What I didn't know, was that if you are ovulating or ovulated that week, the pill isn't going to work. One of the ways the pill works is that stops you from ovulating, but only if you aren't currently doing so if that makes sense."

1 / 10
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  • Jessiah
  • September 3, 2017

"During unprotected sexual intercourse he fully ejaculated inside of me (I guess on accident, I'm not even sure.) But I did not want a kid at all so he offered to get me the pill so about 43 hours later I took aftera which I was kind of worried because it was the off brand but I took it anyway and about a week later I have bleeding for 4 days (not my period) and ever since then I had very bad symptoms including cramps, back pains, headaches and much more I always felt tired and was very moody but needless to say about 13 days late I ended up getting my period! This pill worked for me but I am pretty sure it has a lot to do with the fact that all this happened right when my last period ended so I was for sure not ovulating. But don't worry!"

8 / 10
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  • Phew
  • October 25, 2019

"So I had protected and unprotected sex the same day, used the pull out method but I’m not on birth control and it isn’t always effective so I went to get plan b but they were out so I bought this brand Aftera. Was a bit skeptical at first because I’ve never heard of this brand. Took it about 1 hour after. Was on Friday. The next day I had awful stomach pain and felt dizzy tired and weak and nauseous. This subsided the next couple of days. I was paranoid because I saw thick discharge on day 3 but that’s just the pill working because it thickens your cervical mucus. A week later I got my period! It did make my period come a week earlier but it works. Don’t stress too much and convince yourself you’re pregnant as long as you take it on time you’ll be good. I believe I was ovulating too, so this pill saved me. Side effects suck but it’s better than being pregnant!"

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • November 12, 2019

"Sharing my experience because these reviews calmed me down! Disclaimer: I probably wasn't going to get pregnant regardless of Aftera, so I can't attest to its effectiveness. I am on the combination pill for birth control but I had missed two pills prior to my placebo week and the condom broke when I was having sex on 10/23 after my placebo week (he did not finish in me). I took Aftera 8 hours after and I didn't experience any cramps or nausea, but I broke out so bad on my chin about a day after. I have awful anxiety and I was so worried about getting pregnant that I was making myself nauseous and crampy for the next couple of weeks. Today, (11/12), I took a First Response test and it was negative! Stay off of Google, you will most likely be totally okay! Worrying will only make you experience pregnancy symptoms and I had literally convinced myself that I was pregnant. Take a deep breath and take a test after three weeks if you're stressed."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 13, 2019

"My period is over an entire month late about 40 days now. How normal is this? After 2 weeks of my missed period, that is when I started to freak out. I've been taking pregnancy tests about 2 times a day, even went to the doctor who confirmed I am not pregnant. My cramps are crazy beyond this world in pain. I have a lot of anxiety. I've taken Plan B in the past and never had this issue."

7 / 10
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  • Bh1517
  • August 3, 2015

"Ladies n gents calm down. This stuff works I stressed myself out for a whole week about it. My gf and I had unprotected sex and I finished inside her and she was ovulating. We went and got the pill the next morning about 11 hours later and I started freaking out. It ended up she's not pregnant and I am ELATED. THE STUFF WORKS. Use it for emergencies only and I think it is dependable I hope this helps some people stressing I know I had to go to this website to calm me down too. Just wait it'll b ok"

10 / 10
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  • Justl...
  • November 16, 2016

"This product worked well for me I took it 24 hours after unprotected sex and it worked well for me. It cost $39.99 at CVS about $10 cheaper then Plan B and to me it was worth it. Although I was nervous to buy the generic brand because of the reviews but it worked good in my eyes. Only symptoms I received were mild cramping and a slight headache but nothing to crazy the only downfall to this product is it made my period 2 days late but yet again my period dates fluctuates so much that it could have just bean on time. P.S. I weigh about 275 pounds For anyone who is concerned about there being a weight limit ."

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  • Anonymous
  • March 19, 2019

"My and I boyfriend had unprotected sex (I know stupid!) because he forgot a condom on Sunday March 10th around 6:30 pm he came in me. I had ovulated 8 days before on March 2nd and was expecting my period a week from March 10th. We’re both late teens so we are wayyy to young to have a child. I took aftera the next day around 4:30 pm (22 hours after sex) and felt fine the rest of the day. I had bad cramping and bloating for for the next 3 days. I also experienced fatigue. My period was a day late. BUT IT WORKED!!! Don’t stress everything things gonna be okay."

9 / 10
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  • jaz
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 3, 2020

"Aftera worked 100% for me, I had unprotected sex and he came inside of me but 4-5 hours later I took Aftera and a week later I got my period. The cramps were a lot worse but it was definitely worth it."

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  • A Thot
  • June 19, 2019

"Had to use this in two separate occasions. He didn’t finish in both scenarios, but I vouched for the pill anyways. For the first time I took it less than an hour after the act. Period was on time, but wow the flow intensity was weird. When it happened again, I took it a whopping 71 hours afterwards. Period was a day later than expected and the flow intensity was weird again. Overall, the product works but you better get ready for a whack period."

9 / 10
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  • bigsc...
  • June 8, 2019

"My boyfriend & I had unprotected sex on the morning of May 18th (4 days after my period ended). He did not finish inside of me but after reading stuff about pre-cum I began to freak myself out. I am not on any type of birth control and was getting close to my predicted day of ovulation so I went to the pharmacy and took the pill 13 hours after. 5 days after taking it, I began to get horrible cramps and bled for 3 days. The bleeding was light and not like a normal period. I also experienced INTENSE mood swings and intrusive thoughts. I was so sad that not even my boyfriend or best friend could cheer me up.I also had the ovulation type discharge for about 2 weeks.The side effects of this pill often mimic pregnancy symptoms so try not to read too much on the internet. While it has been as LONG and anxiety filled month, I woke up today to see that my period arrived pretty much on schedule (1 day late) and I have never been happier! Your period will come even if the pill throws you off a bit :)"

7 / 10
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  • Tea...
  • September 19, 2021

"I’m a 20 year old Christian. Christians are not perfect and sometimes we make mistakes but we just have to try not to make them again..but when I tell you god and this pill came though I am still praising till this day but my experience was really scary"

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  • Scarlet
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 8, 2020

"I took this pill after I had unprotected sex. I went in wanting to buy a Plan B the cashier asked me if I wanted to buy Aftera it’s cheaper she said it worked the same. I took the pill a few hours later I was having cramps, tender breast it felt like a cold anyways the pill worked for me but I got my period 6 days late I was panicking the whole time thinking i was pregnant I took a test came out negative. If I was to buy the morning pill again I would definitely go for Plan B no matter the price my period was always on time with it."

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  • Jade
  • October 11, 2018

"So I took aftera because I had unprotected sex on the last day of my period. He didn’t finish inside of me , but I was worried about precum. After taking the pill, I started feeling tightness in my stomach and cramps. About a couple of days later. I also had some spotting a few days later from taking the pill. About three weeks later, I had tiredness, mood swings, headaches, more urinations, fatigue, increased hunger... just about the symptoms for pregnancy. Now my period was 9 DAYS LATE! But.... I got pink discharge, then I started officially bleeding about three days after the discharge. But I got my period, right now I don’t know about it’s heaviness or anything but it feels like it’s going to be a little bit more harsh than normal but pretty normal. It Works! I'm not sure if it will work if you had unprotected sex while ovulating. I was very stressed and anxious so I made sure to leave a review for other women experiencing similar situations! Hope this helps! Good luck!!!"

8 / 10
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  • Gaby...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 2, 2017

"My boyfriend and I had sex on the very last day of my period. I keep careful track of it and keep note. Without noticing, the condom broke and came in me (Jan 20). It was 6am and there was no pharmacies open around me, so I had to wait until 10, a good 4 hours after the indicent. CVS didn't have plan B and opted for Aftera, the next available. She said it was the same thing only $10 less. 2 weeks after taking the pill, I had terrible breast tenderness, swelling, I had light cramps that would come and go every so often. 3 weeks came and still no period. FINALLY, on Feb 18, my period came. This pill is extremely strong, different side effects for different people. Hope this helps someone. GOOD LUCK GIRLS!"

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  • Kenya
  • February 11, 2019

"Took Aftera the morning after unprotected sex (my partner ejaculated inside of me multiple times the night before). This pill works. I had no side effects and my period came on time. I'm shocked to have read so many negative reviews about this drug. Like previously stated, I had no issues. While I'm thankful for emergency contraceptives, as women, we must do better. If you are sexually active, PLEASE visit a doctor and get on birth control. It really is our safest option."

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  • Yeehaw
  • October 24, 2019

"I’ve unfortunately (on my end) used this brand a few times now and have had pleasant experiences so far. The condom slipped off inside me the day I was due to ovulate. The next morning, I purchased and took the Aftera pill within about 9 hours of the accident. Afterwards, I was doing some reading on the internet and I saw all the skepticism about the effectiveness of emergency contraceptives for women of a higher BMI (that’s me). Reading that stressed me out a bit, but it turns out that I am not pregnant! My period even started three days early! The only down sides to aftera are that it makes me feel a little depressed and I break out a little longer than usual."

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  • T0t0r0
  • May 17, 2016

"Me and my boyfriend always have safe sex, but this time the condom seemed to come off inside of me and we didn't notice until after he finished. I took Aftera about 1 hour after it happened. IT REALLY WORKS. My ovulation window was around that time and I was freaking out. My period comes every 30 days and I got it on time! (two weeks after taking the pill). I'm on my third day of having my period and it is lighter than usual, but not to a big degree. The only symptoms I got from the pill were dizziness, nausea, and fatigue. This was my first time taking Aftera and it was very effective. The sooner you take it, the better it works."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.