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Imiquimod topical for Human Papilloma Virus User Reviews (Page 5)

Brand names: Aldara, Zyclara

Imiquimod topical has an average rating of 7.1 out of 10 from a total of 257 reviews for the treatment of Human Papilloma Virus. 61% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 20% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Imiquimod topical

  • whati...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 31, 2016

"I was horrified to find 2 bumps near my vaginal opening. After an emotional gyno visit, I learned that I had HPV warts. I was prescribed Imiquimod and let me tell you. IT WORKS. Right away I saw improvement with my warts and they disappeared within weeks. Unfortunately I did have more pop up after I treated those and I am currently treating them now, but with success! They are almost completely gone after 2 weeks. ONLY apply a small amount and only to the affected areas!!! I thought "Go big or go home!" when I first applied it and seriously burnt my vag. It was bad. Do not rub on the surrounding areas unless you want your genitals cooked. There are some side effects to this cream, hence why I gave it a 9/10. Some itching/soreness."

9 / 10
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  • Lee...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 23, 2017

"My second round of Aldara. I am HPV + 16 & 18 the monsters. I'm using Aldara. I sachet per treatment and 3 treatments per week. (Mon/Wed/Fri) for 16 weeks. Initially the cream caused the usual discomfort, burning, itching, chills, feverish. I'm being treated for vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2/3 (VAIN2/3). Aldara has to be placed on a tampon and inserted internally and left for a couple hours. I'm into my 2nd month and no side effects at all. I use a little KY Jelly at the base of tampon to assist for lubrication. I'm also juicing, eating veggies mostly during the week and drinking green tea and taking vitamins to build immune system. Hoping to rid the HPV for good. I see professor in 2.5 months and will know more then."

8 / 10
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  • Ughmy...
  • September 29, 2018

"Absolutely hate this condition!!!! Not even sure if this medication is working, it seemed to have created more warts! :( also down there area is always red and swollen now so I'm not sure if I should continue this. I’ve been using it for 1 1/2 months and I’ve only seen a couple go away, but there is still redness in that area. Anyone experience that?? I’ll keep you guys posted! Any tips for getting rid of this faster would be much appreciated!! Just want to get rid of the redness (and warts obviously)"

5 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Used...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 17, 2017

"I used the off brand because it ended up only $10 with my insurance. First of all, my doctor told me not to worry about getting every spot. The meds help your body fight it off so it is going to clear it up everywhere despite you not getting every bump. My first sign of HPV warts was 4 months ago. A couple bumps turned into several. I started using this cream and within two weeks, I now only have 2 bumps and they keep getting smaller after each use. Important!!! Do not over-use the cream. When I did I got aches all over my body and it was so bad I needed Advil. But it only happened the day after I used it and only was bad for about a week. The worst day was after I applied the cream twice. Only apply once and very sparingly. It does work!!"

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  • NEC
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 10, 2019

Aldara (imiquimod) "I had 2 quite large warts near the entrance of my vagina, I’ve been using the cream for 2 weeks, one of the warts has nearly completely disappeared and the other one has shrunk to a tiny pimple size. The cream did start to cause soreness, tingling and itching after about the 3rd use, still feels slightly tender now but 100% worth the discomfort as it has worked."

8 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • 420user
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 25, 2016

"I'm a male, 23 yo. Was fighting with warts in my perineum area for almost 2 years. I tried to burn them in my home with a pc air duster (if you sprayed it upside down it sprays a very cold subtance, like nitrogen but weaker) and it works but it can give you marks and after some time the warts grew again. I was really scared so i tried imiquimod (I'm from Peru, here you can find it with the name imimore). I applied a really tiny amount of cream before sleeping 3x a week for like 12 weeks and didn't notice any improvement, so I switch to apply every day and it magically start working, my skin get a little irritated and itched a bit but never had pain or drastic side effects. Now its been 16 weeks and I'm clean! MY ADVISE, BE PATIENT"

9 / 10
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  • Anony...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 21, 2018

Aldara (imiquimod) "I am on to my second week now of aldara. My first 2 days I applied way to much and was in severe agony was waking up in tears with pain - burning, itching, hurt to walk and sit down also when urinating. I took a 3 day break and have been applying a lot less now and comes with a lot less pain, so anyone starting treatment you do not need much product!!! I learned that the hard way. Gets very itchy and uncomfortable but nothing unbearable like the first 2 days. I have been having other bad side effects - horrible dreams, chills, headaches, trouble sleeping and general aches and pains but so far so good as the Aldara seems to be working so I am looking forward to to my next couple of weeks of treatment."

6 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Unknown
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 10, 2019

"I’m a 25 year old black woman & recently I was told I have HPV. Super scary at first because I have never had anything like this & didn’t know what to expect. I believe it was contracted from me getting Brazilian waxes. I went to my dermatologist first and tried cryotherapy & it didn’t work so I went to my OBGYN. He prescribed this medication & I have been on it for about a week now. The warts have gone down tremendously. I had 2/3 in my bikini line area that are completely gone & there are some in the butt crack area that were a bit larger. Maybe the size of a pinky finger nail. It’s still there but I can definitely tell the difference. I’ll give it about another week or so before they go away. I'm in the mirror every day all day looking at it lol. I know it’s scary and unattractive but the medication works. I just can’t wait for them to be gone. Oh and it wasn’t as costly for me as others with my insurance I only paid $15."

9 / 10
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  • John__
  • April 24, 2016

"I had really bad expectations when I started to read reviews about this medication. then i experienced the side effects that came with it. however, the medicine worked for me after 4 1/2 weeks. I had big cluster on my inner thigh, half the size of my pinky fingernail. it was embarrassing. I was ashamed and never sought treatment. I eventually saw a Dr and she gave me imiquimod. twelve little packs cost me around $200. I only used three so I have extra for future outbreaks. I have two tips. One, make sure to only put the cream on the wart. two, make sure that you wash the cream off after 6-8 hours. there will be discomfort at times but its manageable."

10 / 10
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  • Tod...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 28, 2021

Aldara (imiquimod) "I was prescribed Aldara for genital warts, I applied it no problems however after about a week I started getting burns, growths, bleeding, I thought nothing of it. Kept applying it, some of that calmed down then getting worse in other parts, I’ve stopped applying it now, my penis is burned, skin and discharge, it hurts when I urinate or when I pull back my fore skin back, it stings to touch, I don’t know if anyone else has experienced this?"

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  • Ks78
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 13, 2016

"I was prescribed this cream to treat hpv that I've been diagnosed with. The doctor didn't go into much detail about how to use the cream except for to put it on the infected area. I put it on the infected area and the surrounding areas. I used the cream about 3-4 times and now it's the worst pain ever. It feels like chemical burn to my genitals. I've stopped using the cream and it's been about 4 days and I can still barely walk due to the amount of pain and discomfort this cream has caused. I've been using neosporin but it is not helping. Does anyone reccomed trying anything else to get the burning pain to go away ?"

1 / 10
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  • Kit
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 20, 2019

"imiquimod worked after only 5 applications on 3 separate warts (1 large, 2 small). Had horrible side effects after 2 applications. Headaches, nausea, skin redness and blistering. There's hardly any info on how to help relieve side effects while on imiquimod , so here's some advice. I invested in an aloe vera spray mist with 1% lidocaine which helped relieve the burning feeling and pain from what seemed like chemical burns on my lady area! I found aquaphor better than vaseline and put it on every day to heal the skin and stop chafing. Also only wear cotton underwear for max comfort. Take painkillers (I used ibuprofen to reduce the swelling) and antihistamine to help the itch. Whatever you do, DO NOT ITCH- my skin seemed extra thin and sensitive and even a light scratch could cause a painful cut where it normally wouldn't. I've been off it for a week now and all cuts and scrapes have healed up. Skin redness still hasn't subsided but overall feeling back to normal."

10 / 10
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  • Horri...
  • February 6, 2017

Aldara (imiquimod) "I had a wart on my penis which the doctor froze and it disappeared. Later I noticed I had some warts around my anus. I went to the doctor, mortified, and was prescribed with Aldara cream. I used it as prescribed, three times and noticed some pain after the first week but didn't think much of it. I went back to the doctor for a check up and I was prescribed further Aldara cream. The pain after was agony. I had headaches and chemical burning to the point that I couldn't sit down for days. I stopped using the cream and bathed in Epsom Salt and used Aloe Vera. Subsequently I have continued to bathe in Epsom Salt and used Tee-Tree Oil. Although slow it works. Do NOT use Aldara Cream if you can avoid it, natural remedies are better and no pain!"

1 / 10
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  • Fitch...
  • June 3, 2016

"Had 5 HPV warts on the perineum area, and two just up on my vagina and after 4 rounds of unsuccessful cyro I was referred to a Gyno who booked me in for surgical excision and gave me Aldara at my request citing that she had "little hope" it would get rid of them. She was 100% wrong, they started clearing almost straight away. I applied the cream to the warts every second day for two and a half weeks (using half a packet each time) and the warts have literally ALL gone. My side effects were insane with possibly the most intense burning I have ever felt, swelling, nausea and severe back pain and flu symptoms BUT I would do it again in a heartbeat."

10 / 10
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  • aqw
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 13, 2017

"It's been almost one month since using this medication and it is slowly but surely working. My lifted GW is now almost flat. My other small barely raised GW's are hardly visible. Unfortunately, my warts are on my clitoris which I haven't seen or heard anyone elses having warts in this area. My clitoris and skin surrounding the area is pretty sensitive, red, and raw. Yes, you may get some "burning lesions " most likely a chemical burn. Do not glob this medication on. Just a thin layer will do. I learned that the hard way. I still get some oozing from the lesions kinda looks like pus, but this is normal with this cream. I can't wait to see the end!"

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  • Hang...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 3, 2017

"I got anal warts this year. I was given 5% imiquimod cream and told to apply it 3x a week. I was a little bit afraid based on the reviews because people said it hurt very badly after a few applications. This did not happen to me after 4 applications, but also i didn't notice any progress. I did some research, and learned that imiquimod does not penetrate the skin all that well , and found an article showing success rate with imiquimod increased when the skin was "permeabilized" with salicylic acid. I started treating on Tu/Th with salicylic acid and then applying imiquimod M/W/F. It hurt like hell but the warts were gone in 2 weeks. Not for the faint of heart, but worked quickly."

8 / 10
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  • WhyMe
  • January 4, 2017

"I just started applying the cream tonight and I'm feeling hopeless because I don't feel anything down there. I was hoping that it would burn a little just like how it burns when the doctor applies the wart removal acid. I really hope this is going to work because this has been really frustrating and emotional for me. It started with just one wart outside my vagina and all of a sudden I now have a cluster of warts around my anal area (I don't have anal sex all)"

2 / 10
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  • None
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 8, 2018

"This is my first time using it my doctor had told me to put on twice a day for three days and take a four day break I had put it on sparingly but then rubbed it in and the spots where the Genital Warts were is fine and clearing up with this being my first week but the unaffected skin is very very sore and like you just skinned your balls so I am on my four-day break and I will apply only a pin point drop of this medicine on the affected areas and use anything to cover up the unaffected area so be very very sparingly when applying this medicine other than my mistake for rubbing it in this medicine is at least a nine out of 10 for getting rid of GW and also take a shower every day"

6 / 10
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  • alexs...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 25, 2020

Aldara (imiquimod) "2 small and flat warts appeared on my penis 8 months ago and doctor prescribed Aldara. It caused redness, fatigue and time to time fever. But I continued using it as warts were so annoying and made me feel miserable. After 3 months, the warts disappeared but left a small scar. After a month, the warts appeared again and as last resort I started to use aldara again. This time warts disappeared after 2 months and but the scars became a bit worse. Just hoping that it was the last time I used aldara. Wishing you all hpv-free days..."

6 / 10
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  • Honey...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 26, 2019

"I've been using aldara 3 times a week for 3 weeks on genital and anal warts. I've had no burning or anything. Does this mean it's not working. It's really affecting my mental health all this. I can't stand them and I just want them to go! "

2 / 10
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  • Gano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 12, 2018

Aldara (imiquimod) "It’s day ten and I have used aldara continuously in the first four days and stopped at the fifth day because the pain was unbearable and wanted to take a break. The burning urination was still there along the itchiness, white discharge and burning sensation overall. Pain started to ease on day 8 and I had sex and didn’t feel any discomfort (just embarrassment lol). Today I took a look at my vagina and I was happy to see that most of my GWs were either completely gone or has gotten smaller. I applied aldara again since I have no pain or discomfort and will continue to take it. Again, hope this works and will keep you updated. G."

6 / 10
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  • Perse...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 5, 2015

"I was prescribed Aldara by my GP for genital warts. I was instructed to use the cream 3x weekly (every other day) and to use it sparingly. I had approx 5 warts at the time of diagnosis, one large, about the size of a pea and the others about the size of crumbs. I am on my 7th application (beginning Week 3) and already the warts have almost vanished. The largest one has reduced to the size of a crumb and only one other remains. The 1st week and a half I had some discomfort (I couldn't wear underwear as the treatment area was quite sore & raw) but nothing torturous like other stories I've read online. My labia is swollen & a few blisters have developed near the treatment area but I assume this will subside after I stop applying the cream."

8 / 10
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  • Your...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 21, 2020

"Stop having sex until it is completely healed. You will be passing this virus on to everyone and no one needs to be diagnosed with genital warts!!! Wear condoms, stop having sex with your partner and/or others while infected. You’re spreading it around when you have sex while warts are visible. PLEASE stop. My story: Diagnosed with genital warts in 2015 they were surgically removed, came back 2020. Prescribed the 24 pk creams of imiquimod. So far so good, I use with salycilic acid (use a bar of acne Neutrogena), let dry, apply to ONLY the warts (not the entire packet), Vaseline is good to use on surrounding areas for less irritation. Also, if your significant other doesn't get theirs treated, you will keep getting infected. If they don’t want to go see a doctor, DUMP EM!!!"

7 / 10
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  • Lina
  • February 18, 2016

"I am a female, 25. I made a mistake and had unprotected sex with two guys back in November. I found the first tiny warts by the end of December. After 5 weeks they became medium size and that's when I started worrying. I thought my sexual life was over. I went to see the doctor and she prescribed Aldara. It has been only a week but I already see them shrink. They itch, burn and hurt but I can tolerate it. If it's really bad, I apply a herbal ointment which is good for healing wounds and burns. If it's dry, I apply the soothing cream for intimate care. They really help. I apply very small amount of Aldara only on the affected area. I had a sex the day after applying and it didn't cause significant discomfort or pain."

7 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 24, 2018

Aldara (imiquimod) "After using it for 2 days I noticed my warts shrinking and thought hell yeah! By the end of the week I can’t sleep because the small amount I’m putting in has burnt my penis and it’s swollen and very red! It’s now been 3 weeks after stopped using the product and I still can’t touch my penis and pull back the skin without it bring me to tears! The Pain is unbelievable and will never forget it. Just walking around with underwear on hurts Cos it rubs."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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