Diflucan for Candida Urinary Tract Infection User Reviews
Diflucan has an average rating of 5.9 out of 10 from a total of 7 reviews for the treatment of Candida Urinary Tract Infection. 57% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 43% reported a negative experience.
- Savin...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 6, 2015
"Amazing drug. After trying everything for a week to get rid of the worst yeast infection of my life, I was prescribed Diflucan. Within 15 minutes, no lie, yeast started dumping from my body. Kinda gross, but that's what was making me feel so horrible and frustrated. I had waited a few days after Monistat didn't work. But word to the wise, drink lots of water after you take this; there are so many toxins that get released into your body when yeast dies off, especially that fast. I drank a lot of water and didn't experience side effects or headaches with this med."
- K8s1
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 22, 2018
"I was prescribed just 2 pills after getting antibiotics for a UTI and an ear infection “just in case.” They were to be taken 7 days apart. The morning after taking 1 I had nearly all the side effects mentioned for this drug. I didn’t read the side effects beforehand and psych myself out. I just wondered why my stomach was so bloated, painful miserable gas, constant BM, 0 appetite and worsts of all I had shortness of breath! Then, 24 hrs later, I remembered I had taken this the night before and looked up negative side effects. I will not be taking the other pill! If I ever get a true yeast infection, I will use the 1 day ovule that has no side effects! Can’t wait til this leaves my system which says it stay in your system for several days :("
Frequently asked questions
- Yeast Infections
- Does fluconazole flush out yeast/discharge?
- How long does fluconazole take to work?
- Fluconazole - can you drink alcohol while using one dose of 150mg one time?
- kuno
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 24, 2021
"It would have been very nice to have known beforehand that Difucan contains fluoride, which messes with iodine. I have thyroid problems and bipolar, so it is been real fun puking my brains out while having a complete breakdown. This stuff also has the added plus of switching your yeast infection to a bacterial infection."
- Jean
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 26, 2018
"I was prescribed this drug for a fungal UTI I have lost most of my hair. I started loosing it about a week or so after I finished the medication . I now have started saving it along with videos, I have 2 Qt. size zip lock bags of it & am still loosing it by the brush full almost 2 mo. later. My hair was VERY THICK now you can see thru it. I will never take this drug again."
Are you taking this medicine?
- Syed...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 8, 2022
"Two months ago I started feeling burns on my penis so I didn't take it seriously. But these days it became so bad that I couldn't sleep then I searched for it on google today. I bought Diflucan and its been 4 hours and I have no burning or itching just a few wounds"
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 15, 2015
"I am still having problems with a bad taste in my mouth, no appetite, nausea after taking a single dose over a week ago. I suffered a very bad headache for 3 days after the dose. It was miserable."
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- Drug class: azole antifungals
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Patient resources
- Diflucan drug information
- Diflucan IV (Advanced Reading)
- Diflucan (Fluconazole Injection Solution)
- Diflucan (Fluconazole Oral Suspension)
- Diflucan (Fluconazole Tablets)
"Okay, umm... I was diagnosed with candida in 2014 and was given different antifungals, which seemed to work for the meantime. Then, in 2015, I had a reinfection, symptoms were similar to the last one. So, Diflucan was recommended: 150 mg single dose and ketoconazole cream. On taking the single dose of Diflucan, I got a lot better after 3 hours, it was such a relief. The itching, burning, and inflammation stopped. This is 2020, and I am currently on another dose, and it's working perfectly... I recommend this drug 100%."