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Nuvigil User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

Nuvigil has an average rating of 7.1 out of 10 from a total of 155 reviews on 64% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 16% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Nuvigil

  • will
  • February 12, 2013

For Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea Syndrome "I have suffered with severe OSAH syndrome for 15 years. I have undergone two surgeries to help 'clear' my airway with very short-term positive effects. For years, I 'slept' for at least nine hours a night and still napped for 2 to 4 hours every day. I awoke EVERY morning with my uvula so swollen it felt like I was swallowing it, and with a severely dry mouth and nagging headache. When I was awake, I was in a fog. CPAP helped, but I still had to nap during the day. 6 months ago, my pulmonologist prescribed Nuvigil, and my life changed. It is a miracle medication. I never go without my CPAP, and I take 250 mg Nuvigil around 9 a.m., and I can now have a normal, productive day. In addition, as long as I am CPAP compliant, my insurance pays all but $5."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • May 15, 2011

For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome "I have had chronic fatigue syndrome for over 20 years, and it controlled and stole my life. Nuvigil has given it back to me. Prior to Nuvigil, I would collapse at around 1 PM and have to sleep around 2-3 hours, then I would have to go to bed by 9 every night. Now I am living an almost normal life. I don't need naps and go to bed at 9-10 PM and find that my mental alertness is greatly increased (i.e., it seems to counteract 'fibrofog'). Drawbacks are increased blood pressure, and insurance won't cover it."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • June 15, 2009

For Narcolepsy "Idiopathic Hypersomnia - Nuvigil has been available for prescription for two weeks; I have been taking it for five days. 50 mg once in the morning. I do not have trouble falling asleep at night, which I did on Provigil. Nuvigil is rather expensive to fill, more than $1 per pill for my copay. It has helped my daytime sleepiness somewhat, but not taken it away completely. I still get strong urges to nap, but they are more resistible. I sleep less at night, more like 7-9 hours than 8-10. The big problem is that Nuvigil appears to be triggering migraines for me. I have chronic migraine syndrome, and I usually get one per week, but for the first four days on Nuvigil, I got three migraines. I will have to discontinue it if this side effect doesn't stop."

5 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • hawle...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 21, 2012

For Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea Syndrome "I have sleep apnea and use the C-PAP but still felt so tired, and my mind did not work. My sleep doctor prescribed Nuvigil 150 mg. It was and is a miracle pill. I have taken it for 11 months. I feel like a new person with so much more energy. I deal with diabetes type 2, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, acid reflux, and depression. I am not overweight and am the only one in my large family with these problems, but Nuvigil has helped me to cope much better. I was worried about it becoming habit-forming and having to take larger and larger doses. But I only take 1/2 tablet in the morning usually. If I am going to be busier than normal, sometimes I take the other half at lunch. But not often. It is still my miracle pill."

10 / 10
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  • KamyM...
  • June 8, 2013

For Narcolepsy "I diagnosed myself after reading a pamphlet in the doctor's office the other day. It was like reading the story of my life for the last couple of years. She put me on Nuvigil, and I'm currently on my second day of it. I've noticed a lot more awakeness and anxiety. Slight heart issues, I think, like racing from time to time, and one severely sharp pain yesterday, but otherwise, I really feel much better. Too bad it's too late to save my marriage, but at least I will be able to build a new life where before there would have been no way to cope. Wish me luck, guys. I've had no headaches or jaw issues either."

9 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • December 11, 2009

For Narcolepsy "I have been taking Provigil 3 x 200 mg tabs in the morning. It works but not great. I would be sitting at my desk and do 'head bobs.' This is not acceptable to me. My doctor suggested I try Nuvigil. I started taking it last week. I took one 250 mg in the morning. It is a sleeping pill to me. This week has been the longest week for me. I am fighting to stay awake at work. I am interested to see if others have this same reaction to Nuvigil."

2 / 10
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49 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 7, 2011

For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome "Since starting on Nuvigil, I have yet to take my afternoon nap. I take Nuvigil each afternoon around 12:30, which will last until 9 PM, right when I'm about to hit the bed. Works like magic. But I still need something to give me an extra boost. However, I feel 90% recovery. It also helps with concentration but not much. Does make you feel good."

9 / 10
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  • Sleep...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 6, 2013

For Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea Syndrome "Have had sleep apnea for a while and started using a CPAP machine alone about 6 months before also adding Nuvigil. Nuvigil helps me get through my work shifts more effectively, especially when transitioning from working 3rd shift to having 3 days off and having to conform to a normal sleep pattern. I liken this medication to taking a 5 hr energy, but it is more effective and lasts longer. I still yawn, but my brain is fully alert and I am able to concentrate like I haven't been able to in years. I'm quite impressed - only side effects have been minor headaches a few days a month and at first a slight nauseated feeling. No jitters or nervousness - love it! Insurance co-pay was $45.00, but the Nuvigil Rx Savings Card brought my co-pay down to $5."

9 / 10
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  • iloveme
  • February 15, 2013

For Bipolar Disorder "I have been on Nuvigil for about a year. It is a miracle. My insurer won't pay for the dosage I need, so I get off of it on the weekends sometimes. I can feel a huge difference off of it and hope that the final stages of the trials produce positive results so I can get the dosage I need. I would not be alive without this medication, I am more productive, social, and have no suicidal thoughts while on it."

10 / 10
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  • mjeap...
  • September 25, 2014

For Narcolepsy "I have been dealing with narcolepsy since 1992. Nuvigil was introduced to me in 2014, wonder pill all the way. Unfortunately, with my insurance, my out-of-pocket expense will run approximately $550 for a 30-day supply. So tell me, do I feed my family of 5 or buy medicine? What a choice to have to make."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • November 7, 2011

For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome "In my opinion, there are a lot of pros and cons for this medication. I took it for a while with no ill effect, but something must have changed, and it made me feel extremely ill (dizziness, heart palpitations, nausea, headache). I stopped taking it because of this and definitely noticed a difference. I think that taking a half a pill every few hours has eliminated my problems with the medication and works to keep me awake and focused for longer."

8 / 10
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  • jthole
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • September 14, 2014

For Shift Work Sleep Disorder "I've taken Provigil in the past for over 8 years due to severe IBDH and shift sleep disorder. When Nuvigil came out on the market, my neurologist gave me samples to try. I found it amazing and a much cleaner version, as I don't notice significant side effects. Most importantly, the abrupt feelings when it first 'kicked in' in the mornings and sudden halt from wide awake to severe sleepiness. Less agitated and a very clean transition from its predecessor, Provigil!"

10 / 10
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34 Report
  • Tired...
  • July 3, 2013

For Shift Work Sleep Disorder "Shift work at the plant. Medicine allows me to think at 2 AM when my body is shutting down. This medicine is not magic. You will not have magical capabilities to learn and solve the world's problems. But you may function somewhat normally as a person again. Do feel some euphoria an hour after taking."

7 / 10
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36 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 21, 2015

For Narcolepsy "My experience has been very positive: a complete elimination of sleep attacks, at least until the medication wears off (I take it at about 7 AM and usually around 2-3 PM I can tell it's worn off). When I first began the medication, I experienced fairly severe insomnia at night for a few days and suffered from headaches (generally dull, low-grade ones) for a couple of weeks. Those problems have long since ended, and I have no trouble falling asleep at night. My doctor suggested not taking the medication on weekends, when I do not have to work, which seems to have helped prevent it from losing any effectiveness. I am fortunate enough to have had no trouble getting my insurance to pay for Nuvigil. My cost is $27 for a 3-month supply by mail."

8 / 10
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32 Report
  • Amber...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 21, 2013

For Narcolepsy "I have been on Nuvigil for about 3 months now and see a little bit of difference. Previously, I was on Ritalin, which worked pretty much the same as Nuvigil. My doctor is currently giving me a trial period for 150 mg once daily. I take one daily at 6-8 a.m., and it lasts me till around noon. I then start to crash, and when driving, I still have a hard time staying awake. My doctor says it is because I need a higher dosage and will hopefully be starting that at the next doctor's visit. I highly recommend Nuvigil if you can afford it, but if not, Ritalin, in my opinion, works just as well."

6 / 10
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  • 23 Fe...
  • July 16, 2009

For Narcolepsy "I was diagnosed with narcolepsy about 2 weeks ago, and I have been taking Nuvigil for about a week. I have to admit it works. The urges to fall asleep are there, but I have a choice now. I still sleep at night. About 7-8 hours, but I still wake up frequently. The only thing is, I get headaches, and my mouth is really, really dry. I'm not thirsty, I am hydrated. I drink plenty of water, but I can't shake these two symptoms. So either I enjoy being awake and deal with the side effects, or I quit the medicine and continue being tired. The first two days on it were great. But after a week, I feel sleep deprived, but I am still awake. I am waiting on a medicine to help me sleep better at night, so I will continue to give Nuvigil a shot."

8 / 10
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44 Report
  • Night...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 8, 2016

For Shift Work Sleep Disorder "I work night shift and have little kids, which don't understand I'm tired or care, so Nuvigil is a lifesaver. I used to be extremely tired in the morning and want to just lay on the couch because I was tired, but no more of that since Nuvigil. I have lost 15 lbs in 6 months. Not sure if it's because I'm more active or if it's Nuvigil. My house is the cleanest it's ever been. The first couple of days I took the medication, I couldn't sleep all night, but that is not a problem anymore, so give it a week for the body to adjust."

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27 Report
  • Sleepy
  • December 8, 2018

For Narcolepsy "Been telling Drs 20yrs about being excessively tired. Finally broke down bawling to my current Dr this year, she sent me for Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) and I failed test. Finally had my diagnosis. Dr put me on Ritalin LA 20mg, lost potency within 5 days, increased dose to 30mg, still didn't work, seen sleep specialist, he put me on nuvigil, took it couple days, did not help at all! In fact it made me feel like I was going through withdraw from suboxone I take and felt it made narcolepsy worse. I take suboxone because 10yrs ago I used pain pills to "give me energy", I got addicted to pain pills obviously. Been on suboxone 6yrs. I was hoping I finally have a diagnosis of narcolepsy I could get on right meds and get off suboxone. My Dr wanted to put me on ritalin 20mg LA for morning and ritalin 10mg for afternoon but insurance wouldn't cover it. Only 30mg as a whole. I honestly think the dose she wanted to put me on would have helped but the insurance knows best right? Makes me so mad!"

1 / 10
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21 Report
  • Anony...
  • October 10, 2011

For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome "I have a very rare autoimmune neuromuscular disorder that causes many symptoms, including weakness. I find that taking Nuvigil 150 mg daily helps me with having a little bit more energy and also improves my mood. My cravings for carbs have decreased, which is good as I now eat foods that are better for me. Luckily, my insurance has paid for it."

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  • Steve...
  • March 28, 2013

For Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea Syndrome "I have OSAH, and for the couple of years before this medicine, I couldn't drive more than 1 hour or focus at work. I would fall asleep regardless of the amount of sleep I got at night. My CPAP helped, but I still dozed off during the day. Since Nuvigil, things are better, but I still have some sleepiness if I have a rough week of less than 8 hours of sleep at night. Insurance pays most, but thank you to the manufacturer who helps cover a portion, or else it would be costly."

9 / 10
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  • Nuvigil...
  • January 17, 2010

For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome "I have been on Nuvigil for about a year, and although my body is used to it, it still works and is crucial for my quality of life. I have had numerous surgeries on my spine, plus a lot of my tendons have torn (both rotator cuffs), plus both my Achilles have tiny ruptures, leaving knots on the back of my heels. My body is falling apart, but at least the Nuvigil keeps me at a pace I can handle. Two weeks ago, my insurance failed to pay, and my doctor gave me a sample of 150 mg (I had been on 250 mg before). Now I am out of it all, and I have crashed. My nurse called and said that it had been approved for 6 more months, so I actually get to pick it up tomorrow. Maybe I will be able to get out of bed now and get things done."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • March 28, 2012

For Bipolar Disorder "I have bipolar disorder, and I've tried many medications before we found what worked without nasty side effects. I was put on risperidone and Celexa to treat it, which I still take. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and narcolepsy, which my doctor put me on Nuvigil. I did not know Nuvigil could be a treatment for treating bipolar until I read about it on this site. I feel very upbeat with the Nuvigil and not tired all the time, and I feel happy again. Even though I take other medicines for bipolar, I feel since I started the Nuvigil, I feel even better."

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  • Sytse
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 22, 2017

For Narcolepsy "It was effective, but it made my hair fall out. When I told the doctor, his response was, "That's not a side effect." I did my own research - It IS a side effect. It is a serious side effect that the doctor's don't tell you about. I switched doctors and medication."

2 / 10
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25 Report
  • KG414
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 12, 2016

For Narcolepsy "Diagnosed with narcolepsy and had frequent daily cataplexy. Nothing else worked, prior to getting diagnosed, hours and hours of sleep mixed with coffee, energy drinks, and abuse of workout stimulants. After adjusting to the jitters and slight nausea, I've never felt better. Every now and then, I will need a small nap, but I am sleeping deeper and sleepwalking much less. I went from several cataplexies a day to only three in the last month. Those three only happened because I hadn't gotten enough sleep that night. This drug works the best for me when I get more than 6 hours of sleep, ideally 7 or 8 hours though. I am very happy overall, but it is ridiculously expensive if you aren't on an insurance plan, like me (just switched jobs)."

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  • Anonymous
  • February 4, 2011

For Bipolar Disorder "Third day on this medicine, it's crazy how things are going. I used to wake up, and an hour later, be exhausted. Barely make it through 2 hours of college and go home and sleep 5 hours until work and sleep right after work. The past couple of days, I've been able to stay awake through a movie, stay up for my favorite TV show, do homework and laundry after school, be more attentive at my job, and I don't feel like I'm on speed."

8 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.