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Sertraline Questions (Page 15)

Displaying 413 questions associated with Sertraline.

How effective is sertraline for chronic OCD? I’m a long term OCD sufferer and was prescribed this...

... drug two months ago with dose increases qu.ickly so I’m already on 200mg which I believe is the maximum safe dose

Four weeks now on Sertraline 200mg?

I've been on Sertraline for three months (I think) and 200mg for almost four weeks. I don't feel any better and the side effects are still really bad. I'm not looking for medical advice but general responses - have others continued and benefitted from this medication for chronic OCD?

I’ve found tramadol fantastic. Can I take 100mg?

Does anyone drink on tramadol as I have and haven’t had any issues for 2 years taking two50mg tramadol a day? What do you think people, I am also on sertraline 100mg? Should I stop taking the sertraline? I am not sure it does anything? I have not felt any better depression wise since taking... read more

Can I take an over the counter medication for my tension headache?

Currently taking sertraline 25mg for 3 days now and my head is killing me. I need safe relief. I can't get in touch with my doctor or pharmacist due to it being the weekend.

Sertraline - Is it normal to have a day with no side effects and the next day extreme side effects?

I have been on sertraline 25mg for 10 days now. And today was the worst day of side effects. I woke up feeling depressed took my scheduled dose fell asleep looking forward to waking feeling good as that has been my pattern for the last week. Instead I woke up tired, still depressed had pretty bad... read more

How do I know it is time to up my dose of sertraline 25mg to 50mg?

My doctor recommend I up my dose when ever I am ready to. I failed to ask her how do I know when? And what can I expect from side effects going up from 25mg to 50mg? Any thoughts would be much obliged. Today is day 12 on 25mg and I can feel anxiety and depression creeping back. Also been having bad... read more

Does 25mg sertraline cause more anxiety 2 weeks in?

I have been taking 25mg sertraline for 13 days and have noticed an increase of anxiety to the point I had a panic attack, is this common? Also what does the "poop out" feel like with this medication? I have also noticed I feel anxiety, low energy, and mood from the time I take my... read more

Sertraline - Has anyone split their 25mg tablets to slowly increase to 50mg?

I am ready to increase my sertraline dose from 25mg to 50mg I just want to ease towards that dose. I have been on 25mg for 6 weeks and I feel great, but as I lay in bed at night I find myself getting anxiety and every little body pain I feel scares me a bit. Therefore I believe I am ready to be at... read more

Changing of medication. mirtazapine 30 mg to sertraline 50mg. What side affects are there ahead?

I'm currently coming of 30 mg mirtazapine and going onto 50 mg sertraline. This is due to severe Anxiety and Depression. I only see and feel maybe 1 good day out of 15 days. Desperately in need of better medication. Is there hope for me? I want my life back...

Sertraline - I need help/advice with upping my dosage?

I am so nervous about upping my dose can any one share their exact experience when upping their dose? (What side effects did one experience, and for how long did you experience them?) I plan to do it slowly by taking 37.5 daily to work up to 50mg I have been on 25mg for 8 weeks and I know I am... read more

How long does sertraline need to be work?

I have been on sertraline for 7 weeks, i am struggled with anxiety and panic attacks. In the beginning I took 50mg, the 75mg, and am now taking 100mg. It has been almost 8 weeks. I am very afraid because it's just slightly helpful. Do you think I should wait longer to see if I get better... read more

Sertraline - Zoloft 8 days, food issues?

I just started Zoloft. I am 64 and healthy but I have high blood pressure & I'm on medication for it. I had panic attacks 7 years ago and was put on Klonopin. Two years later I went off of it and was fine all these years. Recently I started having attacks. My doctor put me on Zoloft 25mg.... read more

What OTC cold medicine is safe to use while on sertraline?

My 11 month old is just getting over a cold she had a low grade fever a little runny nose. Now the fever is gone as well as the runny nose all that is left is a dry cough once and a while. I have been the only one caring for her during this and now I feel I may be coming down with whatever she had.... read more

Does sertraline treat anxiety?

I have been on sertraline for 6 weeks and have recently started getting badly depressed.

I have never suffered with depression. I've mostly suffered with very bad anxiety with social anxiety. I would say my depression started a few months ago and gradually got worse. Ive started on sertraline 44 days ago (6 weeks) I'm just wondering how long do I have to wait? I have never... read more

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