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Can Zepbound and Mounjaro be used for heart failure?

Can Zepbound and Mounjaro (tirzepatide) be used for heart failure?

Can Wegovy or Ozempic be used for heart failure?

Can Wegovy or Ozempic (semaglutide) be used for heart failure?

Is it safe to take Buspar after Valium?

I had to take 1 Valium at 8.30pm for an MRI in the morning. Is it safe to take Buspar at 10 pm usual time on the same day?

What options? I am on rivaroxaban (blood thinner) and my RA is becoming aggressive?

What medications should I consider taking that 1) won't increase the risks of internal bleeding 2) reduce inflammation efficiently? Note -...

Does duloxetine cause erectile dysfunction?

I take 20 mg of duloxetine daily for peripheral neuropathy. It works really well for me and reduces the pain and other sensations in my feet by 50%...

Can acyclovir be used to manage HIV?

What is the medication Constulose?

What medicine will help me sleep out of duloxytene, trazodone, gabapentin, or naproxen?

I take all of these for pain. But not sure which one will help me sleep?

Omeprazole - After a chronic cough and no heartburn symptoms I was prescribed omeprazole once a day?

... for acid reflux. A month later increased to twice a day and the cough quit. After two months I began to cut back to once a day and began...

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