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What is the mechanism of action for Vabysmo?

What does it mean when your whole body itches?

What other illness can a person have to make them have niacin deficiency?

What other illness can causes niacin deficiency? I am thinking of some thing in small intestine? The pills I am taking only works 20%

My mother has abdominal pain when she takes olaparib. What should she do in order to reduce pain?

My mother has metastasic ovarian cancer. She takes olaparib and when she takes the pills, she gets abdominal pain. What should she do? Her doctor said it is a side effect and to use acetaminophen but it does not work.

What eosinophil count is needed for Fasenra?

Fluconazole - I have cracked skin at mouth corners, thrush and burning dry mouth, plus a recurring..

... sore and itchy rash under breasts and in skin folds! Can I take Diflucan indefinitely to stop this?

I can't find blood pressure medication that I am able to tolerate?

I was tested and am a rare case that l am a poor metabolizer of medication. CYP2C19 I have tried so many drugs and cannot tolerate the side effects. I can't find anyone to help me. My physician can't find anyone to help me. Anyone familiar with this? I am 68 year old female and my...

How does one safely taper off pregabalin and where can I find reliable sources of information?

After exhibiting many side effects from taking Lyrica or pregabalin at 300 mg, I finally went to my provider and said I want to taper off the pregabalin. Now I am at 200 mg. I started taking it at about 50 mg back in about March 2024 for leg movements or restless leg symptoms that started late in...

Why does Imitrex (sumatriptan) make me feel weird?

Can Ozempic cause stomach paralysis or bowel injury?

Which anti-pain medication is safe during pregnancy?

Does Colestipol work better if taken with a meal, before a meal, or after a meal?

How much time before of after? What is the highest does you can take? I already take my regular meds two hours before.

How long does it take Rystiggo to work?

Help finding a pill - clonazepam 2 mg. I cannot find on here it but it was dispensed by Walgreens?

I have a 2 mg clonazepam I got from Walgreens this month but I cannot find on here. Can you help me please?

Can 25mg carvedilol twice a day mimic tia symptoms?