My husband is taking many drugs since 5-way bipass surgery, and ever since then is extremely short of breath even with minor movement (like walking to the bathroom), but the tests show he doesn't qualify for oxygen, and inhalers and the nebulizer don't seem to help. Could it be any of the drugs he's taking???
Do any drugs have a side effect of shortness of breath?
Question posted by dibeggs on 4 Oct 2012
Last updated on 16 November 2019 by jackiew22
6 Answers
amlodipine can cause pulomunary vasculitis if he's taken this for blood pressure it might cause bleeding into his lungs if he's having an allergic reaction to it inflammation of the blood vessels in the lungs
My mom after 2 recent hospital stays exhibited similar symptoms. Hospital acquired anemia caused by the many blood draws caused EXTREME shortness of breath. Once home and we recognized she increased her red blood cell count and hemoglobin and symptoms improved. They did not disappear but improved significantly. It took us one year to qualify for oxygen. We used a case manager with her insurance company to push it through. Maybe you could get an oximeter and document his shortness of breath at home and/or video. We were told so many times she did not qualify, until we got the right person who explained there is more than one way to qualify. We also used chelation therapy for her. Best wishes...
blood pressure medication cause shortness of breath
It is a possiblity. He is following up with his Drs to be sure it isnt something to do with his heart, I hope? Shortness of breath can be an indication that the heart is not pumping correctly or that there is an overload of fluids in the system. It may be deconditioning too. It takes some time to recover from a 5 way bypass. He isnt swelling in his legs is he? And it would be helpful for you to list his drugs. Keep on top of it though-keep demanding answers from the Drs!
My dear dibeggs,
Absolutely and I am living proof of it! Omeprazole (generic for Prilosec) had me admitted to the hospital with doctors thinking I had a lung problem. Oxygen for a few weeks, then Prednisone, ugh! for a year. I still ended up with the horrible shortness of breath!!! Doctors never found out what caused the lung problem or why the shortness of breath. I went off the above medication and poof! shortness of breath is slowing down... I need to take one of those pills at least 2 times a week as I have horrible heartburn. Am trying to find out what to do next... but yes, meds are a culprit of shortness of breath. Let us know what he is taking okay?
AquariusAnneCA, I realize you left this comment 2 years ago but have you tried the old antacids such as generic Tagamet (cimeditine), Zantac or Pepcid AC? You have to take them before you eat so more than one per day but it would be better than suffering from heartburn. I've been on Prilosec for years and just recently started having shortness of breath. But I smoke too. Yes, I know, I'm a bad boy for smoking and that could certainly be what is causing this.
Can you name the medications he is on? so we can check their possible side effects.
This is the list of drugs he is taking: Aspirin, Lovastatin, Latanoprost Eye drops, Linsinopril, Fluoxetine, Tramadol, Labetalol, Diclofenac, Ranexa, Furosemide, Potassium Chloride, Amiopidine, and a multi vitamin. I just read that Lisinopril can cause shortness of breath. His is severe. Are any of the others possibly culprits? Thanks for your help.
Hello again,
Very important to click on the links I will provide you with please (for detailed and important information):
Severe side effect:slow or shallow breathing
Severe side effect: shortness of breath
4.-Latanoprost Eye drops
--- -
8.-Diclofenac (read ubder the section of possible side effects)
Severe side effect: shortness of breath
Severe side effect: shortness of breath
11.-Potassium Chloride
12.-Amiopidine, this one I can not find, please re-check the spelling... thanks!
All the best,
Yes, with regards to Lisinopril a severe side effect is shortness of breath, forgot to mention it, you are correct. Remember to use the links by clicking on them.
Nº12, I believe you are referring to Amlodipine.
Severe side effect:shortness of breath
Thanks for your help
You are welcome.-
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