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Ativan User Reviews & Ratings

Ativan has an average rating of 8.1 out of 10 from a total of 469 reviews on 75% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 12% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Ativan

  • dysle...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • April 9, 2015

For Anxiety "I take 6mg Ativan a day and will do for life. It saved my life. There is nothing else to match a benzodiazepine if your anxiety is off the scale. Yes, you get tolerant, but what else is there out there? NOTHING works in 20 minutes like Ativan. I am 67 and not going to worry myself with addiction and withdrawal. What would I withdraw to? There is nothing out there. I have taken Ativan for 40 years, and I am alive. I don't think I would be without it."

10 / 10
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1191 Report
  • Jen
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • September 18, 2020

For Anxiety "This is a wonderful drug but should not be taken daily. I get ten pills per month. I take them when I have a bad bout of anxiety or insomnia, etc. It resets me and stops the panic attack cascade that can happen from nights of insomnia. It parts the waves and allows me to pass through the difficulty. It can make you a little emotional after you stop if you take it a few days. I would not take it more than two or three consecutive days. It can be addictive. It can cause a little forgetfulness. For the most part, I felt totally normal. It doesn't have a weird effect, it just takes away the gross fear. I've been taking 0.5-1mg several times per month for 5 years. I average 10 pills per month and have no issue stopping cold turkey. Benzos can be difficult to get off if you take them too frequently so beware."

10 / 10
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351 Report
  • Honey...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 25, 2020

For Anxiety "I have been on Ativan 1mg for almost three years now and whenever I’m super angry, anxious, jumpy, it works wonders. For the past week, I’ve been crying uncontrollably because of certain things going on, and when people don’t show me any concern or comfort me, I get irrationally angry and even chased my little sister for showing no sympathy. I’m a 23-year-old woman, and she’s a 16-year-old girl, so she’s got her own problems. I immediately took an Ativan, and within 20 minutes, they kicked in perfectly. I didn’t have an urge to cry anymore, I felt calm and relaxed, and kind of high, and had a rational thought process. This is what effects Ativan usually has on me, and sometimes I feel goofy and laugh at the most random things. But regardless, I ❤️ This drug and couldn’t ask for better. I’ve been on clonazepam, that’s ok, but not as good as Ativan, and I’ve been on Xanax once at the hospital, but that made me even more anxious, and my muscles jerked. I love Ativan so much"

10 / 10
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291 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Geoff...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 19, 2023

For Insomnia "I am 89 years of age and have been taking Ativan 0.5mg for over 25 years for problems with insomnia. I'm fit and well for my age and attribute this in part to sleeping well, in addition to regular exercise. Side effects? I don't think so. All I really know is that I'm better with it than without it."

10 / 10
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110 Report
  • Sadie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 18, 2020

For Insomnia "After contracting a virus/ assumed COVID in May, I have had chronic insomnia. I’ve tried tons of sleep medications and some would give me a few hours of sleep, others only a couple of hours. Then I tried Ativan! I got 6 hours my first time taking 2mg. I’m now sleeping 8 hours usually and I’m down to 1.25 mg. It’s been a literal lifesaver. I don’t want to be dependent on any drug, but when it comes to survival and well-being, I’m just very glad Ativan exists!"

10 / 10
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251 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Sam
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 20, 2019

For Anxiety "I had a health issue that started my panic attacks for two months. Started taking 1/2 Xanax and continued having panic attacks. After seeing the Dr. she gave me two 1 mg. of Ativan. In 15 minutes or so, I was so calm and relaxed! Ativan really makes you very comfortable fast! I love that! Started on Zoloft for a long-term fix. Now on 50 mgs a day. Wanting to get off both Ativan and Zoloft, I researched homeopathic options and found that L-theanine and Ashwagandha and Magnesium all have amazing reviews. So I’m going to try the combination of the three. Will be receiving the L-theanine and Magnesium today. I will update as soon as I see results! Hopefully will wean off of Zoloft and Ativan! God bless anyone who suffers!"

10 / 10
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292 Report
  • Nina
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 29, 2019

For Insomnia "I am writing this review to help those who may be experiencing insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Mine was the result of extreme past and present trauma. I stopped sleeping completely virtually overnight after a series of traumatic events. I did not sleep for several or more months and began to lose weight rapidly. I went from 60 kg down to 38 kg as a result and became very unwell. After taking myself to the hospital numerous times, I did not find adequate help for my condition there. Eventually, I met a very efficient GP and psychiatrist who, after much trial and error, found help by being prescribed a combination of amitriptyline and Ativan. Although I am still on the road to recovery, this medication combination has helped me immensely. I sincerely hope that no one on earth has to experience the living hell that I did, only to find help when it was almost too late."

10 / 10
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273 Report
  • Inkai...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • July 25, 2019

For Anxiety "I’ve been taking Ativan on and off for the past 9 years. Started on 0.5 mg, moved up to 1 mg per day as needed. I’ve heard and read about addiction horror stories, but I’ve personally never had to up my dose (except going from 0.5 to 1 mg) and haven’t had the urge to take more than prescribed. I suffer from major depression and generalized anxiety disorder. Ativan helps my anxiety immensely. Especially useful for full-blown panic attacks - within half an hour I feel normal again. At first it made me sleepy, but as my body got used to it, that side effect went away. There was a time when I was having debilitating anxiety on a daily basis, and my pdoc advised me that I could take up to 4 mg per day. Thankfully, I haven’t had the need to take that much. Overall, Ativan is a great medicine. I could go days without taking it with no adverse effects (i.e. withdrawal). This medicine works well for me. Good luck!!"

10 / 10
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263 Report
  • Speced
  • August 8, 2019

For Anxiety "Lost my husband suddenly right next to me of a stroke during the night. It was a shock. I have PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Use Ativan in tiny dose to sleep. Do wake up very drowsy and super sensitive to meds. Can be addictive but not for me. Calms me while grieving."

8 / 10
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236 Report
  • Mnich
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 5, 2020

For Anxiety "Has gotten me through many sleepless nights and panic attacks. I only take it if I absolutely need to, to help me at night time when my anxiety is at its worst and only a dose of 0.5 mg. It almost always makes me sleepy and helps me sleep, and normally I don't feel too groggy the next day."

8 / 10
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216 Report
  • insom...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 31, 2020

For Insomnia "Ativan ruined my life. My psychiatrist prescribed me 2mg to take every night while trying out an antidepressant. After about 7 weeks, I was addicted to Ativan, and when I tried to stop taking it, I had seizures and panic attacks. I had to keep taking it to stabilize. Then I had to switch to Valium and slowly taper off the benzodiazepines to avoid another seizure. It took me a year and a half to taper off, and I now have chronic fear, anxiety, tinnitus, and insomnia. I wish I never touched this drug."

1 / 10
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209 Report
  • RickS
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 22, 2017

For Insomnia "I was prescribed Ativan (aka Lorazepam) because I had a head injury, and my doctor presumably thought that I had a very high level of anxiety. I wasn't getting enough sleep with the head injury, so the doctor's perception was incorrect. But once I started using Ativan, sleep woes disappeared completely, of which I had always had problems staying asleep for virtually all of my life! Ativan (Lorazepam) puts you into a 'deep' sleep, you don't wake up during the middle of the night (or late night for that matter!), cuts dreaming down to virtually zero, and is the best sleep medication I have ever seen! My prescription was for 1 mg and to be taken 1 hour before going to sleep, which is exactly what I did! Effective Rating = 10!"

10 / 10
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288 Report
  • Sara...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 19, 2024

For Anxiety "I've had horrendous anxiety for over 10 years, and nothing truly seemed to help. I've been on benzos and such. Ativan was SUCH a relief for my brain, which is usually very chaotic, constantly replaying bad memories, and just having absolutely no control. I was just exhausted. Ativan stopped those bad thoughts, gave me control of my brain, and stopped the chaos, it was miraculous. Remember, people are always more likely to write a bad review than a good one. Give it a try, it could change your life."

10 / 10
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38 Report
  • Dallas
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 3, 2020

For Anxiety "I've been on this medication since 2018 and it works wonders for my anxiety. The first time I took it was when I was having an anxiety attack in the mall when it was really crowded. I usually take 1mg along with drinking juice, water, or even soda, never grape juice. The effects kick in between 45 min and 2 hours and I feel extremely calm, happy, silly, and even loopy. I wish the effects lasted longer than 8 hrs though, but I still love this drug regardless."

10 / 10
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168 Report
  • Drugs
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 17, 2020

For Anxiety "Ativan does the job. But you do NOT want to go through the withdrawal. It's very bad. I have generalized anxiety and panic disorder to the point where I can't leave the house unless I really have to. And Ativan makes it a lot easier to leave the house. The withdrawal makes your anxiety come back with vengeance. It's bad. For the short term, it's great, but long term you become addicted and physically dependent on it. And you build a tolerance so it doesn't help you as much as initially taking it. I love Ativan and recommend it to anyone suffering from anxiety. Just make sure you wean off it, or you will feel like life becomes a nightmare."

9 / 10
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163 Report
  • AlissaD
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 15, 2023

For Anxiety "I’ve been taking Ativan on and off for almost 5 years for GAD. This year, I was going through Lexapro withdrawal, which emerged 90 days after I weaned myself off. Getting back on it was worse for the first few days. I now understand why people are terrified to stop taking SSRIs. I am strict with myself in not taking Ativan often because of how addictive it is, even when my doctor prescribed me 30 pills. I went to the pharmacy to see if they could help me, and the pharmacist was amazing and explained to me that taking .5 or 1 mg of Ativan isn’t addictive (just that it’ll lose its effect over time). She told me to take it every day for the next week, and it was a lifesaver. I had already been taking .5-1 mg of Ativan every day for a few weeks, give or take a good day or two. But when I stopped taking it after the last week ended (totaling a month), I was fine. It helped me be normal again while my body sorted itself out. I now take it once a week or two."

10 / 10
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62 Report
  • Bohem...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 5, 2021

For Anxiety "Well, I got an intense anxiety attack at 2 am and somehow went through it that very unfortunate night. But the following morning I got my hands on Ativan, and when the anxiety kicked in again, I popped 1mg Ativan, and it kicked in within an hour, gradually getting stronger. My heart rate slowed down, which made me feel a lot better, 'cause I thought I was going to have a heart attack during my first anxiety attack. It made my mind calmer, and it put me off to sleep very peacefully, only to wake up the next morning all fresh. I love Ativan because it really helps me with my anxiety attacks. I have a racing thoughts issue, and it solves it too. I have been on it for a month, and I quit it cold turkey when I went back home, but I didn't face any major withdrawal symptoms either. Thanks, Ativan!"

10 / 10
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124 Report
  • Joe
  • August 9, 2014

For Insomnia "I was given Ativan for occasional use. I try to use it once every week or once every ten days for sleep (0.5 mg). I'm lucky that I don't have to use it any more regularly because I don't work right now. I find that it helps me relax to sleep, and I wake up feeling and looking rested. The 'looking rested' part is important because it tells me how good it is at actually calming the anxiety. I know that when my anxiety is high, even if I sleep 10 hours, I'll wake up tired and looking tired. But I think this medicine actually does a good job of getting rid of that anxiety, so your body can rest and get into some level of 'deep' sleep. But absolutely, really only use it on the day that you must."

9 / 10
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271 Report
  • Chris
  • May 10, 2020

For Panic Disorder "I have had panic disorder, agoraphobia, and severe anxiety for 10 years, so I need something like Ativan that sedates me and calms me down when I get hysterical. After numerous trips to the ER and every time I went there they gave me this. Finally, I talked to my psychiatrist and got the prescription so I don't have to go to a hospital for my severe panic attacks. Medications I used to take made me feel like I was going crazy lol. Unlike other medications I have tried in the past, there are really not any side effects besides it makes you a little drowsy. This is a true lifesaver for a person who could not otherwise function. This helps with how debilitating panic attacks and severe anxiety can be. I would highly recommend this, and I have tried countless other remedies but this one tops all."

10 / 10
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139 Report
  • Hsano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 30, 2019

For Anxiety "This is by far the scariest experience I have EVER had with a drug. Ativan immediately took the anxiety away but the after effects were horrible. I took it intermittently for 2 weeks and then noticed when I didn't take it consistently my anxiety was 100 percent worse. I was crawling out of my skin and so irritable. I also had uncontrollable muscle shaking and memory problems. This drug is very dangerous for some people. I'll stick to cognitive behavioral therapy."

1 / 10
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148 Report
  • Star
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • October 7, 2019

For Anxiety "I've been taking Ativan since 2008. For the last five years, I went up from 2 mg a day to 3 mg. I want to get off this drug because I feel my brain is cloudy. I went to my doctor, and he gave me a schedule on how to wean off, but his schedule is not working for me. I've been trying to wean off for the last 2 weeks, and I finally got down to 2 mg today. I feel a lot of anxiety, and I had to take another half milligram to calm me down. Does anyone have any suggestions? Do I need to go to a hospital? I have no family to help me."

10 / 10
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141 Report
  • lenal...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 7, 2014

For Anxiety "Long story short, I am terrified of medication. The first time I took Ativan, I had already got myself all worked up about having to take it, that when I did, I went into full-blown panic attack. It was not because of this med, it was my own doing. The second and third time I took it, it worked well. It allowed me to get through the entire day like myself again. It even took the depression away that I have caused from anxiety. I have only taken it 3 times in the last month since I was prescribed it. Since I've read how addicting this can be, I have been very careful about taking it only when I really need it."

9 / 10
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231 Report
  • Tony
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 9, 2024

For Insomnia "You are probably reading reviews on this medication due to concerns about taking it and may have come across some 'horror stories' about withdrawal symptoms or getting addicted. I am here to tell you, please do not worry. I was prescribed this drug (0.5mg) due to severe anxiety/insomnia from a night shift job. I had never taken any medication in my life and like many of you, was hesitant about taking this regularly. However, going multiple days without ANY sleep, something needed to change. This pill worked amazingly for me since day one. Just the simple fact that I knew I had something at my fingertips that could give me a full night's rest was a huge mental relief by itself. I would take a pill 2-3 times a week when I had gotten insufficient sleep the day before or in 'emergency situations.' However, I then took it nightly for several years, and when I no longer needed it, I quit cold turkey with ZERO withdrawal symptoms or worse insomnia. This drug saved my life and my career."

10 / 10
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22 Report
  • Jay
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 13, 2020

For Anxiety "Safe and effective medication as long as you do not become dependent on it. PLEASE avoid getting hooked on this medication as it is a benzo, and withdrawal from benzos can be deadly. Has helped me manage severe panic attacks due to anxiety, depression, and OCD. I take 0.5 mg if I am having a severe panic attack, and it immediately helps take the edge off."

10 / 10
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120 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 3, 2014

For Anxiety "I suffer from severe anxiety and panic attacks that happen unexpectedly. I am also taking an SSRI with the Ativan, but the Ativan is on an as-needed basis and has helped tremendously. The tightness in my chest is relieved, and the irregular heartbeat slows down. Anxiety and panic are very scary things to experience, and Ativan has helped me get through those tough times. I would absolutely recommend it."

9 / 10
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215 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.