VamPyre Misting Concentrate
This treatment applies to the following species:Specimen Label
● Contains the botanical insecticide Pyrethrum, an extract of a Chrysanthemum flower
● A micro-emulsion, water-based spray
● Kills Mosquitoes, including the Culex species that may carry and transmit the West Nile virus
● Kills Mosquitoes, including the Aedes mosquito that may carry and transmit Zika virus
● Kills and repels Stable Flies, Horse Flies, Face Flies, Deer Flies,
● House Flies, Mosquitoes and Gnats
● Controls Deer Ticks and other Ixodid species that may carry and transmit Lyme disease
● Provides rapid kill of Mosquitoes and other listed insects without objectionable residues
● For use on beef cattle, dairy cattle, horses, hogs, poultry and other listed livestock
Active Ingredients
Pyrethrins |
3.00% |
*Piperonyl butoxide |
30.00% |
67.00% |
100.00% |
*(butylcarbityl) (6-propylpiperonyl) ether and related compounds
VamPyre Misting Concentrate Caution
Directions For Use
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
For best results, follow directions for specific use areas.
Entry Restrictions:
● For surface or direct spray use: Except when applying to livestock, do not enter or allow others to enter treated area until sprays have dried.
● For Space Spray Use: Do not enter or allow others to enter until vapors, mists, and aerosols have dispersed, and the treated area has been thoroughly ventilated.
Application restrictions:
● Except when applying to livestock, do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift.
● Except when applying to livestock, only protected handlers may be in the area during application.
● Do not make applications during rain.
● Do not remain in treated area. Exit area immediately and remain outside the treated area until aerosols, vapors and/or mists have dispersed.
● Do not wet articles to point of runoff or drip.
● Do not use treated articles until spray has dried.
● Remove or cover exposed food and drinking water before application.
● Remove or cover dishes, utensils, food processing equipment, and food preparation surfaces, or wash them before use.
● Do not water the treated area to the point of runoff.
● When used in dairy barns or facilities: Close milk bulk lids to prevent contamination from spray and from dead or falling insects. Remove or cover milking utensils before application. Wash teats of animals before milking.
● Do not make space spray applications when facility is in operation. Prior to space spray applications, cover or remove food. Prior to space spray applications, cover food processing surfaces or clean after treatment and before use.
● Do not apply directly into sewers or drains, or to any area like a gutter where drainage to storm sewers, water bodies, or aquatic habitat can occur. Do not allow the product to enter any drain during or after application.
● Except when applying to sewers or drains as instructed on the label, do not apply directly to sewers or drains, or to any area like a gutter where drainage to sewers, storm drains, water bodies, or aquatic habitat can occur.
● Except for use with outdoor fogging devices, all outdoor applications must be limited to spot or crack and crevice treatments only, except for the following permitted uses:
- Treatment to soil or vegetation around structures;
- Applications to lawns, turf, and other vegetation;
- Applications to building foundations up to a maximum height of 3 feet.
● Other than applications to building foundations, all outdoor applications to impervious surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, patios, porches and structural surfaces (such as windows, doors, and eaves) are limited to spot and crack and crevice applications, only.
● Do not use in aircraft cabins.
This concentrated product must be diluted with water. When making dilutions, add concentrate to the tank and add water. Agitate well while adding water and apply as directed:
0.04% Pyrethrins - add 1.6 fl. oz. of concentrate / gallon of water
0.05% Pyrethrins - add 2 fl. oz. concentrate / gallon water
0.10% Pyrethrins - add 4.3 fl. oz. concentrate / gallon water
0.30% Pyrethrins - add 13 fl. oz. concentrate / gallon water
0.50% Pyrethrins - add 22 fl. oz. concentrate / gallon water
Confine use of this product in food processing establishments to time periods when the plant is not in operation. Remove or cover food during treatment. Cover all food processing surfaces during treatment or thoroughly clean before use following treatment.
For maximum effectiveness, following the dilution chart and using a combination of spot, surface treatment and fogging are recommended.
For the control of insects including:
Almond Moths
Angoumois Grain Moths
Bed Bugs
Black Carpenter Ants
Black Flies
Black Widow Spiders
Blood Sucking Lice
Boxelder Bugs
Brown Dog Ticks
Carpet Beetles
Cat Fleas
Cellar Spiders
Cereal Beetles
Cheese Mites
Cheese Skippers
Chocolate Moths
Cigarette Beetles
Clothes Moths
Clover Mites
Confused Flour Beetles
Dark Mealworms
Darkling Beetles
Deer Flies
Deer Ticks
Dermestid Beetles
Dog Fleas
Driedfruit Beetles
Drugstore Beetles
Face Flies
Fannia Flies
Flat Grain Beetles
Fruit Flies
Fungus Gnats
Grain Mites
Granary Weevils
Hide Beetles
Horn Flies
Horse Flies
House Flies
Indian Meal Moths
Khapra Beetles
Lesser Grain Beetles
Lesser Grain Borers
Lesser House Flies
Mediterranean Flour Moths
Merchant Grain Beetles
Miller Moths
Mosquitoes including the Culex species that may carry and transmit the West Nile virus
Palmetto Bugs
Poultry Lice
Red Flour Beetles
Rice Flour Beetles
Rice Weevils
Rusty Grain Beetles
Sawtoothed Grain Beetles
Sheep Ticks
Skipper Flies
Small Flying Moths
Spider Beetles
Stable Flies
Ticks that may carry and transmit Lyme disease
Tobacco Moths
Trogoderma Beetles
Warehouse Beetles
Yellow Mealworms
INDOOR AREAS for use in:
Animal Areas
Animal Control Centers
Animal Quarters
Animal Shelters
Beef Barns
Beverage Plants
Bottling Plants
Brewery Warehouses
Buildings Housing
Buildings Housing Poultry
Calving Barns
Camp Sites
Cat Sleeping Quarters
Cattle Barns
Circus Tents
City Missions
Closed Porches
Clothes Storage
Club Houses
Commercial Buildings
Crawl Spaces
Dairy and Livestock Barns
Day Care Centers
Department Stores
Dog Houses
Dog Sleeping Quarters
Dried Fruits in Storage
Egg Processing Plants
Fabric Storage Areas
False Ceilings
Farm Structures
Food Processing Plants
Food Storage Areas
Freight Containers
Fruit Packing Sheds
Funeral Parlors
Garbage Bins
Garbage Cans
Garbage Compactors
Gas Stations
Goat Holding Areas
Grain Elevators
Grain Handling Equipment
Grain Harvesting Equipment
Grain Mills
Grain Storage
Grocery Stores
Hog Barns
Horse Stables and Barns
Horse Trailers
Household Contents
Indoor Eating Buildings
Industrial Installations
Institution Dining Areas
Liquor Stores
Livestock Barns
Livestock Hauling Equipment
Livestock Holding Areas
Living Rooms
Loafing Sheds
Locker Rooms
Meat Packing Plants
Mess Halls
Milk Houses
Milk Rooms
Milk Sheds
Milking Rooms
Mini Storage
Mobile Canteens
Mobile Homes
Movie Theaters
Nursing Homes
Office Buildings
Other Public Buildings
Outdoor Eating Buildings
Parking Garages
Pet Bedding
Pet Carriers
Pet Grooming Parlors
Pet Sleeping Areas
Pet Stores
Play Houses
Play Rooms
Pool Halls
Poultry Houses
Poultry Plants
Public Storage
Quonset Huts
Rabbit Processing Plants
Railroad Cars
Recreational Vehicles
Research Animal Quarters
Retail Stores
Rice Mills
Seed Storage
Sheep Holding Areas
Ship’s Holds
Smoke Shops
Sport Stadiums
Stable Bins
Storage Areas
Stored Food (bags)
Stored Products
Sun Porches
Sun Rooms
Swine Houses
Textile Mills
Tobacco Factories
Tobacco Warehouses
Tool Sheds
Transportation Vehicles
Tree Houses
Tree Nuts Storage Areas
Truck Trailers
Utility Rooms
Vending Machines
Veterinary Clinics
Voids in Attics
Wheat Mills
Wholesale Stores
Wine Cellars
OUTDOOR AREAS for use in and around:
Amusement Parks
Ant Hills
Back Yards
Baseball Fields
Construction Sites
Drive-In Restaurants
Drive-In Theaters
Fair Grounds
Front Yards
Game Fields
Garbage Dumps
Manure Piles
Outdoor Eating
Parking Lots
Recreational Areas
Rest Areas
Sanitary Sewers
Side Yards
Tennis Courts
Truck Stops
Utility Rooms Outdoors
Weigh Stations
Wild Animal Parks
Wood Piles
Exotics such as
European Red Deer
Vampyre® Misting Concentrate contains the quick-killing botanical insecticide, Pyrethrum, an extract of Chrysanthemum flowers, which provides rapid effective control of insects upon direct contact with an added benefit of flushing and repelling these insects to aid in a more complete control. This highly effective water-based formula can be used on flying and crawling insects indoors and outdoors.
Vampyre® Misting Concentrate can be used to control fleas and ticks hidden in carpets, rugs, upholstery, draperies, floor cracks and cabinets. Also controls Deer Ticks and other Ixodid species that may carry and transmit Lyme disease.
Vampyre® Misting Concentrate can be used in the home, schools, hospitals, restaurants and other listed areas to control, on contact, listed crawling pests and is a fast, effective product for flying insect control. Pyrethrum has quick-killing ability with no persistent residue.
Vampyre® Misting Concentrate can be used to reduce annoyance of mosquitoes, including the Culex species that may carry and transmit the West Nile virus, outdoors around homes, in recreational areas, and other listed areas. Ideal for use before outdoor activities.
Vampyre® Misting Concentrate can be used in food and non-food areas of food processing plants, canneries, industrial installations, bakeries, rice and wheat mills, tobacco warehouses, grain elevators, warehouses, storage sites and other listed areas to control, on contact, listed crawling pests and is a fast, effective product for flying insect control.
Vampyre® Misting Concentrate provides rapid kill of insects without objectionable residues.
To protect your pet against and to minimize reintroduction of adult fleas from outdoors, use EPA registered flea and tick products (such as flea or flea and tick collar, pet powder, pet spray, pet dip, pet shampoo, flea shampoo or flea and tick pet shampoo), in conjunction with this application and prior to re-entry.
Remove pets and birds and cover fish aquariums before spraying.
SPACE SPRAYING IN FOOD HANDLING ESTABLISHMENTS AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS: Use with conventional mechanical or compressed air equipment to kill exposed accessible stages of: Flies (including Fruit Flies), Mosquitoes including the Culex species that may carry and transmit the West Nile virus, Small Flying Moths, Fleas, Gnats, Wasps, Hornets, Clover Mites, Cheese Mites, Cheese Skippers, Boxelder Bugs, Earwigs, Ants, and the following common Stored Product Pests: Granary Weevils, Rice Weevils, Confused Flour Beetles, Sawtoothed Grain Beetles, Spider Beetles, Cigarette Beetles, Drugstore Beetles, Angoumois Grain Moths, Mediterranean Flour Moths, Indian Meal Moths, Tobacco Moths, Yellow Mealworms, Dark Mealworms, Grain Mites, Cadelles, Red Flour Beetles, and other listed insects. Close room and shut off air conditioning or ventilating equipment. Apply at the rate of 1 to 1.6 fl. oz. of concentrate per 1,000 cu. ft. of space and direct spray toward upper corners of room and ceiling, filling the room with mist. Leave room closed for 1/2 hour and ventilate thoroughly before re-entry.
SURFACE SPRAYING: To kill Cockroaches, Black Carpenter Ants, Silverfish, Spiders, Crickets, Clover Mites, Cheese Mites, Granary Weevils, Rice Weevils, Sawtoothed Grain Beetles, Spider Beetles, Cigarette Beetles and other listed insects, use a sprayer adjusted to a coarse wet spray. Mix well and apply as a coarse wet spray, using approximately 1 gallon of spray mixture per 750 sq. ft. of surface. To provide maximum penetration and impingement on the insects, direct the spray first into all cracks and crevices, behind all equipment, cupboards, obstructions or dark harborage areas, on walls and floors, underneath sinks, behind pipes, beneath stoves and refrigerators, around garbage cans and cabinets, along baseboards, door sills, window sills, door and window frames and floors, around and on drains, pipes, and plumbing, behind bookcases, storage and other utility installation areas, and in all places that harbor insects. Contact as many insects as possible. Do not allow spray to contact stored food. If surface application only is to be used, spray floor and other surfaces. To kill Ants, treat doors and around window frames and other areas of entry. Spray on Ants whenever possible. Do not exceed the maximum application rate of 0.056 lbs. pyrethrins per 1,000 sq. ft. or 28 fl. oz. of concentrate per 1,000 sq. ft.
CLOTHES MOTHS: Remove any infested articles from storage, brush thoroughly, and air for several hours in sunlight, if possible. Apply liberally to empty chests, closets, bureaus, and other storage areas, directing the spray into cracks, joints, and crevices.
CARPET BEETLES: Directly spray as many insects as possible. Spray all surfaces of upholstered furniture. Where possible, thoroughly spray both top and bottom of rugs and carpets. Also treat shelves, closets, floors, walls, windowsills, baseboards, areas under furniture, and wherever these insects are seen or suspected.
BED BUGS: Spray mattresses lightly, paying special attention to tufts and seams. Take beds apart and spray in all joints. Treat baseboards, moldings, floors, walls, furniture, and other infested areas.
FOR USE IN LISTED PET AREAS: For best results remove, destroy, or wash pet’s old bedding. To reduce infestation, thoroughly spray pet bedding, sleeping quarters, kennel, around baseboards, window and door frames, into wall cracks, on local areas of floors, and other animal resting places until the surface is slightly moist. Treat these areas at the rate of two seconds per linear foot at the distance of 12 to 18 inches. Also, spray the entire inside surface of doghouses. Put fresh bedding in pet’s quarters after spray has dried. Allow treated areas to dry thoroughly before allowing pets to re-enter. Do not exceed the maximum application rate of 0.56 lbs. PBO per 1,000 sq. ft. or 28 fl. oz. of concentrate per 1,000 sq. ft.
FLEA AND TICK INFESTATION ON RUGS AND CARPETS: Before use, vacuum all infested areas thoroughly and dispose of vacuum bag in outside trash. Spray rugs and carpets where fleas tend to hide and usually where animals frequent. Spray thoroughly into hiding places such as cracks and crevices, in walls, on floors, and along baseboards, window and door frames. Spray at the rate of one sq. ft. per second. To kill ticks and other labeled insects, apply directly to bugs. Do not apply to pets. Treat pets with an EPA registered product in conjunction with this application.
For best results, to protect your pet against and to minimize reintroduction of adult fleas from outdoors, use EPA registered flea and tick products, (flea or flea and tick collar, pet powder, pet spray, pet dip, pet shampoo, flea shampoo or flea and tick pet shampoo), in conjunction with this application.
FOR KENNELS AND OTHER OUTDOOR ANIMAL AREAS: Follow dilution chart to control listed insects. Apply liberally to surfaces, paying special attention to cracks and crevices and other insect hiding places. Allow treated areas to dry thoroughly before allowing pets to re-enter.
FOR USE IN CANNERIES: Before bringing in produce, thoroughly clean floors, conveying equipment, and walls, paying special attention to cracks and crevices. Follow dilution chart and spray the entire area inside the cannery, including walls, ceilings, and floors, paying special attention to forcing the spray into all cracks and crevices for control of Ants, Cockroaches, Silverfish, Crickets, Spiders, Fruit Flies, Moths, House Flies, Cheese Mites, and other listed insects. Do not exceed maximum application rate of 28 fl. oz. of concentrate per 1,000 sq. ft.
FOR USE IN FOOD AND NON-FOOD AREAS OF FOOD PROCESSING PLANTS, industrial installations, bakeries, rice and wheat mills, restaurants, tobacco warehouses, grain elevators and warehouses: Spray as directed to control listed flying and crawling insects. Confine the use of this product in food processing or food handling establishments to time periods when the plant is not in operation. Cover or remove food during treatment. When applying as a space spray, apply at the rate of 1 to 1.6 fl. oz. of concentrate per 1,000 cu. ft. When applying as a surface spray, do not exceed the maximum application rate of 28 fl. oz. of concentrate per 1,000 sq. ft.
DRIED FRUIT PRODUCTS IN STORAGE OR PROCESSING: For control of listed insects. Remove and destroy infested products. Do not apply directly to fruit. Apply as a fine mist or fog in the air above and around trays, bins, and shelves at the rate of 0.5 fl. oz. of concentrate per 1,000 cu. ft. of space. Repeat application at this dosage as required. Leave the room closed for one hour. Do not remain in treated areas and ventilate the area before re-entry. Sweep up and destroy fallen insects.
TREATMENT OF STORED FOOD AREAS: Foods in multi-walled bags, cloth bags or other packaging stored in such areas as listed areas for the control of listed pests. Destroy, fumigate, or treat infested stored products using effective methods or an approved product intended for this purpose. As noted above, disperse first by directing spray into cracks and crevices, and around corners, pallets, and stacks of packaged goods, hitting as many insects as possible. Then apply as a space spray at a dosage of 1 to 1.6 fl. oz. of concentrate per 1,000 cu. ft. of room space. Repeat application as necessary for insect control. Do not remain in treated area and ventilate before re-entry. Sweep up and destroy fallen insects.
ON PEANUTS, NUTS, BEANS, SEEDS IN BULK, BAGS OR OTHER PACKAGING: For the control of listed insects. Apply to the surface of stored or bagged products. Also spray walls, floors, and surfaces of bins and storage and handling areas thoroughly, being especially careful to treat cracks, crevices, and similar hiding places. Then apply as a space spray at the rate of 1 to 1.6 fl. oz. of concentrate per 1,000 cu. ft. by directing the spray toward the ceiling and upper corners of the area and behind any obstructions.
FOR USE IN FEDERALLY INSPECTED MEAT AND POULTRY PLANTS: Apply with conventional mechanical or compressed air equipment at the rate of 1 to 1.6 fl. oz. of concentrate per 1,000 cu. ft. of room space. Apply spray into all cracks and crevices in woodwork, walls, and floors, underneath sinks, behind pipes, and in all places that shelter insects. Contact as many insects as possible. Repeat as necessary. Before use, cover or remove exposed food products and packaging materials. After use, wash equipment and utensils with an effective cleaning compound and rinse with potable water. Use as a space spray only when plant is not in operation.
FOR IN TRANSIT PROTECTION: To control accessible stages of listed insects, clean and spray truck beds, boxcars, ship’s holds and other listed transit equipment before loading. Thoroughly treat walls and floors, and lightly spray each layer of stacked cartons or containers. Apply dilution at the rate of 1 gallon per 750 sq. ft. Do not exceed maximum application rate of 28 fl. oz. of concentrate per 1,000 sq. ft.
SANITATION MEASURES: This product can be used as a surface spray in warehouse bins, trucks, cargo ships, mills, bin hoppers, elevators, and conveying equipment as a cleanup prior to use. In mills and elevators, remove all infested accumulations of grain from the bin hoppers. All storage and conveying equipment should be thoroughly cleaned by sweeping out waste grain, cobwebs, and other debris from the walls, rafters, floors, and door frames, paying special attention to material lodged in cracks and crevices. Remove all debris and dispose of in outside trash. Do not exceed maximum application rate of 28 fl. oz. of concentrate per 1,000 sq. ft.
FOR FARMS, pay particular attention to cleaning up around used feed and grain bags and cleaning grain residues from wagons, harvesting equipment, and feed troughs. Do not place newly harvested grain in the same bin with carry-over grain. Fumigate or treat all carry-over grain stocks not previously treated with grain protectant with EPA approved products. Perform these cleaning operations two or three weeks before harvest.
After above sanitation measures are employed, spray as directed.
FOR USE IN ANIMAL QUARTERS, Barns, Dairies, Milking Parlors, Milking Rooms, Poultry Houses, and other listed animal areas. For rapid control (kill) of Flies, Mosquitoes including the Culex species that may carry and transmit the West Nile virus, Gnats, and other listed flying insects: Dilute with water to give a 0.10% or 0.50% concentration and apply as a fine mist or spray. Direct spray towards ceiling and upper corners of area until filled with mist, using 1.6 fl. oz. of concentrate per 1,000 cu. ft. of space. Do not direct spray towards animals or birds. For best results, close doors and windows before spraying and keep them closed for 10 to 15 minutes following application. Applicator should vacate the treated area and ventilate it before reoccupying. Do not use in milk rooms where raw milk may be exposed.
FOR USE ON LIVESTOCK: Dilute as follows: 0.10% Pyrethrins - Add 4.3 fl. oz. per gallon of water or 0.50% Pyrethrins - Add 22 fl. oz. per gallon of water and apply as directed:
● To protect beef cattle, dairy cattle, horses, and other livestock from attacks and to kill and repel Stable Flies, Horse Flies, Deer Flies, House Flies, Horn Flies, Lesser House Flies, Mosquitoes including the Culex species that may carry and transmit the West Nile virus, and Gnats, spray about 3 seconds on each side of animal, being certain to spray back, withers and forelegs thoroughly.
● To protect from Face Flies, spray the face and hair or spray on a cloth and rub on the face, being certain to avoid contact with eyes. Repeat treatment as necessary when flies are troublesome.
● For effective control of Biting and Sucking Lice on cattle, horses, sheep, goats and hogs, spray to thoroughly wet the hair of the animal, including the head and brush of the tail. Repeat treatment in 10 days to kill newly hatched lice.
● To control Poultry Lice and exposed stages of Darkling Beetles, thoroughly spray roosts, walls, nests, and cages. Follow by spraying over the birds with a fine mist.
● For control of Bed Bugs and Mites on poultry and in poultry houses, spray crevices of roost poles and cracks in walls and nests where Bed Bugs and Mites hide. Follow by spraying over the birds with a fine mist.
● To control sheep “tick” or ked, thoroughly wet all portions of the body by spraying directly into the wool. Treat at a rate sufficient to wet the animal.
● To kill Fleas and Ticks on livestock and to obtain protection against reinfestation, spray to sufficiently wet animal.
FOR USE IN BARNS, DAIRIES, MILKING PARLORS, MILKING ROOMS, POULTRY HOUSES, and other listed animal housing areas, follow dilution chart and apply as directed. Do not use in milk rooms where raw milk may be exposed.
0.10% Pyrethrins - Add 4.3 fl. oz. per gallon of water
0.50% Pyrethrins - Add 22 fl. oz. per gallon of water
DIRECTIONS FOR USE WITH HANDHELD MECHANICAL FOGGERS to control House Flies, Horn Flies, Stable Flies, Horse Flies, Mosquitoes including the Culex species that may carry and transmit the West Nile virus, Gnats, and other listed insects. Dilute concentrate and apply as a fine mist or fog. Direct spray toward the ceiling and upper corners of the room until the area is filled with mist, using 1.6 fl. oz. per 1,000 cu. ft. of space. For best results, close doors and windows before spraying and keep them closed for 10 to 15 minutes after spraying. Applicator should vacate the treated area and ventilate it before reoccupying.
Do not apply this pesticide when people, pets and food are present.
● Do not use in an evaporative cooling system.
● Do not set nozzles to direct mist near outside air conditioner systems or other home air intakes.
● Direct nozzles to spray towards the target area and away from swimming pools, water bodies, or eating and cooking areas.
● When using this product, installers and service technicians must comply with the license, certification, or registration requirements of the state(s), tribe(s), or local authority(ies) where they are installed.
● If the system works when a person operates a remote activation device, then application of this pesticide when people, pets and food are present is prohibited.
● If system works on an automatic timer, set the timing for application when people, pets and food are unlikely to be present.
● Do not use in misters located within 3 feet of air vents, air conditioner units, or windows.
● If used in a system with a reservoir tank for the end-use dilution, the system reservoir tank must be locked. Securely attach the end use pesticide label and a dilution statement to the system reservoir tank in a weather protected area or plastic sleeve. The dilution statement must be phrased as follows: this container holds __ parts VamPyre® to __ parts water.
● If used in a direct injection system, the pesticide container must be locked. Securely attach the end-use label to the pesticide container in a weather protected area or plastic sleeve.
● Automatic spraying systems must not be programmed to release pesticides where food or feed is directly exposed.
To kill Flies, House Flies, Horn Flies, Stable Flies, Horse Flies, Mosquitoes including the Culex species that may carry and transmit the West Nile virus, Gnats and other listed insects: Add concentrate to tank and add water to obtain desired dilution. Agitate well while adding water. Dispense diluted concentrate through automatic spraying system. Set nozzles to deliver 1 fluid ounce per minute. Position nozzles to cover a maximum of 2,000 cu. ft. of space per nozzle. Set timer to operate in accordance with equipment directions. Equipment must be calibrated to deliver no more than the maximum application rate of 0.0033 lbs. pyrethrins per 1,000 cu. ft. and 0.033 lbs. of PBO per 1,000 cu. ft., or no more than 1.6 fl. oz. of concentrate per 1,000 cu. ft. of space per day.
NOTE: NOT REGISTERED for use in Automatic ULV Spraying Systems in the State of New York.
Use to control or temporarily reduce annoyance from accessible stages of: Mosquitoes including the Culex species that may carry and transmit the West Nile virus, Flies, Gnats, Face Flies, Fannia Flies, Deer Flies, Horse Flies, Stable Flies, Horn Flies, Hornets, Wasps, Yellowjackets, Firebrats, Small Flying Moths, Earwigs, Fleas, Ticks, Clover Mites, Brown Dog Ticks, Crickets, Cockroaches, Silverfish, Spiders, Darkling Beetles, and other nuisance insects.
Automatic spraying system dilution table
A System tank size (in gallons) |
B Conversion factor (fluid ounces of concentrate per gallon of water) |
A x B = Fluid ounces of concentrate for specific tank size, to be mixed with water to achieve 0.044% pyrethrin solution |
30 |
1.88 |
56.40 |
55 |
1.88 |
103.40 |
125 |
1.88 |
235 |
250 |
1.88 |
470 |
When filling tank, partially fill the system reservoir tank with water and add concentrate. Then fill the rest of the tank with water and agitate well.
Contact the system manufacturer for guidance or assistance to ensure compliance with the following requirement:
This product must only be used in systems that have been calibrated to apply no more than the maximum application rate of .00011 lbs. pyrethrins per 1,000 cu. ft. per day or 0.00058 lbs. piperonyl butoxide per 1,000 cu. ft. per day, whichever is lower (do not exceed 2 fl. oz. of diluted product per 1,000 cu. ft. per day).
For best performance, the spray solution should be in the pH range of 5.5 to 7.0.
This product will control insects directly contacted by its spray solution. Since many of the targeted insects can migrate in and out of treatment areas, it is recommended that this concentrate be used as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. Control practices including eliminating breeding and harborage sites combined with appropriate use of contact insecticides, Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs) and/or residual insecticides will provide the most effective control of target insects.
Outdoor use dilution table:
Solution percentage |
Ratio of concentrate to water |
Fluid ounces of concentrate per gallon of water |
0.05% Pyrethrins |
1 part concentrate to 59 parts water |
2 fluid ounces concentrate/gallon of water |
0.10% Pyrethrins |
1 part concentrate to 29 parts water |
4.3 fluid ounces concentrate/gallon of water |
0.30% Pyrethrins |
1 part concentrate to 9 parts water |
13 fluid ounces concentrate/gallon of water |
0.50% Pyrethrins |
1 part concentrate to 5 parts water |
22 fluid ounces concentrate/gallon of water |
Take care to avoid spraying when wind conditions might create a mist that can blow back to applicator. Do not apply this product in or around bodies of water. Do not spray directly on plants. Spray surfaces and contact as many insects as possible.
SMALL FLYING INSECTS AND OTHER FLYING INSECTS including FLIES, GNATS, MOSQUITOES, SMALL FLYING MOTHS, and MIDGES: Hold sprayer nozzle 18 to 24 inches from shrubs, bushes, grassy areas, and other areas infested with these pests. Do not apply directly to plants. Spray with a slow sweeping motion while moving away from the treated area. To reduce annoyance from these pests, treat open porches, patios and under decks in a similar manner. Kills and repels Flies, Mosquitoes including the Culex species that may carry and transmit the West Nile virus, Midges, and Gnats when used intermittently during outdoor activities and will keep surrounding areas free from these pests. Allow spray to dissipate before occupying the treated area.
ANTS: Spray ant trails, hills, and other areas of entry and infestation. Directly spray Ants where possible.
SPIDERS: Directly spray Spiders and webs.
SOWBUGS, MILLIPEDES, BEETLES, EARWIGS, PILLBUGS, CENTIPEDES, SCORPIONS, COCKROACHES, CRICKETS, WATERBUGS, PALMETTO BUGS: Thoroughly spray surfaces and into hiding places such as cracks and crevices, moist areas, openings around pipes and spigots, in storage areas and sheds, and other areas where these pests tend to congregate.
Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage and disposal.
PESTICIDE STORAGE: Store in a cool, dry place. Always store pesticides in the original container. Store away from food and pet food.
PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: To avoid wastes, use all material in this container by application according to label directions. If wastes cannot be avoided, offer remaining product to a waste disposal facility or pesticide disposal program (often such programs are run by state or local governments or by industry).
CONTAINER HANDLING AND DISPOSAL: Non-refillable container. Do not reuse or refill this container. Triple rinse container (or equivalent) promptly after emptying. Then offer for recycling if available, or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill.
[For totes/55 gal containers]
Pressure rinse as follows: Empty the remaining contents into application equipment or a mix tank and continue to drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip. Hold container upside down over application equipment or mix tank or collect rinsate for later use or disposal. Insert pressure rinsing nozzle in the side of the container, and rinse at about 40 psi for at least 30 seconds. Drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip.
Triple rinse as follows [for containers of 5 gallons or less]: Empty the remaining contents into application equipment or a mix tank and drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip. Fill the container 1/4 full with water and recap. Shake for 10 seconds. Pour rinsate into application equipment or a mix tank or store rinsate for later use or disposal. Drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip. Repeat this procedure two more times.
Triple rinse as follows [for containers greater than 5 gallons]: Empty the remaining contents into application equipment or a mix tank. Fill the container 1/4 full with water. Replace and tighten closures. Tip container on its side and roll it back and forth, ensuring at least one complete revolution, for 30 seconds. Stand the container on its end and tip it back and forth several times. Turn the container over onto its other end and tip back and forth several times. Empty the rinsate into application equipment or a mix tank or store rinsate for later use or disposal. Repeat this procedure two more times.
[Or for Refillable Containers]
Refillable container. Refill this container with pesticide only. Do not reuse this container for any other purpose. Cleaning before refilling is the responsibility of the refiller. To clean the container before final disposal, empty the remaining contents from this container into application equipment or mix tank. Fill the container about 10 percent full with water. Agitate vigorously or recirculate water with the pump for 2 minutes. Pour or pump rinsate into rinsate collection system. Repeat this rinsing procedure two more times. Offer for recycling if available or reconditioning if appropriate, or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill, or by other procedures approved by state and local authorities.
VamPyre Misting Concentrate Caution
Harmful if swallowed or absorbed through the skin. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Prolonged or frequently repeated skin contact may cause allergic reactions in some individuals. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before reuse.
Mixers, loaders, applicators, and other handlers must wear:
● Long-sleeved shirt,
● Long pants,
● Chemical-resistant gloves made of barrier laminate, butyl rubber, nitrile rubber, neoprene rubber, polyvinyl chloride or Viton, and
● Shoes and socks.
In addition to the above PPE, applicators using a high-pressure hand wand in an enclosed area must wear at least a half-face NIOSH-approved respirator with:
● Any R or P filter with a NIOSH approval number prefix TC-84A.
In addition to the above PPE, applicators using handheld foggers in an enclosed area must wear a half-face, full-face, or hood-style NIOSH-approved respirator with:
● A NIOSH-approved particulate filter with any R or P filter with NIOSH approval number prefix TC-84A
● A NIOSH-approved powered air purifying respirator with an HE filter with NIOSH approval number prefix TC-21C.
Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such instructions for washables exist, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.
Discard clothing and other absorbent materials that have been drenched or heavily contaminated with the product’s concentrate. Do not reuse them.
Users should wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. Users should remove clothing/PPE immediately if pesticide gets inside. Then wash thoroughly and put on clean clothing. Users should remove PPE immediately after handling this product. Wash the outside of gloves before removing. As soon as possible, wash thoroughly and change into clean clothing.
This product is toxic to aquatic organisms, including fish and invertebrates. Drift and runoff may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in water adjacent to treated areas. This product may contaminate water through runoff. This product has a potential for runoff for several weeks after application. Poorly draining soils and soils with shallow water tables are more prone to produce runoff that contains this product.
This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment on blooming crops or weeds. Do not apply this product or allow it to drift to blooming crops or weeds while bees are foraging in the treatment area.
Do not apply directly to water, to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters or rinsate.
● Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice.
● Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow.
● Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a poison control center or doctor.
● Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
● Take off contaminated clothing.
● Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes.
● Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. For information regarding medical emergencies or pesticide incidents, call 1-888-740-8712.
EPA Reg. No. 1021-1800
EPA Est. No. 1021-MN-2
Manufactured by MGK®.
©2016 MGK. All rights reserved.
8810 Tenth Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55427
Rev. 0416-0416
Presentation: 1 gallon bottle and 30 gallon drum.
CPN: 2040022.0
Toll-Free: | 1-800-645-6466 | |
Website: | |
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Copyright © 2024 Animalytix LLC. Updated: 2024-08-26