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Target Progesterone Milk Test for Bovine

This treatment applies to the following species:
Company: BioMetallics

Rapid Test for Progesterone in Bovine Milk

Components: 20 monoclonal antibody treated test cups.

20 sample applicators.

1 bottle enzyme conjugate.

1 bottle wash solution.

1 bottle substrate buffer A.

1 bottle substrate buffer B.

1 substrate mixing bottle.

Target Progesterone Milk Test for Bovine Indications

Recommended to confirm estrus, detect pregnancy, improve controlled breeding, define cycling, diagnose infertility disorders, and to monitor fertility treatment.

Test Procedure: Milk Sample Collection: Milk samples should be obtained preferably from the foremilk or milk jug and put into a clean container. Last milk can be used, but is less preferred. Initial strippings should not be used. Label samples with the cow number sampling date, and cycle day.

If a milk sample is not tested within 30 minutes it should be stored in the refrigerator. If the milk sample is to be tested more than 6 hours later, immediately after collection, add one drop of milk preservative (10% potassium dichromate) or 1/4 milk preservative tablet to each 10 mLs of milk. Store milk in the refrigerator - do not freeze. It is not recommended to test samples more than 4-5 days after collection.

Test Kit Preparation: Allow samples and all kit reagents to come to room temperature before starting test (2-24 hrs). Use a timer while performing the test. Label each test cup to be used with the cow number and line up samples with respective cups.

When to Use TARGET:

1. Confirm estrus (heat): Take a milk sample on the day of suspected estrus. A bright blue test result indicates the cow is in estrus and ovulation is about to occur. The optimal time to inseminate is approximately 18 hours after obtaining a bright blue result.

2. Detect pregnancy or open cows: Take a milk sample 19 to 21 days after insemination. A bright blue test result indicates the cow is open and is in estrus. A white test result strongly indicates the cow is pregnant. An additional sample taken at 22 or 23 days increases the accuracy of a pregnancy determination - up to 95% accuracy if a white result is obtained on both tests.

Pregnancy determination should be confirmed by a licensed veterinarian since high progesterone could indicate mid ovarian cycle because of inaccurately timed insemination, or development of a persistent corpus luteum. Furthermore, cows diagnosed with high progesterone on day 19-23 may return to estrus if fetal reabsorption occurs. A milk sample taken at the time of palpation can be used in conjunction with palpation results.

3. Improve prostaglandin controlled breeding: Take a milk sample prior to injection with prostaglandin. If the corpus luteum (CL) is functional (white result), continue with treatment.

Prostaglandin injections after 50 days post-calving has been shown to reduce days open, reduce services per conception, and increase conception rate.

4. Define cycling: Take milk samples at 3 to 5 day intervals for a period of 3 weeks or more. A combination of low and high progesterone results (any shade of blue and white) indicates that ovarian activity has resumed (usually evident about 1 month post-calving).

5. Diagnose infertility disorders: After veterinarian confirmation of the presence of an ovarian cyst (by rectal palpation), TARGET is useful in determining the type of cyst. Take one milk sample at the day of palpation and 2 more samples at 7 day intervals for questionable cases.

A bright blue test result (low progesterone) strongly indicates a follicular cyst or nonfunctional ovary.

A white test result (high progesterone) strongly indicates the presence of a luteal cyst or cystic CL.

6. Monitor fertility treatment: Take a milk sample 10 days after treatment for a follicular cyst. If a white result (high progesterone) is obtained, the prescribed treatment was effective.

Take a milk sample 2 to 4 days after treatment for a luteal cyst or cystic CL. If a bright blue result (low progesterone) is obtained, the prescribed therapy was effective.

Use of the Control: With TARGET, it is not necessary to use a control because of IPACT™ (Immuno Precision Color Technology)*, which is built into the kit during manufacturing.

*US Patent

If you want to do a control on the kit, do steps 2-5; the result should be bright blue.


Store entire kit in the refrigerator when not in use. Do not freeze.

Always reseal the ZipLoc bag after removing a test cup.

Caution(s): Timing during Step 2 (the time for the red bottle solution to be in contact with the test cup) is important: one (1) minute.

Never exchange reagents or test cups between different kits.

Discussion: The Importance of Testing for Progesterone: Progesterone, a hormone found in bovine milk, is produced by the corpus luteum (CL) during the estrous cycle and pregnancy. Milk progesterone levels accurately reflect the different stages of the estrous cycle and pregnancy status.

Normal lactating cows have heat cycles every 18-22 days and each heat cycle lasts 6-18 hours. Heat detection based on visual signs can be accurate.

Progesterone levels are lowest when the cow is in heat. After ovulation a CL forms on the ovary and begins producing progesterone, and progesterone levels are high from about Day 5 through Day 18.

If pregnant, progesterone levels continue at high level. If nonpregnant, around Day 18 the CL regresses and progesterone levels fall.

During the next estrous cycle, at Day 1 the cow is back in heat and progesterone levels are low.

Presentation: 20 tests.

CPN: 14850020

Veterinary Science Division

P.O. BOX 2251, PRINCETON, NJ, 08543
Telephone:   609-275-0133
Order Desk:   800-999-1961
Fax:   609-275-9485
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