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Starbar Exhalt WDG Insect Growth Regulator

This treatment applies to the following species:
Company: Wellmark

Current label information has not been provided by the product owner.

This information is provided as a service to our users.


● For use in control of developing House Flies, Dark-eyed Fruit Flies, Stable Flies*, Dump Flies, Soldier Flies, and Darkling Beetles (Litter, Hide and Carrion Beetles) in Manure and Other breeding sites in Cattle Barns , Swine Houses , Horse Barns , Incinerators , Livestock Manure , Livestock Premises , Non-farm Animal Stalls , Poultry Buildings, Cage-layer Houses, Poultry Houses, and Refuse Storage Areas


Active Ingredient


**Novaluron: (CAS #116714-46-6).






**Contains 0.04 lb (18.16 grams) of active ingredient per pound.

* Granular application only

Not for use in California.


Starbar Exhalt WDG Insect Growth Regulator Caution

EPA Reg. No. 89459-107

EPA Est. No. 2724-TX-1



● Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes.

● Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye.

● Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.

Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. You may also contact 1-800-347-8272 for emergency medical treatment information.


Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes or clothing. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco, or using the toilet.

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: This pesticide is toxic to freshwater and estuarine/marine invertebrates. Do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Runoff can be hazardous to aquatic organisms in water adjacent to treated areas. This product is intended for use only in sites listed on the label. Do not apply to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters or rinsate.

PHYSICAL OR CHEMICAL HAZARDS: Do not mix or allow contact with an oxidizing agent. Hazardous chemical reaction may occur.

Directions For Use


It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Failure to follow Directions for Use and precautions on the label may result in injury, poor fly and litter beetle control, and/or illegal residues.

TO KILL GERMAN COCKROACH NYMPHS INDOORS AND FOR THE CONTROL OF CRICKETS, LITTER BEETLES, HOUSE FLIES, DARK-EYED FRUIT FLIES, DUMP FLIES, STABLE FLIES, AND SOLDIER FLIES: Starbar® Exhalt™ WDG Insect Growth Regulator (Exhalt™ WDG) is a granular product that may be applied as a granular larvicide or dispersed into water and applied as a liquid spray. The active ingredient is novaluron, an insect growth regulator (IGR) that only affects developing immature stages of insects and prevents molting to adult forms. The elimination of adult insects occurs gradually and becomes visible one to two weeks after application. Insects which are already in the adult stage will not be affected. For stable fly treatment, use granular treatment method only.

Exhalt™ WDG is a unique product that was developed to kill German cockroach nymphs in interior harborage and treated surface areas and to control nymphal crickets, litter beetle larvae, house, dark-eyed fruit, stable, dump and soldier fly larvae in manure and other listed insect pest breeding sites. Specific pest targets include German cockroach nymphs within interior harborage and treated surface areas of hog farms , horse barns , and cattle and poultry operations as well as locations house, dark-eyed fruit, stable, dump and soldier fly larvae in cattle operations , hog farms and horse barns where horses are not intended for slaughter or food; and control of litter beetle, crickets, house, dark-eyed fruit, stable, dump and soldier fly larvae in poultry operations. Include Exhalt™ WDG with appropriate sanitary and management practices to reduce the number and size of cricket, German cockroach, litter beetle, house fly, dark-eyed fruit fly, dump fly, stable fly and soldier fly breeding sites. For stable fly treatment, use granular treatment method only.

Exhalt™ WDG kills German cockroach nymphs indoors, preventing them from reaching the adult breeding stage. Exhalt™ WDG provides pest control by causing a gradual reduction in the population by interrupting the life cycles of crickets, litter beetles, house flies, dark-eyed fruit flies, dump flies, stable flies and soldier flies, preventing them from reaching the adult breeding stage. This product may be combined with an adulticide and complements the activity of an adulticide by providing long-term control by preventing immatures from becoming adults. For stable fly treatment, use granular treatment method only.

Application Sites: Apply Exhalt™ WDG to breeding sites for cricket, German cockroach nymphs (indoors only), litter beetle, house fly, dark-eyed fruit fly, dump fly, stable fly and soldier fly immatures. Control of house, dark-eyed fruit, dump, stable and soldier flies and litter beetles is achieved through interruption of the life cycles by preventing immature stages from becoming adults. Apply product as described below to cattle barns , hog farms , horse barns , incinerators , cattle and horse manure , non-farm animal stalls , poultry buildings, cage layer houses, and poultry houses. For stable fly treatment, use granular treatment method only.

Application Methods: Dry Granular - While wearing gloves, scatter Exhalt™ WDG directly and evenly over cricket, German cockroach nymphs (indoors only), litter beetle, house fly, dark-eyed fruit fly, dump fly, stable fly and soldier fly breeding sites. Spread by hand or with a mechanized spreader. Do not allow granules to accumulate in piles.

Coarse Spray - While wearing gloves, partially fill tank with water, add Exhalt™ WDG in the correct amount from the tables below, agitate and fill to final volume with water. Agitate before spraying to ensure mixture is thoroughly dissolved. Do not let mixture stand overnight. To kill German cockroach nymphs (indoors only) and control house fly, dark-eyed fruit fly, soldier fly, dump fly and litter beetle larvae, spray as described below in application instructions.

In combination with an adulticide - Exhalt™ WDG may be combined or tank-mixed and applied as a coarse spray with an EPA registered insecticide for control of adult populations of crickets, litter beetles, house flies, dark-eyed fruit flies, dump flies, and soldier flies where labeled. The combination of an adulticide and Exhalt™ WDG will provide immediate control of adult crickets, house flies, dark-eyed fruit flies, soldier flies, dump flies, and litter beetles, while inhibiting the immature stages of listed pests from developing to adults. The more restrictive label will apply when tank-mixing. Use Exhalt™ WDG only at specified rates. For stable fly treatment, use granular treatment method only.

Application Schedules - More specific instructions are given in the Application Instructions below for each type of application listed.

Use Restrictions:

DO NOT apply directly to livestock or livestock feed as illegal residues may result. DO NOT feed manure treated with Exhalt™ WDG to animals. DO NOT contaminate feed and water troughs. Allow for 1 day (24 hours) between last application and slaughter. Facility treatments of manure can only be made where cattle and hogs do not have access.

For poultry layer production operations, DO NOT contaminate feed or water lines. When treating a site, DO NOT apply product as a granule followed by a liquid application or vice versa. DO NOT spray into the air. DO NOT spray when wind conditions could create a mist to blow back to the applicator. DO NOT apply this product in or around bodies of water. Keep children and pets away from treated areas until sprays have dried.

Cattle operations and hog farms

Application as a Coarse Spray




Application instructions

House fly, Dark-eyed fruit fly, Soldier fly, Dump fly larvae

1/4 to 1/2 pound (4 to 8 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 30 days

Prepare a spray solution by dissolving granular product in (Range: 1 to 20) gallons of water and apply as a coarse spray directly and evenly over insect breeding sites. For best results, use the highest volume of water that can be tolerated in the area being treated. Apply in sufficient volume of water (up to 20 gallons per 1,000 sq ft) to uniformly and thoroughly wet the manure and other target areas. Spray volume will vary depending on the depth of manure being treated.

German cockroach nymphs (Indoor applications only)

1/16 to 1/4 pound (1 to 4 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 14 days

Prepare a spray solution by dissolving granular product in (Range: 1 to 20) gallons of water and apply as a coarse spray directly and evenly over indoor areas including surfaces and harborage sites. For best results, use the highest volume of water that can be tolerated in the area being treated. Focus spray in wall voids, cracks and crevices and other indoor harborage sites and on adjacent surfaces.

cThe treatment interval depends on management and housing systems as well as on climatic conditions.

Apply only to larval breeding sites and harborages. For treatment of German cockroaches, restrict the use of this product to indoor sites. Do not apply to adult resting sites (walls, ceiling etc.) as this product has no effect on adult flies or adult cockroaches. If the treatment area is > 0.25 acre for each application, do not exceed 8 applications per year at 1.5 fl oz/1,000 sq ft and/or do not exceed 4 applications per year at 3 fl oz/1,000 sq ft. If the treatment area is < 0.25 acre (10,890 sq ft), a maximum of 12 applications may be made per year.

Cattle operations and hog farms

Application as a Dry Granule




Application instructions

House fly, Dark-eyed fruit fly, Soldier fly, Dump fly larvae

1/2 pound (8 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

Hog farms: No less than 14 days.

Scatter dry granular product directly and evenly over insect breeding sites in premise areas, including around hay bales, barns, feedlots, where flies breed. For best results, apply to wet manure/development sites or water-in granules.

Scatter dry granular product 3 days after manure removal, repeat at each manure removal or when fly larvae are found.

Stable fly

1 lb (16 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

German cockroach nymphs (Indoor applications only)

1/16 to 1/4 pound (1 to 4 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

Hog farms: No less than 14 days.

Scatter dry granular product directly and evenly in indoor areas including onto surfaces or into cracks, crevices, and other harborage sites.

Apply only to larval breeding sites and harborages. For treatment of German cockroaches, restrict the use of this product to indoor sites. Apply no more than 185 lbs of Exhalt™ WDG (7.4 lbs of novaluron) per acre per year.

Not for use in California.

Horse barns (for horses not intended for slaughter or food)

Application as a Coarse Spray




Application instructions

House fly, Dark-eyed fruit fly, Soldier fly, Dump fly larvae

1/4 to 1/2 pound (4 to 8 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 30 days

Prepare a spray solution by dissolving granular product in (Range: 1 to 20) gallons of water and apply as a coarse spray directly and evenly over insect breeding sites. Spray volume will vary depending on the depth of manure being treated. For best results, use the highest volume of water that can be tolerated in the area being treated.

German cockroach nymphs (Indoor applications only

1/16 to 1/4 pound (1 to 4 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 14 days

Prepare a spray solution by dissolving granular product in (Range: 1 to 20) gallons of water and apply as a coarse spray directly and evenly over indoor areas including surfaces and harborage sites. For best results, use the highest volume of water that can be tolerated in the area being treated. Focus spray on surfaces and in wall voids, cracks and crevices and other indoor harborage sites and on adjacent surfaces.

Apply only to larval breeding sites and harborages. For treatment of German cockroaches, restrict the use of this product to indoor sites. Do not apply to adult fly or cockroach resting sites (walls, ceiling, etc.) as this product has no effect on adult flies or cockroaches.

Horse barns (for horses not intended for slaughter or food)

Application as a Dry Granule




Application instructions

House fly, Dark-eyed fruit fly, Stable fly, Soldier fly, Dump fly larvae

1/2 pound (8 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 14 days.

Scatter dry granular product directly and evenly over insect breeding sites in premise areas, including around hay bales, barns, feedlots, where flies breed. For best results, water-in granules.

For horse barns with horses not intended for slaughter, product can be applied underneath bedding on stall floors after cleaning, and locations where manure, spilled feed, or moisture accumulate.

German cockroach nymphs (Indoor applications only

1/16 to 1/4 pound (1 to 4 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 14 days.

Scatter dry granular product directly and evenly in indoor areas including on surfaces and into cracks, crevices, and other harborage sites.

Apply only to larval breeding sites and harborages. For treatment of German cockroaches, restrict the use of this product to indoor sites.

Apply no more than 185 lbs of Exhalt™ WDG (7.4 lbs of novaluron) per acre per year.

Broiler Houses

Application as a Coarse Spray




Application instructions

House fly, Dark-eyed fruit fly larvae

1/2 pound (8 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 14 days

Prepare a spray solution by dissolving granular product in (Range: 1 to 20) gallons of water and apply as a coarse spray directly and evenly over entire manure area. For best results, use the highest volume of water that can be tolerated in the area being treated. Apply about one week after manure removal or when fly larvae are found. To achieve a faster reduction of the adult population, the concurrent use of an EPA registered adulticide is recommended.

Litter beetle larvae, Dump fly larvae, Soldier fly larvae

1/4 to 1/2 pound (4 to 8 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 10 days

Prepare a spray solution by dissolving granular product in (Range: 1 to 20) gallons of water and apply as a coarse spray directly and evenly over manure area. For best results, use the highest volume of water that can be tolerated in the area being treated. Apply 4-6 days before bird placement. If beetle populations are high, treat entire house. If populations are low, treat in 3-4 foot bands where feeders and water lines will be placed. To achieve a faster reduction of the adult population, the concurrent use of an EPA registered adulticide is recommended.

German cockroach nymphs (Indoor applications only)

1/16 to 1/4 pound (1 to 4 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 14 days

Prepare a spray solution by dissolving granular product in (Range: 1 to 20) gallons of water and apply as a coarse spray directly and evenly over indoor areas including surfaces and harborage sites. For best results, use the highest volume of water that can be tolerated in the area being treated. Focus spray in wall voids, cracks and crevices and other indoor harborage sites and on adjacent surfaces. To achieve a faster reduction of the adult population, the concurrent use of an EPA registered adulticide is recommended.

cThe treatment interval depends on management and housing systems as well as on climatic conditions.

Apply only to larval breeding sites and harborages. For treatment of German cockroaches, restrict the use of this product to indoor sites. Do not apply to adult resting sites (walls, ceiling etc.) as this product has no effect on adult flies or cockroaches. Apply no more than 185 lbs of Exhalt™ WDG (7.4 lbs of novaluron) per acre per year.

Broiler Houses

Application as a Dry Granule




Application instructions

House fly, Dark-eyed fruit fly, Stable fly, Soldier fly, Dump fly larvae, Litter beetle larvae

1 pound (16 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 14 days

Scatter dry granular product directly and evenly over entire manure area one week after manure removal. Repeat treatment after each removal or when beetle and fly larvae are found. For best results, apply to wet manure/development sites or water-in granules.

Scatter dry granular 4-6 days before bird placement. If beetle populations are high, treat entire house. If populations are low, treat in 3-4 foot bands where feeders and water lines will be placed. To achieve a faster reduction of the adult population, the concurrent use of an EPA registered adulticide is recommended.

German cockroach nymphs (Indoor applications only)

1/16 to 1/4 pound (1 to 4 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 14 days

Scatter dry granular product directly and evenly into cracks, crevices, and other harborages in indoor areas and on adjacent surfaces. Not for use on manure in German cockroach treatment applications. To achieve a faster reduction of the adult population, the concurrent use of an EPA registered adulticide is recommended.

Apply only to larval breeding sites and cockroaches harborages. For treatment of German cockroaches, restrict the use of this product to indoor sites. Apply no more than 370 lbs of Exhalt™ WDG (14.8 lbs of novaluron) per manure site per year.

Not for use in California.

Layer Houses

Application as a Coarse Spray




Application instructions

Soldier fly larvae, Dump fly larvae

1 1/8 to 2 1/4 pounds (18 - 36 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 14 days

Prepare a spray solution by dissolving granular product in (Range: 1 to 20) gallons of water and apply as a coarse spray directly and evenly over entire manure area. For best results, use the highest volume of water that can be tolerated in the area being treated. Apply about one week after manure removal or when fly larvae are found. To achieve a faster reduction of the adult population, the concurrent use of an EPA registered adulticide is recommended.

House fly, Dark-eyed fruit fly larvae

1/2 pound (8 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 10 days

Prepare a spray solution by dissolving granular product in (Range: 1 to 20) gallons of water and apply as a coarse spray directly and evenly over manure area. For best results, use the highest volume of water that can be tolerated in the area being treated. Apply one week after manure removal.

Litter beetle larvae

1/4 to 1/2 pound (4 to 8 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 10 days

Prepare a spray solution by dissolving granular product in (Range: 1 to 20) gallons of water and apply as a coarse spray directly and evenly over manure area. For best results, use the highest volume of water that can be tolerated in the area being treated. Apply 4-6 days before bird placement. If beetle populations are high, treat entire house. If populations are low, treat in 3-4 foot bands where feeders and water lines will be placed. To achieve a faster reduction of the adult population, the concurrent use of an EPA registered adulticide is recommended.

German cockroach nymphs (Indoor applications only)

1/16 to 1/4 pound (1 to 4 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 14 days

Prepare a spray solution by dissolving granular product in (Range: 1 to 20) gallons of water and apply as a coarse spray directly and evenly over indoor areas including surfaces and harborage sites. For best results, use the highest volume of water that can be tolerated in the area being treated. Focus spray in wall voids, cracks and crevices and other indoor harborage sites and on adjacent surfaces. Not for use on manure in German cockroach treatment applications. To achieve a faster reduction of the adult population, the concurrent use of an EPA registered adulticide is recommended.

cLength of time for treatment depends upon management and housing systems as well as on climatic conditions.

Apply only to larval breeding sites and harborages. For treatment of German cockroaches, restrict the use of this product to indoor sites. Do not apply to adult resting sites (walls, ceiling etc.) as this product has no effect on adult flies, cockroaches or beetles. Apply no more than 370 lbs of Exhalt™ WDG (14.8 lbs of novaluron) per manure site per year.

Layer Houses

Application as a Dry Granule




Application instructions

House fly, Dark-eyed fruit fly, Stable fly, Soldier fly, Dump fly larvae, Litter beetle larvae

1 pound (16 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 14 days

Scatter dry granular product directly and evenly over entire manure area one week after manure removal. Repeat treatment after each removal or when beetle and fly larvae are found. For best results, apply to wet manure/development sites or water-in granules.

Scatter dry granular 4-6 days before bird placement. If beetle populations are high, treat entire house. If populations are low, treat in 3-4 foot bands where feeders and water lines will be placed. To achieve a faster reduction of the adult population, the concurrent use of an EPA registered adulticide is recommended.

German cockroach nymphs (Indoor applications only)

1/16 to 1/4 pound (1 to 4 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 14 days.

Scatter dry granular product directly and evenly into cracks, crevices, and other indoor harborages and on adjacent surfaces.

cLength of treatment depends upon management and housing systems as well as on climatic conditions.

Apply only to larval breeding sites and harborages. For treatment of German cockroaches, restrict the use of this product to indoor sites. Apply no more than 370 lbs of Exhalt™ WDG (14.8 lbs of novaluron) per manure site per year.

Livestock facilities and other uses




Application instructions


1/2 pound (8 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

14 days

Prepare a spray solution by dissolving granular product in (Range: 1 to 20) gallons of water and apply as a coarse spray directly and evenly over indoor areas including surfaces and harborage sites. For best results, use the highest volume of water that can be tolerated in the area being treated. Focus spray on surfaces and in wall voids, cracks and crevices and other indoor harborage sites. For crickets, this product may be used in outdoor applications including perimeter and premise areas. Apply in a band 2 to 4 feet adjacent to and around the structure and to a height of 2-3 feet on the foundation where crickets may be active or may find entrance.


Scatter dry granular product directly and evenly over entire area. For crickets, this product may be applied in outdoor applications including in premise and perimeter areas. Apply in a band 2 to 4 feet adjacent to and around the structure where crickets may be active or may find entrance. For best results, water-in granules.

German cockroach nymphs (Indoor applications only)

1/16 to 1/4 pound (1 to 4 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 14 days.

Apply only to larval breeding sites, do not apply to adult resting sites (walls, ceiling etc.) as this product has no effect on adults.

Not for use in California.

In and around livestock facilities and other uses




Application instructions


1/2 pound (8 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

14 days

Prepare a spray solution by dissolving granular product in (Range: 1 to 20) gallons of water and apply as a coarse spray directly and evenly over indoor areas including surfaces and harborage sites. For best results, use the highest volume of water that can be tolerated in the area being treated. Focus spray on surfaces and in wall voids, cracks and crevices and other indoor harborage sites. For crickets, this product may be applied in outdoor applications including premise and perimeter areas. Apply in a band 2 to 4 feet adjacent to and around the structure and to a height of 2-3 feet on the foundation where crickets may be active or may find entrance.


Scatter dry granular product directly and evenly over entire area. For crickets, this product may be applied in outdoor applications. Apply in a band 2 to 4 feet adjacent to and around the structure where crickets may be active or may find entrance. For best results, water-in granules.

German cockroach nymphs (Indoor applications only)

1/16 to 1/4 pound (1 to 4 oz) per 1,000 sq ft

No less than 14 days.

For all applications, Exhalt™ WDG is labeled for use in and around livestock facilities , including cattle barns , swine houses , horse barns , livestock manure , non-farm animal stalls , cage-layer houses, poultry houses, as well as commercial buildings , structures , and their immediate surroundings , and on modes of transport , including, non-food/non-feed areas of stores , warehouses , transportation equipment , manufacturing sites , industrial buildings , trucks and trailers . Based on site treated, applicator should use their best judgment in determining whether to apply product in coarse spray or dry granular application.

Not for use in California.


Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage and disposal.

PESTICIDE STORAGE: Store in cool, dry place. Do not store this product under wet conditions. Avoid sunlight and temperature exceeding 95° F (35° C). Do not store near or use with oxidizing agents.

PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: Wastes resulting from the use of this product may be disposed of on-site or at an approved waste disposal facility.

CONTAINER HANDLING: Nonrefillable container. Do not reuse or refill this container. Empty container by tapping sides to apply contents as directed in the Directions for Use. Then offer for recycling if available or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill, or by other procedures allowed by state and local authorities.


NOTICE: Read the entire Directions for Use and Conditions of Sale and Limitation of Warranty and Liability before buying or using this product. If the terms are not acceptable, return the product at once, unopened, and the purchase price will be refunded.

The Directions for Use of this Product must be followed carefully. It is impossible to eliminate all risks inherently associated with the use of this product. Ineffectiveness or other unintended consequences may result because of such factors as manner of use or application, weather, presence of other materials or other influencing factors in the use of the product, which are beyond the control of Central Garden & Pet Company or Seller. All such risks shall be assumed by Buyer and User, and Buyer and User agree to hold Central Garden & Pet Company and Seller harmless for any claims relating to such factors.

Central Garden & Pet Company warrants that this product conforms to the chemical description on the label and is reasonably fit for the purposes stated in the Directions for Use, subject to the inherent risks referred to above, when used in accordance with directions under normal use conditions. This warranty does not extend to the use of this product contrary to label instructions, or under abnormal conditions or under conditions not reasonably foreseeable to or beyond the control of Seller or Central Garden & Pet Company, and Buyer and User assume the risk of any such use. To the extent consistent with applicable law, CENTRAL GARDEN & PET COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE NOR ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY EXCEPT AS STATED ABOVE.


Central Garden & Pet Company and Seller offer this product, and Buyer and User accept it, subject to the foregoing Conditions of Sale and Limitation of Warranty and Liability, which may not be modified except by written agreement signed by a duly authorized representative of Central Garden & Pet Company.

For information or in an emergency, call 1-800-347-8272 or visit our website:

Manufactured for: Central Garden & Pet Company, 1501 East Woodfield Road, 200W, Schaumburg, Illinois 60173

NOTE: This specimen label is for informational purposes only. All uses may not be approved in all states. See product labeling for use directions.

Exhalt and Starbar with design are trademarks of Wellmark International. © 2021 Wellmark International.

Schaumburg, IL

July, 2021

FR 21-014

CPN: 1093036.0

General Inquires:   800-877-6374
Fax:   800-426-7473
THIS SERVICE AND DATA ARE PROVIDED "AS IS". DVMetrics assumes no liability, and each user assumes full risk, responsibility, and liability, related to its use of the DVMetrics service and data. See the Terms of Use for further details.


Copyright © 2025 Animalytix LLC. Updated: 2024-11-27